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Coherent intracerebral brain oscillations during learned continuous tracking movements

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The aim of the present study was to assess changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) phase locking between fronto-parietal areas, including the frontal and parietal motor areas, during audiomotor learning of continuous tracking movements. Subjects learned to turn a steering wheel according to a given trajectory in order to minimise the discrepancy between a changing foreground stimulus (controllable by the subjects) and a constant background stimulus. The results of the present study show that increasing practice of continuous tracking movements that are continuously performed in the presence of auditory feedback is not accompanied by decrease in phase locking between areas involved. Moreover, the study confirms that internally produced movements show enhanced coherent activities compared to externally guided movements and therefore suggests that the motor-parietal network is more engaged during internally produced than externally produced movements.

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Blum, J., Lutz, K., Pascual-Marqui, R. et al. Coherent intracerebral brain oscillations during learned continuous tracking movements. Exp Brain Res 185, 443–451 (2008).

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