Correction to: Sustainability Science

In the original publication of the article, the following mistakes are identified and corrected in this correction article.

Affiliation 6 is removed as it duplicates affiliation 5 and all affiliations are renumbered accordingly. In addition, there are some mistakes are identified in the affiliations 1, 4 and 5. The correct affiliations are provided below,

Affiliation 1: Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures, Ocean Frontier Institute, Halifax and St. John's, Canada

Affiliation 4: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Intergenerational Partnership for Sustainability (IPS), Gland, Switzerland

Affiliation 5: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Commission for Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), Gland, Switzerland

On first page of the article, the word “indigenous” should have been “Indigenous” in the lines 3, 10 of abstract and in the second sentence of Introduction section.

The word “colonization” should have been “colonisation” in the following sentences.

  • Under the abstract, in the last sentence, the word “colonization” should have been “colonisation”.

  • Under the section “What is knowledge co-production and why co-produce knowledge?”, on second paragraph, the word “colonization” should have been “colonisation” in the sentence beginning with “Fifth, the processes of bridging …”

  • Finally, under the section “Discussion and conclusions”, on page 14, in the sentence beginning with “It is also important that the first phases…” and in the sentence beginning with “Researchers may also want to draft…”, the word “colonization” should have been “colonisation”.

The letter “p.” has to be removed from the page numbers following to the quotes written on page 3 “(p. 320)” and 14 “(p. 4)”.

Under the “Introduction” section, “Beier et al. 2016” should have been “Beier et al. 2017” in the sentence beginning with “In response, scholars are building an indispensable catalog…”.

Under the section, “Introduction” section, “represents” should have been “represent” in the sentence beginning with “Second, participation/collaboration does not guarantee co-production…”.

Under the “What is knowledge co‑production and why co‑produce knowledge?” section, “Indigenous or local knowledge (ILK) systems” should have been “ILK systems” in the sentence beginning with “Power asymmetries in knowledge co-production…”. In addition, on same paragraph, “across (through)” should have been “through” in the sentence beginning with “Conversely, ILK embodies “a cumulative body of knowledge, …”.

Under the section “Approach to the literature review”, “gray” should have been “grey” in the sentence beginning with “Phase 4 comprised…”. In addition, under the same section, “reviewer’s” should have been “reviewers’” in sentence beginning with “Third, we only reviewed English publications…”.

Under the section, “Bibliometrics from the systematic review on knowledge co‑production”, “author’s” should have been “authors’” in the first paragraph. Under the same section, “38” should have been “38%” in the sentence beginning with “Fourteen of the 19 articles…”. In addition, “references” should have been “referenced” in sentences beginning with “Although only 22% of all articles…”.

Under the section “SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik”, the reference citation “Riedlsperger et al. 2017” has been removed from the sentence beginning with “Led by the NG …”.

Under the section “Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS)”, “Six principles guide the QNIHS:Inuit-determination,…” should have been “Six principles guide the QNIHS: Inuit-determination,…”.

Under the section “Discussion and conclusions”, “ITK” should have been “Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami” in the sentence starting with “The National Inuit Strategy on Research…”.

On Figure 2, ‘n’s is replaced with ‘N’s and 101 with 102 to retain consistency in formatting. The correct Figure 2 is provided below.

figure a

The following reference was not included in the original publication and included in this correction.

Community-based Observing of Nunatsiavut coastal Ocean Circulation (CONOC) (n.d.) Projects. Accessed 13 Feb 2021.

The reference “Dicker J, Havens J, Dunbar E, Johns A (2009) Developing intermediate language learning materials a labrador Inuttitut story database. In: Reyhner J, Lockard L (eds) Indigenous language revitalization: encouragement, guidance and lessons learned. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Arizona, pp 163–179” should be read as “Dicker J, Havens J, Dunbar E, Johns A (2009) Developing intermediate language learning materials a labrador Inuttitut story database. In: Reyhner J, Lockard L (eds) Indigenous language revitalization: encouragement, guidance and lessons learned. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Arizona, pp 155–166”.

The original article was updated.