Michael A. Peters – Editor-in-Chief of the Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy

  1. 1.

    Please describe the arrival of visual cultures? What is their importance in today’s world?

    Video M1. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  2. 2.

    What are the main challenges of education and research in the age of visual cultures?

    Video M2. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  3. 3.

    Please describe your activities in visual pedagogies.

    Video M3. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  4. 4.

    What is your vision for the Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (VJEP)?

    Video M4. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  5. 5.

    Please describe the publishing model of the journal?

    Video M5. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  6. 6.

    Can you please describe the video article?

    Video M6. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  7. 7.

    What are the key areas of interest for the journal?

    Video M7. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  8. 8.

    Can you identify contributors for the journal?

    Video M8. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  9. 9.

    Why should you consider publishing and submitting a video article in VJEP?

    Video M9. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

Tina Besley – President of the Association of Visual Pedagogy

  1. 1.

    What are the main reasons for founding the Association of Visual Pedagogies (AVP)?

    Video T1. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  2. 2.

    What are the key activities of the association?

    Video T2. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  3. 3.

    What are the main benefits of institutional membership in AVP?

    Video T3. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  4. 4.

    What are the benefits for general individual membership in AVP?

    Video T4. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com

  5. 5.

    How does peer review work for the video articles?

    Video T5. The video is available to download if requested to editorial@videoeducationjournal.com