Correction to: Diabetes Ther (2021) 12:863–877

The original article has been published with some errors.

The correct Table 2, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 are given below.

Table 2 Clinical outcomes

In the results section of Abstract, there is correction in the sentence, the correct sentence is ‘‘HOMA-IR significantly decreased but HOMA-β was unchanged. FLI, ferritin, M2-BP, NAFLD fibrosis scores, and FIB-4 index significantly decreased whereas type IV collagen 7S domain did not significantly change’’.

In the Hepatic Function Biomarkers section of Results, the corrections in a sentence is ‘‘The NAFLD fibrosis score and FIB-4 index significantly decreased from baseline to weeks 12, 24 and 52 (Table 2). The type IV collagen 7S domain did not significantly change from baseline’’.

In the third paragraph of Discussion, the correct sentence is ‘‘Additionally, this study revealed improvement in the hepatic fibrosis biomarkers M2-BP, NAFLD fibrosis score, FIB-4 index, and ferritin following luseogliflozin administration in patients with T2DM complicated by hepatic dysfunction. However, type IV collagen 7S did not change significantly after luseogliflozin administration’’.

figure a
figure b