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Reproductive interference: ecological and evolutionary consequences of interspecific promiscuity

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  • Reproductive Interference
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Population Ecology

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I thank Takashi Saitoh, the former editor-in-chief of Population Ecology, for suggesting that I organize this Special Feature, and K. Sato, the present editor-in-chief, for helpful advice on improving it. Discussions with S. Kishi and K. I. Takakura and insightful comments by T. Nishida and S. Noriyuki were important in developing the definitions of component and demographic reproductive interference. I also thank S. Noriyuki and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. This work was supported by a Research Fellowship for Young Scientists from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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Kyogoku, D. Reproductive interference: ecological and evolutionary consequences of interspecific promiscuity. Popul Ecol 57, 253–260 (2015).

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