Neurological Sciences - 40th Anniversary Special Edition
The history of the first 40 years of Neurological Sciences (2019)
Pathogenic mechanisms following ischemic stroke (2017)
Dysfunction of NMDA receptors in Alzheimer's disease (2016)
The neurobiology of falls (2012)
Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy in Niemann-Pick type C disease (2012)
Cognitive impairment in early stages of multiple sclerosis (2010)
Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency: update of molecular diagnosis (2010)
Mitoxantrone: benefits and risks in multiple sclerosis patients (2010)
Recognition of emotions from visual and prosodic cues in Parkinson's disease (2008)
Physiopathology of fatigue in multiple sclerosis (2008)
Variable responses to rituximab treatment in neuromyelitis optica (Devic's disease) (2007)
The spectrum of mutations for CADASIL diagnosis (2005)
Human skeletal muscle sodium channelopathies (2005)
Disability and quality of life in different primary headaches: results from Italian studies (2004)
DJ-1 (PARK7), a novel gene for autosomal recessive, early onset parkinsonism (2003)
Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies and neurological disorders (2002)
Body weight, levodopa pharmacokinetics and dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease (2002)
The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the world: an update (2001)
Developmental patterns of verbal and visuospatial spans (2001)
Trail making test: normative values from 287 normal adult controls (1996)
Acute and chronic pain syndromes in multiple sclerosis. A 5-year follow-up study (1995)
Paroxysmal choreoathetosis: An epileptic or non-epileptic disorder? (1995)
High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin in myasthenia gravis (1993)
AZT-induced mitochondrial myopathy (1992)
Role of the cerebellum in complex human behavior (1989)
The organization of perception and action. A theory for language and other cognitive skills (1988)
Verbal and spatial immediate memory span: Normative data from 1355 adults and 1112 children (1987)
Cerebro-cerebellar learning loops in apes and humans (1987)
“Bolus” methylprednisolone versus ACTH in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (1983)