Correction to : Movement Ecology (2022) 10:5 .

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified errors in the reported ranges of arrival dates to, and departure dates from, the breeding colony and wintering areas. These errors neither had an effect on any of the analyses or other values reported in the results section, nor on the conclusions drawn in the publication. The authors apologise to the readers for the inconvenience.

Corrections (marked in bold):

1. With respect to the average spatiotemporal distribution, common terns left the breeding colony in the northwest of Germany on 5 September (range 24 July–7 October), with females leaving earlier than males (Table 1, pt. A).

2. Birds arrived at their wintering areas on 18 September (range 26 July–15 November), with females arriving earlier than males (Table 1, pt. B).

3. Birds of both sexes left their wintering areas on 29 March (range 14 January–25 April) (Table 1, pt. E).

4. Spring migration ended on 20 April (range 1 April–16 May), and arrival at the breeding colony did not differ between the sexes (Table 1, pt. F).

The original article [1] has been corrected.