
These days, the market for sports consumption in China has seen positive growth, due to which the system has fantastic growth potential. The times are shifting, and people’s lives are altering as a result of new technological advancements like Edge Computing and IoT. Due to the rapid development of cloud technology and rapid development of mobile communication technology, the number of mobile phone users with mobile intelligent terminals has increased sharply. As new mobile application scenarios such as face recognition, Internet of vehicles and augmented virtual reality have their limitations, farther the distance between users, the more likely it is to produce greater delay. Therefore, concept of the transmission path for high bandwidth and delay tasks has become a consensus in the industry. Edge cloud computing based on this idea came into being and will become an important technology to improve digital management of sports events in the future network environment.

With the arrival of the period of edge computing and IoT, the expansion of sports events must seize this opportunity; accelerate the upgrading of its informatization and intelligence, to attain the goal of improvement growth. The organization of sporting events is not perfect in China, nevertheless; many sports event management practices are still not online and many sports event management systems have gaps in their functionality. It is vital to make modifications since, on the other hand, online sports event monitoring management in the sports sector is fantastic, and the majority of people are willing to manage events online. Through literature, books, network, television, newspapers and other materials, the application of edge computing and IoT technology in the sports discussion, the study of Internet in sports network technology is also increasingly concerned, although the content level is uneven, but overall is to hold a high level, fair and efficient sports activities for the purpose.

Apart from the above, sports events are an inevitable requirement of urban development and development, and their importance is self-evident. In this regard, many scholars, researchers and experts have worked to improve sports industry. Therefore, Song et al. pointed out that the current development of sports events has arrived a period of fast advance, but the development of information technology is still relatively backward, most of the sports activities still stay in the conventional business model, and lack of organizational ability [1]. Felfernig et al. emphasizes that in today’s society, with the rapid development of economic integration and information technology, the integration of sports and the IoT will be a major trend in the future of sports development [2]. Kim et al. pointed out that sports events are an important force to promote urban reform, innovation, high-end, characteristic, sharing, and green development, and the volunteer management of sports events also needs further strengthening [3]. Byers et al. said that the development of physical activity depends on the growth of information technology, so the focus on the integration of resources and the optimization of the whole process is inevitable [4]. Woratschek et al. believes that in the sports industry, the use of advanced IoT technology can greatly promote the development of [5] in sports events. According to Patel et al. cloud computing service providers integrate server infrastructure, storage facilities, application software programs, and other tools into a shared pool [6]. Wang et al. believes that the cloud computing research scope is very broad, involving many aspects of technologies, such as cloud deployment, wireless networks, and mobile computing [7]. Yang et al. emphasizes that edge cloud computing systems must ensure that users can enjoy quality service [8] s anytime and anywhere. Qian et al. points out that in edge cloud computing, edge cloud is composed of local computing resources and storage resources, with a variety of resources that a difficult to manage [9]. However, all these studies have not discussed the role of edge and cloud computing for the digital management. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out relevant theoretical research to find out the future development trend, so that its development in the field of sports event management has more practical significance. Based on the above, the paper introduces an edge computing-based digital management system of game events in the era of Internet of Things and explains the application of network skills in sports event information management to realize the use of sports event information to achieve the purpose of information and digitization. It also investigates the impact of sports events on the economy and culture of the hosting city is investigated using IoT concept of edge computing. Through experimental work, it is found that with the development of the edge computing and IoT industry, the scale of sports events is constantly expanding.

The contributions of this paper are listed below:

  • This study intends to overcome the aforementioned issues and integrate them with digital sports event management in IoT era to realize intelligent edge cloud computing.

  • In addition, it introduces edge computing and IoT technology to make the impact of sports event products and sports marketing more concrete, as well as to provide cities with good data support to help them increase their impact through sports events.

  • Finally, it recommends that IoT technology be introduced in the sports world to create a favorable development platform to encourage the healthy development of the game industry.

The rest of this paper is organized as: The second section of this paper’s research framework describes the use of IoT technology in the digital management of sports events using edge computing, with a focus on IoT for sports events, digital management, edge computing, and cloud computing platform. The third section discusses the experimental work and results of the proposed system, which optimizes the platform using edge computing. Section four concludes this paper by highlighting future research directions.

The application of the Internet of Things in the digital management of sports events using intelligent edge cloud computing

The Internet of Things and sports events

The IoT is a perception-based device, according to the protocol, connecting products to the network, conducting data communication, connecting people and things, information resources, and smart services, making the integration between the world and the virtual world [10]. In today’s information age, IoT has become a significant part of China’s social informatization. Currently, China has entered an information age, and the “Internet of Things” is a network connected by two objects. The specific meaning of this concept includes: first, the network serves as the core and basic function of IoT, that is, the network is essentially the extension and extension of the Internet; on the other hand, IoT technology covers the flow of information between goods and goods, so that the relationship between goods and goods is closer.

The rise of IoT is based on the development of the computer and the Internet, which also can be said to be the second development of the information industry. Now, IoT has been widely used in all walks of life worldwide, and IoT is a fusion of various applications and commercial technology. Therefore, it must have some new technology to promote its development. The specific schematic diagram of IoT connection is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic diagram of the Internet of Things connection

As shown in the above Figure, the essence of IoT is to connect people and things together. Compared with the Internet, IoT is an extension and expansion of the Internet. The connection between people does not depend on the Internet; people connect with things through a range of tools.

Sports competition is a series of related activities with competition as the core, collectively called [11]. Currently, the organization of sports competitions, marketing, administration of human resources, administration of logistics, implementation of events, and other components of the comprehensive competition. It can be seen that the development of sports competition is no longer a simple sports competition; it involves economic, cultural, and other aspects. Opinions vary on the definition of the sports themselves. Sports competition is a kind of competition as a medium, which provides the competition-style art performance and related service [12] to the audience according to the competition rules and schedule. With the advent of the network era today, sports have already transcended geographical boundaries and restrictions. There will always be sports as long as there are people. If measured by profit or non-profit, sports activities can be divided into two categories: public welfare sports and commercial sports, single, multiple, and comprehensively based on the number of events, competitive and non-competitive [13] based on the nature of the competition and its artistry. Of course, there are other classifications, such as region, age, gender, and so on. Today, I’m going to concentrate on a more popular competition. The pursuit of higher, faster, stronger objective requirements is one of the two major characteristics of sports competition. The second is luck; in the game, many factors will influence the outcome, and the final result will be unexpected.

The purpose of sports event management is to increase the efficacy of sports activities and also to provide high-quality sports events and related services for the broad masses. Its essence refers to the specific management activities to achieve the organizational goal of sports activities, that is, by the operators of sports projects using the relevant knowledge, technology, methods, and strategies. Through the effective integration of various resources, the resources of all aspects can be maximized, achieving the management and service of sports events. In sports competitions, IoT technology and artificial intelligence technology is being more and more used in competitions, especially the eagle eye, intelligent wearable, door line, and other technologies, which play a very important role in the field of athletes, coaches, and referees. Qianjiang marathon in 2018, for example, the data management, video analysis, application services, IoT, and other intelligent technology applied to the competition, each player to wear a smartwatch, into the field brush face, for the race comprehensive monitoring, if any abnormal situation, the player will alert the first time. The intelligent equipment worn by the contestants can be fully connected through IoT and the intelligent control cloud platform of the competition. The game adopts IoT technology, making the security of the player has been greatly improved, the intelligence level of the game has been greatly improved, and is conducive to the economic development of urban emerging technology, but also to IoT technology in the field of sports is an important breakthrough and try, and finally obtained the very good result of [14].

Digital management

The wearable device can be worn directly on the body, or in combination with the user’s clothing or accessories. Wearable device is not just a simple hardware, it also has a powerful software support, data interaction and cloud interaction capabilities. In addition, it will change the life and perception. The wearable device legend is shown as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of a wearable device

As shown in the above Figure, the various physical indicators of the athlete can be accurately transmitted to the coach’s computer. Athletes can also monitor their physical conditions through intelligent equipment and send their sports data to their wearable devices, such as swimming and running, which can be adjusted according to their physical conditions to maintain the best state [15] in the competition. In sports competitions, the use of wearable equipment for training and management has great advantages, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Advantages of wearables applied to sports competition and training management

As shown in the above Figure, the wearable device can sense and monitor the action state and make appropriate adjustments. For example: in the marathon, the players will be equipped with a heart rate meter, used for real-time monitoring of the player’s heartbeat, when the heart rate exceeds a certain degree, the heart rate meter will automatically remind, players that can adjust themselves, can also be in the background monitoring, if there is something wrong, will through the heart rate meter positioning function, found in the shortest possible time, and give rescue, to ensure the life of the player. Wearable sports equipment can effectively improve non-standard movements and improve sports performance. The intelligent wearable device is a sensor to detect the movement state of the human body and by comparing it with the sports data of professional athletes, determines whether their sports are normal to improve the efficiency of sports. Wearing-type equipment plays a good role in protecting damaged athletes. In the sports competition, the body data of the athletes is transmitted by the intelligent wearable device to the computer of the sports doctor. After the analysis and comparison of the doctor, the doctor will make reasonable adjustments to the physical condition of the athletes according to their physical condition.

The athletes put on intelligent equipment, collected all the sports data, built a model, and analyzed the state of the athletes, so that the medical team can track the state of the athletes in time, so as to timely call the police when the athletes were injured. The IoT technology is applied to the competition, through the wearable smart device, the movements of athletes are recorded, then transmitted to the mobile terminal, and then transmitted to the mobile terminal for analysis and processing; wearable equipment to enhance the competitive level of players, in the competition, the sensor chip implanted in the equipment, and the athletes’ intelligent wearable device data collection, through the data analysis, athletes can better understand their physical condition, so as to achieve the purpose of people interconnection.

The IoT technology has accelerated the information construction of sports venues. At the same time, the state has given strong support to sports facilities, such as the construction of the London Olympic Games and the Rio Olympic Games venues using IoT technology [16]. In recent years, China has held many major sports programs, which can promote the development of competitive sports in China through the understanding of national fitness. With the development of network technology, Internet technology, mobile Internet, flat-panel display, and other technologies are becoming more and more widely used and more and more people participate in the construction of stadiums to [17]. From the current situation of the construction of sports facilities in China, the current construction of intelligent venues is still in the initial stage, and there is a large space for improvement at both the technical level and the use conditions. An example of the smart venue application is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example of the application of smart venues

As shown in the above Figure, the Chinese government vigorously supports sports undertakings, and in recent years, China’s sports undertakings have developed rapidly. Sports venues are the foundation of the development of China’s sports industry, and their construction, improvement, and development will play a decisive role in promoting the development of the sports industry. With the rise, development, and industrialization of the new generation of information technology, such as IoT and cloud computing, as well as the continuous innovation of the Internet + sports, as well as the close combination of sports and sports, the “smart venues” emerges at the historic moment. Smart stadium refers to the combination of advanced information technology with real sports activities in the early stage and operation stage of sports projects, which is a novel kind of sports stadium based on IoT. Smart venues will be widely used in sports activities in the future and become the development direction of sports locations. Intelligent locations can effectively solve the supply shortage of stadiums and gymnasiums in China, promote the deployment of sports resources, and promote the development of the sports manufacturing and sports activities. Figure 5 shows the characteristics of a new smart venue based on IoT.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Characteristics of smart venues

As shown in the above Figure, the construction and operation of smart venues always put the needs of the people first, take market-oriented, provide high-quality and diversified services for athletes and audiences, and continuously enhance the overall strength of the venues. The facilities and equipment of the smart venues are all transformed by IoT technology, which can provide more convenience for different competitions, and can also analyze the construction and development of the venues through IoT. Based on IoT technology, everyone’s contact, things, people’s contact, is a point of contact. Any one of these may be a core. The center point is temporary and not permanent. In the construction of smart venues, we should make full use of our brand advantages and use the Internet for advertising, to achieve better economic benefits.

Intelligent edge cloud computing

The development of cloud computing has brought great changes to human life. With the emergence and development of the Internet, IoT, and other technologies, the era of the Internet of everything has come to [18]. In the existing cloud computing systems, some or all of the work is assigned to the edge computing nodes, thus reducing the load of the public cloud, improving the channel status, and improving the efficiency of data processing. The edge computational model is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Edge calculation model diagram

As shown in Fig. 6, the boundary operation in Wikipedia, or edge operation, refers to the transfer of application, data, and long-distance business operations from the central node of a wide-area cloud network to a logical edge node. Edge operations segment a large number of businesses into smaller, easily manageable ones and assign them to edge nodes. Its edge nodes are closer to the user terminal, which can speed up data processing and transmission and reduce data delay [19]. In such a structure, data processing is closer to data generation, which is also a distributed computing method that developers understand, because each edge is a core, so you can save a lot of resources geographically.

Each user in the model has a computationally intensive task that is randomly assigned, while the user’s computational task is assigned to the marginal cloud computing server [20]. On this basis, given the existing mobile cloud computing and mobile communication network, puts forward a mobile user scheduling tasks based on semi-static mode, the scheme, all task scheduling requirements, can be unloaded to the edge of the cloud computing server, keep the scheduling unloading policy, which ensures the user’s decision, and ensure the stability of the system. Under the mobile boundary condition, the scheduling of the computational task can be attributed to a wireless interactive model that captures user traffic in a cellular network, while the physical layer channel access policy enables all mobile users to effectively share the same bandwidth, at the same time.

The stages of sports events are split into three categories preparation, procedure, and post-effect. The pre-competition assessment, follow-up assessment, and post-competition assessment are the correlating assessments. This paper concentrates on the effect of sporting events on socioeconomic factors for evaluation. One of the primary goals of sporting events is to generate some economic advantages. As a result, economic analysis of sporting events is an essential element of sporting event assessment. The economic analysis of sporting events is identical to that of other items. Under the existing fiscal and system of taxation, the context of the economic feasibility of sports events is primarily based on the cost and revenue of a detailed analysis and evaluation. However, the national economy appraisal of a sporting event begins with a national and social perspective, and analyses and calculates the sporting event’s contribution to society and the overall economy. As a result, sports events require the assurance of safety and communication connections.

The techniques of a mixture of qualitative methods or the analytical hierarchical procedure, etc. are used in the procedure of thorough assessment of sports events. Whatever method or means are used, the ultimate goal of a detailed assessment is to determine whether the choice is possible and whether the failure or success of sports events is positive or negative. The scales of measurement of sporting events can be derived from the aforementioned key processes, as illustrated in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Flowchart of IoT edge computing-based Sports event evaluation program

In general, the data transmission channel state, the uplink transmission rate, and the downlink transmission rate are all determined by the mobile operators. The improvement of the network rate is also responsible for the expansion and opening of the operators’ technology and resources as calculated in Eq. 1.

$$m_{j} = 0 \cup I$$

There is a wireless transmission channel between the user and the server represented by \(I = \{ 1,2,...,I\}\).

During processing to the cloud, mobile users select the uplink transmission rate to data in cloud processing as Eq. 2:

$$m_{1 - j} = L\log_{2} \left( {1 + \frac{{T_{j} }}{{j_{a} }}} \right)$$

In the above equation, Tj represents the channel bandwidth, Ja represents channel gain. If the user and other users share a channel, the performance of the system will decrease, and thus the user’s load will increase.

When most people choose a more efficient cloud computing, they will transmit data through the wireless channel to the cloud, this will cause a lot of interference, lead to a low data arrival rate leads to high delay, and lines, users waiting for data will increase the channel energy, system load, and total overhead, especially in the case of total cost more than the local, will lead to the user’s revenue. Therefore, a concept of efficient boundary cloud computing is proposed that can help users choose appropriate task allocation patterns to increase income. When the total cost of boundary cloud computing is lower than the total cost of local computing, that is, an efficient boundary cloud computing is defined as a user, such as Eq. 3.

$$L_{j}^{a} (m_{1 - j} ) \le L_{j}$$

Cloud computing is the core of edge computing. From the user’s perspective, cloud computing can ensure individual personal interests. When choosing to assign tasks to the cloud edge, mobile users must ensure that they are efficient cloud computing users; otherwise, users will preferentially choose to run locally to reduce overhead.

In local operations, all operations are performed on a local mobile terminal at the computational cost of Lkj which is calculated with the formula as shown in Eq. 4.

$$L_{j}^{k} = \lambda_{j}^{r} r_{j}^{k} + \lambda_{j}^{w} w_{j}^{k}$$

where \(r_{j}^{k}\)\(w_{j}^{k}\)\(\lambda_{j}^{r} ,\lambda_{j}^{w} \in \{ 0,1\}\) which is denoted by \(j\). Therefore, it is the time and energy spent to complete the calculation task, respectively, which represent the weight of the time window and energy window of the user, respectively, and the user’s flexible scheduling of power consumption and slow delay under special circumstances, which can dynamically adjust the total cost of the system.

Based on the performance factor analysis of the edge cloud computing, a key performance factor, the whole-system computing cost, is also introduced, whose mathematical expression is calculated in Eq. 5.

$$\begin{gathered} \min \sum\limits_{j \in J} {I_{j} } \hfill \\ a_{j} \in \{ 0,1,...,I\} ,\forall j \in J \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$

The entire system cost factor is combinatorial optimized in a multidimensional discrete space, similar to the conceptual analysis of the boundary effective cloud. A general potential game is a special case in which the potential function changes at the same rate as the utility function, and the Nash equilibrium process itself is an iteration that can be optimized using a variety of methods and techniques.

Using the potential game method, we prove that the objective function of the optimal problem cannot be completely equivalent to the objective function of the optimal problem. Therefore, the goal is achieved by establishing an approximate equivalent relationship under this rigorous model condition. The design of a potential energy function is calculated with the formula given in Eq. 6.

$$\varphi (m_{j} ,m_{j - J} ) \prec \varphi (m_{j} ,m_{J - j} )$$

Based on the characteristics of the potential game, the proposed algorithm reaches the Da Nash equilibrium point after a finite number of time intervals, and the user will no longer send the information requested to change the decision due to the Nash balance condition.\(P_{\max }^{{}}\) Design parameters, applicable formula:

$$0 \le \varphi (m_{1 - j} ) \le \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{a = 1}^{j} {P_{\max }^{2} } + \sum\limits_{a = 1}^{j} {P_{\max }^{{}} }$$

The potential game defines the value of the overhead function during any decision-time gap process when updating the unloading decision.

Experiments on digital management of sports events

Algorithm experimental parameter analysis

This experiment simulates the basic experimental parameters of the edge computing environment in a cellular network environment, that is, some mobile device users with computing tasks are randomly distributed around the server. The specific experimental parameters are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Experimental parameters

As shown in Table 1, the background white noise is-120dBm, with a local computing speed of 1.2 GHz, and an edge cloud computing speed of 120 GHz. Based on this, the two performance factors of the simulated boundary cloud computing, namely the computational cost and the number of effective boundary users, are designed by the user 20 or 40, respectively, to facilitate the calculation, facilitate the weight setting of the energy distribution. The plot of individual user computing overhead changes is shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Change graph of individual user calculation overhead [a Figure of 20 individual users. b Computational cost variation plots for 40 individual users]

According to Fig. 8a, in the initialization phase, the user will choose the local computation path, making the initial computation overhead between 0 and 1 due to the difference between the time and energy consumption allocation weights. According to Fig. 8b, in the iterative processing, due to the increase of multi-user channel interference, the boundary operation cost is larger than the local operation cost, so the users will return the local operation, but ultimately, all the user’s groups will maintain their convergence characteristics and converge at the stability point of the system, that is, the Nash equilibrium point. Figure 9 shows the variation in the number of users and the overall computational cost of the effective edge cloud.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Change graph of user number of effective edge cloud and overall computing overhead change graph

As shown in Fig. 9a, in the experiment, the low-cost task is optimized by analyzing the energy information of the channel, so that the number of users of the effective edge operation continues to grow, and eventually tends to the Nash equilibrium, which is consistent with the characteristics of the potential game model. As shown in Fig. 9b, by adding up the computational overhead of all individuals, the overall trend continues to maintain a gradually decreasing convergence effect, eventually reaching Nash equilibrium. Furthermore, by testing the experimental data, the results coincide with the previous convergence range of the coordination rate of the potential game, thus verifying the proposed method and optimizing the performance of the system.

Based on this basis, the algorithm is compared with state-of-the-art techniques, and the specific data are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 Algorithm comparison of effective edge users
Table 3 Algorithm comparison of total system overhead

As shown in Table 2, all users assign tasks to the edge cloud and compare them with the distribution computing algorithm designed in this chapter. The results show that multiple users simultaneously performing boundary operations will cause channel interference and channel blockage, thus increasing the workload of user scheduling operations and greatly exceeding the cost of local operations. The results show that the user growth rate of the effective edge cloud slows down as the channel load increases, and therefore, the network performance must be improved by increasing the number of channels.

As shown in Table 3, when all users choose local computing, edge computing, and distribution computing scheduling algorithm, as the number of users, channel blockage, and the interference between users, the redundant users in the system is higher than local computing, so in the edge computing environment, edge computing applications must be designed and optimized for the number of edge users.

The impact of the Internet of Things on sports events

The transfer of sports activities through certain human, material, financial, information, and technical resources via planning, organization, and control is referred to as sports event management. Sports event management encompasses a wide range of services, including sports media services, event organization and planning, and other applications. The interaction between IoT technology and sports events is mutually beneficial, as IoT technology is used to improve the management level and quality of sports events, as well as to improve the fairness, enjoyment, and entertainment of competitive sports. Simultaneously, the rapid development of sports activity management contributes to the advancement of research and the application of IoT technology.

For example, China’s sports industry has had a huge impact on both the society and the economy. In recent years, China’s sports industry has developed rapidly, but in the process of driving economic growth, China’s economic growth rate is only 0.9%, less than 1.9% of the world level, far behind the developed countries such as the United States and Japan, as shown in the following Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Figure of the GDP proportion of the sports industry in various countries in 2019

As shown in Fig. 10, the economic proportion of China’s sports industry is far less than the international average level, and the gap with developed countries is also very large. Therefore, the development of China’s sports industry needs to be further improved, which requires the government to play a guiding and regulating role in the sports industry. In order to make China’s sports cause develop for a long time and become a world sports power, we must support it strongly.

Although, the proportion of China’s sports industry GDP is small, it has shown a continuous upward trend in recent years, which is related to the Chinese government’s paying more and more attention to the sports industry in recent years. The specific trend chart is shown in the following Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Trend chart of the added value of China’s sports industry from 2013 to 2019

As shown in Fig. 10, since 2013, the added value of the sports industry has grown rapidly, which also shows that in recent years. Both the country and the people pay more and more attention to the sports industry, and the government is also vigorously supporting the sports industry.

With the country’s strong support for sports, the development of sports activities in China has shown good momentum of development, which is also the result of scientific and technological progress in recent years. The un-innovation of science and technology has created favorable conditions for the development of sports activities and promoted the development of sports activities. Especially in the Internet + era, Internet technology has developed and changed a lot, and its coverage has been expanded to sports projects from the very beginning the computer is applied to sports projects, whether it is sports training or sports projects, all have its applications. Through computer technology, the status of athletes can be quantified and analyzed, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them. In recent years, China’s scientific and technological development has continued to reform and innovate, especially the industrial development related to interconnected technology. The development of science and technology, the continuous update and development of communication services, and the development and application of IoT technology have laid a solid foundation.

In today’s overall environment of the Internet, the Internet not only fully covers all industries but also endows sports events with new vitality and vitality, by using IoT technology to promote the development of sports events. The value and impact of this industry are also immeasurable. At present, while vigorously promoting and supporting the development of IoT, the country also attaches great importance to its application in sports events. The paper selects the development of IoT industry from 2013 to 2019 and conducts detailed data analysis, as shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Scale of China’s Internet of Things industry from 2013 to 2019

As shown in Fig. 12, with the rapid development of China’s economy, the scale of sports events based on IoT has reached 1,271 billion yuan. An increase of 981 billion yuan, compared with 290 billion yuan in 2013. China’s sports industry has a good development prospect, with a large development speed and scale, which shows that the development prospect of China’s sports industry is very good. Therefore, in order to promote the healthy development of the sports industry, it is suggested to introduce IoT technology in the sports industry, in order to create a good development environment.

Conclusions and future work

Sports themselves have their unique charm: intense and intense competitive sports reflect the true feelings of human nature, and the profound sports culture it contains all deeply attract the attention of the audience. With the development of IoT technology, the operation of sports events is also constantly developing. To ensure the high operation and delay sensitivity, as well as normal work, better processing methods are required for task information collection, classification, algorithm processing, and feedback processing. Based on this work, we propose a new boundary-based cloud computing model with more advanced technologies and more rational concepts that are refined to make it clearer and combine it with traditional distributed resource management.

Although, the current work plan and resource management have made phased progress, and the model and algorithm of the edge cloud have been improved, there are still many places to be improved in this paper due to time and individual strength. Thus, it can be concluded that holding sporting events reflects a city’s overall strength and raises the city’s publicity and popularity. Due to a lack of resources, the utilization of sports event heritage has not been researched. In the future, we intend to investigate the energy and utilization of sporting events.