Correction to: Pediatr Rheumatol Online J (2019) 17:66

Following publication of the original article [1], we have been notified that the author Joan Calzada should not have been included to the team of authors. The authors’ team, thus, should be as follows:

Ivan Foeldvari1*†, Jens Klotsche2,3†, Gabriele Simonini4, Clive Edelsten5, Sheila T. Angeles-Han6, Regitze Bangsgaard7,Joke de Boer8, Gabriele Brumm9, Rosa Bou Torrent10,21, Tamas Constantin11, Cinzia DeLibero12, Jesus Diaz23,24,Valeria Maria Gerloni13, Margarida Guedes14, Arnd Heiligenhaus15, Kaisu Kotaniemi16, Sanna Leinonen16,Kirsten Minden2,17, Vasco Miranda18, Elisabetta Miserocchi19, Susan Nielsen7, Martina Niewerth2, Irene Pontikaki13,Carmen Garcia de Vicuna10, Carla Zilhao14, Steven Yeh20, Jordi Anton10,21,22