
Since December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has quickly spread around the world [1]. Many countries have experienced high mortality rates and overburdened intensive care units (ICUs) [2]. Although many COVID-19 registries have improved our understanding of patient characteristics upon ICU admission [3,4,5], much remains to be elucidated about the predictors of mortality and length of stay in critically ill COVID-19 patients. In particular, a better understanding of these predictors could aid clinicians in the prognosis of critically ill patients and may aid policy-makers and medical professionals in optimizing resource allocation. This is of pivotal importance at the time of possible ICU admission, but also throughout the entire course of ICU treatment.

Currently, multicenter and ICU-tailored predictive modeling is scarce for COVID-19 patients. Prognostication in COVID-19 has largely centered around severity of disease, ICU admission, need for mechanical ventilation, length of stay and mortality in the general hospital population [6,7,8]. In addition, ICU-specific models often fail to incorporate the wide variety of dedicated ICU therapies such as mechanical ventilation or high-risk medication. Furthermore, many of these models are single center and are frequently limited to risk factors at ICU admission, while COVID-19 often requires lengthy intensive care stays. Lastly, many prognostication models lacked adherence to established documentation guidelines and principles of data sharing to improve reproducibility of predictive studies [6]. Overall, we identified a gap for reproducible, multicenter predictive models in the ICU that include ICU-specific predictors over time.

In this study, we aim to identify the risk factors for intensive care mortality, ICU-free days and ventilator-free days throughout the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), focusing on the first, 7th and 14th day after intubation. For these analyses, it is essential to capture all available data throughout ICU admission. We therefore relied on the Dutch Data Warehouse (DDW), a large, observational, multicenter collaboration uniting 66 out of 81 intensive care units in the Netherlands [9]. Our hypothesis is that ICU treatment characteristics become more important as predictors of outcome throughout the course of IMV.


The Medical Ethics Committee at Amsterdam UMC, location Vrije Universiteit medical center (VUmc) waived the need for patient informed consent and approved an opt-out procedure for the collection of COVID-19 patient data during the COVID-19 crisis. This report follows the transparent reporting of a multivariable prediction model for individual prognosis or diagnosis (TRIPOD) guideline [10].

Source of data

The DDW is coordinated by Amsterdam UMC and is supported by the Dutch Society for Intensive Care (NVIC) and the Foundation for National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE). The highly granular data warehouse is continuously expanding and currently contains over 400 million data points combining electronic health record (EHR) data from 25 hospitals on 2382 critically ill COVID-19 patients throughout their ICU treatment. A more detailed description of the DDW, the data ingestion and the data preprocessing has been published previously [9]. In brief, data were extracted in the highest frequency available, routine hourly or bihourly measurements, or at least multiple measurements per day. Data were pseudonymized in the participating hospitals. Because of the variation in parameter names between hospitals, each parameter name from a hospital was mapped to a list of predefined parameter names. Data entry errors were filtered, and derived parameters were added. The continuous data validation process included checkpoints for correct mapping, source hospital verification and distribution plots of all used parameters. The resulting data are available for researchers and clinicians within ethical and legal boundaries [11].

Patient population

All adult intensive care patients with COVID-19 on invasive mechanical ventilation from the participating hospitals were included in this study. Additional file 1: Fig. S1 outlines the patient selection process. Patients were admitted between the beginning of the crisis in March 2020 until the 23rd of January 2021. COVID-19 was defined as a positive real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for SARS-CoV-2 or a COVID-19 Reporting and Data System (CO-RADS) score and clinical suspicion with no obvious other cause of respiratory distress [12]. Patients still admitted at data extraction as well as transfers were excluded since their outcomes are unknown. Admissions lasting less than 24 h were removed because they lack sufficient data for modeling.

Outcomes and predictors

The primary outcomes of the study were intensive care mortality, ICU-free days in 30 days and ventilator-free days in 30 days [13]. The ICU-free days describe the number of days a patient is alive and outside of the ICU in the first 30 days after prediction. Similarly, ventilator-free days describe the days patients are alive and without invasive mechanical ventilation within the first 30 days after prediction. By definition, both outcomes were set to 0 for patients who died in the ICU within the 30-day time window.

To streamline the nomenclature from the statistical and machine learning field, all independent variables, also known as features, included in the modeling are referred to as predictors. All items from the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPSII) and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score were included as predictors [14, 15]. For the ventilatory predictors, all variables from the landmark paper relating driving pressure to survival by Amato et al. were included [16]. A team of 3 experienced intensive care clinicians reviewed the list and added potentially relevant predictors. These included structured comorbidity data routinely collected for the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE), as well as information regarding the patient positioning and ventilation characteristics. Notably, fluid balance and the total equivalent dose of vasopressors and steroids administered were included. Finally, the length of intubation for each observation, in days, was also used as a predictor. A full list of predictors, medications, comorbidities and their definitions can be found in Additional file 1: Table S1.


Up to three observations were constructed for each patient depending on their length of stay, averaging the available predictor values in the 24 h preceding 1 day, 7 days, and 14 days of IMV. This process is illustrated in Additional file 1: Fig. S2. ICU mortality was modeled as a classification problem with a decision tree, logistic regression and XGBoost algorithm to investigate the performance of both simple and complex linear and non-linear models. Ventilator and ICU-free days were treated as regression problems with a Lasso and Ridge linear model, as well as an XGBoost regressor. For every outcome and every algorithm, a single model was fit on data points from all days.

Overall model performance was evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC), average precision, calibration loss, and Brier score. A nested cross-validation was performed for hyperparameter optimization and to assess performance on the whole dataset. This approach first splits the data into five outer holdout sets with 20% of the data each. For each holdout set, the remaining 80% of the data were used to fit and optimize a model via fivefold cross-validation and a randomized search over a predefined range of hyperparameter values. Observations belonging to the same patient were always kept in the same set to avoid leakage of information. A graphical representation of the process is shown in Additional file 1: Fig. S3.

For each outer holdout set, data imputation, standardization and automated feature selection were performed independently on each train set and then applied to the test set. Missing data were imputed using median imputation for simplicity and predictors were standardized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. A Lasso regression was used for automatic feature selection [17], and its L1 regularization term was optimized together with the classifiers’ hyperparameters. The best-performing estimator from each inner cross-validation was then used to predict the performance on the corresponding holdout test set. The overall performance resulted from the average performance of all outer folds.

Predictor importance and interpretation

In order to interpret the models, each algorithm was retrained on the whole dataset using the best hyperparameters found by the nested cross-validation. The importance of the individual predictors was gauged using the Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) framework [18]. SHAP values are state of the art in machine learning explainability and represent the marginal contribution of a predictor to the overall prediction. Interventional SHAP values were calculated separately for each observation in the dataset [19], and then grouped to find the mean predictor importance on the different days and the whole dataset. In addition, Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) were created for each predictor [20]. PDPs show the average change in probability of the outcome for all values of a predictor, while keeping all other predictors constant. All analyses were performed in Python 3.8 (Python Software Foundation).

Role of the funding source

The sponsors had no role in any part of the design of the study, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of the report nor the decision to submit.


Cohort description

A total of 1152 patients were on invasive mechanical ventilation and included in the modeling. 883 of these patients were admitted before the 1st of September 2020 during the first wave in the Netherlands, 269 patients were admitted after this date during the second wave. Compared to day 1761 patients were mechanically ventilated for more than 7 days (66%), and 383 for more than 14 days (33%). Patient demographics, lab values, and respiratory characteristics are summarized in Table 1 for the different prediction timepoints throughout the course of IMV. For the total cohort on day 1, median age was 66 years (IQR 58–72 years), the majority were male (73%), and the median body mass index (BMI) was 27.8 (IQR 25.3–31.5 kg/m2).

Table 1 Patient characteristics on day 1, day 7 and day 14 of invasive mechanical ventilation

Interestingly, mortality during ICU admission occurred in 28.8% of patients that survived at least 24 h on IMV and only slightly increased throughout the course of mechanical ventilation; 32.4% of patients that survived up until day 14 on IMV still died afterwards. Median ventilator-free days on day 30 were 15 days (IQR 0–23) for the entire cohort and median ICU-free days were 7 days (IQR 0–21). The median C-reactive protein (CRP) decreased throughout these time points, whereas the leukocytes increased. Of note, the ventilatory ratio (minute volume * PCO2/(predicted body weight * 100 * 37.5)) and the D-dimer increased with longer ICU admission.

Model results

The overall model results and the results on the different days of IMV are presented in Table 2 for ICU mortality and ICU and ventilator-free days after 30 days. Additional performance metrics can be found in Additional file 1: Table S2. The XGBoost algorithm yielded the highest performance for each of the outcomes, as well as an increase in performance later into the IMV course. Given the performance and ability of the XGBoost algorithm to encode the interaction between possibly non-linear predictors, the predictor importance was produced with this model.

Table 2 Model performance for the different outcomes and day of IMV
Fig. 1
figure 1

Importance of the top 10 predictors for the prediction of ICU mortality and ICU free days, as well as the difference for predictors over time. A ICU mortality. B ICU-free days

Predictor importance

The most important predictors per time point based on the SHAP values are presented in Fig. 1; for ventilatory-free days these plots can be found in Additional file 1: Fig. S4. Furthermore, an unregularized linear model was trained to identify statistically significant relationships between the predictors and each outcome, shown in Additional file 1: Table S3. These predictors largely overlapped with the predictors identified with the SHAP values. Lastly, strongly correlated predictors removed during the data preparation are listed in Additional file 1: Table S4.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Partial dependence plots. PDP for age, pH, and driving pressure. The median value of all observations is indicated with a red vertical line

Overall, age was the most important demographic predictor of all three outcomes. The PDP shows the relative increase of ICU mortality probability with age, displaying an increase starting at 54 years relative to the median and the steepest increase around the median age of 64 years (Fig. 2). None of the comorbidities showed up as important predictors. Besides age, mechanical ventilation parameters were the most important predictors for all outcomes. Interestingly, fluid balance and medication were neither significantly correlated with outcome, nor among the most important predictors based on their SHAP values. However, medication dosage was unavailable for several hospitals (11 out of 25).

The pH, P/F ratio and driving pressure were the most important mechanical ventilation predictors for all outcomes; acidaemic conditions, low P/F-ratios, and high driving pressures were associated with a higher probability of mortality. The magnitude and direction of all predictors’ effect can be observed in the SHAP plots in Additional file 1: Figs. S5, S6, and S7. pH was strongly correlated with pCO2, while no correlation was found with creatinine, AKI stage, or lactate. The median pH in the PDP falls within the normal range for pH. The course of pH between survivors and non-survivors can be observed in Fig. 3 and shows higher pH in survivors, albeit close to the normal range of pH. Conversely, the average applied driving pressure increased in non-survivors compared to survivors throughout the course of IMV. The PDP shows that probability of ICU mortality increases with the mean driving pressure value in the last 24 h at 1, 7, and 14 days. The PDPs of the other predictors can be found in Additional file 1: Fig. S8.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Course of pH and driving pressure. Plots show the course of pH and driving pressure only for patients intubated at least 7 (left) or 14 (right) days, respectively


This study identifies risk factors for ICU mortality, ICU-free days and ventilator-free days throughout the course of invasive mechanical ventilation for critically ill COVID-19 patients. Even though demographics of the COVID-19 population remained similar throughout the first 14 days of IMV, age was consistently the most important demographic risk factor of outcome. pH and respiratory characteristics became increasingly important risk factors throughout the course of IMV.

Risk factors of poor ICU outcome are important to gauge prognosis for a group of patients, in order to scientifically underpin the larger debate of resource allocation in the COVID-19 crisis, and to generate hypotheses to improve our understanding of the disease. Although the exact pathophysiology remains unknown [21], previous work has linked age on admission to poor prognosis in critically ill COVID-19 patients [3, 22]. We now show that increasing age is a consistent risk factor for ICU mortality throughout the course of IMV, with an increase in the relative probability of death starting at 54 years. In addition, age is the most important demographic predictor for ventilator-free days and ICU-free days.

Besides demographics, the presented models are unique in the variety of clinical characteristics incorporated as predictors. From these parameters, pH, P/F ratio, and driving pressure demonstrate increasing importance over the course of IMV. Studies investigating the role of these predictors in critically ill COVID-19 patients are limited, but did identify pH as an important predictor [23]. No studies are available looking at the role of these predictors throughout the course of ICU admission. In the current study pH is correlated with pCO2, while no significant correlation is found with renal function or lactate. Persisting low pH may therefore reflect continued protective ventilation with permissive hypercapnia and serve as a proxy for severity of respiratory illness. Likewise, driving pressure and P/F ratio may reflect the state of the lung. Whether maintaining a lower pH or high driving pressure may have adverse effects on the body throughout the course of IMV directly remains to be investigated.

Observational data and future perspectives

While the risk factors identified in this work provide important prognostic insight for clinicians and policy-makers, relationships provide associations rather than causal effects. For causal modeling, however, a thorough understanding of causal pathways is essential. Predictors associated with outcome and intervention under study need to be understood to improve causal inference. In addition, as with any observational dataset, not all relevant predictors may be captured, potentially leading to confounding. This work sheds light on important predictors and fuels the discussion on potential confounders and standardization across EHRs. Lastly, this work generates important insight in relevant predictors that require further study. In line with the lung protective strategy, including acceptance of low pH and high pCO2, driving pressure has previously been causally related to outcome [16]. This work elaborates that such a relationship extends beyond the first 24 h of IMV, but remains to be researched further.

Model performance

Identification of risk factors depends on the goodness of fit of the model, and we show that model performance for ICU mortality [24], as well as for ventilator and ICU days [25], is consistent with the pre-COVID-19 literature. We observe an increase in model performance later throughout the course of IMV, which may indicate that the clinical characteristics better reflect the state of the patient, or the predictors more uniformly relate to the outcome. Ideally, prediction models would be integrated in the EHR and provide clinicians with a personalized mortality prediction at any given time at the bedside. Further investigations are needed to optimize individual predictions to be reliable for clinical decisions with irreversible consequences.

Strengths and limitations

This paper has several strengths. First of all, this study is unique in both the variety of predictors available per patient and the time-course data included in the models. Moreover, the multicenter data reflect practice differences between centers and improves external validity. Finally, data and code used in this study are available to clinicians and researchers within legal and ethical boundaries [11]. Data sharing is essential to replicate and verify results, compare underlying data and collaborate to foster the understanding of COVID-19.

The present study also comes with limitations. Firstly, removing transferred patients may have introduced bias in the dataset. Transferals may represent a healthier cohort of patients that are fit for transport or a sicker cohort transferred for specialized care such as extracorporeal life support (ECLS). Nonetheless, whenever data from the referring and receiving hospital were available, patient data were connected to limit the number of exclusions. In addition, previous analyses have shown that on admission, transferred patients are similar to non-transferred patients [9]. The DDW represents a relatively unselected sample of patients since all COVID-19 patients from the participating ICUs were included, limiting selection bias. Secondly, observations throughout the time course of IMV may be correlated in the same patient. To prevent leakage of correlated information, however, we keep observations of the same patient in the same split. In addition, predictors may be correlated with each other in the same observation. For this, we removed correlated predictors and we trained decision trees, which are robust to correlations. Moreover, medication dosage was still missing for certain hospitals. When unavailable, values were imputed with the median daily dosage in the training set. Nonetheless, we expect steroids to converge to similar doses in the beginning of admission due to the latest evidence.


This study trained a set of machine learning algorithms on a large, full-admission cohort of COVID-19 patients to identify the risk factors for ICU mortality, and ventilation- and ICU-free days throughout the course of invasive mechanical ventilation. Consistently, age was the most important demographic risk factor, with an increase in the relative probability of death starting at 54 years. Nonetheless, pH, P/F ratio, and driving pressure provided increasingly important risk factors over time. These results can be used for prognostication and to provide insight for the debate on resource allocation. In addition, the results of this research serve as a stepping stone for causal inference and individualized predictions research.