
After the publication of this article [1] we noticed that in Fig. 1, the gel images (1A and 1B lower panel) were incorrect. The corrected Fig. 1 is presented below. The correction does not affect in any way our results and conclusions.

Fig. 1
figure a

a. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR products using primers P1 and P2 on cDNA from human PBMCs and the graphical representation of the splice products identified. b. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products depicting TNFRSF11A variant distribution from a panel of human normal tissue RNAs and MDA-MB-468 as a control. c. Quantitative RT-PCR of the novel splice variants and wild type RANK from a panel of human normal tissue RNAs. Data normalization was carried out against GAPDH housekeeping gene.