Correction to: Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.

Due to an unfortunate error in the Materials and Methods section, the paragraph;

The synthetic apramycin resistance cassette from plasmid paat-saac-oriT (Myronovskyi et al. 2014) was PCR amplified using primers Cl17Fw and Cl17Rev (Table S1). The resulting PCR product was used to electroporate E. coli BW25113/pIJ790 (Gust et al. 2003) containing cosmid 1443 (cosmid pSMARTgusA BAC containing 20 573 bp insert from S. lividans TK24, from position 5375918 to 5396491), resulting in cosmid 1443::AmR. A PstI–HindIII fragment of 8 kbp from this cosmid...

was incorrect, it should be substituted by;

A PstI–HindIII fragment of 8 kbp from cosmid 1433::AmR...

In the acknowledgements section the name Y. Ahmed should be included after A. Luzhetskyy