1 Introduction

In our modern society, many people experience stress, sometimes for just a brief moment, at other times for prolonged periods. Stress can be defined as a feeling of pressure or tension, caused by influences from the outside world [15, Chapter 6]. It can be accompanied by positive or negative feelings. It affects our physical state, for instance, by increasing our heart rate and blood pressure, and by freeing stress hormones such as (nor)adrenaline or (nor)epinephrine [27], which stimulate autonomic nerve action. Stress may become harmful if it occurs for too long or too frequently, or if it occurs during a traumatic experience. It may, for instance, result in depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [2]. To make things even worse, such stress-related disorders stigmatize the people suffering from them, which in itself is an additional stressor [42, 43].

Depression cannot always be related to a specific cause, though several contributing factors have been identified (e.g., genetic vulnerability and unavoidability of stress) [2, 25, 35]. More specifically, certain stressful life events (e.g., job loss and widowhood) can lead to a state of depression. Furthermore, chronic role-related stress is significantly associated with chronically depressed mood [25]. Note that the experience of stress is associated with the onset of depression and not necessarily with the symptoms of depression [25].

Traumas can originate from a range of situations, either short or long lasting, such as warfare, natural disaster, and interpersonal violence (e.g., sexual, physical, and emotional abuse), intimate partner violence, or collective violence (e.g., experiencing a bank robbery). In such cases, a PTSD may arise, which can be characterized by a series of symptoms and causes (see [2, 44]).

Due to large inter-individual variability and a broad variety of symptoms, the diagnosis of PTSD is hard to make [2]. At the same time, it is clear that an efficient treatment of PTSD requires an objective and early diagnosis of the patient’s problems and their therapeutic progress. Assessing the emotional distress of a patient is, therefore, of the utmost importance. Therapists have developed a range of questionnaires and diagnostic measurement tools for this purpose (e.g., [36, 44]). Regrettably, these may be experienced as a burden by patients, because it demands their time and willingness to complete them. Par excellence, this makes it a case in which ubiquitous technology can contribute.

Given these considerations, it is abundantly clear why both researchers and clinicians have searched for a long time for more objective, ubiquitous ways to measure stress-like phenomena in (patient) populations [3, 30, 35], involving, for instance, the use of virtual reality technology and biofeedback [37]. In parallel, ubiquitous computing has gradually emerged as an increasingly important paradigm over the last two decades. An excellent state-of-the-art overview on ubiquitous computing is provided by [28]. In addition to the notion of computing itself, intelligence and emotion quickly became important terms in ubiquitous computing. However, as shown repeatedly over 15 years, modeling these are still a bridge too far for current state-of-the-art science and technology (cf. [38]). Even last year, it was remarked that “pervasive healthcare research in the field of stress prevention is still at an exploratory stage” [3, p. 70]. Despite such skepticism, the ability to reliably and unobtrusively recognize stress in people might make a more realistic (and consequently better) starting point than either affective computing or modeling general (human) intelligence.

In this article, we present research on the development of a voice-based ubiquitous stress indicator. Such an indicator is envisioned as part of ubiquitous technology [28, 53] and emotion-aware consumer products [39, 52]. It can be used as a decision support system in everyday life (e.g., at work [3, 36]) and in mental health care settings. The research rationale employed throughout this article is presented next, in Sect. 2, followed by the research methods in Sect. 3. Section 4 introduces the subjective unit of distress (SUD) and Sect. 5 describes relevant speech signal features and their parameters. Section 6 discusses the chain of speech signal preprocessing and Sect. 7 the classification techniques employed in this study. The results of both studies are presented in Sect. 8 and then discussed in Sect. 9. The article ends with a general conclusion in Sect. 10.

2 Research rationale: on the validity of stress assessment

In the pursuit of triggering emotions and stress in a more or less controlled manner, a range of methods have been applied, involving, for example, images [51], sounds (e.g., music [23, 54]), (fragments of) movies [52, 53], virtual reality [8], and real-world experiences [21, 23]. However, how do we know what methods actually triggered participants’ true emotions? This is a typical concern of validity, which is a crucial issue for emotion recognition and stress assessment. Within the context of the current research, validity can be best guaranteed through three approaches: content, criteria-related, and ecological validation. We will discuss each of these in relation to stress assessment.

Content validity refers to (i) the agreement of experts in the domain of interest; (ii) the degree to which a measure or its features (and its parameters) represent a construct; (iii) the degree to which a set of features (or their parameters) of a given set of signals adequately represents all facets of the domain.

Criteria-related validity is concerned with the quality of the relation between the preferred and the measurement. Emotions are preferably measured at the moment they occur (e.g., online via speech); however, measurements before (predictive) or after (postdictive) the actual event are sometimes more feasible (e.g., off-line using the SUD). The quality of these actual measurements is referred to as predictive or postdictive validity. Another form of criteria-related validity is concurrent validity. This is a metric for the reliability of measurements applied in relation to the preferred standard. For instance, the more stress levels can be discriminated, the higher the concurrent validity is.

Ecological validity refers to the effect of the context on measurements. We identify two issues here: (i) natural stressors are sparse, which makes it hard to obtain such data in a limited time frame; and (ii) stressors are easily contaminated by contextual factors, which makes it of vital importance to use a context similar to the intended application for initial learning. Although understandable from a measurement-feasibility perspective, emotion measurements are often done in controlled laboratory settings. This makes results poorly generalizable to real-world applications.

These three levels of validity formed the foundation for the research at hand. In all aspects of the design, the implementation, and the execution of the research, content, criteria-related, and ecological validity were taken into account. As such, we aimed at ensuring the successful development of the back-end of the envisioned application: Computer aided diagnostics (CAD) for PTSD patients.

3 Methods

3.1 Patients

Recent surveys [7, 50] report that in daily life more than twice as many women suffer from PTSD than men. This fact provided us with a number of reasons to select solely female patients: (i) the envisioned computer aided diagnostics (CAD) for PTSD patients is most relevant for women; (ii) with more female patients available, they were easier to include in the research; and (iii) including only a limited number of male patients would result in a heavily skewed distribution of gender, possibly turning this into a source of noise instead of an additional informative factor. In total, 25 female Dutch PTSD patients (mean age: 36; SD: 11.32) participated of their own free will.

All patients suffered from panic attacks, agoraphobia, and panic disorder with agoraphobia [2, 44]; see also Sect. 1. Before the start of the studies, all patients signed an informed consent form and all were informed of the tasks they could expect. The data from one patient with problems in both studies were omitted from further analysis. Hence, the data of 24 patients were used for further analysis.

3.2 Design and procedure

All participants took part in two studies: a storytelling (ST) study and a reliving (RL) study; see Fig. 1. Possible factors of influence (e.g., location, apparatus, therapist, and experiment leader) were kept constant. Both studies were designed to develop a voice-based model for experienced stress; each therefore consisted of a stress-provoking session and a happy session (see also Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of the design of the research and the investigated relations (dotted lines). The two studies, storytelling (ST) and reliving (RL), are indicated. Each consisted of a happy and a stress-inducing session. Baseline measurements were collected before and after the two studies

Both studies were conducted in a clinic room setup to facilitate therapy sessions. As such, the patients were familiar with and comfortable in this setting. Moreover, the location was free from any distractions and the room was shielded from external sources of noise. All in all, the context used was the same as that of the intended application, which is known to be of vital importance.

The studies started with a practice session, during which the participants learned to speak continuously for long periods of time. Additionally, the practice session offered them the opportunity of becoming more comfortable with the research setting. Next, the test session started. Two baseline blocks (see Fig. 1) preceded and ended both the ST and the RL study. The baselines consisted of reading a neutral story. The order of both studies and their conditions were counterbalanced across participants.

In the ST study, the participants read aloud both a stress-provoking and a positive story. This procedure allows considerable methodological control over the invoked stress, in the sense that every patient reads exactly the same stories. The fictive stories were constructed in such a way that they would induce certain relevant emotional associations. The complexity and syntactic structure of the two stories were controlled to exclude the effects of confounding factors.

In the RL study, the participants re-experienced their last panic attack and their last joyful occasion. Because the RL sessions were expected to have a high impact on the patient’s emotional state, a therapist was present for each patient and during all sessions. The two RL sessions could act like two phases of a therapy session: the start or the end of it. For RL, a panic attack approximate the trauma in its full strength, as with the intake of a patient. The condition of telling about the last experienced happy event resembles that of a patient who is relaxed or (at least) in a "normal" emotional condition. This should be almost the emotional state at the end of therapy sessions, when the PTSD has diminished.

4 The subjective unit of distress (SUD)

To evaluate the quality of our speech analysis, we had to compare it to an independent measure of distress. We compared the results of our speech analysis to those obtained by means of a standard questionnaire for SUD measurement. The SUD was introduced by Wolpe [57] in 1958 and has repeatedly proven itself since as a reliable measure of a person’s experienced stress.

The SUD is measured by a Likert scale [30] that registers the degree of distress a person experiences at a particular moment in time. In our case, we used a linear scale with a range between 0 and 10 on which the experienced degree of distress was indicated by a dot or cross. The participants in our study were asked to fill in the SUD test once every minute; consequently, it became routine during the experimental sessions.

5 Speech signal features

Voice-based stress assessment has the advantage that it can be conducted unobtrusively at most times in our daily lives and, in mental health care settings, therapy communication is often recorded anyway. Speech was recorded using a personal computer, an amplifier, and a microphone. The sample rate of the recordings was 44.1 kHz, mono channel, with a resolution of 16 bits. All recordings were divided in samples of approximately one minute of speech. Because the therapy sessions were held under controlled conditions in a room shielded from noise (as is more generally the case), high-quality speech signals were collected.

Various speech features have been shown to be sensitive to experienced emotions and stress; see, for example [13, 17, 34, 45, 55]. In our own research, we measured five important characteristics of speech: (i) the power (or intensity or energy) of the speech signal [13, 34]; (ii) its fundamental frequency (F 0) or pitch [13, 29, 34, 45, 55]; (iii) the zero-crossings rate [24, 41]; (iv) its wave amplitude [34, 45]; and (v) the high-frequency power [4, 13, 34, 41].

Various speech features have been shown to be sensitive to experienced stress; for a recent survey see [17]. The first two extracted features were amplitude and power. The term power is often used interchangeably with energy and intensity. For a domain [0,T], the power of the speech signal is defined as follows (see [31]):

$$ 20\,\log_{10} \frac{1}{P_{0}}\sqrt{\frac{1}{T}\int\limits^{T}_{0} x^2 (t)\,\hbox{d}t}, $$

where the amplitude or sound pressure of the signal is denoted in Pa (Pascal) as x(t) (see also Fig. 2a) and the auditory threshold P 0 is \(2\cdot10^{-5}\) Pa [10].

Fig. 2
figure 2

A sample of the speech signal features for a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) patient in the reliving (RL) study. In each figure, the middle dotted line denotes the mean value of the feature. The upper and lower dotted lines represent one standard deviation from the mean. The Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) scores provided by the patient at the time window of this speech sample were 9 (left column) and 5 (right column), which denote, respectively, a stressed and a neutral state. a Amplitude. b Power (or energy). c Zero-crossings. d High-frequency energy. e Fundamental energy (F 0) or pitch

The power of the speech signal is also described as the Sound Pressure Level (SPL), calculated by the root mean square of the sound pressure, relative to the auditory threshold P 0 (i.e., in decibel (dB) (SPL)). Its discrete equivalent is defined as follows:

$$ 20\,\log_{10} \frac{1}{P_{0}}\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x^2(n)}, $$

where N is the number of samples of the (sampled) amplitude of the signal is denoted as x(n) in Pa (Pascal) [10]. See Fig. 2b for an example of signal power.

As a third feature, we computed the zero-crossings rate of the speech signal. For space reasons, we refrain from defining the continuous model of the zero-crossings rate (cf. [40]). Zero-crossings can be conveniently defined in a discrete manner, through the following:

$$ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} {\mathbb{I}}\left\{x(n) x(n-1)<0\right\}, $$

where N is the number of samples of the signal amplitude x. The \({\mathbb{I}\left\{\alpha\right\}}\) serves as a logical function [24]. An example of this feature is shown in Fig. 2c. Note that both power and zero-crossings are defined through the signal’s amplitude x.

The fourth derived feature was the high-frequency power [4]: the power for the domain [1000, 22000], denoted in Hz (see also Fig. 2d). First, the signal was transformed to the frequency domain via a Fourier transform X(f), defined as [31]:

$$ X(f)=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(t) e^{-j 2 \pi f t}\,\hbox{d}t. $$

Subsequently, the power for the domain [F 1, F 2] was defined as:

$$ 20\,\log_{10} \sqrt{\frac{1}{F_2-F_1} \int\limits_{F_1}^{F_2} {|X(f)|}^2\,\hbox{d}t}. $$

To implement high-frequency power extraction, the discrete Fourier transform [31] was used:

$$ X(m)= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x(n) e^{-j 2 \pi n m/N}, $$

where m relates to frequency by f(m) = m f s /N. Here, f s is the sample frequency and N is the number of bins. The number of bins typically amounts to the next power of 2 for the number of samples being analyzed; for instance, 2,048 for a window of 40 ms sampled at 44.1 kHz. The power for the domain [M 1, M 2], where f(M 1) = 1,000 Hz and f(M 2) = f s /2 (i.e., the Nyquist frequency), is defined by the following:

$$ 20\,\log_{10} \frac{1}{\hbox{P}_0}\sqrt{\frac{1}{M_2-M_1}\sum_{m=M_1}^{M_2} {|X(m)|}^2}. $$

The fundamental frequency (F 0 or perceived pitch) was extracted using an autocorrelation function. The autocorrelation of a signal is the cross-correlation of the signal with itself. The cross-correlation denotes the similarity of two signals, as a function of a time lag between them. In its continuous form, the autocorrelation r of signal x at time lag τ can be defined as follows [9]:

$$ r_{x}(\tau)=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(t) x(t + \tau)\,\hbox{d}t $$

In the discrete representation of (8), the autocorrelation R of signal x at time lag m is defined as [48]:

$$ R_{x}(m)=\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x(n) x(n+m) $$

where N is the length of the signal. The autocorrelation is then computed for each time lag m over the domain M 1 = 0 and M 2 = N − 1. The global maximum of this method is at lag 0. The local maximum beyond 0, lag m max, represents the F 0, if its normalized local maximum R x (m max)/R x (0) (its harmonic strength) is large enough (e.g., >.45). The F 0 is derived by 1/m max. See Fig. 2e for an illustrative output of this method.

Throughout the years, various implementations have been proposed for F 0 extraction (e.g., [9, 48]). Here, we adopted the implementation as described in [9], which applies a fast Fourier transform [see also (4) and (6)] to calculate the autocorrelation, as is often done [9, 48]. For a more detailed description of this implementation, we refer to [9].

Next, 13 statistical parameters were derived from the five speech signal features: mean, median, standard deviation (std), variance (var), minimum value (min), maximum value (max), range (max–min), the quantiles at 10% (q10),  90% (q90),  25% (q25), and 75% (q75), the inter-quantile-range 10–90% (iqr10, q90–q10), and the inter-quantile-range 25–75% (iqr25, q75–q25). The features and statistical parameters were computed over a time window of 40 ms, using a step length of 10 ms (i.e., computing each feature every 10 ms over the next 40 ms of the signal). Two variations of amplitude are reported, one in which the parameters are calculated from the mean amplitude per window of 40 ms (reported as amplitude(window)), and one where the features are calculated over the full signal (reported as amplitude(full)). In total, 6 × 13 = 78 parameters were determined on the basis of the speech signal features.

6 Speech signal processing

The quest for self-calibrating algorithms for consumer products, either personalized or ubiquitous, provided some constraints on speech signal processing. For example, no advanced filters should be needed, the algorithms should be noise-resistant and they should (preferably) be able to handle corrupt data.

We therefore only applied some basic preprocessing to the speech signal: outlier removal, data normalization, and parameter derivation from the complete set of features. The first and last aspects require some clarification.

6.1 Outlier removal

The same procedure for outlier removal was executed on all speech features. It was based on the inter-quartile range (IQR), defined as follows:

$$ \hbox{IQR}=Q_3-Q_1, $$

with Q 1 being the 25th percentile and Q 3 being the 75th percentile. Subsequently, x was considered to be a normal data point if and only if:

$$ Q_1-3 \hbox{IQR}<x<Q_3+3 \hbox{IQR}. $$

All data points that did not satisfy (11) were removed from the data set.

6.2 Parameter selection

To achieve good classification results with pattern recognition and machine learning methods, the set of selected input features is crucial. The same holds for classifying stress and emotions. However, there is no criterion function available for our data to define an optimal set of features. As a consequence, an exhaustive search in all possible subsets of input parameters (i.e., 278) was required to guarantee an optimal set [12]. To limit this enormous search space, a Linear Regression Model (LRM)-based heuristic search was applied, using α ≤ 0.1, which can be considered as a soft threshold.

An LRM is an optimal linear model of the relationship between one dependent variable (e.g., the SUD) and several independent variables (e.g., the speech features). An LRM typically takes the following form:

$$ y=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_1+\cdots+\beta_p x_p+\varepsilon, $$

where ε represents unobserved random noise and p represents the number of predictors (i.e., independent variables x and regression coefficients β). The linear regression equation is the result of a linear regression analysis, which aims to solve the following n equations in an optimal fashion.

An LRM was generated using all available data, starting with the full set of parameters, and then reducing it in 32 iterations by means of backward removal, to a set of 28 parameters. The final model is shown in Table 1. The parameters in Table 1 are considered to be the optimal set of parameters and used further on in the processing pipeline.

Table 1 Standardized regression coefficients β of a LRM predicting the SUD using speech parameters

The LRM in Table 1 explained 59.2% (R 2 = .592, F(28, 351) = 18.223, p < .001) of the variance. This amount of explained variance is low in comparison to previously reported results [56, Chapter 10]: an LRM model based only on the ST conditions explained 81.00% of variance: \(R^2=.810,\, \overline{R}^2=.757, \,F(30,109)=15.447,\, p<.001\), whereas a model based only on the RL conditions explained 64.80% of variance: \(R^2=.648, \,\overline{R}^2=.584, \,F(22,121)= 10.12, \,p<.001\). The difference in explained variance can be attributed to the selection of data on which the LRMs were based. First, the speech data in the ST conditions are cleaner than in the RL conditions, yielding better models for the ST data. Second, the baseline conditions have normal levels of variance in the speech parameters, but almost no variance in SUD responses; almost no stress was reported in the baseline conditions. This combination of points led to more noise in the relation between SUD and speech parameters. However, because the LRM in Table 1 is used for preprocessing and not as an end result, the LRM had to be applicable to the full data set; hence, it was based on all available data.

6.3 Dimensionality reduction

A principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to further reduce the dimensionality of the set of speech signal parameters, while preserving its variation as much as possible. The speech parameters are transformed to a new set of uncorrelated but ordered variables: the principal components \(\alpha \cdot x\). The first principal component represents, as well as possible, the variance of the original parameters. Each succeeding component represents the remaining variance, as well as possible. Once the vectors α are obtained, a transformation can map all data x onto its principal n components:

$$ x \rightarrow \left(\alpha_0 \cdot x,\alpha_1 \cdot x,\ldots,\alpha_{n-1}\cdot x \right). $$

Out of the 78 parameters selected by means of the LRM on the basis of the 5 speech signal features, we selected 28. These 28 parameters were fed to the PCA transformation. Subsequently, the first 11 principal components from the PCA transformation were selected, covering 95% of the variance in the data. These principal components served as input for the classifiers that will be introduced next.

7 Classification techniques

In our study, three classification techniques were used: k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), in general considered a benchmark classifier, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network as state-of-the-art techniques. For an introduction to these techniques, we refer to the many handbooks and survey articles that have been published; we will only specify them here for purpose of replication.

7.1 k-Nearest neighbors (k-NN)

We used WEKA’s [19] k-NN implementation, based on Aha, Kibler, and Albert’s instance-based learning algorithms [1]. In our study, its output was a probability of classification to each of the classes, but not the resulting class. In other words, if there was a single winning class, the output was 100% for the winning class and 0% for all the other classes. In the case of a tie between multiple classes, the output is divided between them and 0% is provided to the rest. All the recognition rates of the k-NN classifier reported here were obtained by using this modified algorithm.

A correct metric and an appropriate k are crucial parameters of a k-NN classifier. In the current study, the 1 − distance weighting metric, a brute force neighbor search algorithm, and setting k = 4, provided the best results.

7.2 Support vector machines (SVM)

One of its key parameters for SVM regularization is its cost parameter C (i.e., the cost of misclassifying points). This allows some flexibility in separating the classes as it determines the number of training errors permitted and, hence, it does or does not enforce rigorous margins. As such the parameter C determines the trade off between accuracy of the model on the training data and its ability to generalize. For this data set, C was set on 1.

Another key feature of SVM is its kernel function, which characterizes the shapes of possible subsets of inputs classified into one category [46]. Being SVM’s similarity measure, the kernel function is the most important part of an SVM. We applied a radial basis function kernel, defined as follows:

$$ k_{G}(x_i,x^l)=\exp\left(-\gamma|x_i-x^l|^2\right), $$

where x i is a feature vector that has to be classified, x l is a feature vector assigned to a class (i.e., the training sample), and γ is set to 1/28, with 28 being the number of input parameters [46]. Note that the radial basis function is a variant of the Gaussian kernel function.

For the SVM, the LibSVM implementation [11] was used, using the cost parameter C and the kernel described here. For all other settings, the defaults of LibSVM were used [11].

7.3 Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network

We computed WEKA’s [19] MLP trained by a back-propagation algorithm. It used gradient descent with moment and adaptive training parameters.

Experiments using various network topologies supported the claim from [5, 6, 20] that bigger MLP do not always over-fit the data. In our case, an MLP with 3 layers with 7 nodes in the hidden layer was shown to have optimal topology. This topology was trained with 500 cycles. For all other settings, the defaults of WEKA were used [19].

8 Results

Using the three classifiers introduced in the previous section, we conducted two series of analyses:

  1. 1.

    Cross-validation of the (precision of the) SUD with the parameters of the speech signal features that are classified by the k-NN, SVM, and MLP. On the one hand, this verifies the validity of the SUD; on the other hand, this determines the performance of the three classifiers in objective stress detection.

  2. 2.

    Classification of the happiness and fear conditions of both studies. This enables the inspection of the feasibility of CAD for PTSD. Additionally, analyses across both studies and of the baselines were conducted to inspect the effects of experimental design.

The input for the classifiers were the principal components described in the previous section. All classifiers were tested using tenfold cross-validation, and their average performance is reported in Table 2.

Table 2 The classification results (in %) of k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), support vector machine (SVM) (see also Fig. 3), and artificial neural network (ANN)

8.1 Cross-validation

The SUD scale consisted of 11 bins (from 0 to 10). However, SUD score 10 was not used by any of the patients and, hence, could not be classified. So, for the classification 10 bins (i.e., SUD levels 0 to 9) were used. All three classifiers were successfully employed.

Assuming the SUD provides a valid comparison for the speech parameters, we classified the SUD scores over both studies, including both conditions and their baselines. All classifiers had to be capable of detecting stress from speech, in particular when classification was simplified to the binary comparison of low versus high stress. The correct classification rate (C N ) by the k-NN, SVM, and MLP was, respectively, 89.74, 89.74, and 82.37 (see also Table 2).

Although the SUD is an established instrument in psychology, to our knowledge the precision of this instrument has not been assessed. The reliability of the SUD when aiming at a high precision of reporting, such as for a scale of 0–10, could be doubted if people’s interoception is unreliable [14]. While this point is under debate [14], patients with anxiety disorders have recently been shown to be (over)sensitive to interoception [16].

In the current research, we not only used the SUD as a ground truth, but also quantized the scale into all possible numbers of levels, ranging from 10 to 2. This quantization is performed by discretizing the SUD responses into N steps, with a step size of r/N, where r is the range of the SUD values (i.e., 9). This quantization allows us to verify the reliability of the SUD in relation to the obtained speech parameters.

To provide a fair presentation of the classification results, we do not only provide the correct classification rate (C N ), but also the relative classification rate (C * N ) for each of the N bins. The relative classification rate expresses the improvement of the classification compared to baseline (or chance) level. It is defined as:

$$ C^{\ast}_N =\frac{C_N-\mu_N}{\mu_N}\times 100, $$

with μ N being the baseline (or chance) level for N classes. This relative classification rate is also known as a range correction and used more often in health and emotion research [18].

Consulting the relative classification rate [see (12)] helps in determining the true classification performance on each level of quantization of the SUD as an assessor of the patient’s distress level. The three classifiers show an almost monotone linear increase in relative classification rate; see Fig. 3. The linear fit closely follows the data presented in Table 2 for all three classifiers (explained variance: R 2 = .96). This underlines the validity of the SUD as an instrument to assess people’s stress levels. Moreover, it confirms its high concurrent validity, with its ability to discriminate between 10 levels of distress, and indicates that its use as ground truth for stress measurement is adequate.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The overall relation between the reported Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) and the relative correct classification using 11 principal components based on 28 parameters of speech features

8.2 Assessment of the experimental design

The two conditions of both studies in this article functioned as triggers of stress and relaxation. The former study was meant to resemble a patient’s behavior in one of his first therapy sessions; the latter the behavior of a patient in a late therapy session. The experimental design enabled us to conduct our research within a tight time window. This stands in sharp contrast with a longitudinal study, the only research alternative.

The success of the experimental design was assessed by classifying the PCA derived from the parameters of the speech signal features. All three classifiers (k-NN, SVM, and MLP) were applied. On the whole, the results of the MLP were disappointing compared to the k-NN and SVM and, as such, are of little value. Therefore, we will refrain from reporting the results for the MLP classifier and only report those for the k-NN and SVM classifiers. We separately compared the ST and the RL study with the baselines, which provided emotionally neutral speech signals.

A comparison between the two ST conditions and the baselines (taken together) revealed that they were very hard to distinguish (see also Table 3). This may be the case because the baselines consisted of reading a neutral story. Although ST has the advantage of a high level of experimental control, its disadvantage became evident as well: it had a limited ecological validity with respect to emotion elicitation. Classification of the ST conditions on the one hand, and of the baselines on the other, confirmed this finding with 64.41% (for the k-NN) and 64.83% (for the SVM) correct classification, respectively; see also Table 3. Classification of the two ST conditions only showed that these can be very well discriminated by the SVM: 88.64% correct classification, but less so by the k-NN: 72.73% correct classification; see also Table 3. These findings confirm that the neutral baseline ST laid between both ST conditions, as it was meant to be, but making it very hard to discriminate the three conditions.

Table 3 The classification results (in %) of k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) and support vector machine (SVM)

Both RL conditions could be discriminated very well from the baselines (taken together) (see Table 3). Classification of the RL conditions on the one hand, and the baselines on the other, confirmed this finding with 84.58% (for the k-NN) and 90.42% (for the SVM) correct classification, respectively; see also Table 3. This result is in line with our expectations, because RL was shown to truly trigger emotions in patients suffering from PTSD. Although RL may allow less experimental control, its emotion-triggering turned out to be dominant. This finding stresses the need for ecologically valid research on mental health-related issues. Classification results indicated also that it was harder to discriminate between the two RL conditions, by both the k-NN and SVM, with 72.92 and 77.08% correct classification, respectively; see also Table 3. In part, these results undermine the validity of the baselines for the reliving study, because other factors than emotion may have influenced the speech signal.

9 Discussion

We explored the feasibility of objective, ubiquitous stress assessment, which can help both in daily life and in therapy. To assure a controlled but ecologically valid assessment of stress, 25 PTSD patients participated in a controlled ST study and a RL study, each with a "happy" and a "stress triggering" session. The two sessions were meant to represent one of the first and one of the last therapy sessions a patient participates in. The stress level of the patients was assessed by two instruments: (i) speech, as an objective and ubiquitous stress indicator and (ii) the SUD, a clinically validated Likert scale. The SUD and speech model were cross-validated, using machine learning algorithms (i.e., k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network). Correct classification rates of 90, 78, 44, and 39% were achieved on, respectively, 2, 3, 9, and 10 SUD levels. Using the same classifiers, the two sessions could be discriminated in 89% (for ST) and 77% (for RL) of the cases. A clearer illustration of the difference in the level of complexity between (semi-)controlled and real-world studies could hardly be given.

The general validity of the two reported studies was high. Content validity of the studies was high, given that (i) the studies aimed at a specific group of patients (i.e., PTSD), (ii) the SUD and the speech signal features and their parameters were chosen with care (all were prominent in the literature), and (iii) the cross-validation of the SUD with the speech signal features confirmed that they both provide a complete image of the patient’s experienced stress. Criteria-related validity was also high, because speech was the preferred signal and can be recorded unobtrusively. The SUD scores were provided at a rate of one a minute, which can also be considered as accurate in the given context, as the stress level does not fluctuate that quickly. Ecological validity was maximized. For the RL study, we obtained natural stressors within a limited time window.

For decades, audio-based emotion recognition has been examined with a limited set of features-parameters (≤64) and without any feature selection or reduction [45, 55]. In the last decade, a brute force strategy using hundreds or even thousands of features (e.g., see [49, 58]) has been applied more often [47]. Together with the explosion in the number of features, feature selection/reduction strategies have claimed an increasingly important role.

A machine’s recognition rate of emotional speech ranges from Banse and Scherer [4], who report 25%/40% correct classification on 14 emotions, to Wu et al. [58], who report 87%/92% correct classification on 7 emotions. The latter results, however, are in contrast with the results on a structured benchmark reported by Schuller et al. [47] on the InterSpeech 2009 emotion challenge: 66–71% (2 classes) and 38–44% (5 classes). Apart from the differences in classification rate and the number of classes to be distinguished, these studies can both be questioned with respect to their ecological validity of the experienced emotions. In contrast, in at least one of our two studies (in particular, the RL study), true emotions were triggered. Furthermore, the ST study can be considered as half-way between common laboratory studies and real-world studies (like the RL study). Our classification results illustrated the considerable difference between the compromise ST study and the real-world RL study. They show that a careful interpretation of laboratory results is needed because a one-on-one mapping between lab and real-world results cannot be taken for granted.

An alternative explanation for the differences between the ST and RL studies can be sought in the expression of emotions rather than in their experience. Already in 1908, Marty [32] proposed a differentiation between emotional and emotive communication. In emotional communication, speech serves as a spontaneous, unintentional leakage or bursting out of emotion. In contrast, in emotive communication speech there is no automatic or necessary relation to “real” inner affective states. As such, emotive communication is considered to be a strategy to signal affective information in speech. It uses signal patterns that differ significantly from spontaneous, emotional expressions, which can be initiated both intentionally and unintentionally [4, 26]. Possibly, emotional communication was dominant in the RL study and emotive communication in the ST study. Further research may reveal whether this distinction underlies the differences in classification in the two studies that we observed.

10 Conclusion

In this article, we have presented two studies involving one and the same group of PTSD patients. This experimental design provided us with two unique but comparable data sets that only differed with respect to task. As such, a comparison of two stress elicitation methods, ST and RL, was possible. The comparison revealed both commonalities and differences between the two studies, which are directly relevant to several theoretical frameworks, such as the ones outlined just before in the discussion.

It would be of interest to apply the models developed in this research to patients suffering from other related psychiatric disorders, such as depression [2, 25, 35], insomnia [2], and generalized anxiety disorder [2, 37]. Probably, even for less related psychiatric disorders, the current approach would be a good starting point. In such a case, the general framework and speech signal processing scheme, as presented in this article, could be employed. Most likely, only the set of parameters used for the processing pipeline would have to be tailored to the specific disorders.

Apart from being unobtrusive, the speech signal processing approach, as applied in the current studies, has another major advantage: it enables the remote determination of people’s stress. This feature enables its use in yet another range of contexts; for instance, in telepsychiatry [22, 35], as personal stress indicator [3, 35], and in call-centers [17, 33] that frequently have to cope with highly agitated customers. However, as for the different psychiatric disorders and the other application areas mentioned, the processing pipeline should be adapted to this situation as well.

Taken together, an important and significant step was made toward modeling stress through an acoustic model, which can be applied in our daily lives and in mental health care settings. By the specific research design, it was ensured that “real” stress was measured. In addition, both precise subjective measurement using the SUD, as well as objective measurement through speech signal processing, were shown to be feasible to detect stress and as such determine therapy progress in an unobtrusive manner. Statistical models were constructed on the basis of a selection from 78 parameters of five speech features, which showed reliable and robust stress classification. In sum, we hope to have shown that unobtrusive and ubiquitous automatic assessment of emotion and experienced stress is possible and promising.