1 Introduction

The metric fixed-point theory has been researched extensively in the past two decades such as in a metric space endowed with a partial ordering, and many results appeared giving sufficient conditions for a mapping to be a Picard operator. For these concepts have been given two main theorems, which are the Banach Contraction Principle and the Knaster-Tarski Theorem [1].

Recently Jachymski [2] and Gwóźdź-Lukawska and Jachymski [3] have given an interesting concept in fixed-point theory with some general structures by using the context of metric spaces endowed with a graph. Jachymski [2] has proved some generalizations of the Banach Contraction Principle to mappings on a metric space endowed with a graph and also has presented its applications to the Kelisky-Rivlin Theorem on iterates of the Bernstein operators on the space C[0,1]. Afterwards different contractions have been studied by various authors. In [4] the contraction principle for set-valued mappings, in [57] Kannan type, Reich type contractions, and φ-contractions have been investigated, respectively. Some new fixed-point results for graphic contractions on a complete metric space with a graph have been presented in [8]; also they gave a particular case of almost contractions.

In this paper, motivated by the work of Jachymski [2] and Petruşel [8], we introduce new contractions for the mappings on complete metric space and prove some fixed-point theorems. Our results generalize and unify some results by the above-mentioned authors.

2 Basic facts and definitions

Let (X,d) be a metric space and Δ denote the diagonal of the Cartesian product X×X. Let G be a directed graph such that the set V(G) of its vertices coincides with X, and the set E(G) of its edges contains all loops; that is, E(G)Δ. Assume that G has no parallel edges, so one can identify G with the pair (V(G),E(G)).

The conversion of a graph G is denoted by G 1 and this is a graph obtained from G by reversing the direction of the edges. Hence

E ( G 1 ) = { ( x , y ) X × X : ( y , x ) E ( G ) } .

By G ˜ we denote the undirected graph obtained from G by omitting the direction of the edges. Indeed, it is more convenient to treat G ˜ as a directed graph for which the set of its edges is symmetric, and under this convention, we have

E( G ˜ )=E(G)E ( G 1 ) .

A subgraph of a graph G is a graph H such that V(H)V(G) and E(H)E(G). Let x and y be vertices in a graph G. A path from x to y of length N (NN{0}) is a sequence ( x i ) i = 0 N of N+1 distinct vertices such that x 0 =x, x N =y and ( x i 1 , x i )E(G) for i=1,,N. The number edges in G forming the path is called the length of the path. A graph G is connected if there is a path between any two vertices. If a graph G is not connected then it is called disconnected and its different paths are called the components of G. Every component of G is a subgraph of it. Furthermore, G is weakly connected if G ˜ is connected. Let G x be the component of G which consists of all edges and vertices contained in some path in G beginning at x. Suppose that G is such that E(G) is symmetric; then V(G)= [ x ] G where [ x ] G denotes the equivalence class of relations ℜ defined on V(G) by the rule

yz if there is a path in G from y to z.

Some basic notations related to connectivity of graphs can be found in [9].

If f:XX is an operator, then we denote by


the set of all fixed points of f.

Definition 1 [2]

A mapping f:XX is a Banach G-contraction or simply G-contraction if f preserves edges of G;


for all x,yX, and f decreases weights of edges of G: for all x,yX there exists α(0,1) such that


Definition 2 [8]

The mapping f:XX is a G-graphic contraction

  1. (i)

    if f preserves edges of G;


for all x,yX;

  1. (ii)

    there exists α(0,1) such that

    (x,y)E(G)d ( f x , f 2 x ) αd(x,fx),

for all x,y X f .

Definition 3 [2]

A mapping f:XX is called orbitally continuous if for all x,yX and any sequence ( k n ) n N of positive integers,

f k n xyimpliesf ( f k n x ) fyas n.

Definition 4 [2]

A mapping f:XX is called orbitally G-continuous if for all x,yX and any sequence ( k n ) n N of positive integers,

f k n xy, ( f k n x , f k n + 1 x ) E(G)implyf ( f k n x ) fyas n.

Now, we give a definition of the class Ψ which is used in several well-known papers to obtain some fixed-point results [1013].

Definition 5 Let us define the class Ψ={ψ: R + R + ψ is nondecreasing} which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (i)

    ψ(ω)=0 if and only if ω=0;

  2. (ii)

    for every ( ω n ) R + , ψ( ω n )0 if and only if ω n 0;

  3. (iii)

    for every ω 1 , ω 2 R + , ψ( ω 1 + ω 2 )ψ( ω 1 )+ψ( ω 2 ).

3 (G,ψ)-Contraction and related fixed-point theorems

We establish some fixed-point theorems in metric space with a graph by defining the (G,ψ)-contraction.

Definition 6 We say that a mapping f:XX is a (G,ψ)-contraction if the following hold;

  1. (i)

    f preserves edges of G, i.e. ((x,y)E(G)(fx,fy)E(G)), x,yX;

  2. (ii)

    f decreases the weight of edges of G, that is, there exists c(0,1) such that

    (x,y)E(G)ψ ( d ( f x , f y ) ) cψ ( d ( x , y ) ) ,

for all x,yX.

Lemma 1 If f:XX is a (G,ψ)-contraction, then f is both a ( G 1 ,ψ)-contraction and a ( G ˜ ,ψ)-contraction.

Proof The proof can be obtained by the symmetry of d and the definition of the ( G ˜ ,ψ)-contraction. □

Lemma 2 Let f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction with constant c(0,1); for a given xX and y [ x ] G ˜ , there exists r(x,y)0 such that

ψ ( d ( f n x , f n y ) ) c n r(x,y).

Proof Let xX and y [ x ] G ˜ . Then there is a path ( x i ) i = 0 N in G ˜ from x to y, which means x 0 =x, x N =y, and ( x i 1 , x i )E( G ˜ ) for i=1,2,,N. By Lemma 1, f is a ( G ˜ ,ψ)-contraction. With an easy induction, we have ( f n x i 1 , f n x i )E( G ˜ ) and

ψ ( d ( f n x i 1 , f n x i ) ) c ψ ( d ( f n 1 x i 1 , f n 1 x i ) ) c ( c ψ ( d ( f n 2 x i 1 , f n 2 x i ) ) ) c n ψ ( d ( x i 1 , x i ) )

for all nN and i=1,2,,N.

Hence using the triangle inequality, we get

ψ ( d ( f n x , f n y ) ) i = 1 N ψ ( d ( f n x i 1 , f n x i ) ) c n i = 1 N ψ ( d ( x i 1 , x i ) ) .

So it qualifies to set r(x,y):= i = 1 N ψ(d( x i 1 , x i )). □

Lemma 3 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space endowed with a graph G and f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction for which there exists x 0 X such that f x 0 [ x 0 ] G ˜ . Let G ˜ x 0 be the component of G ˜ containing x 0 . Then [ x 0 ] G ˜ is f-invariant and f | [ x ] G ˜ is a ( G ˜ x 0 ,ψ)-contraction. Furthermore, x,y [ x 0 ] G ˜ , and the sequences ( f n x ) n N and ( f n y ) n N are Cauchy equivalent.

Proof The proof of this lemma can obtained by using similar arguments as given in [7]. So we omit the proof. □

The following result shows that there is a close relation between convergence of an iteration sequence which can be obtained by using a (G,ψ)-contraction mapping and connectivity of the graph.

Theorem 1 Let (X,d) be a metric space endowed with a graph G and f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction, then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (i)

    G is weakly connected;

  2. (ii)

    for given x,yX, the sequences ( f n x ) n N and ( f n y ) n N are Cauchy equivalent;

  3. (iii)


Proof (i) ⇒ (ii) Let f be a (G,ψ)-contraction and x,yX. By hypothesis, [ x ] G ˜ =X, so fx [ x ] G ˜ . By Lemma 2, we get

ψ ( d ( f n x , f n + 1 x ) ) c n r(x,fx)

for all nN. Hence

n = 0 ψ ( d ( f n x , f n + 1 x ) ) <

and if we use a standard argument, then ( f n x ) n N is obtained as a Cauchy sequence. Since also y [ x ] G ˜ , Lemma 2 leads to ψ(d( f n x, f n y)) c n r(x,y). Therefore, ( f n x ) n N and ( f n y ) n N are equivalent. Clearly, because ( f n x ) n N is a Cauchy sequence, so is ( f n y ) n N .

  1. (ii)

    ⇒ (iii) Let f be a (G,ψ)-contraction and x,yF(f). By (ii), ( f n x ) n N and ( f n y ) n N are equivalent, which yields x=y.

  2. (iii)

    ⇒ (ii) Suppose, to the contrary, G is not weakly connected, that is, G ˜ is disconnected. Let x 0 X. Then the sets [ x 0 ] G ˜ and X [ x 0 ] G ˜ both are nonempty. Let y 0 X [ x 0 ] G ˜ and define

    fx= { x 0 , if  x [ x 0 ] G ˜ , y 0 , if  x X [ x 0 ] G ˜ .

Obviously, F(f)={ x 0 , y 0 }. We show f is a (G,ψ)-contraction. Let (x,y)E(G). Then [ x ] G ˜ = [ y ] G ˜ , so either x,y [ x 0 ] G ˜ or x,yX [ x 0 ] G ˜ . Hence in both cases fx=fy, so (fx,fy)E(G) as E(G)Δ, and ψ(d(fx,fy))=0. Thereby, f is a (G,ψ)-contraction having two fixed points which violates the assumption. □

The following result is an easy consequence of Theorem 1.

Corollary 1 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space endowed with a graph G and f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction, then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (i)

    G is weakly connected;

  2. (ii)

    there is x X such that lim n f n x= x , for all xX.

Now, we give an example of f being a (G,ψ)-contraction and this example shows that we could not add that x is a fixed point of f in Corollary 1.

Example 1 Let X=[0,1] be endowed with the usual metric. Take

E(G)= { ( 0 , 0 ) } { ( 0 , 1 ) } { ( x , y ) ( 0 , 1 ] × ( 0 , 1 ] : x y } ,

and f:XX as follows:

fx= { x 3 , if  x ( 0 , 1 ] , 1 2 , if  x = 0 .

Then f is a (G,ψ)-contraction where ψ(ω)= ω ω + 1 .

Proof It can be easily seen that G is a weakly connected graph and f is a (G,ψ)-contraction where ψ(ω)= ω ω + 1 . It is a fact that ( f n x)0, for all xX but f has no fixed point. □

For any mapping which satisfies the condition of Corollary 1 to have a fixed point we need to add condition (6), which is given in the following theorem.

Theorem 2 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and the triple (X,d,G) have the following condition:

for any  ( x n ) n N  in  X ,  if  x n x  and  ( x n , x n + 1 ) E ( G )  for  n N , then there is a subsequence  ( x k n ) n N  with  ( x k n , x ) E ( G )  for  n N .

Let f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction, and X f ={xX:(x,fx)E(G)}. Then the following statements hold.

  1. (i)

    cardF(f)=card{ [ x ] G ˜ :x X f }.

  2. (ii)

    F(f) iff X f .

  3. (iii)

    f has a unique fixed point iff there exists x 0 X f such that X f [ x 0 ] G ˜ .

  4. (iv)

    For any x X f , f | [ x ] G ˜ is a Picard operator.

  5. (v)

    If X f and G is weakly connected, then f is a Picard operator.

  6. (vi)

    If X :={ [ x ] G ˜ :x X f } , then f | X is a weakly Picard operator.

  7. (vii)

    If fE(G), then f is a weakly Picard operator.

Proof Initially, we prove the items (iv) and (v). Take x X f and then fx [ x ] G ˜ , so by Lemma 3, if y [ x ] G ˜ , then ( f n x ) n N and ( f n y ) n N are Cauchy equivalent. Since X is complete, ( f n x ) n N converges to some x X. It is obvious that lim n f n y= x . Then by using induction we get

( f n x , f n + 1 x ) E(G)

for all nN, since (x,fx)E(G). By (6), there is a subsequence ( f k n x ) n N such that ( f k n x, x )E(G) for all nN. If we use (7), we conclude that (x,fx, f 2 x,, f k 1 , x ) is a path in G and also in G ˜ from x to x , and this means that x [ x ] G ˜ . Since f is a (G,ψ)-contraction we have

ψ ( d ( f k n + 1 x , f x ) ) cψ ( d ( f k n x , x ) ) ,

for all nN. By taking the limit as n, we deduce f x = x . Thereby, f | [ x ] G ˜ is a Picard operator. Also, we conclude that f is a Picard operator, when [ x ] G ˜ =X, since there is weakly connectedness of G.

(vi) is obvious from (iv). For proof of (vii), if fE(G) then X f =X and so X =X holds. Thus f is a weakly Picard operator because of (vi).

Let us define a mapping to prove (i): ρ(x)= [ x ] G ˜ for all xF(f). It is sufficient to show that ρ:F(f)C={ [ x ] G ˜ :x X f } is a bijection. Because E(G)Δ, we deduce F(f) X f and then ρ(F(f))C. Beside, if x X f , then by (iv), lim n f n x [ x ] G ˜ F(f), which implies ρ( lim n f n x)= [ x ] G ˜ and so ρ is a surjective mapping. We show that f is injective. Take x 1 , x 2 F(f) which are such that ρ( x 1 )=ρ( x 2 ) [ x 1 ] G ˜ = [ x 2 ] G ˜ , then x 2 [ x 1 ] G ˜ and so, by (i),

lim n f n x 2 [ x 1 ] G ˜ F(f)={ x 1 },

which gives x 1 = x 2 . Thus, f is injective and this is the desired result. Finally, one can see that (ii) and (iii) are easy consequences of (i). □

Corollary 2 Let (X,d) be complete metric space and (X,d,G) obey condition (6). The following are equivalent:

  1. (i)

    G is weakly connected;

  2. (ii)

    every (G,ψ)-contraction f:XX such that ( x 0 ,f x 0 )E(G), for some x 0 X, is a Picard operator;

  3. (iii)

    for any (G,ψ)-contraction, cardF(f)1.

Proof (i) ⇒ (ii): This can be obtained directly from Theorem 2(v).

  1. (ii)

    ⇒ (iii): Let f:XX be a (G,ψ)-contraction. If X f is empty, so is F(f), because F(f) is a subset of X f . If X f is nonempty, then by (ii), F(f) is singleton. In these two cases, cardF(f)1.

  2. (iii)

    ⇒ (i): This implication follows from Theorem 1. □

Remark 1 In the above results by taking ψ(ω)=ω, we obtain Corollary 3.2, which is given in [2].

4 (G,ψ)-Graphic contraction and fixed-point theorems

Now, we define (G,ψ)-graphic contraction and give some results and examples.

Definition 7 Let (X,d) be a metric space and G be a graph. The mapping f:XX is called a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction if the following conditions hold:

  1. (i)

    (x,y)E(G) implies (fx,fy)E(G) (f is edge preserving);

  2. (ii)

    there exists a ψΨ with constants c[0,1) such that

    ψ ( d ( f x , f 2 x ) ) cψ ( d ( x , f x ) )

for all x X f , where X f :={xX:(x,fx)E(G) or (fx,x)E(G)}.

Firstly, we give the following lemmas which can be proved as in the above section.

Lemma 4 If f:XX is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction, then f is both a ( G 1 ,ψ)-graphic contraction and a ( G ˜ ,ψ)-graphic contraction.

Lemma 5 Let f:XX be a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction with constant c[0,1). Then, given x X f , there exists r(x)0 such that

ψ ( d ( f n x , f n + 1 x ) ) c n r(x),

for all nN, where r(x):=ψ(d(x,fx)).

Lemma 6 Suppose that f:XX is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction. Then for each x X f , there exists x X such that the sequence ( f n x ) n N converges to x as n.

Proof Take an arbitrary element x in X f . By Lemma 5, we obtain

ψ ( d ( f n x , f n + 1 x ) ) c n r(x),

for all nN. Therefore, n = 0 ψ(d( f n x, f n + 1 x))< and so ψ(d( f n x, f n + 1 x))0; consequently using the property of ψ we have d( f n x, f n + 1 x)0. Then we say that ( f n x ) n N is a Cauchy sequence. By the completeness of X, there exists x X such that ( f n x ) n N converges as n. □

Lemma 7 The self-mapping f is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction for which there exists x 0 X such that f x 0 [ x 0 ] G ˜ . Then the set [ x 0 ] G ˜ invariant with respect to f and f | [ x 0 ] G ˜ is a ( G ˜ x 0 ,ψ)-graphic contraction, where G ˜ x 0 is the component of G ˜ containing x 0 .

Proof Let x be an element in [ x 0 ] G ˜ . Then there exist ( x i ) i = 0 N in G ˜ from x 0 to x, i.e., x N =x and ( x i 1 , x i )E( G ˜ ) for i=1,2,,N. Since f is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction we get (f x i 1 ,f x i )E( G ˜ ) for i=1,2,,N. So we have a path from f x 0 to fx. Therefore fx [ f x 0 ] G ˜ = [ x 0 ] G ˜ since f x 0 [ x 0 ] G ˜ . Consequently [ x 0 ] G ˜ is invariant with respect to f.

Take (x,y)E( G ˜ x 0 ); then there is a path ( x i ) i = 0 N in G ˜ from x 0 to y such that x N 1 =x. Also let ( y i ) i = 0 M be a path in G ˜ from x 0 to f x 0 . Then we realize

( y 0 , y 1 ,, y M ,f x 1 ,f x 2 ,,f x N 1 =fx,f x N =fy)

is a path in G ˜ from x 0 to fy such that (fx,fy)E( G ˜ x 0 ). Furthermore, f is a ( G ˜ x 0 ,ψ)-graphic contraction because E( G ˜ x 0 )E( G ˜ ) and f is a ( G ˜ ,ψ)-graphic contraction. □

Theorem 3 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and let the triple (X,d,G) have the following condition:

for any  ( x n ) n N  in  X ,  if  x n x  and  ( x n , x n + 1 ) E ( G ) ( or , respectively , ( x n + 1 , x n ) E ( G ) )  for all  n N ,  then there is a subsequence  ( x k n ) n N  with  ( x k n , x ) E ( G ) ( or , respectively , ( x , x k n ) E ( G ) )  for all  n N .

Let f:XX be a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction and f is orbitally G-continuous. Then the following statements hold:

  1. (i)

    F(f) if and only if X f .

  2. (ii)

    If X f and G is weakly connected, then f is a weakly Picard operator.

  3. (iii)

    For any x X f , we see that f | [ x ] G ˜ is a weakly Picard operator.

Proof We begin with the statement (iii). Let x X f ; by Lemma 6, there exists x X such that lim n f n x= x . Since x X f , then f n x X f for every nN. Now assume that (x,fx)E(G). (A similar deduction can be made if (fx,x)E(G).) By condition (9), there is a subsequence ( f k n x ) n N of ( f n x ) n N such that ( f k n x, x )E(G) for each nN. A path in G can be formed by using the points x,fx,, f k 1 x, x and hence x [ x ] G ˜ . Since f is orbitally G-continuous, we see that x is a fixed point for f | [ x ] G ˜ .

To prove (i), using (iii) we have F(f) if X f . Suppose that F(f). By using the assumption that ΔE(G), we immediately obtain X f . Hence (i) holds.

For proving (ii) let x X f . If we use weak connectivity of G, we have X= [ x ] G ˜ and by applying (iii) we obtain the desired result. □

The next example illustrates that f must be orbitally G-continuous in order to obtain statements which are given in Theorem 3.

Example 2 Let X=[0,1] be endowed with the usual metric. Consider

E(G)= { ( 0 , 0 ) } { ( 0 , x ) : x 1 / 2 } { ( x , y ) : x , y ( 0 , 1 ] } ,

and f:XX,

fx= { x 2 , if  x ( 0 , 1 ] ; 1 2 , if  x = 0 .

Then G is weakly connected, X f is nonempty and f is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction where ψ(ω)= ω 3 , but it is not orbitally G-continuous. Thus, f does not have a fixed point.

Remark 2 In Theorem 3, by replacing the condition that the triple (X,d,G) satisfies (9) and f is orbitally G-continuous with the mapping f is orbitally continuous, we have the above result, too.

The following example demonstrates that the (G,ψ)-graphic contraction is more general than the (G,ψ)-contraction.

Example 3 Let X=[0,1] be endowed with the usual metric. Take

E(G)= { ( 0 , 0 ) } { ( 0 , 1 ) } { ( x , y ) ( 0 , 1 ] × ( 0 , 1 ] : x y } ,

and f:XX as follows:

fx= { x 2 , if  x ( 0 , 1 ] , 3 4 , if  x = 0 .

Then G is weakly connected and X f is nonempty and f is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction with ψ(ω)= ω 2 which is not a (G,ψ)-contraction.

Proof It is clear that G is weakly connected, X f , and with simple calculations it can be easily seen that f is a (G,ψ)-graphic contraction. Take

ψ ( d ( f 0 , f 1 2 ) ) cψ ( d ( 0 , 1 2 ) ) 1 4 c 1 4 ,

which is a contradiction since c[0,1). Thus, f is not (G,ψ)-contraction. □

Remark 3 In Theorem 3, if we take ψ(ω)=ω, then we get Theorem 2.1, which is given in [8].