
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the staple foods for world population, and its yield is crucial for global food production. With the advantages of moderate genome size and high-quality reference genome, rice is widely regarded as a typical model plant to study the genetic structure and function of monocotyledons. Genus Oryza has evolved into 24 species, consisting of 2 cultivated species (O. sativa and O. glaberrima) and 22 wild species [1, 2]. Cultivated rice has lost many important useful genes after a long period of artificial selection. However, wild rice, which has experienced harsh natural environment, contains a large number of valuable genes and is a valuable resource in rice breeding [3]. Interspecific distant hybridization between different species with excellent genes and distant genetic relationships is an important way to create genetic variation and breed new varieties, which is also an important driver of genome evolution and speciation [4]. A generally accepted effective strategy to expand the genetic diversity of cultivated rice is to identify and utilize valuable alleles with agronomic traits from wild rice and introduce them into cultivated rice by crossbreeding backcross [5, 6]. In the past few decades, a lot of backcross introgression lines (BILs) had been constructed to study scientific issues in rice, such as drought resistance [7, 8] genomic structure [3], hybrid sterility [5] and gene, miRNA and metabolic profiling [2, 9]. O. longistaminata is a perennial wild rice widely distributed in tropical Africa with strong resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, strong rhizomes, long anthers and self-incompatibility [10,11,12].

Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) refers to RNA with a length of more than 200 bp and no protein coding capacity. LncRNAs are involved in a variety of molecular and genetic mechanisms, including transcriptional level, post-transcriptional level and epigenetic level [13, 14]. LncRNAs are involved in many biological processes, including growth of human tumor cells, plant morphogenesis, biotic stress and abiotic threats [15,16,17]. The functions of lncRNAs are divided into four categories, including signal, decoy, guide, and scaffold [18]. Specifically, lncRNAs could regulate spatial/temporal expression of genes when they act as signal molecules [19]. LncRNAs could participate in maintaining the stability of gene expression by acting as decoys or target mimics of miRNAs [20,21,22]. LncRNAs could also guide the ribonucleoprotein complex to locate at a specific site to play their guiding role [23]. In addition, lncRNAs could be used as scaffolds to form skeletal complexes with transcription factors, which can regulate the up−/down-stream effector elements and further activate or inhibit the transcription of genes [24]. Moreover, lncRNAs could regulate the expression of protein-coding genes at the transcriptional level through cis-regulation or trans-regulation. When lncRNA cis-regulates the target gene, it is encoded from the nucleic acid chain in which their target gene was located. On the contrary, the nucleic acid sequence encoding lncRNA was not on the same nucleic acid chain as the target gene coding sequence when lncRNA trans-regulate the target gene. For instance, a lncRNA (COLDAIR) cis-regulated the FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) gene, which was important in the regulation of flowering time in Arabidopsis; COLDAIR also trans-regulated the FLC gene by binding to protein complex PcG [25, 26]. In addition, lncRNAs could be used as precursors of microRNAs (miRNAs), and some lncRNAs could also bind to miRNAs directly to regulate their functions [27]. Although a large number of lncRNAs has been identified in previous studies, the research on their biological functions is still in the initial stage, especially in plants.

Recently, high-throughput sequencing technology were often used to detect low-level expressed transcripts and identify numerous mRNAs, small RNAs and lncRNAs with important roles in biological processes [15, 16, 28, 29]. In our previous study, the expression patterns of genes and miRNAs in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies were performed, and the regulation of miRNAs on genes were also explored [2]. In this study, the high-throughput strand-specific RNA sequencing (ss-RNAseq) technology was used to study the expression differences and characteristics of lncRNAs and their target genes in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BILs (BC2F12) progenies (L1710, L1817 and L1730). The lncRNAs acting as precursors or target mimics of miRNAs were also studied in these species. Further analysis showed that parental expression level dominance (ELD) phenomenon was the most common event in the three progenies. This work could provide valuable clues to reveal the molecular mechanisms of gene introgression of wild rice through hybrid and backcross.


Overview of the sequencing data

To explore the expression characteristics of lncRNAs and their roles in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BILs progenies at jointing-booting stage, the strand-specific RNA-seq (ssRNA-seq) technology was used in this study. Overall, an average of 13.70 Gb data with each sample was obtained and the gene expression correlations among three biological replicates were high, with average coefficient (R2) of 0.98 (Supplementary Fig. S1). On average, 101,808,785 (L1710), 91,859,276 (L1817), 88,566,772 (L1730), 98,879,278 (O. sativa) and 103,545,393 (O. longistaminata) raw reads were generated respectively, of which more than 94% reads were clean reads (Supplementary Table S1). All clean reads obtained from sequencing of 15 ssRNA libraries were uploaded to the NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database ( with accession numbers SRR9822767-SRR9822781. After re-assembling and mapping, around 56% clean reads in O. longistaminata and 70% clean reads in three progenies and O. sativa were uniquely mapped to the rice reference genome (Supplementary Table S1) and 66,338 transcripts were identified as known mRNAs. Moreover, known mRNAs and transcripts whose information cannot be recognized were eliminated, and the remaining transcripts (described as novel transcripts in the following text) were further identified as candidates for lncRNAs. As a result, 16,038 novel transcripts were assembled, most of which were within 4500 nt in length, and transcripts containing more than 10 exons accounted for a high proportion, while nearly half of the genes had only one transcript (Supplementary Table S2).

Identification and the sequence characteristics of lncRNAs

To identify lncRNAs in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies, the coding ability of the 16,038 novel transcripts were predicted using three software (CPC, CNCI and txCdsPredict) and Pfam protein database. A total of 6719 novel lncRNAs were identified by predicting their coding ability (Fig. 1a), and then 1254 novel lncRNAs were screened out by the quantitative analysis with RSEM software (Fig. 1b, Table 1 and Supplementary Table S3). In addition, the sequence characteristics of identified lncRNAs were performed through comparing with that of mRNAs. The length of lncRNAs varied from 200 to 18,313 bp with an average of 2348 bp, which was longer than that of known mRNAs (an average of 1708 bp) (Fig. 2a). About 50% of lncRNAs were more than 2000 bp in length, of which 42 lncRNAs were longer than 10,000 bp. The number of exons of the genes encoding lncRNAs was basically consistent with that of the known mRNA-coding genes, and 49.8% of lncRNA-coding genes and 53.2% of the known mRNA-coding genes contained 1–3 exons respectively (Fig. 2b). Most known mRNAs (87.1%) and lncRNAs (70.1%) were derived from genes having one or two transcripts (Fig. 2c). The GC content of lncRNA-coding genes varied from 23.45 to 78.93% with an average of 46%, and most of them (79%) with the GC content less than 50% (Fig. 2d), while the GC content of known mRNA-coding genes varied from 28.73 to 84.16% with an average of 52.88, and 55% of them with the GC content more than 50%. Overall, the above results showed that the characteristics of lncRNA and mRNA sequences were diversified, for the length of lncRNAs was longer than that of known mRNAs, but the exon number of genes encoding lncRNAs was less than that of genes encoding mRNAs, and the GC content of lncRNA-encoding genes was also lower than that of known mRNA-encoding genes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Venn diagram of lncRNAs predicting by four methods (a) and Venn diagram of the number of lncRNAs expressed in five lines (b). Three software CPC, txCdsPredict, CNCI and a protein database pfam were used to predict lncRNAs, and the transcript was determined when at least three of the four methods were consistent

Table 1 The number of lncRNAs and mRNAs expressed O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies
Fig. 2
figure 2

The comparative characteristics analysis of expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs. The length distribution (a) and exon number (b), the transcript number (c), GC content (d) of lncRNAs and mRNAs encoding genes. The distribution of expressed lncRNAs (e) and mRNAs (f) in twelve chromosomes

The expression level of lncRNAs and mRNAs were calculated using RSEM software. The number of lncRNAs and mRNAs expressed in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies was shown in Table 1, and the specific FPKM values for them were shown in Supplementary Table S3. As shown in Fig. 1b, 70.5% (884 of 1254) of lncRNAs expressed in all five lines. The number of lncRNAs which only expressed in one line was the most (35) in O. longistaminata and the least (6) in O. sativa (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, the distribution of expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs on 12 chromosomes was visualized using Circos (Fig. 2e & f). The results showed that over 50% lncRNAs and over 40% mRNAs were expressed on chromosomes 1 and 2, and the percentage of expressed lncRNAs was higher than that of expressed mRNAs on chromosomes 1, 2 and 11.

Differentially expressed lncRNAs in five lines

The FPKM values of lncRNAs and mRNAs (Supplementary Table S3) were used to analyze the differential expression of lncRNAs/mRNAs among O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies with |log2FC| ≥ 1 and FDR ≤ 0.001 by DEseq software. The analysis of the differentially expressed lncRNAs (DE-lncRNAs) was shown in Fig. 3. DE-lncRNAs were mostly up-regulated in progenies compared with their parents (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, the DE-lncRNAs between progenies and O. longistaminata (an average of 458, and 69.2% of them were up-regulated in progenies) were significantly higher than that of progenies vs. O. sativa (an average of 267, and 58.1% of them were up-regulated in progenies). Meanwhile, 41 and 185 common DE-lncRNAs were discovered in all three progenies compared with their two parents, respectively (Fig. 3b & d). Among these identified common DE-lncRNAs, the number of up-regulated lncRNAs were also higher than down-regulated lncRNAs in progenies (Fig. 3c & e). The above results indicated that there was a greater difference between the three BIL progenies and the parent O. longistaminata, and the up-regulated DE-lncRNAs in BIL progenies might play critical roles. In the difference analysis among the three progenies, 299 DE-lncRNAs were found in L1710 vs. L1817, and 458 were found in L1710 vs. L1730 (Fig. 3a). This phenomenon was consistent with the fact that L1710 and L1730 have the largest difference in plant height. For a more detailed analysis, DE-lncRNAs with different fold changes (FC > 2, FC > 10, FC > 50, FC > 100, FC > 200) in the three progenies compared with their parents were counted (Supplementary Fig. S2). With the increase of the FC of DE-lncRNAs, more lncRNAs were found in the comparison group with higher difference in plant height between progeny and parents. For example, among the comparison groups of three progenies and O. sativa, the number of DE-lncRNAs with FC > 2 was the most in L1710, while the number of DE-lncRNAs with FC > 50/100/200 was the largest in L1730.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Analysis of DE-lncRNAs. Number of DE-lncRNAs in all comparison groups (a). The red and green bars represented up- and down-expressed lncRNAs, respectively. Venn diagram of common DE-lncRNAs among three progenies and O. sativa (b) and the FC distribution of them (c). Venn diagram of common DE-lncRNAs among three progenies and O. longistaminata (d) and the FC distribution of them (e)

Prediction of target protein-coding genes of lncRNAs and their GO analysis

One way in which lncRNAs perform their biological function is to regulate the expression of protein-coding genes through cis or trans interactions. LncRNAs may regulate the expression of target genes by one trans-regulated and three cis-regulated ways (cis_mRNA_up10k, cis_mRNA_overlap and cis_mRNA_dw20k) (Fig. 4a). The Class cis_mRNA_overlap could be further divided into 10 subclasses (Fig. 4b). Totally, the present data showed 89.5% (468 of 523) of lncRNAs regulated the expression of target genes through cis-acting, among which 45.3% (212 of 468) belonged to the cis_mRNA_dw20k regulatory class. These results suggested that cis-regulation rather than trans-regulation was the main regulation type, and cis-regulation of lncRNAs located at 20 kb downstream of the target genes was the common cis-regulation type among the predicted lncRNA-mRNA regulation pairs in this study. As shown in Supplementary Table S4, a total of 431 lncRNA-mRNA regulation pairs were detected in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies, among which 373 mRNAs were potential targets of 297 lncRNAs, indicating that some lncRNAs may regulate multiple mRNAs at the same time.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The regulatory relationship types of lncRNA-mRNA pairs. Histograms of 4 classes of lncRNAs regulating target protein-coding genes (a) and 10 subclasses of Class cis_mRNA_overlap (b). Subclass lnc-anti complete in-mRNA intron was not detected in this study

In order to further understand the role of DE-lncRNAs among O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies, GO enrichment analysis was conducted on the target genes of DE-lncRNAs in all comparison groups with rice genome as the reference (Fig. 5). Results showed that potential target genes of DE-lncRNAs were significantly enriched (P < 0.001) in 7, 6 and 7 GO terms of cellular component, molecular function and biological process categories, respectively (Fig. 5). In addition, the percentage of potential target genes of DE-lncRNAs was lower than that of rice genome (the background) in significantly enriched GO terms of cellular component category, while higher in significantly enriched GO terms of molecular function and biological processes categories. This phenomenon indicated that DE-lncRNAs target genes that are significantly enriched in molecular function and biological processes categories might play important roles in regulating the growth and development of O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The GO classifications of predicted target genes of DE-lncRNAs in all comparison groups. Red mark ‘*’ indicated significantly enriched GO terms, of which the P-value was below 0.001

Analysis of lncRNA acting as precursors of miRNAs

LncRNAs could act as the precursors of microRNAs (miRNAs). To screen for miRNAs precursors in the five lines, the sequences of lncRNAs were aligned to the miRbase database using BLAST. As shown in Table 2, a total of 22 expressed lncRNAs were predicted to be the precursor of 20 miRNAs, of which 18 lncRNAs were DE-lncRNAs in five lines. Most lncRNAs acted as the precursor of one miRNA, while two of which (LTCONS_00035053, LTCONS_00007959) served as precursors of more than one miRNA (Table 2). Moreover, several lncRNAs might also be precursors for the same miRNA. For example, both LTCONS_00034708 and LTCONS_00034707 were the precursor of miR396c (Table 2). In addition, more than 50% of lncRNAs predicted as the precursors of miRNA were found to be transcribed from chromosome 2. RNAfold web server was used to predict the secondary structures of lncRNAs and miRNA precursors to visualize the relationship of them. The predicted secondary structure of LTCONS_00057871 contained multiple stem-loop structures, and one of which was the potential precursor of miR1850 (Fig. 6). Mature miRNAs (miR1850.1, miR1850.2 and miR1850.3) were finally formed after the precursor was processed by enzymes.

Table 2 Prediction of lncRNA as miRNA precursor
Fig. 6
figure 6

The predicted secondary structure of lncRNA as the putative miRNA precursor and miRNA (take LTCONS_00057871 and miR1850 for instance)

Analysis of lncRNA acting as decoys or target mimics of miRNAs

LncRNAs could be used as decoys to directly or indirectly regulate the expression of target genes [30]. To further explore the roles of three kinds of RNAs (lncRNA, miRNA, and mRNA) in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies, interaction networks were constructed based on previous miRNA sequencing studies [2]. A total of 78 lncRNAs and 271 mRNAs were targeted by 280 miRNAs in the network (Supplementary Table S5). Statistic showed that 72.2% (202 of 280) miRNAs only targeted mRNAs (Supplementary Table S5). For example, osa-miR156k targeted 8 mRNAs (Fig. 7a), and three of them were found to be important in rice growth. Specifically, two mRNAs (LOC_Os02g04680.1 and LOC_Os02g04680.2) were the two transcripts of OsSPL3 (SQUAMOSA PROMOTER-BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE3), which regulated root crown development in rice [31]. The other mRNA (LOC_Os08g39890.1) were the transcript of OsSPL14/IPA1, which could regulate DEP1 (DENSE AND ERECT PANICLE1), a critical gene influencing the plant height and panicle length [32]. Moreover, only a small fraction of miRNAs (3.2%, 9 of 280) only targeted lncRNAs (Supplementary Table S5, Fig. 7b). There were 24.7% (69 of 280) miRNAs targeted both mRNAs and lncRNAs (Supplementary Table S5). Further analysis found that only 5 miRNAs targeted more lncRNAs rather than mRNAs (Fig. 7c) and most miRNAs targeted more mRNAs rather than lncRNAs (84.1%, 58 of 69) when miRNAs target both mRNAs and lncRNAs, which indicated that the binding ability of lncRNAs to miRNAs was weaker than that of mRNAs in most cases. For example, osa-miR172d-5p targeted 2 lncRNAs and 7 mRNAs (Fig. 7d), among which 3 mRNAs (LOC_Os03g51030.1, LOC_Os03g51030.2 and LOC_Os03g51030.3) were the three transcripts of PHYA (Phytochrome A), which played multiple roles in controlling the internode elongation in rice [33]. In addition, there were 6 miRNAs targeted with equal amounts of mRNAs and lncRNAs (Fig. 7e). Different miRNAs might also regulate multiple identical targets simultaneously (Fig. 7f). Interestingly, seven miRNAs were found to target their own potential precursor lncRNAs (Table 3), suggesting that these lncRNAs not only act as precursors of miRNAs, but also can bind with them to participate in the regulation of target gene expression.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The typical networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs

Table 3 Analysis of miRNA targeting its precursor lncRNA

Parental expression level dominance analysis in three progeny lines

Expression level dominance (ELD) refers to the expression level of some genes in the progeny close to that of one parent, but different from that of the other parent. Recently, many studies about hybrids and their parents have found that the expression of mRNAs showed parental ELD in progenies [2, 29, 34]. According to the criteria defined by Yoo et al. [34], gene expression patterns are divided into 12 categories, as shown in Fig. 8. Over 50% of lncRNAs showed parental ELD (category II, XI, IV and IX), and about 40% of lncRNAs showed transgressive up/down-regulation (category III, VII, X, V, VI and VIII) in all three progenies. Moreover, the number of lncRNAs showed parental ELD-A (A stands for O. sativa) was higher than that showed parental ELD-B (B stands for O. longistaminata) in all three progenies. To further get a glimpse of the possible biological functions of lncRNAs with ELD expression patterns, their potential target mRNAs were used for GO enrichment analysis. As shown in Supplementary Table S6, about 30% of lncRNAs had potential target mRNAs in each progeny. The number of targets of lncRNAs showed ELD-A was higher than that showed ELD-B in all three GO categories (cellular component, molecular function and biological process) of L1817 and L1730 (Supplementary Fig. S3). However, the number of targets of lncRNAs showed ELD-A was less than that showed ELD-B in all three GO categories of L1710. In addition, ELD-A lncRNAs targets were enriched in ‘cell’, ‘cell part’ and ‘organelle’ term, while ELD-B lncRNAs targets were enriched in ‘membrane’ term in all three progenies (Supplementary Fig. S3). Furthermore, ELD-A lncRNAs targets were enriched in ‘binding’ term in L1710, while ELD-B lncRNAs targets were enriched in this term in L1817 and L1730 (Supplementary Fig. S3). ELD-A lncRNAs targets were enriched in ‘cellular process’ term in L1710 and L1730, while ELD-B lncRNAs targets were enriched in this term in L1817 (Supplementary Fig. S3). ELD-A lncRNAs targets were enriched in ‘metabolic process’ term in L1730, while ELD-B lncRNAs targets were enriched in this term in L1710 and L1817 (Supplementary Fig. S3). In conclusion, the non-addictive genes accounted for the majority in the comparison between BIL progenies and their parents, moreover, all three progenies (L1710, L1817 and L1730) biased towards O. sativa.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Twelve expression patterns of lncRNAs in three progenies. A and B stand for O. sativa and O. longistaminata, respectively

Validation of the data by qRT-PCR

To verify the accuracy of the sequencing data, 9 lncRNAs and their potential target genes were selected randomly for qRT-PCR analysis. Results showed that the sequencing data and the qRT-PCR results were basically consistent (Fig. 9), indicating that the sequencing data were reliable. The primers used for qRT-PCR were listed in Supplementary Table S7.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Nine lncRNAs and their target genes were selected to verify the accuracy of the sequencing data using qRT-PCR in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies. The bar graph showed the results of qRT-PCR, and the broken line graph showed the results of sequencing, with lncRNAs in blue and mRNAs in red


In recent years, lncRNAs, a kind of regulatory RNAs, have become a research hotspot. With the development of sequencing technology, lncRNAs have been found to play critical roles in plant growth and sexual reproduction [14, 35]. Specifically, studies have shown that lncRNAs were involved in female/male sterility of plants [36,37,38,39], and plant stress response process [40, 41]. So far, there have been no reports on the lncRNA expression patterns and their functions in BIL progenies relative to their parents. Based on our previous studies on the mRNA and miRNA expression patterns in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies [2], the study on lncRNA expression patterns will help us to further understand the regulatory factors for differential expression of genes in BIL progenies relative to their parents.

LncRNAs might be involved in regulating the expression of plant hormone-related genes in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies

Plant hormones can regulate the physiological responses of plant growth, development and differentiation independently or in a variety of coordinated ways. Plant hormone content are affected by related gene expressions, while the later are regulated at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels by various factors [29, 42, 43]. Many lncRNAs with down-regulated polyadenylation (DPA) participated in the biosynthesis, transport and metabolism of ABA in rice, thereby activating the expression of a series of stress response genes [44]. As described below, some lncRNAs targeted gibberellin (GA), ethylene and auxin related genes in this study, and their regulatory effects might have an impact on growth and development of rice. LTCONS_00063919 targeted D35/OsKO2 (LOC_Os06g37364, Supplementary Table S4), which encodes an ent-kaurene oxidase (KO) of catalytic gibberellin biosynthesis, and rice without this gene shows a severe dwarf-phenotype [45]. SLRL1 (LOC_Os01g45860), a member of GRAS gene family, was targeted by LTCONS_00002962 (Supplementary Table S4), and GA induces the expression of SLRL1, the overexpression of which will also lead to the dwarf-phenotype in rice [46]. GID2 (LOC_Os02g36974) was a target gene of LTCONS_00033182 (Supplementary Table S4), which regulate the degradation of an inhibitory factor (SLR1) in GA signal transduction, and rice presented a severe dwarfing phenotype when GID2 gene was mutated [47]. Furthermore, LTCONS_00032876 was predicted to target OsCTR2 (LOC_Os02g32610, Supplementary Table S4), and the Raf-like protein CONSTITUTIVE TRIPLE RESPONSE1 (CTR1) was involved in ethylene receptor signal transduction to regulate multiple growth and development processes in rice [48]. In addition, OsARF24 was a target gene of LTCONS_00025454 (Supplementary Table S4), and the low expression of OsARF23 and OsARF24 would reduce the response of rice to auxin, thereby affecting the growth and morphogenesis of rice [49]. Therefore, lncRNAs that target to plant hormone-related genes might regulate plant growth and development and affect the plant height in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies.

LncRNAs might regulate the adaptability of O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies

Studies have shown that lncRNAs are involved in plant responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses [40, 44, 50]. Jain et al. [41] identified many lncRNA candidate genes from 24 blast resistant rice lines, revealing their regulatory roles in rice blast resistance. Many lncRNAs with DPA may play important roles in the growth of rice under various abiotic stresses (such as heat, cold, drought and salt stress) [44]. As shown in Supplementary Table S4, LTCONS_00033755 targeted trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (OsTPP1, LOC_Os02g44230), which was a member of TPS/TPP gene family. The over-expression of OsTPP1 could enhance the tolerance to cold and salt stress, and simultaneously activated the expression of multiple stress response genes in rice [51]. The protein encoded by GF14e (LOC_Os02g36974, a targeted gene of LTCONS_00033182, Supplementary Table S4) affects the expression of defense response genes, cell death and resistance to bacterial blight and sheath blight in rice [52]. Meanwhile, the protein encoded by OsGF14e, which was regulated by WRKY71, positively regulated rice resistance to panicle blast [53]. In addition, WRKY13 (LOC_Os01g54600) was targeted by LTCONS_00010291 (Supplementary Table S4) in this study, and it is well known that WRKY13 could directly inhibited WRKY42, which could negatively regulate the response of rice to blast fungus (Magnaporthe oryzae) by inhibiting JA signaling related genes [54]. Moreover, OsPCF5 was targeted by LTCONS_00010204 (Supplementary Table S4), and as a member of TCP transcription factor family, OsPCF5 plays a negative role in response to low temperature stress in rice [55]. Thus, four lncRNAs mentioned above might regulate the expression of disease-resistance related genes in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies, and thereby affecting their adaptability.

LncRNAs might regulate the growth of O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies by competitively binding miRNAs to mRNAs

Some lncRNAs bind to miRNAs as decoys, so that these miRNAs cannot bind to their target genes normally, thereby affecting their regulation of target genes [20]. Two lncRNAs were found to adsorb miR160 and miR164 respectively in anther, pistil and seed of rice [35]. In this study, LTCONS_00001063 was predicted to competitively bind miR169f.1 and miR169o with OsHAP2G (LOC_Os07g41720) and OsHAP2H (LOC_Os03g44540), which were the two coding genes of the HAP2 subunit of HAP complex [56]. Thus, it is speculated that LTCONS_00001063 might participate in the regulation of the HAP2 subunit gene expression during the growth and development of rice. Moreover, LTCONS_00034806 and LTCONS_00034805 were predicted to competitively bind miR172d-5p with Phytochrome A (PHYA; LOC_Os03g51030), which can regulate the elongation of rice nodes and play critical role in the vegetative growth stage of rice [33, 57]. Therefore, LTCONS_00001063, LTCONS_00034806 and LTCONS_00034805 may regulate the expression level of miRNA target genes by competitively binding miRNAs with specific mRNAs, and then participate in the growth process of stem at the jointing stage of rice.

The difference of lncRNA expression between BIL progenies and O. sativa is smaller than that between BIL progenies and O. longistaminata

Our previous study mainly explored the gene expression and miRNA regulation in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies [2]. In this study, expression characteristics of lncRNAs and their potential target genes were investigated in these species. These two studies found something in common. For example, the previous study showed that the number of DEGs between progenies and O. longistaminata was higher than that between progenies and O. sativa. Similarly, the number of DE-lncRNAs between progenies and O. longistaminata was also higher than that between progenies and O. sativa in this study. In addition, the previous study showed that most genes displayed ELD of one parent and more ELD-A (A stands for O. sativa) genes than ELD-B (B stands for O. longistaminata) genes were observed in three progenies. Analogously, over 50% of lncRNAs showed parental ELD and the number of lncRNAs showed parental ELD-A was higher than that showed parental ELD-B in all three progenies in this study. The above results indicated that the difference of lncRNA expression between BIL progenies and O. sativa is smaller than that between BIL progenies and O. longistaminata. As indicated in previous studies, most of the chromosome complements of the BIL progenies were inherited from the recurrent parent O. sativa [2]. Therefore, the most likely reason for the difference of lncRNA expression was the genetic background difference between BIL progenies and each of their parent.


In this study, high-throughput ss-RNA-seq technology was used to explore the functional characteristics and difference of lncRNAs in O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their three BIL progenies. LncRNAs were identified and most of them expressed in all five lines. The analysis of DE-lncRNAs showed that the difference of lncRNAs between the three progenies and O. sativa, including the number and the fold change of DE-lncRNAs, was greater than that between the three progenies and O. longistaminata. In addition, most DE-lncRNAs were up-regulated in progenies compared with their parents. Some lncRNAs could regulated the expression of mRNAs, most of which was cis-regulation. Most miRNAs targeted more mRNAs rather than lncRNAs when both mRNAs and lncRNAs were targeted. Some miRNAs were found to target their own potential precursor lncRNAs. Furthermore, more than half of the lncRNAs showed parental ELD in all three progenies, and the number of lncRNAs showed parental ELD-O. sativa was higher than that showed parental ELD-O. longistaminata, which indicated that all three progenies were biased towards O. sativa. Further analysis showed that lncRNAs might be involved in regulating the expression of plant hormone-related genes in all five lines, and also can regulate the adaptability of them. Taken together, these results provided valuable clues for elucidating the functional features and expression differences of lncRNAs between O. sativa, O. longistaminata and their BIL progenies, and expanded our understanding of the biological functions of lncRNAs in rice.


Plant materials

Oryza sativa ssp. indica cv. 9311, O. longistaminata and their three BILs (BC2F12) progenies (L1710, L1817 and L1730) were used as plant materials in this study. These materials were all obtained from Dr. Shaoqing Li’s laboratory in College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. The construction of BC2F12 consists of 4 steps: 1) O. sativa (maternal) was crossbred with O. longistaminata (paternal) to generate F1 hybrid; 2) F1 hybrid (paternal) was backcrossed with O. sativa (maternal) to generate BC1F1; 3) BC1F1 individuals (paternal) were backcrossed with O. sativa (maternal) to generate BC2F1; 4) BC2F1 finally produces BC2F12 through 11 generations of self-fertilization by the single seed descent method. The genome composition of three progenies was basically the same, and most of which were inherited from the cultivated rice (O. sativa), while only about 10 to 15% of which was inherited from O. longistaminata [2]. As Cao et al. [2] described, three BIL progenies had different plant heights. Specifically, the plant height of 5 lines at mature stage was ranked as L1710 < O. sativa < L1817 < O. longistaminata < L1730 [2]. Germinated seeds of progenies and O. sativa were sown in soil and then the seedlings were transplanted into plots after 30 days in the greenhouse of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. The rhizomes of O. longistaminata were also planted in plots. Stems from five lines with three biological replicates at jointing-booting stage were harvested and immediately stored in liquid nitrogen for subsequent RNA extraction.

Construction of RNA libraries and sequencing

The total RNAs of stems in five lines were extracted using TRIzol reagent according to the manufacturer’s protocal (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). The purity, concentration and OD260/OD280 ratio of total RNAs in each sample were detected by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit). The ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) were removed from the total RNAs using the Ribo-Zero™ rRNA removal kit, and then the RNAs were randomly fragmented. The first-strand cDNA was synthesized by reverse transcription with the fragmented RNA as the template and a random six-base sequence as the primer, and the second-strand cDNA was subsequently synthesized by replacing dTTP with dUTP. The sequencing libraries were then constructed through the cDNA end repair, adding poly A-tailing and adapter, Uracil-N-Glycosylase digestion, and several rounds of PCR amplification. Quality control and quantification analysis were performed on all libraries. Finally, the fifteen libraries were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform and 150 bp paired-end reads were generated. Each line was sequenced with three biological replicates.

Data filtering, sequence alignment and assembly

To further ensure that rRNA was not presented in raw reads, reads were aligned to the ribosomal database using the short reads alignment tool SOAPnuke (v1.5.2) [58] and the aligned reads were removed (up to 5 mismatches were allowed). After removing reads with adaptor, N ratio containing greater than 10% and inferior quality, the filtered reads were aligned to the reference genome of rice ( using HISAT2 software (v2.0.4) [59] and re-assembled using StringTie (v1.0.4) [60]. To obtain the positional relationship of re-assembled transcripts, they were compared with known mRNAs and lncRNAs using cuffcompare, which was one of the tools of Cufflinks (v2.2.1) [61], and then the final transcripts were combined using Cuffmerge (one tool of Cufflinks, v2.2.1) [61].

Identification of mRNAs and lncRNAs

LncRNAs was identified with reference to the study of Liu et al. [39]. The coding ability of combined transcripts (FPKM ≥0.5, Coverage > 1, Length > 200) were predicted using protein database Pfam ( [62] and three software, including Coding Potential Calculator (CPC, v0.9-r2, http:// [63], Coding-Non-Coding Index (CNCI, [64] and txCdsPredict ( The four judgment methods are elaborated as follows: 1) If the transcripts were mapped to the Pfam database, they were recognized as mRNAs, otherwise lncRNAs; 2) CPC_threshold = 0, transcripts which have values greater than 0 were mRNAs, otherwise lncRNAs; 3) CNCI_threshold = 0, transcripts which have values greater than 0 were mRNAs, otherwise lncRNAs; 4) txCdsPredict_threshold = 500, transcripts which have values greater than 500 were mRNAs, otherwise lncRNAs. Transcripts were finally identified as mRNAs or lncRNAs when at least three of the four above methods were consistent.

Differential expression analysis of lncRNAs

Clean reads were aligned to the reference genome using Bowtie2 software (v2.2.5) [65] and then the expression levels of transcripts were calculated using RSEM (v1.2.12) [66]. The normalized method used by RSEM software was FPKM, and the formula was as follows: FPKM = \( \frac{10^6C}{NL/{10}^3} \) . In this formula, ‘C’ is the number of unique fragments for the target gene, ‘N’ is the total number of fragments which were uniquely matched the reference genome, and ‘L’ is the total number of bases in the coding region of the target gene. The calculated FPKM values, representing the gene expression levels, can be directly used to compare the gene expression differences among different samples. Correlations for three biological replications were calculated based on FPKM values using cor function in R (v3.3.0, Software DEGseq [67] was used to analyze the difference of the comparison group. In this study, transcripts that exhibited fold change (FC) ≥ 2 (|log2FC| ≥ 1) and the false discovery rate (FDR) ≤ 0.001 were regarded as significantly differentially expressed transcripts. The differentially expressed lncRNAs were screened from the differentially expressed transcripts according to the ID of lncRNAs.

Identification of lncRNAs target genes and GO analysis

LncRNAs regulate target genes in two ways, including cis- and trans-regulation. When lncRNA plays the cis-regulatory role, the location of lncRNA on the chromosome is close to the target gene, so the mRNA adjacent to lncRNA is selected as its target gene; when lncRNA plays the trans-regulatory role, it does not depend on the position relationship with the target gene, and its target gene can be predicted by calculating the binding energy. Specifically, according to the study of Liu et al. [39], target genes were analyzed in three steps: 1) the correlations between all identified lncRNAs and mRNAs were analyzed statistically (spearman values ≥0.6 and Pearson values ≥0.6); 2) lncRNAs were determined to play cis-regulatory roles when they located within 10 k upstream or 20 k downstream of the target genes; 3) when lncRNAs were not located in that range, RNAplex was used to analyze the binding energies of lncRNAs and mRNAs. If the binding energies were less than − 30, they were determined as lncRNAs with trans-regulatory effects. Furthermore, if lncRNA overlaps with the target gene, it will be further classified to 10 subclasses (such as lnc-overlap-mRNA and lnc-anti overlap-mRNA), which is conducive to increasing our understanding of the cis-regulated details of lncRNA [68, 69]. In addition, all identified potential target genes of differentially expressed lncRNAs (DE-lncRNAs) in all comparison groups were used for GO enrichment analysis using the WEGO website ( with rice genome as the background.

Prediction of lncRNA as the miRNA precursor

To predict lncRNAs that might be the precursors of the microRNAs (miRNAs), BLAST tool was used to align all lncRNAs to the miRbase ( [70]. The lncRNA was recognized as miRNA precursor when the coverage ratio of lncRNA sequence to the miRNA precursor sequence was over 90%, and the precursor sequences of miRNAs were from the previous data [2]. The secondary structures of lncRNA and miRNA precursor were plotted by RNAfold web server ( The interactive network relationships of lncRNA, miRNA and mRNA were displayed by Cytoscape software (v3.7.1,

Validation of the data by qRT-PCR

To verify the accuracy of lncRNA sequencing data in this study, 9 lncRNAs and their predicted potential target genes were randomly selected from all expressed lncRNAs and verified by quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR). Total RNAs of stems from five lines were extracted using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen), and reverse transcribed with random primers. The lncRNA/mRNA specific primers were designed using Primer 5.0 software ( The PCR amplifications were conducted using the SYBR@qPCR Mix (Toyobo) in the ABI Step One Plus Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, USA). The qRT-PCR reaction was processed as previously described with three biological replicates and three technical repeats [29]. In addition, OsActin1 [71] was employed as internal control gene to normalize each lncRNA/mRNA threshold cycle reaction.