
Clustering plays a crucial role in unsupervised learning, encompassing a wide array of applications across various domains. The primary goal of clustering is to organize data in a manner that promotes grouping of similar datapoints within the same clusters, while ensuring that dissimilar clusters are well-separated. It is presumed that the number of clusters and the initial points are known. There are several clustering techniques developed to find the patterns in unlabeled data such as Partition based clustering [1], Hierarchical Agglomerative clustering (HAC) [2], DBSCAN [3], Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) [4], and Spectral Clustering [5].

The clustering problem is commonly defined as the problem of minimizing objective function while clustering the datapoints. The most commonly used objective function in clustering is sum of squared error (SSE) [6], which is computed as the squared distance between the datapoints and their respective clusters centroid. Thus, the aim of the objective function is to find the clusters with minimum internal variance. Generally, the selection of an appropriate objective function depends on the specific problem, data characteristics, and the desired outcome of the clustering task.

The k-means [7] is one of the simplest and familiar clustering algorithms, based on Lloyd’s algorithm [8]. It works by dividing the data points into k clusters, where k is specified by the user. The algorithm assigns each data point to the cluster whose mean (centroid) is closest to the datapoint. The k-means clustering is a popular and easy-to-implement algorithm that can be used for a variety of applications, such as image processing [9] and image segmentation [10], data summarization [11], text clustering [12] and sound source angle estimation [13]. However, it has some limitations, including the need to specify the number of clusters in advance, and the sensitivity of the results to the initial placement of the centroids.

Although k-means widely used in clustering, its non-probabilistic nature and adoption of a simple radial distance metric to assign cluster membership make it challenging in terms of performance, especially for high dimensional large scale datasets [14]. It thus really becomes challenging for existing k-means based clustering algorithms, in the big data domain [15], to cluster the data in an optimal way [16]. One of the main problems with k-means is the cluster initialization as the initial selection of centroids greatly influences the performance of K-means. Different initializations can lead to different final clustering results. If the initial centroids are randomly chosen, the algorithm may converge to a suboptimal solution or get stuck in local optima. Due to its iterative nature of k-means, the algorithm may converge to local optima rather than the global optimum. Poor initialization can also lead to clusters with unequal size. There has been a significant emphasis in recent research on cluster initialization methods specifically designed for large-scale, high-dimensional datasets as better initialization dramatically improved the performance of Lloyd iteration in terms of convergence and quality [17].

A significant advancement in this direction was made by k-means++ algorithm [18], in which the initial point is chosen randomly, and subsequent points are selected using probability distribution that ensures the selected center is dissimilar to the ones already chosen. The downside of k-means++ is that the initialization phase requires k sequential passes over data. This is because the selection of new points relies on the previously selected points, making it challenging to parallelize. Another approach, known as k-means|| [19], proposed a variant of k-means++, specifically designed for parallel initialization of cluster centroids. The algorithm speeds up the process of k-means++ by sampling l times more points in each round independently. Independent sampling speeds up the process of the initialization but the quality of selected centers is not good as k-means++ leading to increase in Lloyd iteration for convergence.

In this work, we propose a variant of the k-means++ clustering algorithm, which is comparatively scalable and cost-effective for clustering large scale high-dimensional datasets. Keeping k-means|| as a baseline, the proposed algorithm introduces one more optimization factor R, which ensures the selected clusters are far away from each other.

The proposed algorithm aims to minimize the problem of centroid local minima by proposing an R = θk optimization factor. The R is an optimization factor that selects the center more than desired centers i.e. R ≥ k. The main idea behind our algorithm is to select O(k) points in each round and pass these points to k-means++ to select O(l) points that are far away from each other. The process repeats for O(logn) times and finally leaves with O(llogk) points which then again reclusters into k points. The algorithm guarantees to reduce the cost of Lloyd’s step.

In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm, an experimental evaluation is conducted using some real and artificial datasets to compare the clustering quality of R-k-means with the state-of-the-art clustering techniques. The SSE, a very popular internal evaluation metric, is calculated before and after initialization process. For statistical evaluation, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine whether there is any significant difference between the performance of the proposed algorithm as compared to k-means++ and k-means||.

The main contributions of this study are the following:

  • In “The proposed algorithm: R-k-means” section, we introduce a scalable algorithm named R-k-means, specifically designed for clustering large-scale datasets. Our algorithm incorporates a novel factor R, which enhances the initialization process in k-means, leading to improved clustering results.

  • In “Algorithm evaluation” section, we present an empirical evaluation of our proposed algorithm, showcasing its effectiveness in the context of clustering large datasets. The evaluation encompasses various datasets, highlighting the algorithm’s performance and its capability to handle big data.

  • In “Result validation” section, we provide a statistical evaluation of the performance of our proposed algorithm.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows; in “Related work” section we present a detailed discussion of related works to show the research gap. In “The proposed algorithm: R-k-means” section, we present our proposed algorithm with detailed illustration. In “Empirical evaluation of proposed algorithm” section, we discuss the results of our empirical experiments. Finally, in “Conclusion” section conclusion is presented.

Related work

The problem of Clustering has been addressed in a variety of contexts. There are several different variants for the k-means algorithm available in the literature, covering from initial k parameter selection to generating proper “seeding” with different objective function and data reduction schemes to reduce the number of iterations.

The k-means clustering has emerged as one of the most rated data mining algorithms [20] due to its simplicity and ease of usage. However, the algorithm usually influenced by the number of clusters and how each cluster is initialize. In general the validity indices can be used to find the optimal number of clusters, divided into two categories: internal and external index [21]. External indices uses the prior structure or reference results label to find the number of clusters [22, 23]. Internal indices used the internal data for finding the goodness of cluster structure. Silhouette Width (SW), Dunn’s index, Davies–Bouldin index (DB), Bayesian information criteria, Calinski and Harabasz index (CH) and Gap statistic are popular internal validity indices for k-means clustering algorithm. Other approaches are also proposed in literature, MM [24], U-k-means [25], X-means [26], G-means [27] uses validity indices as a model and range of cluster numbers.

Cluster with different k initial values produce different clustering results especially for large scale datasets. In many k-means investigations, the best initial values of k are determined using a subsample of the data. The continuous k-means algorithm [28] selects referenced points as a random sample from the whole datasets and in each iteration examines only random sample of datapoints. The algorithm is faster but the result is not necessarily global minimum. In [29] the k-means Mod algorithm is applied on the J random subsample of dataset to choose k centroids and again run k-means algorithm on selected points for each subsample. The final k centers are chosen based on the minimal distortion value. The algorithm perform better for small datasets. Similarly, the algorithm [30] divides each attribute of the datasets into k fixed number of cluster and compute the percentile. The attribute values calculated using mean and standard deviation that serves as the seed for that attributes. The density-based data condensation method is used to merge the resulting centroids into k cluster. The algorithm reduces the cost of Lloyd’s step however handling high dimensional data is challenging. In [31] greedy deletion procedure is used to select k centroids from the bulk of random points in the dataset. The Ball-k-means seeding step that considers the ball of radius around each center and moves the center to the centroid of the ball, is used to obtain the final centers. They also showed that Lloyd’s algorithm performs well if the data satisfies a natural separation condition of clustering and return optimal clustering. The algorithm provides the optimal initial centers that required no or minimum Lloyd iteration. But the overall running time is O(nkd+3kd). In the same context [32], the input datasets is divided into m number of groups and runs k-means++ in each group. The algorithm selects 3log(k) points in each iteration and at the end, it reclusters these 3mlog(k) points into k using s scheme or any of the k-means algorithm. The advantage of this algorithm over k-means++ is that it can be implemented in parallel, as each group of input is assigned to different machines but the running time of partition does not improve when the number of machines surpasses the threshold. In [33], the data is sampled from t-mixture distribution. The t-mixture distribution is heavy tailed Gaussian distribution. This t-mixture model based distributed data is then analyzed from the aspect of loss function. The proposed method is stable in terms of variance of multiple results.

Some approaches also focus on the overall computational complexity associated with the Lloyd’s step in k-means algorithm. The QuicK-means [34], which is based on the Fast Transform by reducing the complexity of applying linear operators in high dimension by approximately factorizing the corresponding matrix into few sparse factors. The approach more focuses on fast convergence of clusters and hence optimizes Lloyd’s steps, however ignoring cluster initialization. The Ball k-means algorithm [35] divides different cluster, represents as ball, into active, stable and annular area. The distance calculation is performed only on annular area of neighboring clusters. Another notable approach presented in a literature I-k-means-+ [36], which iteratively remove and divide pair of clusters and perform re-clustering. The solution used to minimize the objective function of clustering. The PkCIA [37] computes initial cluster centers by using eigenvector as an indexes. The approach enable to identify meaningful clusters.

To overcome the issue of accelerating the clustering process, many parallelization techniques are employed. The parallel k-means clustering algorithm [38] use MapReduce framework to handle large scale data clustering. The map function assigns each point to closest center and reduce function updates the new centroids. To demonstrate the wellness of algorithm, different experiments perform on scalable datasets. Another MapReduce based method [39], reduces the MapReduce job as it uses one MapReduce job to select k initial centers. The k-means++ initialization phase runs on mapper and the weighted k-means++ runs on the reducer phase. It overcomes the problem of k-means|| to run multiple Map-Reduce jobs for initialization. Parallel batch k-means [40] divide the dataset into equal partition by preserving the characteristics of the data. The k-means apply on each partition to reduce computational complexity of big dataset but not provide accurate no of clusters. In the same environment, two initialization methods for the k-means [41] were proposed. The first method used the divide and conquers strategy on k-means|| approach using subset sampling. In the second approach random projection was used along with subsampling, to project high dimension space into lower dimension space and then initialization perform. The algorithm guarantees to perform better than state-of-the-art methods. In [42], another recent entropy based initialization method is proposed. The algorithm uses Shannon’s entropy based objective function for similarity measure. The proposed algorithm also aims to detect the optimal no of k for faster convergence. In [43], the random initialization method is merging the bootstrap technique. First, the algorithm applies k-means to B number of bootstrap replications of data and selects k initial centers from each bootstrap dataset. Then clustering is performed on Bk set of centers, to get the k new clusters. Instead of selecting the average points, the deepest point is considered a cluster center. The algorithm aims to perform better than the previous proposal algorithm of initialization. In [44] an algorithm named as pattern-based clustering for categorical datasets, uses MFIM (Maximal frequent item sets mining) algorithm to find list of MFIs for initial cluster. Then it uses a kernel density estimation (KDE) method to estimate the local density of datapoints for the formation of cluster. Another technique [45] employs KDE, to create the balance between majority and minority clusters by estimating the better approximation of the distribution. In general, KDE based clustering techniques perform well for data with complex distribution however require high computation. In [46] the density based clustering algorithm (DBSCAN) used as a preprocessing step, to find the initial cluster center before applying k-means algorithm. In [47] K-means9+ model the comparison steps after randomly chosen centroids improved, by comparing with the current and eight nearest neighbor cluster partitions. The algorithm improve the efficiency by reducing the unnecessary comparison. In [48] the new algorithm FC-K-means improved the clustering performance by preventing some cluster centroids from updating in all iteration by fixing them on real world condition. In [49] power k-means++ the combination of power k-means and k-means++ presented to improve the clustering performance. The algorithm utilizes the k-means++ for good initial starting points then final alternative cluster centers using power k-means algorithm.

In summary, the aforementioned approaches highlight the strengths and limitations of different variants of k-means, aiming to enhance the overall performance of clustering. However, it is important to note that no single approach is universally applicable to all situations, and there are still numerous research gaps and challenges that need to be addressed. One significant challenge is the cluster initialization step, as the selection of initial centroids profoundly impacts the performance of k-means. Different initialization methods can lead to varying clustering outcomes, with random initialization often resulting in suboptimal solutions or local optima convergence. Inadequate initialization can also lead to clusters of unequal sizes. Recent research has placed considerable emphasis on developing cluster initialization methods tailored for large-scale, high-dimensional datasets. Improved initialization techniques, such as the k-means|| [19], have shown good results in terms of convergence and clustering quality. The paper proposes an algorithm that aims to minimize the problem of centroid local minima, ensuring cost-effective and comparatively scalable improvements in the initialization phase to achieve better clustering results with comparatively good performance, especially for large scale high-dimensional datasets.

The proposed algorithm: R-k-means

The algorithm, known as R-k-means (k, l, R), is a variant of k-means++ inspired by k-means|| for initializing the centers. While the proposed algorithm is largely inspired by k-means||, it also uses an oversampling factor l and proposed optimization factor R. In (1) step the proposed algorithm chooses l, R constants and k number of desired clusters. It then picks an initial center (say, uniformly at random) and computes the ψ ← φX(C) i.e. the sum of all smallest 2-norm distances (Euclidean Distance) from all points set X to all points from C. In other words, for each point in X, the algorithm will find the distance to the closest point in C. In the end, it computes the sum of all those minimal distances, one for each point in X. It then runs log(ψ) iterations as mentioned in (3) step. In each iteration, it selects lR center points using probability distance measurement and then runs log (l*R) times and reclusters the selected C′ point into l points by using k-means++ to ensure that intra-cluster distance between points is far away from each other. In each iteration, the algorithm includes selected points from C″ into C. After the completion of the iteration, the algorithm reclusters the selected weighted points into k clusters. For reclustering of Step 8 k-means++ is used.

figure a

Empirical evaluation of proposed algorithm

In this section, the results of R-k-means, k-means++, and k-means|| have been analyzed on 08 different datasets using the same control environment.

Experimental setup

The sequential version of the k-means algorithm is evaluated on a single machine quad-core 2.5 GHz processor and 16 GB memory. The parallel version of the algorithm is run by using a Hadoop cluster of 40 nodes, created on Microsoft Azure, each with 16 GB of memory. The datasets used in the experiment are discussed in the next section.


The datasets that are used in the experiments are the same as those are used in [18, 19, 29] algorithms. A number of the datasets analyzed in previous work were not particularly large, the main objective of the proposed algorithm is to cluster large datasets, which are difficult to fit in the main memory. Three large datasets ActivityRecognition, 3DRoadNetwork, and the AlltheNews datasets along with 3 benchmark datasets are used for the experiments. These datasets are taken from the UCI Machine learning repository. Two other synthetic datasets are also used. The Summary of all datasets is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of dataset

Optimal number of k

As discussed before, in k-means clustering the number of clusters k is already randomly selected prior to running the algorithm. There are different ways to determine the right number of k. To demonstrate the performance and quality evaluation of the proposed algorithm in a more transparent manner, we select the initial value of k that fits the data. To determine which number of clusters k is more optimum for the dataset, or find cluster fitness, two well-known techniques on a random subset (samples) of data are used, i.e., the Silhouette Score and Elbow Method using SSE. These methods are standard evaluation methods for choosing the optimum number of clusters.

An Elbow analysis is used to visually observe the number of clusters in each dataset. The Fig. 1 demonstrates the number of k (x-axis) for each dataset against computed SSE values. An optimum number of k can be obtained with minimum SSE value. It should be noted here that after determining the range of k from 2 to 14 according to the empirical rules, WCSS (Within-Cluster Sum of Square) is the sum of the squared distance between each point and the centroid in a cluster is calculated for each value of k. When plotting the WCSS against the number of clusters, the resulting graph exhibits an elbow shape. The point where the graph’s slope exhibits a sudden change indicates the optimal number of clusters. For example, in the case of the iris dataset, k = 3 represents the optimal number of clusters, while for the News dataset, k = 5 is deemed optimal.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Elbow analysis on different dataset

The Table 2 presents Silhouette analysis to cross validate the result of Elbow method. This technique provides a measure of how well each data point fits within its assigned cluster and aids in determining the number of clusters. The Table 2 shows the Silhouette score of each dataset. The highest silhouette coefficient value suggests that the point is well-matched to its own cluster and poorly matched to another cluster. For instance, values like 0.84 (k = 2) and 0.75 (k = 3) in ‘iris’ dataset. It is important to note that in our analysis, we examined the results of both techniques and selected the most appropriate value for k that satisfies both approaches.

Table 2 Silhouette analysis on different dataset

Algorithm evaluation

In order to demonstrate a comparative evaluation, all eight datasets were utilized to compute and compare the objective functions, namely inter-cluster and intra-cluster sum of squared errors (SSEs), for three algorithms: k-means++, k-means||, and the proposed algorithm R-k-means, using various threshold values for l and R factors (“The proposed algorithm: R-k-means” section). The evaluation of these approaches was conducted in two phases, which include the initialization phase and the final cluster formation phase, as better initialization leads to improved cluster formation. In initialization phase of R-k-means, multiple data points, say R, are drawn in each iteration Ci from the dataset and producing l estimates of the true cluster locations using k-means++. To find the best initial centroids, these l points (C solutions, each having l clusters) are weight into k centroids in an “optimal” fashion.

The Fig. 2 and Table 3 demonstrate the evaluation of initialization phase using inter-cluster SSEs (y-axis), threshold value of l (x-axis), indicating dissimilarities between clusters. In the smaller datasets, k-means|| demonstrates good performance in the ‘iris’ dataset with SSE = 61.608 when l = 4. However, R-k-means performs well with SSE = 84.63 when l = 6 and R = 10 in the same dataset. In the ‘sonar’ dataset, R-k-means outperforms other algorithms with SEE = 50.9349 at l = 5 and R = 15. The performance improvement is even more significant, with higher SSEs, in the larger document datasets (3D SN, News, and Activity), where R-k-means consistently outperforms k-means|| and k-means++ algorithms.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Inter-cluster SSE (initialization phase)

Table 3 Inter-cluster SSE

Figure 3 and Table 4 illustrate the evaluation results of the final cluster formation phase using the intra-cluster SSEs (y-axis) and the threshold value of l (x-axis), indicating similarities within clusters. In all datasets, R-k-means outperforms other algorithms by achieving the smallest SSE values when larger values of l and R are selected. This suggests that R-k-means algorithm consistently produces better quality clusters compared to the other approaches.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Intra-cluster SSE (cluster formation phase)

Table 4 Intra-cluster SSE

Result validation

To conduct a statistical evaluation of the results obtained from the proposed algorithm compared to k-means++ and k-means||, a one-way ANOVA test is employed. The null hypothesis (H0) in Eq. (4) assumes that there is no improvement in the clustering results, and all approaches perform equally. The alternative hypothesis (HA) states that there is a statistically significant difference in performance between the proposed approach and the other two methods.

$$H_{0} =\upmu _{1} =\upmu _{2} =\upmu _{3} \ne H_{A}$$

The one-way ANOVA test compares the means of multiple groups and determines whether there is a significant difference among them. In this case, the group means being compared are the results obtained by k-means++ (\(\mu_{1}\)), k-means|| (\(\mu_{2}\)), and the proposed approach (\(\mu_{3}\)).

Figure 4 shows the result of the ANOVA test. To perform the one-way ANOVA test, the performance metric (Intra-Cluster SSE) is collected for each algorithm across multiple datasets presented in Table 3. The null hypothesis is then tested by analyzing the variance between the groups (algorithms) and the variance within each group. The result of the statistical test showed that the proposed approach in fact performed well as p-value (0.019) is smaller than the alpha (0.05). So the H0 hypothesis is rejected.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ANOVA analysis


Clustering large-scale data is a challenging task. This work addressed the problem of initialization of the k-means clustering algorithm for the large datasets, especially for the document data. The traditional k-means algorithm largely depends on the choice of cluster initial centers. The k-means++ is the most popular technique to deal with the issue of initialization in k-means, however due to its sequential nature, it is hard to apply in big data scenarios. A promising approach, known as k-means||, has recently emerged to address the issue of initialization in k-means for big datasets. This paper proposes an algorithm, called R-k-means as a variant of k-means++, to offer a comparatively better solution to the problem of cluster initiation for big datasets. Using inter and intra cluster SSEs as an evaluation metrics, experimental results show that the proposed approach performs comparatively better. At each iteration of cluster initialization process, SSE of proposed approach is greater than that of k-means++ and k-means||, which shows that the centers selected in each iteration are far away from each other, thus reducing the cost of convergence in Lloyd’s algorithm. The quality of final clusters was also assessed by using intra SSE, a very popular metric for cluster evaluation. The results also shows that SSE of proposed approach is much lesser than that of others, suggesting better clusters. Finally, in order to statistically validate the performance, one-way ANNOVA was performed. The result of the statistical test shows that the proposed approach in fact performs well as p-value (0.019) is smaller than the alpha (0.05).