
Following the publication of this article [1], the authors reported the following errors:

In Fig. 1a, “Chromosome A, Chromosome B, and Chromosome D” should be “Subgenome A, Subgenome B, and Subgenome D”.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Genomic distributions of 743 TaWD40s on 21 wheat chromosomes. (a) Numbers of TaWD40s on each wheat chromosome. (b) “TaWD40 distribution map” on 21 wheat chromosomes. Tandemly duplicated genes are marked by red boxes. The scale bar is shown in megabase (Mb). The picture was drawn by MapInspect. (c) Segmentally duplicated TaWD40s in wheat subgenomes A, B, and D. Arabic numerals represent the gene numbers of TaWD40s, and the different color lines indicate the synteny of WD40. The picture was drawn with Circos

In Fig. 1, Figures “1b”, “1c” and “1d” should be labeled together as Figure “1b”, and Figure “1e” should be labeled as “Fig. 1c”.

The authors regret any confusion caused by this error. The correct version of Fig. 1 is included in this Correction article.