Correction : BMC Pediatr 23, 154 (2023)

Following publication of the original article [1], the author reported the the arrow in Fig. 1D is slightly misplaced. It should be as presented below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Pulse waves from the brachial (A) and aortic (BD) arteries in a female teenager. A Peripheral pulse wave (measured). SBPp and DBPp = Peripheral systolic and diastolic blood pressure; PPp = Peripheral pulse pressure. B Central pulse wave (calculated). SBPc and DBPc = Central systolic and diastolic blood pressure; PPc = Central pulse pressure; PPA = Pulse pressure amplifcation (PPp / PPc). C Pf = Forward or ejection wave; Pb = Backward or refection wave; RC – Refection coefficient. D P1 = First systolic peak; P2 = Second systolic peak, AP = Augmentation pressure (P2 – P1), AIx@75 = Augmentation index corrected for a heart rate of 75 bpm

The original article has been updated.