
After the publication of this paper the authors noticed a few errors in the text. There are outlines below:

  1. 1.

    Results section, under Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS): In the sentence ‘Nineteen trials reported only mean HDRS change scores or presented a graph showing the mean change HDRS scores, but did not report the SD’ Eighteen should replace Nineteen

  2. 2.

    Results section, under Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS):In the sentence ‘Random-effects meta-analysis of the results of all 92 trials showed that SSRIs versus placebo significantly reduced the HDRS score (mean difference −2.25 points; 95% CI −2.69 to −1.83; P<0.00001)’ 91 should replace 92

  3. 3.

    Results section, under Other subgroup analyses: In the sentence ‘Meta-analysis of the results of the 26 trials with a mean baseline HDRS score >23 points showed a mean difference of −2.69 HDRS points; 95% CI −3.59 to −1.78; P<0.00001.’ 25 should replace 26

  4. 4.

    Table 2 [Summary of serious adverse events in the included trials] ‘Nemroff et al., 2005’ should read ‘Nemeroff et al., 2007’ and in the same line ‘Fluxetine’ should read ‘Fluoxetine