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Immobilized Chloroferrate Ionic Liquid: An Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for Synthesis of Diphenylmethane and its Derivatives

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Catalysis Letters Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Chloroferrate ionic liquid was immobilized on mesoporous silica of MCM-41 via a two-steps process involving the synthesis of 1-trimethoxysilylpropyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride-FeCl3 and successively grafting it onto siliceous MCM-41. In comparison with the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride-FeCl3 (BmimCl-FeCl3), the obtained catalyst showed much higher efficiency in Friedel–Crafts benzylation reaction. More importantly, such immobilized ionic liquid could be reused without significant loss of catalytic activity.

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This work was supported by scientific research fund of hunan provincial education department [06C512], open fund of key laboratory of organosilicon chemistry and material technology of ministry of education [yjg200606], and Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (07JJ3027).

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Wang, G., Yu, N., Peng, L. et al. Immobilized Chloroferrate Ionic Liquid: An Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for Synthesis of Diphenylmethane and its Derivatives. Catal Lett 123, 252–258 (2008).

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