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Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

Energy, Materials and Environmental Science & Technology

Publishing model:

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry - Checklist for manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

Editorial procedure

1. Please denote the category in which your manuscript should be published: (a) reviews, (b) original papers, or (c) short communications, (d) feature articles. In case of submissions for a special issue, please mention this in your letter to the editorial office.
2. Please don’t forget to suggest referees, and give their e-mail address (only institutional e-mail address are acceptable, please provide ORCID if possible) and field of expertise.
3. Use either American or British English, and make sure that you are using it consistently throughout the manuscript.
4. Number the pages of your manuscript.
5. Please submit a graphical abstract (see below under Figures).

Scientific style

Symbols of physical quantities and units

1. Follow IUPAC ( recommendations for symbols, units, and terms, especially the so-called Green Book: Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 3rd edition, RSC Publishing, 2007. Edited by I. Mills. [ISBN 9780-85404-433-7].
2. All symbols of physical quantities have to be written in italics, but NOT the sub-and superscripts.
Example: Epeak . This also applies to the symbols given on the axis of diagrams, and in tables. Sub- and
superscripts which are themselves symbols of physical quantities have to be in italics, e.g.,
KT, p where K is an equilibrium constant and T and p indicate temperature and pressure.
3. The symbols of physical constants, like F (Faraday constant) and R (gas constant) are written in italics.
4. Symbols of stoichiometric coefficients (e.g., x, n, …) are written in italics.
5. Put a blank between numbers and units, e.g., 25 kJ mol–1. Do not separate the symbols of units by any multiplication symbol, but by putting a blank in-between.
6. The following symbols should be preferably used:
Standard potential: E ( ⦵ is the Plimsoll)
Formal potential: Ec ( ⦵ is the Plimsoll, and ‘c’ stands for ‘conditional’)
7. The symbol for degrees centigrade is °C (and not oC or 0C, i.e., the symbol of degree is a small circle and not the letter o and no zero!).

Symbols of chemical species and writing of chemical equations

1. Use the following arrows in chemical equations:
Chemical equilibrium: Neuer Inhalt
Mesomery: Neuer Inhalt
Tautomery: Neuer Inhalt
(The arrows may be empty, as shown here, or filled.)
2. Chemical symbols should NEVER be written in italics. You can easily write chemical
equations with the ‘Equation Editor’ or ‘Math Editor’ (Word) when using ‘text style’.
Hg2Cl2 Neuer Inhalt Hg22+ + 2Cl
When you use ‘text style’ you can easily put blanks between the symbols (which is not possible using ‘math style’). Further, these Editors allow you to put correctly subscripts underneath superscripts. Make sure that the plus and minus sign is in Math format.

Numbers and mathematical symbols

1. Do not use computer notation such as 1.2E−06, but write 1.2 10−6 or 1.2×10−6 .
2. As symbol for multiplication, please use ‘×’ as available in Word as symbol, and NEVER use the
small or capital letter ‘x’ or ‘X’, a full stop, or any other symbol. It is also possible just to put a blank, as in 1.2 10−6 .
3. Mathematical symbols, e.g., log, ln, sin, exp, d (differential), e (Euler number), etc., should always be written upright (NEVER in italics).
4. The symbol % follows the number without a blank between number and %, i.e., it is correct to write 20%, 100%, etc.
5. The minus symbol is −, i.e., it is neither a hyphen (-), nor an en-dash (–) or an em-dash (—). The minus sign must always be on the same level as the + sign: + − (the en-dash is slightly lower). Make sure that the plus and minus sign is also correctly written in exponents.


Make sure that your manuscript does not contain Chinese fonts. Always use Unicode (e.g.,Arial Unicode) for special  characters.


1. When you prepare graphics, please consider that normally they will be printed with the width of one text column, and only in case that they are very large, two columns may be used. So you can easily check the size of all symbols and letters by reducing your artwork to that final size: if all is still easily readable you have chosen the right size in the original artwork.
2. Ensure high-resolution! When letters or lines show a stepped shape, e.g., as here:

Neuer Inhalt
the conversion of files failed and you have to improve the figure.
3. When you plot logarithmic data, e.g., log j, it is not correct to give A cm−2 as the unit, but you have to write as follows: log (j / A cm−2). This expresses that you have plotted the logarithm of unit-free numbers.
4. Graphical abstract: Please provide an attractive, eye-catching image for the graphical online abstract. This image should be colored and must be submitted in a separate file, preferably in one of the following formats: jpeg, png or svg (920x300px, 150KB max). Please label the figure
‘Online Abstract Figure’. The file designation is ‘figure’.


1. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the "Chemical Abstracts Service Source
2. Do not use stops following the abbreviations of journals, i.e., write “J Solid State Electrochem” and NOT “J. Solid State Electrochem.”. Pay attention that the names of authors are written as follows: A person with the name ‘A. J. Miller’ appears in the references as ‘Miller AJ’ (no stops following the initials, and no blank between the two initials!). Here are some examples of correct references:
Journal article
Láng GG, Seo M, Heusler KE (2005) J Solid State Electrochem 9:347–353
or, alternatively with title:
Láng GG, Seo M, Heusler KE (2005) Simultaneous oscillations of surface energy, superficial mass and electrode potential in the course of galvanostatic oxidation of formic acid. J Solid State Electrochem 9:347–353
Journal article by DOI (only if the paper has not yet been regularly published)
Holloway AF, Wildgoose GG, Compton RG, Shao L, Green MLH (2008) The influence of edge-plane defects and oxygen-containing surface groups on the voltammetry of acid-treated,
annealed and “super-annealed” multiwalled carbon nanotubes. J Solid State Electrochem.
Book having authors:
Kaesche H (2003) Corrosion of Metals: Physicochemical Principles and Current Problems. Springer, Berlin
Book having editors:
Bard AJ, Inzelt G, Scholz F (eds) (2008) Electrochemical dictionary. Springer, Berlin
Book with authors and editor:
Mirčeski V, Komorsky-Lovrič Š, Lovrič M (2007) Square-Wave Voltammetry, Theory and Application. In: Scholz F (ed) Monographs in Electrochemistry. Springer, Berlin
Book chapter
Inzelt G (1994) Mechanism of charge transport in polymer-modified electrodes. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical Chemistry, vol 18. Dekker, New York Basel Hong Kong, pp 89–421
Online document
ElectroChemical DataBase. Gibbs Energies of transfer (2008) Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Physique et Analytique, Lausanne.
Accessed 30 October 2013
