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Clinical Rheumatology

Journal of the International League of Associations for Rheumatology

Publishing model:

Clinical Rheumatology - Editor Highlights - March 2021

Carlos Pineda Headshot SmallProf. Carlos Pineda provides his Editor-in-Chief highlights from this issue; where the article is not already Open Access, the read-only version of each article has been made available.

The issue can be found in full on SpringerLink.

Which ultrasound lesions contribute to dactylitis in psoriatic arthritis and their reliability in a clinical setting. Felbo, SK, Østergaard, M, Sørensen, IJ et al.

Assessing rheumatologists’ attitudes and utilization of classification criteria for ankylosing spondylitis and axial spondyloarthritis: a global effort. Rich-Garg, N, Danve, A, Choi, D et al.

Dose tapering of biologic agents in patients with rheumatoid arthritis—results from a cohort study in Germany. Krause, D, Krause, C, Rudolf, H et al.
