Correction to: Journal of Mammalian Evolution–09582-5

The original article was published online with errors in Figs. 1 and 4. The maps have Peru where it should read Bolivia.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Map of southern South America depicting the 103 localities where the specimens of Abrothrix olivacea included in this study were collected. Shape and color of the locality symbols differ among the main mitochondrial phylogroups recognized (N–Ch/northern Chile: green diamond; CS-Ch-Ar/central Chile and Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia: yellow triangle; Men-Ar/Mendoza, Argentina: red pentagon; TdF-SCh/Tierra del Fuego and Capitan Aracena and Riesco islands: blue circle). Localities were enumerated latitudinally from north to south. The dark gray shade represents the approximate known geographic distribution of the species according to Patterson et al. (2015)

Fig. 4
figure 2

Comparison of the geographic patterns of genetic structure evidenced by the mitochondrial and the nuclear-SNPs variation of Abrothrix olivacea. a. Collapsed gene tree of genealogical relationships of Cytb phylogroups delimited as inferred by Bayesian analysis. Colors of clades correspond to those depicted in Fig. 2. Bayesian posterior probability (PP) and Bootstrap (BP) values are presented for the main clades discussed here. b. Graphic representation of the genetic clusters identified with the DAPC (see Fig. 3) and results of analyzes of the species delimitation (PTP, b-PTP [light gray bars]; GMYC, b-GMYC [greyish-blue bars]) and the informal taxonomic assignation (note use of quotation marks) of the intraspecific units (IntraSp Units fading bars) of A. olivacea as discussed in this study (see text). c. Map of southern South America depicting the localities (1–103) of the specimens included in this study and the ecoregions according to Olson et al. (2001) inhabited by the studied species. Shape and color of the locality symbols differ among the main intraspecific lineages (N–Ch: green diamond; CS-Ch-Ar: yellow triangle; Men-Ar: red pentagon; TdF-SCh: blue circle). The colored polygons depict the approximate geographic distributions of the subspecific taxonomic scheme derived from the Cytb data. d. Map of southern South America with the ecoregions according to Olson et al. (2001) depicting the genetic clusters identified by Giorello et al. (2021) based on a nuclear SNP genomic assessment. Localities are numbered according to Fig. 1 from Giorello et al. (2021) and the color of polygons depicts the pattern of genetic clustering of the populations sampled in this study