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Clinical and Experimental Medicine - Call for Papers: Clinical Practice

© © ra2 studio / stock.adobe.comThe Clinical Practice topical collection aims to provide clinicians with the latest clinically relevant insights on a range of topics that would result in the enhancement of their knowledge and improvement of patient care. The topics may vary from clinical immunology and rheumatology to hematology, oncology and internal medicine in more general terms. 

Each article should start with the background of an established clinical, pathological and, when available, molecular features based on the authors' experience and on the advancements retrieved from the most recent literature. The article is then expected to discuss diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic strategies that precisely address the patient's particular condition. Article length should be approximately 3,500-5,000 words (excluding references) and include a reasonable number of figures and tables. 

The collection is open to submissions from experienced authors. 
