Following the publication of the original article [1] the author notified us of an error in the manuscript, which needed to be corrected. The error appears in the following sentence, which can be found under the sub-heading “Caspases and skeletal myoblast differentiation”:

"Here, Fernando et al. [29] demonstrated that transient caspase-3 activity is required for myoblast differentiation and that this non-death activity is mediated in part through the cleavage activation of the Ste-20 like kinase, macrophage stimulating 1 (MST1)"

However, this sentence has now been corrected on the BioMed Central website, and now reads as follows:

"Here, Fernando et al. [29] demonstrated that transient caspase-3 activity is required for myoblast differentiation and that this non-death activity is mediated in part through the cleavage activation of the mammalian sterile 20-like kinase-1, MST1"