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Frontline employee motivation to participate in service innovation implementation

  • Original Empirical Research
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Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Aims and scope Submit manuscript

An Erratum to this article was published on 18 July 2009


Companies today face the challenge not only of designing innovative customer-focused service strategies to compete and grow but also of translating such strategies into results through successful execution. Experience and research demonstrate the difficulty of such an execution, but little research in marketing has focused on strategy implementation, particularly at the employee level. Prior research has suggested that frontline employee participation is critical to successful innovation implementation, especially in service contexts. We develop a theoretical model to investigate the complex role of motivation in engaging employee participation in service innovation implementation and test it with field data from a real-world context. The study contributes to motivation research in marketing by adapting and extending a hierarchical conceptualization from psychology that incorporates three levels of motivation: global, contextual, and situational. We also investigate the antecedents managers can control to increase employee motivation to participate in implementation efforts and subsequently to improve participation behaviors that are critical to the successful implementation of a customer service innovation.

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Correspondence to Susan Cadwallader.

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The authors acknowledge the Center for Services Leadership at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, for its support in funding the project and facilitating the partnership with the project's corporate sponsor. The authors sincerely thank executives within the corporate sponsor for their guidance and financial support as well as for providing access to the company's network and employees.

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Cadwallader, S., Jarvis, C.B., Bitner, M.J. et al. Frontline employee motivation to participate in service innovation implementation. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. 38, 219–239 (2010).

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