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Journal of Ethology - Permission requests

Guide for authors who wish to re-use figures, tables, or excerpts from the Journal of Ethology articles.

1. If you are the author of the material

Journal of Ethology allows authors to re-use their own previously published content in any other work created by themselves. You do not need to obtain permission from the journal to re-use your material in your new work, but please remember to give full credit to the original source when doing so.

2. If you are not the author of the material

Journal of Ethology will need to review your request to decide whether your re-use can be permitted. Please send your permission request to the Chief Editor, Dr. Takeshi Takegaki.
Email: takegaki(at) (Please replace “(at)" with "@” to use this email address)

3. If the original article is open access

In many cases, open access articles are distributed under a Creative Commons License which permits re-use by a third party. Please check the 'Copyright Information' in the article PDF for details of the license and what re-use is permitted. 
