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Atom transfer radical polymerization of monomers containing amide and ester moieties monitored by dilatometric method

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Journal of Polymer Research Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The kinetics of atom transfer radical polymerization of N-(S)-α-methylbenzylmethacryloylamine (S-(-)-α-MBMA) and α-methylbenzylmethacrylate (α-MBM) monomers, as assessed by % conversion, were determined at 48 °C in a toluene/ethanol mixture (60:40) by a dilatometry method. The effect of the presence of — CONH- or — COOR- moieties on the ATRP polymerization of such monomers was investigated. Controlled polymerizations were performed with the catalyst system \( \left[ {\hbox{M}} \right]/\left[ {{\hbox{R}} - {\hbox{X}}} \right]/\left[ {{\hbox{M}}{{\hbox{t}}^{\rm{n}}} - {\hbox{Y}}} \right]/\left[ {\hbox{L}} \right] \) at molar ratios of 100:15:15:15; 200:15:15:15; 300:15:15:15; and 400:15:15:15, where R-X was EBIB or MCP, M nt -Y(CuBr or CuCl) and L (Me6TREN). Also with N-S-(-)-α-MBMA, some studies used ATCA and ABPA as R-X. Plots of the ln[M]0/[M] vs t as well as from the log Rp vs log [M] showed that the ATRP processes followed a pseudo first-order kinetics with respect to the monomer concentration and that the molecular weight of the resulting polymers increased with the conversion. The ATRP results for both monomers showed a similar trend and revealed that the presence of N-S-(-)-α-MBMA (amide group) affects the polymerization, i.e. it did not react when the EBIB/CuBr/Me6TREN catalyst system was used. The Mn and Mw were determined by 1H-NMR and GPC. PDI values fell between 1.19 and 1.5, and indicated that the majority of the systems showed good control of polymerization.

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The authors acknowledge VIEP-BUAP for financial support Projects PEZM-NAT08-G and CHCV-NAT09-G

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Percino, M.J., Chapela, V.M., Camacho, A. et al. Atom transfer radical polymerization of monomers containing amide and ester moieties monitored by dilatometric method. J Polym Res 18, 559–568 (2011).

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