To the Editor:

We enjoy “In Brief” [1], the new feature of the journal, very much. “In Brief” not only provides short and concise information for busy clinicians, but also complements “50 Years Ago in CORR”.

We read with interest the In Brief article by Jawad and Scully regarding Crowe’s classification [3]. They provide an excellent conversion table and insights for Crowe’s classification [2]. However, there are some errors in Table 1. Group I should read “Subluxation < 50% or proximal dislocation < 10% of the pelvic height”. Group II should read “Subluxation 50%–75% or proximal dislocation of 10% to 15% of pelvic height”. Group III should read “Subluxation 75%–100% or proximal dislocation of 15% to 20% of pelvic height”. Group IV should read “Subluxation > 100% or proximal dislocation of > 20% of pelvic height”. We hope these errors can be amended.