1 Introduction

Online question-and-answering (QA) social networksFootnote 1 like Stack OverflowFootnote 2 and QuoraFootnote 3 are dependent on their users’ contributions for proper functioning. Arguably, the main functionality of a QA platform is to connect two types of users (Kuzmeski 2009); on one side, people who seek answers to their questions and on the other side, people who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others (Guan et al. 2018). Nevertheless, a user who joined and made many contributions to the community may become uninterested and then gets disengaged after a while. By disengaged, we mean the situation where users—as individuals who previously made contributions (e.g., answered questions and participated in debates)—suddenly stopped their activities (i.e., there is no sign of them even visiting the platform’s web pages). Moreover, it is not known whether these users left the community or not, but they did not perform any activity on the platform for a relatively long period of time (e.g., more than a year). In this context, disengagement might have happened for various reasons; e.g., it might have occurred because disengaged users believed that the platform had an elitist or even toxic culture. Another reason could have been that user interests changed drastically over time, and the platform hosting the QA community could not adapt to the change in an agile way.

At the very least, a high disengagement rate has adverse effects on the overall quality of the service of a QA social network and platform. For example, suppose all the experts (i.e., users who post answers perceived as high quality by the community) become disengaged within a few months of joining and being active. In that case, the quality of answers might plummet, which may increase the rate of users’ disengagement from the community (Pudipeddi et al. 2014; Dror et al. 2012). In the worst-case scenario, one could expect the situation where the QA platform loses the bulk of its contributors, which in turn would lead to its demise.

Survival analysis (Cox and Oakes 2018; Wang et al. 2019) is a family of statistical methods and techniques that can help model and predict the time of the occurrence of an event of interest. Initially, it emerged out of medical research to find the probability of a patient surviving a disease such as cancer—hence the term survival analysis. More recently, survival analysis methods have found widespread use in new areas such as customer churn analysis (Dias et al. 2020; Rothmeier et al. 2021) and credit risk scoring (Stepanova and Thomas 2002), mainly due to their flexibility and power in accurately and reliably modelling the problems posed in these areas.

In this work, we used survival analysis to study user disengagement in three distinct QA social networks, namely, Politics, Data Science, and Computer Science Stack Exchange. Our choice allowed us to pose questions and seek answers based on the data from QA communities with the themes mentioned above. To our knowledge, this is the first work that applied survival analysis to quantify and study user disengagement using the entire historical data of online QA social networks. Figure 1 illustrates how disengagement prediction can be seen and formulated as a survival analysis task.

Following are the main contributions of our work:

  • We study the factors likely to be associated with the probability that users of QA communities will stay active for an extended period. For the first time, we analyze the relationships between attributes related to users’ contributions and their engagement time.

  • We propose to exploit behavioural (see Table 4), and content-based user attributes (see Table 5) to estimate the engagement time on three comprehensive datasets from distinct QA communities.

The rest of this article is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3 presents preliminary concepts related to survival analysis and introduces techniques used to model and evaluate the problem of user disengagement prediction. Section 4 gives an overview of the dataset and the methodology used to represent users and the engagement time. Section 5 presents the results of the experiments and Sect. 6 discusses the results. Section 7 discusses the limitations of our work and gives an outline for the direction of future work. Finally, Sect. 8 concludes the paper.

Fig. 1
figure 1

User A and user B joined the platform in the past; during a period of observation which started at \(t_{start}\) and ended at \(t_{end}\), B became disengaged at \(t_{disengaged}\). A did not become disengaged during the observation, but it is not known that he will become disengaged in future or not; information about A’s disengagement is censored

2 Related work

QA platforms like Stack Exchange and Quora provide an accessible knowledge-sharing environment. Due to the importance of this role which earlier was played by mailing lists, newsgroups and IRC channels, the interest in studying phenomena on these platforms has exploded lately. For example, in Joyce and Kraut (2006), authors studied the continued user participation in newsgroups. They used the posts from six public newsgroups to test whether answers that users receive to their first few questions are crucial for prolongation of user participation. Their findings suggest that longer questions are more likely to receive a response. Furthermore, the quality and emotional tone, and whether the answer was in response to a question from a new user, seems not to influence of likelihood of further participation.

Authors, in Guan et al. (2018), used the data from the most popular Chinese social QA platform, Zhihu,Footnote 4 to investigate the factors related to users’ motivations to participate in community activities, especially knowledge contribution. Their findings suggest that social exchange is an important factor influencing users’ continuous knowledge contribution in social QA communities. Moreover, the findings show that knowledge exchange based on norms of reciprocity is an important factor affecting users’ continuous contribution. For example, a user who frequently seeks knowledge is more likely to contribute knowledge to others, indicating users contribute because they expect that they can get a response to their questions in future. Similarly, Jin et al. (2015) studied the elements, based on the data from Zhihu, that were influencing user knowledge contributions in QA platforms, incorporating three theories of social capital theory, social exchange theory, and social cognitive theory in their work.

Furthermore, the use of survival analysis methods is also gaining popularity, where an analogy could be made between the problem and the task of survival analysis. In Wang et al. (2019), the authors provided a comprehensive review of two major categories of methods and techniques for survival analysis; namely, conventional and various machine learning methods for survival analysis. Their work described and discussed different related topics, including data transformation and early prediction of complex events—along with appropriate evaluation metrics.

Yang et al. (2010) used survival analysis methods to analyze and study user retention in three major QA communities: Baido Knows, Yahoo! Answers, and Naver Knowledge-iN. Their findings suggest that users who preferred answering tend to have a more extended and more active engagement period within the platform. Moreover, garnering enough questions in order to retain the experts seems essential. Additionally, users who put more effort into the average length of questions they post both tend to receive more answers and stay engaged longer. Finally, for answerers, acknowledging one’s contribution by having one’s answers selected as best or being commented on, was tied to a more extended stay on the platform. Although their work is similar to our work, we used the data for the whole lifespan of the communities, where their work mainly focused on a limited period.

Arguably, three of the most popular metrics to measure user engagement on a web-based platform are click-through rates, page views, and time spent by the user on the website (Dupret and Lalmas 2013). The authors, in Dupret and Lalmas (2013), used survival analysis to analyze the user engagement in a dataset of questions and answers from Yahoo! Answers in Japan— utilising user absence time (or absence time for short) which is the duration between two consecutive visits by the user—to measure engagement. The intuition is that if a user finds a website more exciting and engaging, they will return to it sooner rather than later. The study’s main goal was to identify observable correlations between absence time and user engagement.

Most works in this area related to data from QA communities are mainly focused on the data from a few larger communities, such as Stack Overflow (Ortega et al. 2014). For example, in Pudipeddi et al. (2014), authors investigated the factors that correlate with user churn on Stack Overflow, including the time gap between posts, answering speed, number of answers received by the user, and reputation of the users who answered to the user’s questions. Their findings suggest that the time gap between subsequent posts is the most significant indicator of an increase in their interest in staying engaged. Additionally, in Adaji and Vassileva (2015), the authors studied the problem of expert churn on Stack Overflow, formulated as a classification task. To label the users who left the community, the authors used the definition from Karnstedt et al. (2010), where a churner is defined as a user whose average activity over a specific subsequent period has dropped to less than a fraction of their average activity in a previously observed period. In other words, if a user has a noticeable drop in his activity following a period of considerable activity (e.g., answering multiple questions for a period then stopping) he is considered a churner. To that aim, they used four machine learning methods to predict the churn of expert respondents on Stack Overflow. Their result indicated that the random forest had the highest classification accuracy of the four machine mining algorithms and the highest values for the other evaluation metrics.

With the recent success of deep learning methods in tackling problems in domains such as computer vision and natural language processing, interest in the use of artificial neural networks for handling the censored data used in survival analysis has drastically increased. For example, in Yao et al. (2017), the authors proposed a deep correlational survival model (or DeepCorrSurv for short), which, in contrast with traditional survival analysis methods, can handle multimodal data. In essence, DeepCorrSurv is able to learn the complex interdependencies on multimodal patient data (e.g., the mixture of images and features). Furthermore, recurrent neural network-based approaches also have been successfully combined with survival analysis techniques to predict the events regularly occurring, such as the time to check-in by the user to a venue (Yang et al. 2018), and for content recommendation and personalization (Jing and Smola 2017).

Finally, Table 1 shows the information about the differences between the work described in this paper and in the literature. Based on the information presented in Table 1, the topic of user disengagement analysis for QA communities has been investigated using two main approaches: as a classification or as a survival analysis task. Both approaches have three major components: data, model, and disengagement criterion. Furthermore, the approaches mentioned above (i.e., classification and survival analysis) are sufficiently different in their goals and assumptions. Arguably, the most pronounced difference between the two approaches is that when the disengagement is formulated as a classification task, the time is not considered. In other words, it is assumed that the probability that a user gets disengaged is constant and independent of the time. In contrast, the central notion behind the survival analysis is that the probability of a user becoming disengaged is a function of time. Furthermore, the main goal of survival analysis is to find a good estimate of the survival function, which outputs the probability of the event of interest not happening (in our case, the likelihood that the user stays engaged) at a specific time. In this regard, the main benefit of the survival analysis approach is the possibility of taking into account the censoring of the data. These properties make the work presented in this study different from existing works that use a classification-based approach. In addition, the remaining existing works using survival analysis utilised the Cox model. Some recent studies (e.g., in Miao et al. 2015) suggest that the Cox model, compared to a random survival forests model, may have a weaker discriminative power. The main reason for this can be because the Cox model can only infer the linear effects between the target and independent variables, while RFS can handle nonlinearity (Wang et al. 2019). Furthermore, RFS is a nonparametric method; compared to the Cox model, which is a semi-parametric method, it is more versatile because it does not make any assumption about the underlying distribution of the data.

Table 1 Difference with the work in the literature

3 Preamble

3.1 Survival analysis

Survival analysis or time-to-event analysis (Cox and Oakes 2018) is a set of statistical models and methods for estimating the time it takes for a particular event of interest to happen. In a typical survival analysis task, a group of individuals (e.g., patients) are observed for a period. For each individual, the time when the event of interest happened is recorded. Usually, the event will not occur for all the individuals in the period of observation. The situation when the event of interest did not happen for an individual during the observation is called censoring. The goal of survival analysis is to find the probability of happening of the event of interest. In this regard, survival analysis is similar to regression analysis but with a major difference, where survival analysis models take into account the information related to individuals for whom the event did not take place, i.e., the censored individuals. This difference allows for obtaining more accurate estimations. Although survival analysis originated from the field of medical research, mainly for estimating the time a patient would live after being diagnosed having a deadly disease such as breast cancer, it has gained much attention in other areas such as customer churn analysis and prediction (Dias et al. 2020) and time to occurrence of a fault in a system (Widodo and Yang 2011).

Formally, \(T \ge 0\) is a random variable that models the time for an event of interest to happen; f(t) and F(t) are its probability distribution and cumulative probability distribution, respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} F(t) = \int _{-\infty }^t \! f(x) \, \mathrm {d}x \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, S(t), called the survival function, is defined as the probability that the event did not happen before time t. (Typically, when S(t) is plotted, it is called the survival curve.)

$$\begin{aligned} S(t) = P[T > t] = 1 - F(t) \end{aligned}$$

The hazard function h(t), is the instantaneous occurrence rate of the event of interest, and is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} h(t) = \lim _{\mathrm {d}t \rightarrow 0} {P[t \le T < T+\mathrm {d}t | T \ge t] \over \mathrm {d}t} = {f(t) \over S(t)} \end{aligned}$$

Survival and hazard functions can be connected via the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} S(t) = e^{-\int _{0}^t \! h(x) \, \mathrm {d}x} \end{aligned}$$

Given n individual samples, each sample \(i \in [1...n]\) is represented as triplet \((A^i, E^i, T^i)\) where:

  • \(A^i \in R^d\) is a d-dimensional real-valued vector of individual features (i.e., user attributes in our context);

  • \(E^i \in \{0, 1\}\) is the variable indicating the event of interest happened when \(E^i=1\) or not (censored) when \(E^i=0\), for individual i during the observation;

  • \(T^i=min(t_i, t_{end})\) is the time when the event happened for individual i during the observation period; \(t_{end}\) is the time when the observation was ended. \(T^i = t_{end}\) (i.e., event did not happen) indicates sample i is censored.

The main task of the survival analysis methods is to estimate h(t) and S(t).

3.2 Kaplan–Meier estimator

Kaplan–Meier estimator (Kaplan and Meier 1958) is a nonparametric model that calculates the survival function \(\hat{S}_{KM}(t)\) of a homogeneous cohort, i.e., the individuals in the same cohort (or group) share the same survival function. Given N individual samples in a cohort, it assumes that there are J distinct actual event times such that \(t_1< t_2<\cdots <t_{J}\) when \(J \le N\), then:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{S}_{KM}(t) = \prod _{t_j \le t}^{} \left( 1 - {d_j \over n_j}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_j\) is the individuals who experienced an event and \(n_j\) is the number of individuals that did not experience the event in time interval \([t_{j-1}, t_j]\).

Kaplan–Meier method only uses the information from \(E^i\) and \(T^i\) to estimate the survival function.

3.3 Random survival forests

Ishwaran et al. (2008) proposed the random survival forests (RSF) model, which is an extension to the random forests ensemble model (Breiman 2001) for working with censored data. The general idea for creating an RSF model for a particular dataset is as follows (Utkin et al. 2019; Ishwaran et al. 2008):

  1. 1.

    Bootstrap q samples from the data, where q is the number of trees. On average, each sample excludes 37% of the original data as out-of-bag (OOB) data.

  2. 2.

    Grow a survival tree for each bootstrap sample. At each node of the tree, select \(\sqrt{m}\) (i.e., a subset of variables used during the node split) candidate variables. Then split the node using the variable that maximises the survival difference between its children nodes.

  3. 3.

    Furthermore, grow the tree to be full under the constraint where no leaf node should have less than \(d > 0\) deaths. The value of d is a hyperparameter, similar to q, which is chosen to produce the best results.

  4. 4.

    Compute the cumulative hazard function (or the survival function) for each tree.

  5. 5.

    Use the OOB data to calculate the prediction error for the ensemble cumulative hazard function (or the survival function).

Different implementations of RSF mainly differ in their splitting rule. Ideally, the splitting rule should maximise the survival difference across two dataset partitions. In this paper, we used the implementation from PySurvival library (Fotso et al. 2019).

3.4 Concordance index

The concordance index (or C-index for short) is a generalisation of the area under the ROC curve (AUC), which supports censored data (Harrell et al. 1982). The C-index widely is used as an evaluation metric of the performance of survival models. It summarises the model’s discriminatory power, which is how well a model can rank the survival times of samples. Similar to AUC, the value of the C-index ranges from 0.5 to 1, where 1 indicates the best performance.

More formally, given S(t) be the survival function estimated by some survival model, let \(t_1^*,\ldots ,t_s^*\) be a set of fixed time points, e.g., \(t_1,\ldots ,t_N\) where N is a distinct time index. Then C-index is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} C = {1 \over M} \sum _{i:E^i=1}^{}\sum _{j:t_i<t_j}^{}{{\textbf {1}}[S(t_i^*) > S(t_j^*)]}, \end{aligned}$$

where M is the total number of comparable pairs and \({\textbf {1}}[.]\) is a function that will return 1 if its input argument is true or 0 otherwise. Note that there are slightly different definitions for C-index in other works. In this work, we used the definition proposed by Utkin et al. (2019).

3.5 Log-rank test

The log-rank test (Mantel 1966) is a nonparametric statistical test for comparing the hazard functions, i.e., h(t), of two cohorts/groups of individuals. The null hypothesis is that the hazard functions of two groups, e.g., group 1 and 2, are equal, i.e., \(h_1(t) = h_2(t)\). The Log-rank test assumes that survival probabilities (i.e., the probabilities of not becoming disengaged in our context) stay the same over time. It is widely used to check whether the underlying survival distributions of two groups are the same or are different, essentially.

4 Data

4.1 Data description

As mentioned earlier, we used data from three online QA platforms that are Politics (Pol), Data Science (DS), and Computer Science (CS) Stack Exchange (SE). Pol SE is an ad-hoc QA community focused on politically-themed content, such as questions related to the nature of democracy and the state of human rights. DS SE covers topics concerning the widespread field of data science. And CS SE covers topics related to computer science. We chose these three communities for two reasons. Firstly, although the sizes of these communities are smaller than the sizes of some other QA communities hosted on SE like Stack Overflow, the chosen communities are thriving in their niche. Secondly, each of these communities is more or less focused on separate fields that, although they might share some topics, are different enough to be viewed as distinct. It allows us to search for possible patterns related to disengagement, regardless of the specific topics of a field.

The datasets of the three communities were downloaded from the Stack Exchange data dump available on Archive.org.Footnote 5 The data included the complete historical information about the questions and answers posted on the three QA communities from their inception until May 2021. Table 2 shows the general information about the datasets.

Table 2 Information about the datasets

4.2 Community characteristics

Table 3 includes the summary statistics for users belonging to three communities whose data are used in this study. The information shown in the table was extracted from the corresponding Users table for each community from the Stack Exchange data dump. Based on the information presented in Table 3, for all three communities the distribution of first four attributes (i.e., user reputation, profile views, upvotes, and downvotes) seems to follow a heavy tail distribution due to large size of dispersion (i.e., STD) around the mean. Moreover, relative to users from the other two communities, users in Pol SE show more intensity of activity on average. This is apparent based on the observation that although the number of registered users on Pol SE is smaller than the number of registered users on the other two communities, nonetheless, the average values of the first four user attributes listed in Table 3 is noticeably larger. Additionally, regarding the trend of about the increase in the number of registered users in each community, DS SE had the fastest growth relative to two other communities. It took only 4 years for DS SE to reach half of its registered users, while in comparison, the number of years it took for Pol SE and CS SE to reach half of their registered users were 6 and 9 years, respectively. Furthermore, all three communities show a large increase in the number of users lately (i.e., around 2018 onwards) which we suspect to be due to the tipping point phenomenon (Singh et al. 2020).

Table 3 Summary statistics of users in each community

4.3 User attributes

The bulk of users in QA platforms do not make any contributions. These users, who are referred to as lurkers in some previous work (e.g., Tagarelli and Interdonato 2018), can be differentiated from the normal users, who include the experts, by their level of contribution to the platform. In this work, two categories of user attributes were used in order to investigate the relationship between the user contributions and the probability of disengagement. Namely, behavioural attributes and content-based attributes.

4.3.1 Behavioural attributes

We identified five user attributes in the datasets that directly correspond to the level of user contribution. These attributes primarily are based on the information related to user behaviour that seems crucial to the proper functioning of the platform. Table 4 includes the name and description of these attributes.

Table 4 Information about behavioural user attributes

4.3.2 Content-based attributes

In addition to behavioural attributes, we picked up a set of content-based user attributes. These attributes hint at how the contributions made by each user might have been perceived favourably by the community, i.e., other users. The primary motivation is that users can indirectly contribute to the platform, e.g., by asking a question that starts a stream of debates over a controversial topic such as refugee crisis in the context of the Pol SE community. And the information about this type of indirect user contribution, which is not only limited to the behaviour of a particular user, can be extracted and utilised from user content (e.g., mainly from metadata of users’ posts). Table 5 includes the name and description of the content-based attributes employed in this work.

Table 5 Information related to the content-based attributes

4.4 User representation

Based on the two types of user attributes mentioned earlier, we constructed a numerical vector for each user, called user representation vector (or URV for short). The URV of user i is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} URV_{i} = (A_1^i,A_2^i,\ldots ,A_j^i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_j^i\) is the corresponding user attribute from Tables 4 and 5.

4.5 Dichotomizing users

Moreover, we dichotomised users into pairs of disjoint sets (or groups) using each one of behavioural user attributes. The main idea is that users can be partitioned into two groups naturally, where the criterion for the split is whether a user has made a particular type of contribution or not. Categorising users in two disjoint sets based on the value of a behavioural attribute allowed us to investigate the importance of one specific user attribute, e.g., by comparing the survival curves of two disjoint sets of users who posted at least one question and who did not. Table 6 includes the information about each group of users and its counterpart.

Table 6 Sets of users defined by dichotomizing users based on their behavioural attributes corresponding to their contribution

4.6 Disengagement criterion

What amounts to the event of a user becoming disengaged is domain-dependent and thus can vary in different settings. For example, normally, in medical research, the event usually is the patient’s death (Cox and Oakes 2018). In this work, suitable to our need, we opted to use the information about the last time a user visited the QA platform to detect disengagement. The information about the last time a user visited is available in the LastAccessDate column from the Users table in each dataset. The activity time of a user was calculated based on the difference in the number of months since the user joined the platform until the last recorded activity time of the user (i.e., LastAccessDate associated with the user). For user i, if the number of months since his last visit to the platform exceeded a certain threshold value, he would be tagged as a disengaged user (i.e., \(E^i = 1\)); otherwise, the user’s state was considered still active (i.e., \(E^i = 0\)) which means the information about user’s disengagement was censored. More precisely, let \(t^i_{l}\) be the last time user i been seen visiting the platform, and \(\theta\) be the threshold value, then the value of \(E^i\) would be set based on the following relation:

$$\begin{aligned} E^i = f_{\theta }(t^i_l)= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0,&{} \text {if}\; \hat{d}(t^i_l, t_{d}) \le \theta \\ 1, &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_{d}\) is the last recorded time in the dataset, and \(\hat{d}(t^i_l, t_{d})\) is the time difference between \(t_l^i\) and \(t_{d}\) in months. In this work, we used two threshold values (i.e., \(\theta\)) of 24 and 36 months. Subsequently, users who had not visited the platform for more than 2 and 3 years were considered disengaged.

5 Results

5.1 Results from Kaplan–Meier

Kaplan–Meier method was used to estimate (within the confidence interval of 95%) the survival functions (i.e., S(t)) of sets of users dichotomised based on the definitions shown in Table 6. The implementation from Lifeline library (Davidson-Pilon et al. 2021) was used to produce the survival curves. Figures 23, and 4 show the survival curve of each pair sets of users for {Pol, DS, CS} SE datasets, respectively. Table 7 includes the information about the size and proportion of each user set dichotomised based on a single behavioural attribute. As mentioned earlier, for each user, the label indicating whether the user is disengaged or not (i.e., \(E^i\)) was censored if the difference between the user’s last activity time and \(t_{d}\) was less than or equal to 24 and 36 months, respectively. Log-rank test (with \(p < 0.005\)) was performed on each pair of curves.

Table 7 Sizes of each user set per dataset
Fig. 2
figure 2

Survival curves for Pol SE dataset estimated using Kaplan–Meier method

Fig. 3
figure 3

Survival curves for DS SE dataset estimated using Kaplan–Meier method

Fig. 4
figure 4

Survival curves for CS SE dataset estimated using Kaplan–Meier method

5.2 Results from RSF

We used k-fold cross-validation (with k=5) in 30 runs to make the predictions (using RSF models). The values of model hyperparameters such as the number of trees (i.e., q) have been tested in order to choose the ones that lead to the best results. We used C-index to evaluate the performance of the models. Only data for users with contributions were used to train and evaluate the RSF-based models. In other words, only the information of users belonging to \(Q \cup A \cup C \cup U \cup D\) (from Table 6) was used. For each user, three URVs were constructed, using the behavioural user attributes only, content-based attributes only, and finally, a combination of both. Table 8 includes the average C-indexes computed for the RSF models over the runs.

Table 8 Average C-index for RSF models using different attribute sets; higher C-index indicates better prediction

5.3 Attribute importance

We used the permutation importance measure (Breiman 2001; Molnar 2020) present in RSF models to rank each user attribute. The attributes which permuting their values caused more significant prediction errors ranked more important. We chose permutation importance mainly because of its intuitive definition and subsequent interpretation, which is based on the idea that the importance of a variable is the increase in model error when the variable’s information is destroyed via value permutation (Molnar 2020). Moreover, it provides a compact global insight into the model’s behaviour. Figure 5 shows the per-dataset average permutation importance of each attribute on the prediction results of the RSF models used in this work.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Average permutation importance of each attribute; models are trained and evaluated using behavioural and content-based attributes simultaneously over the datasets shown in Table 2

6 Discussion

Based on results from the Kaplan–Meier method, we observed: (i) the underlying hazard function of each set of users seems to be different; (ii) the probability that users with even a few contributions (e.g., the user asked one question) are noticeably higher than other users who did not contribute to the platform. We observed a distinctive difference between the survival functions of the users who contributed to the platform and those who did not contribute. This pattern, which is present in all three datasets regardless of the community niche, confirms the finding from previous related studies such as the ones reported in Joyce and Kraut (2006) and Yang et al. (2010) that suggested that users with even a few initial contributions are more likely to stay loyal than users without any contributions. The latter make up the bulk of the users. Furthermore, the gap between the probability of disengagement of two groups seems to widen over time.

Predictions using RSF models show relatively similar patterns on all three datasets. Results (shown in Table 8) indicate that the inclusion of the information of behavioural attributes leads to better predictions compared to the use of content-based user attributes only. Furthermore, using the mixture of the information of behavioural and content-based attributes yielded a slight improvement. The value of \(\theta\) does not seem to affect the overall results.

Based on the permutation importance of attributes (see Fig. 5), behavioural features play a more salient role in the output of the RSF models. On average, 4 out of 5 top attributes with the most permutation importance are from behavioural user attributes. The number of upvotes (i.e., \(A_2\)) received the highest importance in all three datasets. Subsequently, with a noticeable difference, the average number of the times user questions were viewed (i.e., \(A_6\)) received relatively high importance. We suspect that the user’s higher upvotes might show that they hold a favourable view of the community (or platform) in general. On the other hand, the information about the number of downvotes did not contain much predictive information. We suspect it could be due to the small number of users with downvoting activity in the datasets.

7 Limitations and future work

There are a few limitations regarding the work done in this paper. The datasets were used only from three QA communities hosted by (the larger) Stack Exchange platform. Consequently, this work did not investigate and compare disengagement on other major platforms such as Quora. It seems interesting to compare our results with the results obtained with data from other major QA platforms in future. Conventional assumptions related to the application of survival analysis techniques hold over our results, e.g., the assumption that the probabilities of disengagement of censored and none censored individuals are essentially the same. We used user inactivity for an extended period (e.g., 2 years passed since the user visited the community web pages) to distinguish between disengaged and censored users. This required the use of a time threshold in which its value is set experimentally, not based on a well-defined rule. Finally, for most users, their behavioural information does not exist, making it hard to investigate further the survival probabilities of users dichotomised based on the definitions given in Table 6.

Including the data from a more numerous and diverse set of QA platforms could be interesting for future work. Furthermore, the information related to the body of the posts (e.g., the text of questions and answers) of each user could be utilised to find the probabilities of disengagement. Additionally, methods and models that do not assume the probabilities for the disengaged and censored users are the same can be used, which theoretically should lead to better predictions.

Temporal context can tentatively play an essential role in the intensity of user activities in a community and subsequently be an informative factor in the level of user engagement. By temporal context, we mean the effects of real-world events occurring within a specific time period on the behaviour of users of a QA community. Examples of such events include Brexit and the political campaigns during an election in an influential country such as the USA.

8 Conclusion

We used survival analysis to study user disengagement using the historical data from three distinct QA communities from their inception to May 2021. We employed two categories of user attributes and investigated the importance of these attributes. Our results confirm the previous findings that users with some initial contributions (e.g., questions and answers) are likelier to stay active longer than users who contributed nothing. Furthermore, based on our results, behavioural user attributes can be used to estimate the disengagement probability of each user with reasonable accuracy.

Moreover, based on the importance of attributes used to train and evaluate the models, how favourable users see the content posted on the platform seems to affect the disengagement time.