1 Correction to: Drugs 2018; 78(10): 1057–1062 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40265-018-0939-x

Page 1058, Section 2.2 Pharmacokinetics

The last sentence, which currently reads:

Following a once-daily on days 1–14 of each 21-day cycle regimen, plasma concentrations of anlotinib reached maximum on day 14 and decreased subsequently with the 7-day rest period until the start of the next treatment cycle [2].

Should read:

Following once-daily oral administration of escalating doses of anlotinib (5–16 mg) on days 1–14 of a 21-day cycle (2-weeks on, 1-week off) regimen in patients with advanced solid tumours, maximum plasma concentrations of anlotinib were reached on day 14 and decreased during the 1-week off period, prior to the start of the next treatment cycle [2].