Issue 1 of volume 1 of Water, Air and Soil Pollution was published in 1971.The journal is now 38 years old! This year, furthermore, coincides with the publication of volume 200 and our 800th issue (publication date, summer 2009). And all of this happens in my 12th year as Editor-in-Chief! In its long lifetime, the journal has evolved in appearance, size and scholarly content. The year 2009 brings a fresh look to the journal, and at its 38th anniversary, the future of Water, Air and Soil Pollution will be outstanding. I invite you to be part of that scholarly future!

Such an important anniversary cannot pass without giving immense credit to Dr. Billy McCormac, the founding Editor-in-Chief of this journal. His vision of an international journal dealing with all aspects of biosphere pollution and solutions will continue to be carried forward by me, as Editor-in-Chief, with the expert assistance of the Associate Editors, Editorial Board, international reviewers and, most importantly, the contributors who submit their scholarly articles. The Springer publishing team of Dr. Paul Roos and Betty van Herk of Springer and Leslie Barker, the Editorial Assistant, ensure that the journal functions at the highest possible level of management. They are simply excellent professionals, my friends, and I am honored to be part of the team.

I invite scientists and scholars to contribute your best research, discoveries and ideas to understanding, measuring, preventing and remediating pollution in our common, shared biosphere. Pollution and biosphere problems are often created at very simple levels, but the solutions required can be several orders of magnitude more complex. Our biosphere is under assault from pollution and human population growth. Current and future generations depend on us to protect and sustain our blue planet. I look forward to working with the international science community to contribute our knowledge to humanity, through the best possible science. We must succeed, failure is not an option.

Jack Thomas Trevors


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