Correction to: Malar J (2021) 20:263–03801-3

Following publication of the article [1], it was brought to our attention that the following authors had been omitted from the author list: Desta Ejeta, Sisay Dugassa, Mekonnen Yohannes, Wossenseged Lemma. These authors should be included because they organized and led the collection of the field data, and they also reviewed and approved the manuscript.

The author list has been corrected in the published manuscript and the correct author list can be found in this correction article. Likewise, the ‘Authors’ contributions’ statement has been updated in the original article and can be seen in this correction:

Authors' contributions

MB, SI, and DD designed the field collection protocols; MB, PM, SI, DD, FG, EG, SC, HT, MM, and MY oversaw the collection of data; MB, GY, EA, DG, SY, AW, AG, EE, TA, DE, SD, MYoh, and WL collected the field data; DY conducted the laboratory work; SI, SZ, and MB analyzed and interpreted the data; MB, SI, and SZ wrote the first draft of the manuscript. DD, MY, and GY provided a critical revision of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

The authors thank you for reading this correction and apologize for any inconvenience caused.