1 Introduction

Threshold Multi-Party Computation (MPC) [8, 16, 28, 41, 44] allows a set of n mutually distrusting parties to securely compute an agreed function \(\mathcal{F}\) over a finite field \({\mathbb{F}}\), even if t out of the n parties are under the control of an active adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\), who can behave in any arbitrary manner during the execution of a protocol. MPC is one of the most important and fundamental problems in secure distributed computing. Over the past three decades, the problem has been studied extensively in different settings [2, 59, 16, 22, 28, 40, 44]. In any general MPC protocol, the function \(\mathcal{F}\) is expressed as an arithmetic circuit over \({\mathbb{F}}\), consisting of input, linear (i.e. addition), non-linear (i.e. multiplication), random and output gates over \({\mathbb{F}}\); the protocol then allows the parties to “evaluate” each gate of the circuit in a distributed fashion. The evaluation of multiplication gates require the maximum communication among the parties and so the focus is on measuring the communication complexity (namely the total number of bits communicated by the honest parties), required to evaluate the multiplication gates in the circuit.

The MPC problem has been studied extensively over the synchronous network model, where it is assumed that there exists a global clock and the delay of any message in the network is bounded. However, though theoretically impressive, such networks do not model adequately the real-world networks like the Internet. Thus a new line of research was initiated and dedicated for MPC in the asynchronous network model [5, 7, 9, 37, 43], where the messages are allowed to be delayed arbitrarily.

Unlike synchronous MPC protocols, designing asynchronous MPC (AMPC) protocols has received less attention due to its inherent difficulty. Roughly speaking, the main difficulty in designing asynchronous protocols is that we cannot distinguish between a slow but honest party, whose messages are delayed in the network and a corrupted party,Footnote 1 who did not send messages at all. Due to this, at any stage of an asynchronous protocol, no party can afford to wait to receive the communication from all the n parties (to avoid endless waiting) and so the communication from t (potentially slow but honest) parties may have to be ignored. In this paper, our focus is on the AMPC protocols providing information-theoretic security (that is security against a computationally unbounded \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\)). Such protocols can be categorized into two types:

  1. 1.

    Perfectly-Secure AMPC or Perfect AMPC: The protocols of this type do not involve any error in the computation. In [7], it was shown that perfectly-secure AMPC is possible if and only if t<n/4. Thus any perfectly-secure AMPC protocol designed with exactly n=4t+1 parties is called an optimally-resilient perfectly-Secure AMPC protocol. Such AMPC protocols are reported in [5, 7, 43]. Among these, the AMPC protocol of Ref. [5] is the most communication efficient, with an amortizedFootnote 2 communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate, where the computation is done over a finite field \({\mathbb{F}}\), such that \(|{\mathbb{F}}| > n\).

  2. 2.

    Statistically-Secure AMPC or Statistical AMPC: These protocols may involve a negligible error (specified by an error parameter ϵ) in the computation. From [9] it is known that statistically-secure AMPC is possible if and only if t<n/3. Thus any statistical AMPC protocol designed with exactly n=3t+1 parties is called an optimally-resilient statistically-secure AMPC protocol. Such AMPC protocols are reported in [9, 37]. Among these, the AMPC protocol of Patra et al. [37] is the most efficient, with an amortized communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{5} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate, where the computation is performed over a field \({\mathbb{F}} = GF(q)\), with q>max(n,2κ), such that \(\kappa= \log{\frac{1}{\epsilon}}\).

From the above discussion, we find that optimally-resilient statistical AMPC protocols require higher communication in comparison to their perfect counterpart. This is quite intriguing because it is easier to design protocols that involve a negligible error, in comparison to the error-free protocols. There are two reasons behind this anomaly: First, the corruption threshold is different for optimally-resilient statistical and perfect protocols. Namely, the perfect protocols can only tolerate up to t<n/4 corruptions, while in comparison, the statistical protocols have to tolerate more corruptions, namely up to t<n/3. It is well known that asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) is a major building block used in the design of information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols. The second reason for the anomaly stems from the difficulty in designing a statistical AVSS scheme with n=3t+1 parties, whose communication complexity matches the communication complexity of a perfect AVSS scheme with n=4t+1. An excellent informal description of this difficulty is outlined in [15].

An interesting approach used to obtain a communication efficient statistical AMPC protocol is to trade the resilience for efficiency. That is, to design communication efficient statistical AMPC protocols tolerating a smaller number of corruptions. This approach is not new as it has been used earlier in the synchronous setting to achieve efficiency (see, for example, [21, 22]). In the asynchronous setting, this approach was reported in [39], where the authors presented a statistical AMPC protocol with n=4t+1. Following this trend in [30], the authors presented a statistical AMPC protocol with n=4t+1 (we will show later that this protocol is flawed). The (amortized) communication complexity (per multiplication gate) of the known information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Communication complexity (CC) in bits per multiplication gate of the known information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols. For the perfect protocols \(|{\mathbb{F}}| > n\), while for the statistical protocols \({\mathbb{F}} = GF(q)\), where q>max(n,2κ), such that \(\kappa= \log{\frac{1}{\epsilon}}\).

In [5, 18], communication efficient MPC protocols over hybrid networks that exhibit “partial synchrony” were presented, where one round of communication is assumed to be synchronous.Footnote 3 In another work, Damgård et al. [20] have reported an efficient MPC protocol over a network that assumes the concept of a “synchronization point”; i.e. the network is asynchronous before and after the synchronization point. We will not consider the protocols of Refs. [5, 18, 20] for further discussion as they are not designed in a completely asynchronous setting which we consider in this article.

1.1 Our Contributions for AMPC

In this paper our focus is on AMPC protocols with 4t+1 parties. Our main contributions are as follows:

  1. 1.

    From Table 1, we find that the most communication efficient statistical AMPC protocol is due to Huang et al. [30]. However, we show that this protocol is flawed. We further design a new statistically-secure AMPC protocol with n=4t+1, having an amortized communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate.Footnote 4 Our protocol achieves its goal without using the player-elimination framework of Ref. [29], which was used in [30]. We note that our statistical AMPC protocol has non-optimal resilience.

  2. 2.

    We present a perfectly-secure AMPC protocol with n=4t+1, with an amortized communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate. Our perfect AMPC protocol has optimal resilience. From Table 1, the best known perfect AMPC protocol with optimal resilience [5] incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate. Hence our AMPC protocol provides the best communication complexity among all the known optimally-resilient, perfect AMPC protocols.

To design our AMPC protocols, we present two AVSS schemes with n=4t+1: the first one is statistically-secure (has non-optimal resilience and is used in our statistical AMPC protocol), while the second one is perfectly-secure (has optimal resilience and is used in our perfect AMPC protocol). Both these AVSS schemes achieve some common interesting properties, which were not achieved by the previous schemes. Even though our statistical and perfect AVSS schemes have the same communication complexity (more on this later), we present both of them, as they employ completely different techniques. In the next section we informally discuss about AVSS and the properties achieved by our AVSS schemes.

1.2 Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS)

Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) is one of the fundamental building blocks for many secure distributed computing tasks, such as MPC, Byzantine Agreement (BA) [1, 15, 24, 32, 36], etc. Any VSS scheme consists of two phases: the sharing phase and the reconstruction phase and is implemented by a pair of protocols (Sh,Rec). Here Sh is the protocol for the sharing phase, while Rec is the protocol for the reconstruction phase. Protocol Sh allows a special party called the dealer (denoted as D), to share a secret s among the n parties in a way that later allows for a unique reconstruction of s by every party using the protocol Rec. Moreover, if D is honest, then the secrecy of s is preserved till the end of Sh.

Over the last three decades, active research has been carried out in this area and many interesting and significant results have been obtained dealing with high efficiency, security against general adversaries, security against mixed type of corruptions, long-term security, provable security, etc. (see [4, 6, 8, 9, 1517, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 34, 40, 41] and their references). However, almost all these solutions are for the synchronous model, where it is assumed that every message in the network is delayed by a given constant. This assumption is very strong because a single delayed message can completely break the overall security of the protocol. Therefore, VSS schemes for the synchronous model are not well-suited for use in the real-world networks. Hence a new line of research on VSS over the asynchronous network model was initiated. VSS schemes for the asynchronous networks are called Asynchronous VSS (AVSS) schemes.

We are interested in AVSS schemes for the threshold access structure. Informally, such an AVSS scheme shares the secret in a way that any set of t or less number of parties does not get any information about the shared secret (in the information-theoretic sense) from their shares, while any set of t+1 or more (correct) shares are enough to reconstruct the secret. Moreover, we want the scheme to be linear, meaning that the shares are computed as a linear function of the secret and the associated randomness. Typically, such an AVSS scheme is used in the information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols, as it allows the parties to locally perform any linear computation of shared values. Information-theoretically secure AVSS schemes (for the threshold access structure) can be categorized into two classes:

  1. 1.

    Perfectly-Secure AVSS or Perfect AVSS: A scheme of this type satisfies the requirements of AVSSFootnote 5 without any error. Perfectly-secure AVSS tolerating \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) is possible if and only if t<n/4 [7, 14]. Hence, we call a perfectly-secure AVSS scheme designed with exactly n=4t+1 parties an optimally-resilient, perfectly-secure AVSS scheme. Such AVSS schemes are proposed in [5, 7, 14].

  2. 2.

    Statistically-Secure AVSS or Statistical AVSS: A scheme of this type satisfies the requirements of AVSS except with a negligible error (specified by an error parameter ϵ). Statistical AVSS is possible if and only if t<n/3 [9, 15]. To the best of our knowledge, the AVSS schemes of Refs. [9, 15, 36, 37] are the only known optimally-resilient statistical AVSS schemes (i.e. with n=3t+1).

The AVSS schemes based on polynomial interpolation are the most popular ones and they have been used in almost all the existing information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols. Such schemes are linear and allow to share a secret using polynomials. In the rest of the paper, we consider AVSS schemes with polynomial based implementation. Before we discuss about our AVSS schemes, the new properties that they achieve and how the newly attained properties bring efficiency in evaluating the multiplication gates in an AMPC protocol, it is important to see how AVSS schemes are used in the AMPC protocols; the rest of this section is dedicated for the same.

The polynomial based AVSS schemes are an important building block for designing AMPC protocols tolerating \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\). The sharing phase of such an AVSS scheme enforces the dealer to t-share a value (even if the dealer is corrupted). Informally, a value v is said to be d-shared among n parties P 1,…,P n , if there exists a polynomial f(x) of degree at most d such that f(0)=v and every (honest) party P i has a share Sh i =f(i) of v. We denote such a sharing by [v] d . The AVSS schemes are used in the AMPC protocols for two purposes: first to make the parties commit and share their inputs and second to generate several shared random values (satisfying some conditions), which are used to evaluate the multiplication gates of the circuit. The general approach followed in the AMPC protocols is that every party P i first t-shares its input x i , where x i is P i ’s input for the computation. Then the parties agree on a common subset of nt parties, say C, such that [x i ] t has been generated for every P i C (in any AMPC protocol, the inputs of all the n parties cannot be considered for the computation due to the asynchronous nature of the network, as it may result in an infinite waiting). The input x i of each honest party P i C remains information-theoretically secure because for every such x i , the adversary obtains at most t shares.

Once the set C is agreed upon, the computation of the function \(\mathcal{F}\) is performed gate by gate, in a shared fashion, following the classical approach of Ben-Or et al. [8]. More specifically, the parties interact according to the protocol to generate t-sharing of the output of each gate from t-sharing of the input(s) of the gate. Once t-sharing of the final output is generated, the parties reveal their shares (of the final output) and an error-correction mechanism is applied to identify the corrupted shares and the final output is robustly reconstructed. The robust reconstruction is guaranteed due to the fact that an AMPC protocol demands at least 3t+1 parties and the reconstruction of a t-shared value with at least 3t+1 parties is robust. Intuitively, the secrecy of the entire computation is preserved, as each intermediate value in the computation remains t-shared.

In more detail, the shared evaluation of the circuit is done in the following fashion: the linear gates, for example, the addition gates, can be evaluated locally by the parties, without any interaction, due to the linearity property of t-sharing. More specifically, given [c] t and [d] t , a t-sharing of e=c+d can be locally generated as [e] t =[c] t +[d] t . However, the multiplication gates cannot be evaluated locally, as [c] t ⋅[d] t =[e]2t , instead of [e] t . If [e]2t is not converted to [e] t then further multiplication of (shared) e with another t-shared value will raise the degree of the sharing, which makes it impossible to robustly reconstruct the value. So the major bottleneck in the shared evaluation of the circuit is to evaluate the multiplication gates. To generate [e] t from [c] t and [d] t (where e=cd), the parties have to interact with each other. The amount of interaction varies from protocol to protocol and actually depends upon the method used to reduce the degree of the sharing of e from 2t to t. And this is why, the communication complexity of any MPC protocol is usually expressed in terms of the communication done to evaluate a single multiplication gate.

The most common method to generate [e] t from [c] t and [d] t is the Beaver’s circuit-randomization method [3], where the multiplication gates are evaluated using pre-computed, t-shared random multiplication triples (which can be generated in a pre-processing stage, prior to the beginning of the computation), unknown to the adversary.Footnote 6 This approach is used in almost all the MPC protocols (both synchronous and asynchronous) proposed in the recent years [4, 6, 10, 22]. An alternative to the above approach, proposed in [5] and also used by us in this paper is to evaluate the multiplication gates using pre-computed (t,2t)-sharing of random values, unknown to the adversary. A (t,2t)-sharing [5] of a value \(r \in{\mathbb{F}}\) consists of a t-sharing and a 2t-sharing of r via independent polynomials of degree at most t and 2t, respectively; so both [r] t and [r]2t will be available to the parties. Given a (t,2t)-sharing of a pre-computed random value r unknown to the adversary, the parties can generate [e] t from [c] t and [d] t as follows: the parties first locally generate [e]2t =[c] t ⋅[d] t and then [δ]2t =[e]2t −[r]2t . The latter computation follows from the linearity property of 2t-sharing. This is followed by the robust reconstruction of δ, which is possible with n=4t+1. Notice that reconstructing δ does not compromise the secrecy of e,c and d because r is random and unknown to the adversary. Once δ is publicly known, the parties can locally generate [e] t =[δ] t +[r] t (the parties consider a default t-sharing of δ using the constant polynomial of degree 0).

So the problem of efficiently evaluating the multiplication gates boils down to the problem of either efficiently generating (t,2t)-sharing of random values or t-sharing of random multiplication triples. The evaluation cost of a multiplication gate in both the approaches is nearly the same. For the multiplication triple based approach, it requires the reconstruction of two t-shared values (see [3]), while for the (t,2t)-sharing based approach, it requires the reconstruction of a single 2t-shared value. We note that the triple based approach is robust when n≥3t+1 (as it requires robustly reconstructing t-shared values). However, n≥4t+1 is required to make the (t,2t)-sharing based approach to be robust (as it requires robustly reconstructing 2t-shared values). Since we deal with n=4t+1, we attack the problem of efficiently evaluating the multiplication gates by efficiently generating (t,2t)-sharing of random values. In what follows, we show how the existing AVSS schemes have been used to generate (t,2t)-sharing of a random value and how the AVSS schemes introduced in this article allow us to achieve the same goal with more efficiency.

In [5], an approach to generate (t,2t)-sharing of a random value from t-sharing of 3t+1 random values has been described. The t-sharing of a value can be generated by using any existing AVSS scheme. Thus the existing approach of generating a (t,2t)-sharing requires invoking an AVSS scheme 3t+1 times. We bring down the complexity of generating a (t,2t)-sharing by a factor of n by noting that a (t,2t)-sharing can be generated from a single t-sharing and a single (2t−1)-sharing (more on this in the sequel) and by introducing AVSS schemes that can produce a d-sharing for any given d, where td≤2t. We emphasize that prior to our work, there was no AVSS scheme to produce a d-sharing, for any given d, where d>t. Our AVSS schemes not only achieve this new property, but they do so with the same communication complexity as the best known existing AVSS scheme of Ref. [5], which generates only t-sharing.

Our Contributions for AVSS

We present two AVSS schemes with 4t+1 parties; one is statistically-secure (with non-optimal resilience) and the other one is perfectly-secure (with optimal resilience). These schemes share an interesting property: the sharing phase of these schemes allow the dealer (possibly corrupted) to d-share a value v, for a given d, where td≤2t. More specifically, given a value \(v \in{\mathbb{F}}\) to be sharedFootnote 7 and a given degree d for sharing v, where td≤2t, at the end of the sharing phase, there will exist a polynomial over \({\mathbb{F}}\), say f(x), of degree at most d, such that f(0)=v and every honest party P i will possess a share Sh i =f(i) of v. Moreover, we also enhance our basic AVSS schemes that generate d-sharing of a single value and make them generate d-sharing of several values (specifically values, where ≥1) concurrently, such that each individual value is d-shared. The advantage of the enhanced schemes that generate concurrent sharing of values, over instances of the basic schemes for individually generating each sharing is that the former allows us to combine the broadcast (public) communication (needed in the protocol) for all the values and therefore the broadcast communication remains independent of (namely the number of values shared). This is an important feature since implementing the broadcast primitive by a protocol in the asynchronous setting [13] is expensive and we must aim to keep the broadcast communication independent of . Table 2 gives a comparison of our AVSS schemes with the existing AVSS schemes (with 4t+1 parties) in the literature.

Table 2. Comparison of our AVSS schemes with the existing AVSS schemes designed with 4t+1 parties.

We next highlight the following two different perspectives of our AVSS schemes:

  1. (a)

    They generate d-sharing of values, with communication complexity \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

  2. (b)

    They share (d+1−t) values in the sense of “packed secret-sharing” [26] where ≥1 and td≤2t, with communication complexity \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

The two different perspectives have two different implications. The first perspective allows us to design a method for generating (t,2t)-sharing of random values with a better communication complexity than the existing method of Ref. [5]. The second perspective implies that the amortized cost of sharing a single value tolerating an active adversary is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) field elements, which matches the complexity of sharing a single value tolerating a passive adversary (e.g. Shamir’s secret-sharing [42]). For designing our AMPC protocols, we use the first perspective of our AVSS schemes. We elaborate more in the following:

  1. 1.

    Efficient generation of (t,2t)-sharing of random values: We start with the method of Ref. [5] to generate (t,2t)-sharing of a single random value from t-sharing of 3t+1 random values. Let r (0),r (1),…,r (3t) be the 3t+1 random values which are t-shared. Then consider the polynomials P(x)=r (0)+r (1)x+⋯+r (t)x t and Q(x)=r (0)+r (t+1)x+⋯+r (3t)x 2t of degree at most t and 2t, respectively. It is easy to see that [r (0)] t using P(x) and [r (0)]2t using Q(x) gives a (t,2t)-sharing of r (0) because P(0)=Q(0)=r (0). Both [r (0)]2t and [r (0)] t can be computed given [r (0)] t ,[r (1)] t ,…,[r (3t)] t . To obtain t-sharing of 3t+1 random values, that is, [r (0)] t ,[r (1)] t ,…,[r (3t)] t , each party in [5] is asked to act as a dealer and t-share 3t+1 random values. This step is followed by an additional “randomness extraction” step. Using the AVSS scheme of Ref. [5], this costs \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits for one party (by substituting =3t+1 and t=Θ(n) in the second row of Table 2) and \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bitsFootnote 8 for n parties.

    We generate (t,2t)-sharing of a random value from t-sharing of a single random value and (2t−1)-sharing of another random value. Specifically, assume that we are given [r] t for a random value r and [s]2t−1 for another random value s. Moreover, let f(x) and g(x) be the polynomials of degree at most t and 2t−1, respectively, that define [r] t and [s]2t−1, respectively. It is easy to note that [r]2t can be obtained using the polynomial h(x)=f(x)+xg(x) of degree at most 2t. Every party P i can locally compute its share corresponding to [r]2t by computing h(i)=f(i)+ig(i), where f(i) and g(i) are the shares for P i corresponding to [r] t and [s]2t−1. This gives us a (t,2t)-sharing of r. To obtain [r] t and [s]2t−1 for a random r and s, we ask every party to act as a dealer and invoke two instances of our AVSS scheme to t-share a random value and (2t−1)-share another random value. This step is followed by an additional randomness-extraction step. This costs \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits for one party (by substituting =1,d=t and =1,d=2t−1 in the last two rows of Table 2) and \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bitsFootnote 9 for n parties. Thus, we note a reduction of Θ(n) over Ref. [5]. This saving of Θ(n) further allows our AMPC protocols to gain Θ(n) in the communication complexity over the AMPC protocol of [5]. We stress that the gain of Θ(n) is not just because of our different way of generating a (t,2t)-sharing. The approach used by us is not applicable to [5] because neither the AVSS scheme of [5], nor any prior AVSS scheme, can be used to (2t−1)-share a value.

  2. 2.

    Packed secret-sharing in the asynchronous setting: Our AVSS schemes allow the dealer to share a value using a polynomial of degree d, where d can be at most 2t. If the dealer is honest then at most t points on the polynomial will be known to the adversary. Intuitively, this implies that from the view-point of the adversary, there exists d+1−t “degree of freedom”. This further implies that using a single polynomial of degree at most d, an honest dealer can share d+1−t secrets. This is the reminiscent of packed secret-sharing, introduced in [26] for the synchronous setting. Our constructions provide packed secret-sharing scheme in the asynchronous setting for the first time in the literature. We show that using our packed secret-sharing, the amortized cost of sharing a single element from \({\mathbb{F}}\) is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) field elements, even in the presence of an active adversary. This matches the cost of sharing a single element from \({\mathbb{F}}\) in the presence of a passive adversary (for example, Shamir secret-sharing scheme [42]).

    Our schemes are useful in applications where a party needs to share multiple values. For example, common coin [14] is an important primitive for unconditionally secure asynchronous Byzantine Agreement (ABA) protocols. In a common coin protocol, every party needs to share/commit n values. In the existing common coin protocols, a party does so by invoking n instances of an AVSS scheme. Using our packed secret-sharing, a party can share n values using =n/(d+1−t) polynomials, each of degree at most d (through a single polynomial, the party can share d+1−t values). Substituting the maximum value of d=2t and using the fact that t=Θ(n), we find that \(\ell= n / (d + 1 - t) = \mathcal{O}(1)\). This implies that each party can now share n values by invoking our AVSS schemes a constant number of times, by setting =n/(d+1−t) and d=2t. This overall reduces the communication complexity of the ABA protocol.Footnote 10

We conclude this section with a brief comparison of our proposed AVSS schemes and from now onwards, we focus on the first perspective of our AVSS schemes.

Comparison of the Two AVSS Schemes

Our AVSS schemes have the following common properties:

  1. 1.

    Designed with n=4t+1.

  2. 2.

    Generate d-sharing of a value for any given d, where td≤2t.

  3. 3.

    Have the same communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits for sharing values.

However, our first AVSS scheme is statistical (thus has non-optimal resilience) while the second one is perfect (thus has optimal resilience). Technique wise, the schemes are completely independent. We further believe that some of the techniques may lead to an improved AVSS scheme, which may further lead to a more efficient AMPC and ABA protocol. Once we have a statistical/perfect AVSS scheme that generates d-sharing for any td≤2t, we can obtain a statistical/perfect AMPC protocol by using the approach outlined earlier. It is the underlying AVSS, which makes the resulting AMPC protocol either statistical or perfect. We next discuss the ideas used in our AVSS schemes.

1.3 Overview of Our AVSS Schemes

For simplicity, we explain the underlying ideas of our AVSS schemes assuming that they share a single secret. We use the idea of sharing a secret by a bivariate polynomial, as used in several existing schemes [19, 25, 27, 31, 35]. In the existing schemes, the dealer D selects a random bivariate polynomial F(x,y) of degree at most t in x and y, subject to the condition that F(0,0)=s, where s is the secret to be shared. We observe that given n=4t+1, the dealer can use a bivariate polynomial of degree at most d in x and t in y for all d with td≤2t. This of course does not come for free and calls for new ideas on top of the existing schemes. By being able to hide the secret in a bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) (we use this notation to denote bivariate polynomials with degree at most d in x and t in y), we achieve a d-sharing of the secret. Our discussion below clarifies that it is not necessary to use polynomials of degree-(d,d) in order to generate a d-sharing. In fact, we take advantage of the fact that the degree of one of the variables remains t.

So our scheme starts with the dealer D selecting a random bivariate polynomial F(x,y) of degree-(d,t) with F(0,0)=s and giving the univariate polynomials f i (x)=F(x,i) of degree at most d and g i (y)=F(i,y) of degree at most t to every party P i . Let us first assume that D is honest. In this case, we can view the above distribution of information as if s is shared using a matrix M consisting of n×n values, as shown in Fig. 1, where every party P i receives the ith row and the ith column of M via polynomial f i (x) and g i (y), respectively. This distribution allows the secret s to be d-shared through the univariate polynomial f 0(x)=F(x,0) of degree at most d where every (honest) party P i has its share Sh i =f 0(i)=F(i,0)=g i (0) of the secret s. Moreover, each share Sh i is t-shared among the n parties through the polynomial g i (y), where every party P j has the share-share Sh ij =g i (j) of the share Sh i . Thus the bivariate polynomial F(x,y) facilitates two-level sharing of s (see Fig. 1): at the top level, s is d-shared through the polynomial f 0(x) and then at the second level, every share Sh i is t-shared through the polynomial g i (y). Reconstruction of the secret s can be ensured by asking every party to reveal its share of s and then by applying the error-correction on the revealed shares. Since n=4t+1 and d≤2t, the error-correction will be robust, ensuring the correct reconstruction of f 0(x) and hence s.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Matrix representation of the values distributed by (an honest) D in our AVSS schemes.

Although the second level sharing of the shares of the secret does not seem to serve any purpose for an honest dealer D, it is required for two different reasons to deal with a corrupted D. First, it ensures that D indeed d-shares (i.e. the underlying sharing polynomial has degree at most d) the secret. Second, it is required to “complete” d-sharing of s, since a corrupted D may not give the share Sh i of s to every honest P i . We use the second level t-sharing of Sh i to reconstruct g i (y) for the party P i and this enables P i to compute Sh i =g i (0). Now it is important to note that the second level sharings are t-sharings. So we can guarantee their robust reconstruction if we “ensure” that t-sharing (of Sh i ’s) have been done among a subset of 3t+1 parties. Ensuring the above can be done with some additional ideas on top of the existing schemes. Had we used a bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,d), we could not claim the same if d>t. This is because in this case, the second level sharings will have degree more than t and the impossibility of robust reconstruction of such sharings with 3t+1 parties follows from the theory of error-correcting codes.

We now explain how the above idea is implemented in our schemes. After the dealer distributes the univariate polynomials, the parties try to identify and agree on a common subset of 3t+1 parties, say CORE, such that the f i (x) polynomials of the honest parties in CORE lie on a unique bivariate polynomial,Footnote 11 say \(\overline{F}(x, y)\), of degree-(d,t). Ideally, if D is honest then such a CORE always exists, as there are at least 3t+1 honest parties and in this case, \(\overline{F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\). However, if such a CORE is identified even in the case of a corrupted D, then it implies that D has distributed “consistent” polynomials to at least 2t+1 honest parties, namely the honest parties in CORE. These consistent polynomials will uniquely define the bivariate polynomial \(\overline{F}(x, y)\) of degree-(d,t), which will be considered as D’s committed bivariate polynomial and the value \(\overline{s} = \overline{F}(0, 0)\) will be considered as D’s committed secret. To ensure that \(\overline{s}\) is d-shared, it is enough that every (honest) P i possesses \(\overline{\mathit{Sh}}_{i} = \overline{f}_{0}(i)\), where \(\overline{f}_{0}(x) = \overline{F}(x, 0)\) (a polynomial of degree at most d) and \(\overline{s} = \overline{f}_{0}(0)\). Here we use the idea of “completing” the top level d-sharing of \(\overline{s}\) with the help of the second level t-sharing of each of its shares \(\overline{\mathit{Sh}}_{i}\). We note that each share \(\overline{\mathit{Sh}}_{i}\) of \(\overline{s}\) will be shared among the parties in CORE through the polynomial \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\), where \(\overline{g}_{i}(y) = \overline {F}(i, y)\) and has degree at most t. Since |CORE|≥3t+1, the parties in CORE can send their share-share of \(\overline{\mathit{Sh}}_{i}\) to P i and enable P i to robustly reconstruct \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\) by applying the error-correction.

An interesting aspect of the described approach is that even though D distributes information on a bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) where d may be greater than t, we create a situation where the parties are required to reconstruct polynomials of degree at most t in order to obtain their shares of the secret. Now the main crux of our AVSS schemes is to identify and agree on a CORE. Once a CORE is agreed upon, d-sharing can be completed by reconstructing the second level t-sharings of the shares of the committed secret, which is committed to the parties in CORE. We provide two methods to identify such a CORE: the first method applies random checks on the univariate polynomials distributed by D and has a negligible chance of incorrectly identifying a CORE. This results in a statistical AVSS scheme. The second method identifies a CORE without any error and results in a perfect AVSS scheme.

1.4 Organization of the Paper

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in the next section, we describe the asynchronous network model and the definition of AVSS and AMPC. We also briefly discuss the existing tools which are used as building blocks in our AVSS and AMPC protocols. We present our AVSS schemes (both statistical and perfect) for sharing a single secret in Sect. 3. This is followed by the discussion on the modifications required to extend these schemes to share multiple values concurrently in Sect. 4. The protocols for generating (t,2t)-sharing using our AVSS schemes are presented in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we present our AMPC protocols, followed by a brief discussion on the application of our AVSS schemes in packed secret-sharing in Sect. 7. In Sect. 8, we discuss the proposed statistical AMPC protocol of [30] and show that it is flawed.

2 Definitions and Preliminaries

2.1 Model

We consider a completely asynchronous network, where we have a set of n=4t+1 parties, say \({\mathcal{P}}= \{ P_{1},\ldots,P_{n}\}\), connected by pairwise secure and authentic channels; each party is modeled as a probabilistic polynomial time Turing machine. We assume that there exists a computationally unbounded adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\), who can actively corrupt at most t out of the n parties and make them behave in any arbitrary manner during the execution of a protocol.

The underlying network is asynchronous, where the communication channels between the parties have arbitrary, yet finite delay (i.e. the messages are guaranteed to reach their destinations eventually). Moreover, the order in which the messages reach their destinations may be different from the order in which they were sent. To model the worst case scenario, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) is given the power to schedule the delivery of every message in the network. However, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) can only schedule the messages communicated between the honest parties, without having any access to the “content” of these messages.

As in [14], we consider a computation (namely a protocol execution) in the asynchronous model as a sequence of atomic steps, where a single party is active in each such step. A party gets activated by receiving a message after which it performs an internal computation and then possibly sends messages on its outgoing channels. The order of the atomic steps are controlled by a “scheduler”, which is controlled by \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\). At the beginning of the computation, each party will be in a special start state. We say a party has terminated/completed the computation if it reaches a halt state, after which it does not perform any further computation. A protocol execution is said to be complete if each (honest) party terminates the protocol. Notice that the executions that complete do so after a finite number of steps.

For simplicity, we assume the adversary to be static, who decides the set of t parties to be corrupted at the beginning of the execution of a protocol (obviously, the honest parties will not know the identity of the corrupted parties). However, our protocols can be proved secure even in the presence of an adaptive adversary, who can decide which parties to corrupt after analyzing the information obtained so far during the execution of a protocol, provided that more than t parties are not under the control of the adversary.

2.2 Definitions

The computation in our protocols is performed over a finite field \({\mathbb{F}}\); for the perfect AVSS and AMPC protocol, we require that \(|{\mathbb{F}}| > n\). On the other hand, for the statistical AVSS and AMPC, we require \({\mathbb{F}} = GF(q)\), where q>max(n,2κ), such that \(\kappa= \log{\frac{1}{\epsilon}}\), for a given error parameter ϵ. Moreover, without loss of generality, we assume n=poly(κ); so every field element can be represented by \(\log{|{\mathbb{F}}|}\) bits.

We next recall the definition of AVSS from [7, 14].

Definition 1

(Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing (AVSS) [7, 14])

Let (Sh,Rec) be a pair of protocols for the n parties, where a dealer \(\mathsf {D} \in{\mathcal{P}}\) has a private input \(s \in{\mathbb{F}}\) for Sh. We say that (Sh,Rec) is an AVSS scheme if the following requirements hold for every possible \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\):

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      If D is honest and all the honest parties participate in the protocol Sh, then each honest party eventually terminates the protocol Sh.

    2. (b)

      If some honest party terminates Sh, then irrespective of the behavior of D, each honest party eventually terminates Sh.

    3. (c)

      If all the honest parties invoke Rec, then each honest party eventually terminates Rec.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: If some honest party terminates Sh, then there exists a fixed value \(\overline{s} \in {\mathbb{F}}\), such that the following requirements holdFootnote 12:

    1. (a)

      If D is honest then \(\overline{s} = s\) and each honest party upon completing the protocol Rec, outputs s.

    2. (b)

      Even if D is corrupted, each honest party upon completing Rec outputs \(\overline{s}\), irrespective of the behavior of the corrupted parties. This property is also known as strong commitment.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: If D is honest then the adversary’s view during Sh reveals no information about s in the information-theoretic sense; i.e. the adversary’s view is identically distributed for all possible s.

The above definition can be extended in a straight-forward way for a secret S=(s 1,…,s ), containing elements from \({\mathbb{F}}\), where >1. We now present the definition of statistical and perfect AVSS.

Definition 2

(Statistical and perfect AVSS)

If an AVSS scheme satisfies the termination and the correctness condition with probabilityFootnote 13 at least (1−ϵ), for a given error parameter ϵ, then such a scheme is called a statistical AVSS scheme. On the other hand, if the termination as well as the correctness condition is satisfied with probability 1 then such a scheme is called a perfect AVSS scheme.

Note that there is no compromise in the secrecy property for statistical AVSS. We now formally define d-sharing and (t,2t)-sharing.

Definition 3

(d-Sharing and (t,2t)-sharing [5])

A value \(s \in{\mathbb{F}}\) is said to be d-shared among \(\mathcal {P}\) if there exists a polynomial over \({\mathbb{F}}\), say f(x), of degree at most d, such that f(0)=s and every (honest) party P i holds a share Sh i of s, where Sh i =f(i). We denote by [s] d the vector (Sh 1,…,Sh n ) of shares of s.

A value \(s \in{\mathbb{F}}\) is said to be (t,2t)-shared among the n parties, denoted as [s] t,2t , if s is both t-shared and 2t-shared, among the n parties.

Notice that d-sharing is linear in the sense that by applying any linear function to d-sharings, we obtain a d-sharing as the output. This allows the parties to locally compute any linear function of d-shared values. Specifically, let x (1),…,x (m) be m values which are d-shared among the parties, where \(x^{(1)}_{i}, \ldots, x^{(m)}_{i}\) denotes the ith share of x (1),…,x (m), respectively. Let \(H: {\mathbb{F}}^{m} \rightarrow{\mathbb{F}}^{m'}\) be a linear function, such that H(x (1),…,x (m))=(y (1),…,y (m′)). Then the parties can locally apply the function H on their shares of x (1),…,x (m) and compute their shares of (y (1),…,y (m′)). That is, every (honest) party P i can locally compute \((y^{(1)}_{i}, \ldots, y^{(m')}_{i}) = H(x^{(1)}_{i}, \ldots, x^{(m)}_{i})\), where \(y^{(1)}_{i}, \ldots, y^{(m')}_{i}\) denotes the ith share of y (1),…,y (m′), respectively. We say that the parties (locally) compute/generate ([y (1)] d ,…,[y (m′)] d )=H([x (1)] d ,…,[x (m)] d ) to mean the above.

Throughout the paper, we say that a bivariate polynomial F(x,y) over \({\mathbb{F}}\) has degree-(d,t) if the degree of x in F(x,y) is at most d and the degree of y in F(x,y) is at most t.

We now proceed to present the definition of AMPC. The definition of secure AMPC in the “real-world/ideal-world” paradigm was presented in [7]. Later [9] followed the same definition; though they presented the definition in the style of a “property based” definition. In the information-theoretic world, the definition of [9] and [7] are in essence “equivalent.” Since then, all the papers on information-theoretic AMPC follow the definition presented in [9] and we follow the same. Since the main aim of this article is to provide an efficient AMPC protocol, to avoid making the paper complicated, we keep the formalities to a bare minimum and instead prove the security of our protocols using the definition of [9] presented below. However using standard techniques, our protocols can be proved secure according to the real-world/ideal-world definition of [7], without affecting their efficiency.

Definition 4

(Secure Asynchronous Multi-Party Computation (AMPC) [9])

Let \(\mathcal{F}: {\mathbb{F}}^{n} \rightarrow{\mathbb{F}}^{n}\) be a publicly known function and let party P i have a private input \(x_{i} \in{\mathbb{F}}\). Any asynchronous multiparty computation consists of three stages. In the first stage, each party P i commits its input. Even if P i is faulty, if it completed this step, then it is committed to some value (not necessarily x i ). Let \(x'_{i}\) be the value committed by P i . If P i is honest then \(x'_{i} = x_{i}\). Then the parties agree on a common subset C of at least nt committed inputs. In the last stage the parties compute \(\mathcal{F}(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n})\), where \(y_{i} = x'_{i}\) if P i C, otherwise y i =0.

An asynchronous protocol Π among the n parties for computing the function \(\mathcal{F}\) is called an AMPC protocol if it satisfies the following conditions for every possible \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\):

  1. 1.

    Termination: If all the honest parties participate in the protocol, then every honest party eventually terminates Π.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: Every honest party outputs \(\mathcal{F}(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n})\) after completing Π, irrespective of the behavior of the corrupted parties.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: The adversary obtains no additional information (in the information-theoretic sense) about the inputs of the honest parties during Π, other than what is inferred from the input and the output of the corrupted parties.

Based on whether the above properties are achieved with a negligible error or without any error, we obtain statistical and perfect AMPC, respectively.

Definition 5

(Statistical and perfect AMPC)

If an AMPC protocol satisfies the termination and the correctness condition with probability at least (1−ϵ), for a given error parameter ϵ, then such a protocol is called a statistical AMPC protocol. On the other hand, if the termination as well as the correctness condition is satisfied with probability 1 then such a protocol is called a perfect AMPC protocol.

Note that there is no compromise in the secrecy property for statistical AMPC.

2.3 Primitives Used

Asynchronous Broadcast

In our protocols, we use the asynchronous broadcast primitive, which was introduced and elegantly implemented by Bracha [13]; the primitive allows a special party \(\mathsf {S} \in{\mathcal{P}}\), called sender, to send a message identically to all the parties. More formally:

Definition 6

(Asynchronous broadcast [15])

Let Π be an asynchronous protocol for the n parties initiated by a special party \(\mathsf {S} \in{\mathcal{P}}\), having input m (the message to be broadcast). We say that Π is an asynchronous broadcast protocol if the following hold, for every possible \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\):

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      If S is honest and all the honest parties participate in the protocol, then each honest party eventually terminates the protocol.

    2. (b)

      Irrespective of the behavior of S, if any honest party terminates the protocol then each honest party eventually terminates the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: If the honest parties terminate the protocol then they do so with a common output m . Furthermore, if the sender is honest then m =m.

Bracha presented a protocol called A-cast, for realizing the asynchronous broadcast primitive; the protocol can actually tolerate up to t<n/3 corruptions. For the sake of completeness, we recall the Bracha’s A-cast protocol from Canetti [14] and present it in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Bracha’s asynchronous broadcast protocol tolerating t<n/3 corruptions.

Theorem 1


Protocol A-cast  incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}( \ell n^{2})\) bits to broadcast an bit message.

In the rest of the paper, we use the following terminologies while invoking the A-cast protocol:

Terminology 1

(Terminologies for using the A-cast protocol)

We say that:

  1. 1.

    P i broadcasts m: this means that P i acts as an S  and invokes an instance of A-cast  to broadcast m.

  2. 2.

    P j receives m from the broadcast of P i : this means that P j (as a receiver) completes the execution of P i ’s A-cast (namely the instance of the A-cast  protocol where P i is the sender), with m as the output.

Agreement on a Common Subset (ACS)

The ACS protocol [7, 9], is used in all the existing AMPC protocols (including ours). It allows the (honest) parties to agree on a common subset of nt parties satisfying certain “property”, say Q. To make the ACS protocol work, we must guarantee Q to be such that:

  1. 1.

    Every honest party will satisfy Q eventually. However, there is no restriction for the corrupted parties; a corrupted party may or may not choose to satisfy Q.

  2. 2.

    If some honest party \(P_{j} \in{\mathcal{P}}\) finds some party (possibly corrupted) P α to satisfy Q, then every other honest party in \({\mathcal{P}}\) will also eventually find P α to satisfy Q.

Later in this article, we point out a flaw in the AMPC protocol of [30] that stems from the fact that Huang et al. [30] overlooked the second precondition on Q for employing an ACS instance.

For a better understanding, we consider the following scenario when ACS can be employed: Assume that every party in \({\mathcal{P}}\) is asked to broadcast a value and the property Q is whether a party has broadcasted or not. The termination property of broadcast (namely the A-cast protocol) ensures that if some honest P j finds some party, say P α , to satisfy Q (that is P j received a value from the broadcast of P α ), then every other honest party in \({\mathcal{P}}\) will also eventually find P α to satisfy Q. Thus using the ACS protocol, the (honest) parties can eventually agree on a common subset of nt parties who have broadcast some value.

The idea behind the ACS protocol is to execute n instances of an asynchronous Byzantine Agreement (ABA) protocol [14], one on the behalf of each party to decide whether it will be in the common subset. For the sake of completeness, we present the description of the protocol ACS (taken from Ben-Or et al. [9]) in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Protocol for the agreement on a common subset.

Theorem 2


Using the protocol ACS, the (honest) parties in \({\mathcal{P}}\) can agree on a common subset of at least nt parties, who will eventually satisfy the property Q. The communication complexity of the protocol is \(\mathcal{O}(\textit{poly}(n))\).

The communication complexity of the ACS protocol depends on the cost of the underlying ABA protocol. Since ACS is invoked a constant number of times in our AMPC protocols, we choose not to be explicit on its communication complexity.

Online Error Correction (OEC) ([5, 14])

The next protocol we discuss is OEC, which can be viewed as the method of applying the Reed–Solomon (RS) error-correction [33] in the asynchronous setting. Given a value which is d-shared among a set of parties \(\overline {\mathcal{P}} \subseteq{\mathcal{P}}\) with \(d < (|\overline{\mathcal{P}}| - 2t)\), the goal is to make some designated party, say P R , reconstruct the value robustly (actually OEC allows P R to reconstruct the entire polynomial through which the value is d-shared). In the synchronous setting, this can be achieved by asking every party in \(\overline{\mathcal{P}}\) to send its share to P R , who can apply the RS error-correction to reconstruct the value. Given the condition \(d < (|\overline{\mathcal{P}}| - 2t)\), the reconstruction will be robust. In the asynchronous setting, achieving the same goal requires a bit of trick.

The intuition behind OEC is that P R keeps waiting till it receives d+t+1 values, all of which lie on a unique polynomial of degree d. This step requires applying the RS error-correction repeatedly. We denote an RS error-correcting procedure as RS-Dec(d,r,W) that takes as input a vector W of shares (possibly incorrect) of a d-shared value (that we would like to reconstruct) and tries to output a polynomial of degree d, by correcting at most r errors in W. Coding theory [33] says that RS-Dec can correct r errors in W and correctly interpolate the original polynomial provided that |W|≥d+2r+1. There are several efficient implementations of RS-Dec (for example, the Berlekamp–Welch algorithm [33]). Once P R receives d+t+1 values that lie on a unique polynomial of degree d (returned by RS-Dec), then that unique polynomial is the actual polynomial, say Q(x), of degree d that defines d-sharing of Q(0). This is because at least d+1 values out of the d+t+1 values are from the honest parties, which uniquely define the original polynomial Q(x). Note that the corrupted parties in \(\overline{\mathcal{P}}\) may send wrong values to P R . But there are at least \(|\overline{\mathcal{P}}| - t \geq d + t + 1\) honest parties in the set \(\overline{\mathcal{P}}\) whose values will be eventually received by P R and so P R will eventually terminate the process. The above procedure is nothing but applying the RS error-correction algorithm in an “online” fashion.

The steps for the OEC are now presented in Fig. 4. The current description is inspired from Canetti [14] (skipping several other formal details).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Protocol for online error-correction.

Theorem 3

([5, 14])

Let a value be d-shared among a set of parties \(\overline{\mathcal{P}} \subseteq{\mathcal{P}}\) where \(d < (|\overline{\mathcal{P}}| - 2t)\) and let Q(x) be the underlying sharing polynomial. Moreover, let \(P_{R} \in{\mathcal{P}}\) be a designated party, who is supposed to reconstruct Q(x). Then protocol OEC  achieves the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\):

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      Every honest party in \(\overline{\mathcal{P}}\) eventually terminates the protocol.

    2. (b)

      If P R is honest then it eventually terminates the protocol.

  2. 1.

    Correctness: Party P R upon terminating outputs Q(x).

  3. 2.

    Secrecy: If P α is honest then \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) obtains no additional information about Q(0).

  4. 3.

    Communication complexity: The protocol incurs a total communication of \(\mathcal {O} (n \log{|\mathbb{F}|})\) bits.


The termination property is argued as follows. The honest parties in \(\overline{\mathcal{P}}\) will terminate the protocol trivially after sending their shares to P R . We now argue that (an honest) P R will terminate the protocol, as well. Let \(\hat{r}\) parties in \(\overline{ \mathcal {P} }\) be corrupted, where \(\hat{r} \leq t\). Further assume that \(\hat{r}_{1}\) corrupted parties send wrong values and \(\hat{r}_{2}\) corrupted parties send nothing ever, subject to \(\hat{r}_{1} + \hat{r}_{2} = \hat{r} \). Consider the \((t-\hat{r}_{2})\)th iteration; since \(\hat{r}_{2}\) parties in \(\overline{ \mathcal {P} }\) never send any value, P R will receive \(d + t+1+ t-\hat{r}_{2}\) distinct values on the polynomial Q(x), of which \(\hat{r_{1}}\) are corrupted. Since \(|I_{t-\hat{r_{2}}}| = d + t+1+ t- \hat{r_{2}} \geq d + 2\hat{r_{1}} + 1\), the algorithm RS-Dec will correct \(\hat{r_{1}}\) errors and will return \(Q_{t - \hat{r}_{2}}(x) = Q(x)\) during the \((t- \hat{r_{2}})\)th iteration. Therefore the protocol will terminate at the latest after the \((t- \hat{r_{2}})\)th iteration.

To argue correctness, assume that P R terminates during the rth iteration and outputs Q r (x) such that the polynomial Q r (x) is consistent with d+t+1 values from I r . To prove the correctness, we now show that Q r (x)=Q(x). However, the equality follows from the fact that at least d+1 values in I r belong to the honest parties and thus they lie on Q(x), as well. In other words, these d+1 values are the common points of the two polynomials which are of degree at most d.

The secrecy is argued as follows. It is easy to see that if P R is honest, then \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \) gets no additional information about Q(0). Since the (honest) parties in \(\overline{ \mathcal {P} }\) privately send their shares to P R , no additional information about Q(0) or the values of Q(x) is revealed to \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \) during OEC. In the protocol, each party in \(\overline{ \mathcal {P} }\) sends its share to P R , incurring a communication of \(\mathcal {O}(n)\) field elements. □

Randomness Extraction

Here, we discuss about a well-known method for randomness-extraction in the information-theoretic setting. We are given a set of values from \({\mathbb{F}}\), say a 1,…,a N , such that at least K out of these N values are selected uniformly and randomly from \({\mathbb{F}}\) and are information-theoretically secure. The goal is to compute K values, say b 1,…,b K , from a 1,…,a N , which are uniformly distributed over \({\mathbb{F}}\) and are information-theoretically secure. This is achieved through the following well-known method introduced in [11, 12]: let f(x) be a polynomial of degree at most N−1, such that f(i)=a i+1, for i=0,…,N−1. Then set b 1=f(N),…,b K =f(N+K−1). We call this algorithm Ext and invoke it as (b 1,…,b K )=Ext(a 1,…,a N ). It is easy to see that b 1,…,b K computed as above will be information-theoretically secure; this is because there exists a one-to-one mapping between the K information-theoretically secure values in a 1,…,a N and b 1,…,b K . Notice that Ext is a linear function of its inputs as it is based on polynomial interpolation.

Finding (n,t)-star

The last primitive we discuss here is finding an (n,t)-star in an undirected graph. Looking ahead, we exploit some interesting properties of (n,t)-star in order to build our perfect AVSS scheme. An (n,t)-star is defined as follows:

Definition 7

((n,t)-star [7, 14])

Let G be an undirected graph with the n parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) as its vertex set. We say that a pair (C,D) of sets with \({ \mathbf {C} } \subseteq{ \mathbf {D} } \subseteq {\mathcal{P}}\) is an (n,t)-star in G, if the following hold:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    For every P j C and every P k D the edge (P j ,P k ) exists in G.

In [7], the authors presented an elegant and efficient algorithm for finding an (n,t)-star, provided the graph contains a clique of size nt. The algorithm, called Find-Star outputs either an (n,t)-star or the message star-Not-Found. Whenever the input graph contains a clique of size nt, Find-Star always outputs an (n,t)-star in the graph.

Actually, the algorithm Find-Star takes the complementary graph \(\overline{G}\) of G as input and tries to find an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \) in \(\overline{G}\) where an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \) is a pair (C,D) of sets with \({ \mathbf {C} } \subseteq{ \mathbf {D} } \subseteq {\mathcal{P}}\), satisfying the following conditions:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    There are no edges between the nodes in C and the nodes in D in \(\overline{G}\).

Clearly, a pair (C,D) representing an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \) in \(\overline{G}\), is an (n,t)-star in G. Recasting the task of Find-Star in terms of the complementary graph \(\overline{G}\), we say that Find-Star outputs either an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \), or the message star-Not-Found. Whenever, the input graph \(\overline{G}\) contains an independent set of size nt, algorithm Find-Star always outputs an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \). For simple notation, we denote \(\overline{G}\) by H. The algorithm Find-Star is presented in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Algorithm for finding an (n,t)-star.

Theorem 4


If Find-Star  outputs (C,D) on input graph H, then (C,D) is an \((n, t)\mbox {-}\overline {\mathsf {star}} \)  in H.

3 AVSS for Sharing a Single Secret

In this section, we present AVSS schemes that allow a dealer \(\mathsf {D} \in{\mathcal{P}}\) (the dealer can be any party from \(\mathcal{P}\)) to d-share a secret \(s \in{\mathbb{F}}\) among the n parties, for a given d, where td≤2t. In the next section, we will show how to extend these schemes to share multiple secrets concurrently. We call our statistical AVSS scheme as SAVSS, while our perfect AVSS scheme is called PAVSS. In the rest of the paper, we distinguish the names of the statistical and perfect protocols/sub-protocols by their first character (‘S’ for statistical and ‘P’ for perfect). Some of the protocols (for example the protocol for the reconstruction phase) will be common for both the statistical and the perfect scheme. The names of such common protocols are not prefixed by ‘S’ or ‘P’.

Structurally, the sharing protocol (S-Sh and P-Sh) of both the AVSS schemes is divided into a sequence of three phases as presented below. The sub-protocols implementing these phases are such that every honest party eventually terminates them when D is honest. On the other hand, if D is corrupted and some honest party terminates these phases, then every other honest party also eventually terminates them.

1. Distribution by D: The protocols for this phase are called S-Distr (resp. P-Distr). Here D, on having a secret s and a publicly known degree of sharing d, distributes information to the parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) to d-share s. Specifically, as discussed in Sect. 1.3, D selects a random bivariate polynomial F(x,y) of degree-(d,t), with s as the constant term. In protocol S-Distr, D hands the ith polynomial f i (x)=F(x,i) to P i . In addition to these polynomials, D will also distribute some “additional” information, which will be used in the later phases (of the statistical scheme) for some probabilistic checks. In protocol P-Distr, D hands the polynomial f i (x) and g i (y)=F(i,y) to P i and no “additional” information is distributed to the parties. From now onwards, we call the f i (x) and g i (y) polynomial as the ith row and column polynomial, respectively (in connection with Fig. 1).

2. Verification & Agreement on CORE: The protocols for this phase are S-Ver-Agree and P-Ver-Agree, respectively. Though the goal is the same, these two protocols are completely independent and are implemented with different techniques. In this phase, on receiving the information from D, the parties check whether D has distributed consistent information to “sufficient” number of parties. For this, the statistical protocol S-Ver-Agree applies random checks on the row polynomials distributed by D and the protocol involves a negligible chance of incorrectly identifying such a “consistent set” of parties. On the other hand, in the perfect protocol P-Ver-Agree, each pair of parties exchange “common information” on their row and column polynomials and then we exploit some interesting properties of (n,t)-star to check the consistency of the information distributed by D. Protocol P-Ver-Agree identifies such a consistent set of parties without any error.

On a high level, the goal of the (honest) parties in this phase is to verify and agree on a set of at least 3t+1 parties, called CORE, such that the row polynomials \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) of the honest parties in CORE define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t). That is, \(\overline{f}_{i}(x) = \overline{F}(x, i)\) holds for every honest P i CORE. Moreover, we also require that if D is honest, then the secrecy of s is still preserved during this verification process. If D is honest, then such a CORE always exists, as in this case \(\overline{F}(x,y) = F(x, y)\) and for every honest P i , \(\overline{f}_{i}(x) = f_{i}(x)\). Moreover, there are at least 3t+1 honest parties in \(\mathcal{P}\).

A common but crucial fact from the linear algebra used in S-Ver-Agree, as well as in P-Ver-Agree (to identify a CORE), is as follows: given a set of at least t+1 univariate polynomials of degree at most d and another set of at least d+1 univariate polynomials of degree at most t, which are “pairwise consistent”, then all these polynomials lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). More formally:

Lemma 1

Let \(\overline{f}_{1}(x), \ldots, \overline{f}_{l}(x)\) be l polynomials of degree at most d over \({\mathbb{F}}\) and let \(\overline{g}_{1}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{m}(y)\) be m polynomials of degree at most t over \({\mathbb{F}}\), where lt+1 and md+1, such that for every 1≤il and for every 1≤jm, we have \(\overline{f}_{i}(j) = \overline{g}_{j}(i)\). Then there exists a unique bivariate polynomial over \({\mathbb{F}}\) of degree-(d,t), say \(\overline{F}(x, y)\), such that \(\overline{F}(x, i) = \overline{f}_{i}(x)\) and \(\overline{F}(j, y) = \overline{g}_{j}(y)\), for 1≤il and 1≤jm.


The proof is very similar to the proof of Lemma 4.26 in [14]. For the sake of completeness, the proof is given in Appendix A. □

3. Generation of d-Sharing: The goal of this phase is to enable every honest party P i to receive its share Sh i of the secret. If the parties agree on a CORE of size at least 3t+1 in the previous phase, then it implies that there exists some bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x, y)\) of degree-(d,t), such that \(\overline{F}(x, i) = \overline{f}_{i}(x)\) for every honest P i in CORE, where \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) is the row polynomial held by P i . We consider \(\overline{s} = \overline{F}(0, 0)\) as D’s committed secret. If D is honest then \(\overline{F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\) and \(\overline{s} = s\). Now we note that the univariate polynomial \(\overline{f}_{0}(x) = \overline{F}(x, 0)\) is of degree at most d and \(\overline{s} = \overline{f}_{0}(0)\). So d-sharing of \(\overline{s}\) with \(\mathit{Sh}_{i} = \overline{f}_{0}(i)\) being the ith share of \(\overline{s}\) can be completed if every (honest) party P i holds \(\overline{f}_{0}(i)\). This can be easily achieved since each Sh i is t-shared among the parties in CORE through the polynomial \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\), where \(\overline{g}_{i}(y) = \overline{F}(i, y)\) and \(\mathit{Sh}_{i} = \overline{g}_{i}(0)\) since \(\overline{g}_{i}(0)= \overline{f}_{0}(i)\). In order words, the second level t-sharing of the shares of \(\overline{s}\) is already done among the parties in CORE. Since |CORE|≥3t+1, OEC allows P i to reconstruct \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\). Party P i now computes its share \(\mathit{Sh}_{i} = \overline{g}_{i}(0) \). The protocol for this phase is common for both the AVSS schemes. We call this protocol as Gen and present it in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Protocol for the generation of d-sharing phase. The protocol is common for the sharing phase of both the statistical and the perfect AVSS scheme.

We state the following lemma for the protocol Gen.

Lemma 2

Let the honest parties have agreed upon a CORE, satisfying the properties discussed above. Then protocol Gen  satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    It generates d-sharing of \(\overline{s} = \overline{F}(0,0)\). Moreover, if D  is honest, then \(\overline{s} = s\) where s is D ’s secret.

  2. 2.

    The protocol requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.


The property of CORE implies that the row polynomial \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) of every (honest) P i CORE lies on a bivariate polynomial \(\overline{F}(x, y)\) of degree-(d,t). Moreover, if D is honest then \(\overline{F}(x, y)\) is the same bivariate polynomial F(x,y) selected by D in the first phase. Let \(\overline{f}_{0}(x) \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} \overline{F}(x, 0), \overline{s} \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} \overline{F}(0, 0)\) and \(\overline{g}_{i}(y) \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} \overline{F}(i, y)\). The polynomial \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\) is of degree at most t and |CORE|≥3t+1. Substituting \(\overline{\mathcal{P}} = \mathsf {CORE} \) in the protocol OEC (see Fig. 4), we find that each honest P i will eventually compute \(\mathit{Sh}_{i} = \overline{g}_{i}(0)\) from the \(\overline{f}_{j}(i)\) values (which are the same as \(\overline{g}_{i}(j)\) values) received from the parties in CORE. Moreover, \(\overline{g}_{i}(0) = \overline{f}_{0}(i)\). So \(\overline{s}\) will be d-shared through the polynomial \(\overline{f}_{0}(x)\). If D is honest then \(\overline{f}_{0}(x) = f_{0}(x) = F(x, 0)\).

In the protocol, every party in CORE does a communication of n elements from \({\mathbb{F}}\). So this requires a total communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. □

The protocols for the sharing phase and the reconstruction phase of our AVSS schemes are presented in Fig. 7. By substituting the appropriate protocols for a phase (presented in the sequel), we get either the statistical AVSS scheme SAVSS or the perfect AVSS scheme PAVSS.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The AVSS scheme for sharing a single secret. Here s is the secret, D is the dealer and d is the degree of the sharing.

In the sequel, we describe the protocols S-Distr and S-Ver-Agree, followed by the description of their perfect counter parts P-Distr and P-Ver-Agree. Before that, we state the property of the protocol Rec, which is the common protocol for the reconstruction phase of both the AVSS schemes.

Lemma 3

Let s be a value which is d-shared among the n parties, where td≤2t. Then by executing the protocol Rec, every honest party will eventually reconstruct s and terminate. The protocol incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.


The fact that every honest party will eventually reconstruct s follows from the properties of OEC (see Theorem 3) by noting that \(|\overline{\mathcal{P}}| = |{\mathcal{P}}| = 4t+1\) and the maximum degree of sharing of s is 2t, which is strictly less than \(|{\mathcal{P}}| - 2t\). In protocol Rec, every party sends its share to every other party resulting in \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits of communication. □

3.1 Sub-protocols for the Statistical AVSS Scheme

We now present the protocols S-Distr and S-Ver-Agree.

3.1.1 Protocol S-Distr

Here D on having a secret s for sharing, selects a random bivariate polynomial F(x,y) of degree-(d,t) with the constant term s and sends to P i the ith row polynomial. In addition, D also distributes some “additional” information which will be used later to preserve the secrecy of s, during the probabilistic checks performed during the protocol S-Ver-Agree. Precisely, D distributes the shares of (t+1)n random univariate polynomials of degree at most t. Since these polynomials will be used for “masking” later, we call them as the masking polynomials; the masking polynomials indexed as (P i ,⋆) are associated with party P i and t+1 masking polynomials are associated with each P i . The reason for selecting (t+1)n masking polynomials will be clear when we present the protocol S-Ver-Agree. Now the protocol S-Distr is presented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Protocol S-Distr. Here D is the dealer, s is the secret and d is the degree of the sharing.

We make the following claim about S-Distr, that trivially follows from the fact that d≤2t.

Claim 1

In protocol S-Distr, D  communicates \(\mathcal{O}((nd + n^{3})\log{|{\mathbb{F}}|}) = \mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

3.1.2 Protocol S-Ver-Agree

Recall that the goal of the protocol S-Ver-Agree is to enable the (honest) parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) to check whether there exists a set CORE of at least 3t+1 parties, such that the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) and if such a set exists then the parties agree on it. Let \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) be the row polynomial of degree at most d, received by P i from D; moreover let \(\overline{m}_{(P_{j},1)}(i), \ldots, \overline {m}_{(P_{j},t+1)}(i)\) be the shares of the masking polynomials received by P i , for j=1,…,n. If D is honest then \(\overline{f}_{i}(x) = f_{i}(x)\) and \(\overline {m}_{(P_{j},k)}(i) = m_{(P_{j}, k)}(i)\), for k=1,…,t+1. The properties of bivariate polynomials of degree-(d,t) say that if indeed a CORE exists then the points \(\{\overline{f}_{i}(j): P_{i} \in \mathsf {CORE} \}\) will define some polynomial, say \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\), of degree at most t, for every j=1,…,n. So the goal of protocol S-Ver-Agree is to enable the parties to check whether D has distributed the row polynomials in such a way that the jth point on the row polynomials of at least 3t+1 parties define polynomials of degree at most t. Such a set of 3t+1 parties can be considered as a CORE.

To check the above, we use the following known fact about probabilistic checks on polynomials: if a random linear combination of a set of univariate polynomials has degree at most t, then with very high probability, each individual univariate polynomial in the set has also degree at most t. Formally:

Lemma 4

Let h 0(y),…,h l (y) be polynomials where l≥1 and let r be a random, non-zero element from  \({\mathbb{F}}\). Assuming =poly(κ), if the polynomial \(h_{\mathrm{com}}(y) \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} h_{0}(y) + rh_{1}(y)+\cdots+ r^{l} h_{l}(y)\) is of degree at most t, then except with probability 2Ω(κ)ϵ, each polynomial h 0(y),…,h l (y) has also degree at most t.


For the sake of completeness, the proof is given in Appendix A. □

Based on the above lemma, the core idea behind probabilistically checking the consistency of the row polynomials distributed by D is as follows: consider a set of at least 3t+1 parties, say ReceivedSet, who claim to receive their respective row polynomials and their shares of the masking polynomials from D. To verify whether ReceivedSet has a subset of parties constituting a potential CORE, we proceed as follows. Let the points \(\{\overline{f}_{i}(j): P_{i} \in \mathsf {ReceivedSet} \}\) define some polynomial \(g_{j}^{\star}(y)\), for j=1,…,n. Similarly, let the shares \(\{\overline{m}_{(P_{j}, k)}(i): P_{i} \in \mathsf {ReceivedSet} \}\) define some masking polynomial \(m_{(P_{j}, k)}^{\star}(y)\), for k=1,…,t+1. Then we publicly verify if the polynomial \(E(y) = m^{\star}(y) + r g_{1}^{\star}(y) + \cdots+ r^{n} g_{n}^{\star}(y)\) is of degree at most t. Here m (y) is one of the masking polynomials (among the (t+1)n masking polynomials \(m_{(P_{j}, k)}^{\star}(y)\)); and r is a random combiner, which is made public, after D’s delivery of the row polynomials and shares of the masking polynomials to the (honest) parties in ReceivedSet (we will discuss in the sequel how such an r will be available and which masking polynomial among the (t+1)n masking polynomials should be considered as m (y)). We ask D to publish E(y) and every P i ReceivedSet to publish the corresponding random linear combination \(e_{i} = m^{\star}(i) + r \overline{f}_{i}(1) + \cdots+ r^{n} \overline{f}_{i}(n)\). If E(y) has degree at most t (which should be ideally the case) and if there are at least 3t+1 parties in ReceivedSet, say AgreeSet, who “agrees” with D in the sense that E(i)=e i holds for every P i AgreeSet, then with high probability, AgreeSet constitutes a candidate for CORE. More specifically, let the points \(\{\overline {f}_{i}(j): P_{i} \in \mathsf {AgreeSet} \}\) define some polynomial \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\), for j=1,…,n; then except with probability 2Ω(κ)ϵ, the polynomials \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\) are of degree at most t, for every j=1,…,n. This holds since (a possibly corrupted) D had no idea about the random r, when it distributed the row polynomials and the shares of the masking polynomials to the (honest) parties in AgreeSet. The secrecy of the row polynomials of the honest parties in ReceivedSet (for an honest D) will be preserved during the above check, thanks to the masking polynomial m (y).

Having said the core idea, we now disclose some crucial issues that we face when we try to implement the above idea in the asynchronous setting. The main issues are when and how to generate the random combiner r, which masking polynomial to consider, who decides a ReceivedSet and how many such candidate ReceivedSet need to be examined to finally get a CORE. As explained above, we require an r that remains secret from D during its distribution of the row polynomials and shares of the masking polynomials to the parties in ReceivedSet. Otherwise, a corrupted D can go undetected even after distributing inconsistent polynomials to the parties in ReceivedSet. We solve this issue by asking a designated party \(V \in{\mathcal{P}}\) to act as a verifier and select the random challenge r. If V is honest and the parties in ReceivedSet receive their row polynomials and points on masking polynomials before V makes r public, then clearly the above described probabilistic check works. However, it is difficult to identify an honest verifier V and so we ask every party in \(\mathcal{P}\) to play the role of a verifier in parallel. So we first construct a sub-protocol, navigated by a single verifier V. The protocol outputs a number of candidates for CORE, which are indeed “true” candidates for CORE, if V is honest. Later, when running this single-verifier protocol in parallel for each of the verifiers in \(\mathcal{P}\), we show how to choose the CORE from many candidates, making sure that it is “approved” by at least one honest verifier. Our first goal is thus to construct the sub-protocol for a single V.

Protocol for the Navigation by a Single Verifier

Since V generates the random challenge r, it must ensure that indeed the (honest) parties in ReceivedSet already received their values from D. For this, we let the parties inform V when they receive their values from D and let V to construct the set ReceivedSet, based on the received responses, before V generates the challenge for the set. Now an interesting question is the following: Is it enough for V to generate a single ReceivedSet containing the 3t+1 parties who respond to V and stopping immediately? Does this lead to a candidate CORE? The answer is no. Specifically, ReceivedSet may contain t corrupted parties, who can reveal incorrect linear combination of the points on their row polynomials (namely the e(i) values). Even when D is honest, we can only guarantee that the honest parties in ReceivedSet (say exactly 2t+1) respond correctly by “agreeing” with D’s published polynomial. But recall that in order to be considered as a candidate for CORE, the set of parties who agree with D’s published polynomial should admit a size of at least 3t+1. This implies that V may not find a candidate for CORE by examining a single ReceivedSet.

As a remedy for the above problem, we ask V to start with a ReceivedSet of size 3t+1 and keep “expanding” the ReceivedSet dynamically, after receiving confirmations from additional parties about their receipt of row polynomial and shares of the masking polynomials. After every expansion of ReceivedSet, V generates a new random challenge r and makes public the updated ReceivedSet and the newly generated challenge r. When a ReceivedSet and a random challenge is made public by V, D as well as the parties in that ReceivedSet respond to the challenge. Specifically, D broadcasts the linearly combined polynomial and the parties in ReceivedSet broadcast the corresponding linearly combined points. This can be perceived as a “game” between D and the parties in ReceivedSet, navigated by the verifier V, who decides ReceivedSet, generates the challenge and then asks D and ReceivedSet to play the game. In the game, D wishes to convince everyone that the information that it handed to the parties in ReceivedSet are consistent (without violating the secrecy of s). Clearly, if a ReceivedSet has at least 3t+1 parties such that the linearly combined points of those parties match with the polynomial published by D, then such a set of 3t+1 parties is a contender for CORE; as mentioned earlier, we denote by AgreeSet the set of such “agreeing” parties.

For an honest D and V, we are guaranteed to eventually see at least one candidate for CORE, namely when all the honest parties will be in ReceivedSet, whose response will match the polynomial published by D. We further note that with very high probability, a corrupted D cannot cheat when V is honest, since V selects r only after getting the confirmation of the receipt of the row polynomials and the shares of the masking polynomials from the parties in ReceivedSet and more importantly, a random r is chosen for every instance of ReceivedSet. Our final observation is that there can be at most t+1 different instances of ReceivedSet, since initially ReceivedSet may have 3t+1 parties and finally it may have all the 4t+1 parties. So V may need to generate a random challenge t+1 times and so the checking game will be performed at most t+1 times. Each time the game is played between D and the parties in a distinct instance of ReceivedSet, using the associated random challenge r, published along with the instance of ReceivedSet. This clearly implies that in order to maintain the secrecy of the row polynomials of the honest parties during the probabilistic checks, every time a distinct masking polynomial is to be used. Thus we may require t+1 masking polynomials on the behalf of a single V (and total (t+1)n masking polynomials for n verifiers); the masking polynomials with index (V,⋆) are associated with V, for the game played under the control of V.Footnote 14 We now present the protocol Single-Verifier in Fig. 9 that captures the above discussion for a designated verifier \(V \in \mathcal {P} \). We stress that there is no explicit terminating condition for Single-Verifier; and the parties do not terminate after finding an AgreeSet. The terminating condition will be specified in the protocol S-Ver-Agree, where several instances of Single-Verifier are executed and a CORE is selected based on several AgreeSets generated in those instances (more on this later).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Verification of the row polynomials of the parties navigated by a verifier \(V \in{\mathcal{P}}\).

We next prove some important properties of the protocol Single-Verifier: the first property is that if D and V are honest, then eventually some AgreeSet (V,β) will be generated (Lemma 5). This property is essential to guarantee the termination of the protocol S-Ver-Agree (where Single-Verifier is used as a black-box) when D is honest. We then show that if V is honest and some AgreeSet (V,β) is generated, then the jth point on the row polynomials of the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,β) indeed define polynomials of degree at most t (Lemma 6). This will further imply that the row polynomials of the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,β) lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) (Lemma 7), implying that AgreeSet (V,β) is a candidate for CORE. We then show that if D is honest, then the secret s remains information-theoretically secure during Single-Verifier, even if V is corrupted. This will ensure information-theoretic security for s in protocol S-Ver-Agree. Finally we show that protocol Single-Verifier involves a total broadcast of \(\mathcal {O} (n^{2} \log{|\mathbb{F}|})\) bits.

Lemma 5

In protocol Single-Verifier, if V and D  are honest, then eventually an AgreeSet (V,β) with |AgreeSet (V,β)|≥3t+1 will be generated, where β∈{1,…,t+1}.


If D is honest, then eventually the set of (at least) 3t+1 honest parties will correctly receive their row polynomials and these polynomials will satisfy any random challenge r generated by an honest V. That is, the linear combination of the points revealed by these parties will lie on the corresponding linear combination of the polynomials revealed by D. Thus, for some β∈{1,…,t+1}, ReceivedSet (V,β) will contain 3t+1 honest parties who will also appear in AgreeSet (V,β). □

Lemma 6

In protocol Single-Verifier, if V is honest and some AgreeSet (V,β) (containing at least 3t+1 parties) has been generated, then the following holds with probability at least (1−ϵ):

  1. 1.

    For all j=1,…,n, the jth point on the row polynomials of the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,β) define some polynomial, say \(\overline {g}_{j}(y)\), of degree at most t.

  2. 2.

    The shares of the masking polynomial m (V,β)(y) held by the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,β) define some polynomial of degree at most t.


If D is honest, then the lemma will be true, without any error. Hence we consider the case when D is corrupted. So let us assume that an AgreeSet (V,β), where |AgreeSet (V,β)|≥3t+1 is generated from ReceivedSet (V,β) and let H (V,β) denote the set of honest parties in AgreeSet (V,β). Since V is honest, a corrupted D while distributing the row polynomials and the shares of the masking polynomials to the (honest) parties in ReceivedSet (V,β), is oblivious of the random challenge r (V,β). The challenge r (V,β) is generated when V receives the (ECHO, ⋆) message from every (honest) party in ReceivedSet (V,β). Let the shares \(\{\overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(i) : P_{i} \in H_{(V, \beta )}\}\) define the polynomial \(\overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(y)\) and let for j=1,…,n, the points \(\{\overline{f}_{i}(j): P_{i} \in H_{(V, \beta)} \}\) define the polynomial \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\). Then the value e (V,β,i), broadcasted by P i H (V,β) in response to the challenge r (V,β) is:

$$e_{(V,\beta, i)} = \overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(i) + r_{(V, \beta)} \overline{g}_1(i) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^n \overline{g}_n(i). $$

We will now show that except with probability ϵ, the polynomials \(\overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(y), \overline{g}_{1}(y), \ldots, \overline {g}_{n}(y)\) are of degree at most t. On the contrary, if at least one of these n+1 polynomials has degree more than t, then we can show that the minimum degree polynomial, say E min(y), defined by the points {e (V,β,i):P i H (V,β)} will have degree more than t with probability at least (1−ϵ). This will clearly imply E (V,β)(y)≠E min(y) and hence e (V,β,i)E (V,β)(i) will hold for at least one P i H (V,β). This will be a contradiction, as e (V,β,i)=E (V,β)(i) holds for every P i AgreeSet (V,β) and H (V,β) is a subset of AgreeSet (V,β).

So we proceed to prove that E min(y) will be of degree more than t with probability at least (1−ϵ), when one of the polynomials \(\overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(y), \overline{g}_{1}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{n}(y)\) has degree more than t. For this, we show the following:

  1. 1.

    We first claim that if one of the polynomials \(\overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(y), \overline{g}_{1}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{n}(y)\) has degree more than t, then with probability at least (1−ϵ), the polynomial \(E_{\mathrm{def}}(y) \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} \overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(y) + r_{(V, \beta)} \overline{g}_{1}(y) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^{n} \overline{g}_{n}(y)\) will also have degree more than t, for any random, non-zero challenge r (V,β). This follows from the property of polynomials, as stated in Lemma 4.

  2. 2.

    We next claim that E min(y)=E def(y). For this, we first observe that in the protocol, every e (V,β,i) broadcasted by every P i H (V,β) lies on the polynomial E def(y) (this condition has to be satisfied for P i to be in AgreeSet (V,β)). Now consider the difference polynomial dp(y)=E def(y)−E min(y). Clearly, dp(y)=0, for all y=i, where P i H (V,β). Thus dp(y) will have at least |H (V,β)| roots. On the other hand, the maximum degree of dp(y) could be |H (V,β)|−1. This is because E def(y) is defined by the points on the row polynomials held by the parties in H (V,β) and so the maximum degree of E def(y) can be |H (V,β)|−1. These two facts together imply that dp(y) is the zero polynomial, implying that E def(y)=E min(y) and so E min(y) will have degree more than t.


Lemma 7

In protocol Single-Verifier, if V is honest and some AgreeSet (V,β) (containing at least 3t+1 parties) is generated, then with probability at least (1−ϵ), there exists a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t), such that the row polynomial \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) held by every honest P i AgreeSet (V,β) satisfies \(\overline {F}(x,i) = \overline{f}_{i}(x)\). Moreover, if D  is honest then \(\overline{F}(x,y) = F(x,y)\).


Without loss of generality, let AgreeSet (V,β) contain the first 3t+1 parties P 1,…,P 3t+1. The set AgreeSet (V,β) will contain at least 2t+1 honest parties and again without loss of generality, let these be the first 2t+1 parties P 1,…,P 2t+1. Then from Lemma 6, the existence of AgreeSet (V,β) implies that except with probability (1−ϵ), the points \(\{\overline{f}_{i}(j): i \in\{1, \ldots, 2t+1\} \}\) define some polynomial, say \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\) of degree at most t, for j=1,…,n. Thus, we have 2t+1 polynomials \(\overline{f}_{1}(x), \ldots, \overline {f}_{2t+1}(x)\), each of degree at most d and n polynomials \(\overline{g}_{1}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{n}(y)\), each of degree at most t, such that \(\overline{f}_{i}(j) = \overline{g}_{j}(i)\) holds for all i=1,…,2t+1 and all j=1,…,n. So from Lemma 1, there is a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t), such that \(\overline{F}(x,i) = \overline{f}_{i}(x)\) holds for i=1,…,2t+1. It is easy to see that if D is honest then \(\overline{F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\). □

Lemma 8

If D  is honest then s remains information-theoretically secure during the protocol Single-Verifier.


To recover the secret s, the adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) has to learn the polynomial F(x,y) and this requires the knowledge of (t+1)(d+1) distinct points on F(x,y). Without loss of generality, let \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) control the first t parties P 1,…,P t . So \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) learns the row polynomials f 1(x),…,f t (x). Knowing f 1(x),…,f t (x) also implies that \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) learns t distinct points on the column polynomials g 1(y),…,g n (y) (only d+1 of them are independent polynomials), each of degree at most t. So the adversary learns t(d+1) distinct points on F(x,y). The adversary still lacks (t+1)(d+1)−t(d+1)=d+1 distinct points to uniquely reconstruct F(x,y). We next claim that the polynomials that are made public during the probabilistic checks give no extra information about F(x,y). The adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) learns the polynomial E (V,β)(y), for β=1,…,t+1. However, each \(E_{(V, \beta)}(y) = m_{(V, \beta)}(y) + r_{(V, \beta)} g_{1}(y) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^{n} g_{n}(y)\), where m (V,β)(y) is the masking polynomial and is independent of g 1(y),…,g n (y). The adversary will know r (V,β) and t points on m (V,β)(y), which is of degree at most t and so \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) cannot uniquely reconstruct m (V,β)(y). Thus learning E (V,β)(y) adds no new information about F(x,y) to the adversary’s view. Moreover, each E (V,β)(y) uses an independent masking polynomial m (V,β)(y) of degree at most t. Thus overall, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) lacks d+1 points to uniquely reconstruct F(x,y), implying information-theoretic security for s=F(0,0). □

Lemma 9

Protocol Single-Verifier  requires a total broadcast of \(\mathcal {O} (n^{2} \log{|\mathbb{F}|})\) bits.


In the protocol, the parties have to do the following communication at most t+1 times: broadcast of a random challenge by V; broadcast of the linear combination of its column polynomials and a masking polynomial by D; broadcast of the linear combination of the points on its row polynomial and the share of a masking polynomial by every party P i . This accounts for a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. □

Towards the Identification of a CORE

So far, we concentrated on the action that is to be carried out with respect to a single verifier V. We proved that if V is honest then protocol Single-Verifier can provide us with a candidate solution for CORE (Lemmas 5–7). Since we do not know the identity of the honest parties, we cannot place our confidence on any particular party and ask it to play the role of the verifier. Thus we parallely execute the protocol Single-Verifier on behalf of every party in \(\mathcal{P}\), considering it as a verifier. But again since we do not know the exact identity of the honest verifiers, we cannot pick any arbitrary AgreeSet (⋆,⋆) as a CORE. Thus CORE construction requires additional tricks, which are based on some interesting properties of AgreeSet (⋆,⋆), which we prove in the sequel. We first show that if there are two different AgreeSets that are generated with respect to an honest verifier V, then the row polynomials of the honest parties in each AgreeSet define the same bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) (Lemma 10). We further show that corresponding to two different honest verifiers V α and V δ , the row polynomials of the honest parties in \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\alpha}, \star)}\) and \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\delta}, \star)}\) also define the same bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t) (Lemma 11).

Lemma 10

Let V be an honest verifier and let AgreeSet (V,γ) and AgreeSet (V,δ) are generated during Single-Verifier(V), where γ,δ∈{1,…,t+1} and AgreeSet (V,γ)AgreeSet (V,δ). Then the row polynomials held by the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,γ), as well as in AgreeSet (V,δ), define the same bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t).


By Lemma 7, if V is honest, then the row polynomials held by the honest parties in AgreeSet (V,γ), as well as in AgreeSet (V,δ), define unique bivariate polynomials of degree-(d,t), say \(\overline {F}(x,y)\) and \(\widehat{F}(x,y)\), respectively. Now \(\overline{F}(x,y) = \widehat{F}(x,y)\), as there are at least t+1 common honest parties in AgreeSet (V,γ) and AgreeSet (V,δ), whose row polynomials (which are of degree at most d) define a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). □

Lemma 11

Let V α and V δ be two different honest verifiers. Then the row polynomials of the honest parties in any \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\alpha}, \star)}\) and \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\delta}, \star )}\), generated during Single-Verifier(V α ) and Single-Verifier(V δ ), respectively, define the same bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t).


The proof again follows from the fact that there will be at least t+1 common honest parties in \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\alpha}, \star)}\) and \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{\delta}, \star )}\), whose row polynomials define a single bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). □

Using Lemmas 10 and 11, we suggest to check the presence of a CORE as follows: We check whether there is a set of 3t+1 parties, who are present in AgreeSets, corresponding to at least t+1 verifiers. If so, then such a set of 3t+1 parties is considered as a CORE. The intuition is that at least one of the t+1 verifiers, say V hon , will be honest and if the selected 3t+1 parties belong to some \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{(V_{hon}, \star)}\), then indeed the row polynomials of the honest parties in the selected set of 3t+1 parties lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). This intuition is captured in the protocol S-Ver-Agree, presented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Protocol for the Verification & Agreement on CORE phase for the statistical scheme.

We now prove the properties of the protocol S-Ver-Agree.

Lemma 12

Protocol S-Ver-Agree  achieves the following for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    The protocol incurs a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

  2. 2.

    If D  is honest, then s remains information-theoretically secure.

  3. 3.

    If D  is honest then eventually every honest party outputs a CORE, such that the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE lie on the bivariate polynomial F(x,y).

  4. 4.

    If D  is corrupted and some honest party outputs a CORE, then every other honest party eventually does the same. Moreover, except with probability ϵ, the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t).


From Lemma 9, a single instance of Single-Verifier incurs a total broadcast of \(\mathcal {O} (n^{2} \log{|\mathbb{F}|})\) bits. In protocol S-Ver-Agree, n instances of Single-Verifier are executed which will incur a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

The information-theoretic security for s follows from Lemma 8 and the fact that in each instance of Single-Verifier, independent masking polynomials are used.

If D is honest, then the set of 3t+1 honest parties will be eventually present in every \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{P_{\alpha}}\), corresponding to every verifier P α . Moreover, every honest verifier will be eventually included in the set VerifierSet i of every honest P i . If D is honest, then D will eventually construct a CORE D of size 3t+1 and broadcasts the same and by the property of the broadcast, the set will be received by every honest party. Moreover, every honest P i will find that CORE D CORE i and will output CORE. It is easy to see that the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE will define the original polynomial F(x,y) selected by D.

If D is corrupted and some honest P i has output a CORE, then it implies that P i has received CORE from the broadcast of D. Moreover, P i must have found the condition CORECORE i to hold. From the properties of the broadcast, every other honest party P j will also eventually receive the same CORE from the broadcast of D. Moreover, from the steps for the construction of CORE i , we find that eventually, CORE i CORE j will hold and so P j will also find that CORECORE j and hence will output CORE. We now show that except with probability ϵ, the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). By Lemma 10, the row polynomials held by the honest parties in \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{P_{\alpha }}\) corresponding to an honest verifier P α , define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t), with probability at least (1−ϵ). Next by Lemma 11, the row polynomials held by the honest parties in the union of all the sets \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{P_{\alpha}}\), corresponding to the honest parties P α , will also define the same polynomial \(\overline{F}(x,y)\) with probability at least (1−ϵ). By the construction of CORE, every party in CORE is guaranteed to be present in at least one \(\mathsf {AgreeSet} _{P_{\alpha}}\), where the verifier P α is honest. This implies that the row polynomials held by the honest parties in CORE define \(\overline{F}(x,y)\). □

In the next section, we present the statistical AVSS scheme for sharing a single value.

3.1.3 Statistical AVSS Scheme for a Single Secret

The sharing protocol S-Sh for the statistical scheme SAVSS is presented in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Protocol for the sharing phase of the statistical AVSS scheme.

Theorem 5

Protocols (S-Sh,Rec) constitute a statistical AVSS scheme that generates d-sharing of s. Protocol S-Sh incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. Protocol Rec has communication complexity \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.


If D is honest, then every honest party will eventually terminate S-Sh with its share of the secret s. This follows from Lemmas 12(3) and 2(1). From Lemma 12(4), if D is corrupted and some honest party has output a CORE, then every other honest party will output the same CORE. Moreover, except with probability ϵ, the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE will lie on a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t). So from Lemma 2(1), executing the protocol Gen generates d-sharing. If the honest parties execute Rec, then s will be reconstructed correctly. This follows from Lemma 3. This proves the correctness and the termination condition.

For secrecy, we have to consider an honest D. Without loss of generality, let P 1,…,P t be under the control of \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\). From Lemmas 12(2) and 8, by the end of the protocol S-Ver-Agree, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) learns t(d+1) distinct points on the polynomial F(x,y) from t row polynomials of degree at most d. At the end of the protocol Gen, the adversary gets the column polynomials g 1(y),…,g t (y), which provide it t additional points on F(x,y). So in total, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) learns t(d+1)+t distinct points on F(x,y). This implies that \(\mathcal {A}_{t}\) lacks (t+1)(d+1)−t(d+1)−t=d+1−t points on F(x,y) to uniquely reconstruct F(x,y). Since dt, we obtain information-theoretic security for s.

The communication complexity follows from Claim 1, Lemmas 12(1), 2(2) and 3. □

This marks the end of our discussion on the statistical AVSS scheme for sharing a single secret.

3.2 Sub-protocols for the Perfect AVSS Scheme

We now present the protocols P-Distr and P-Ver-Agree which are the sub-protocols for our perfect AVSS scheme PAVSS.

3.2.1 Protocol P-Distr

The protocol is similar to the protocol S-Distr with the following differences: D does not share any masking polynomial. Moreover, it distributes both row and column polynomials to the parties (recall that in S-Distr, only the row polynomials were distributed by D). Protocol P-Distr is presented in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Protocol for the distribution by D phase of the perfect AVSS scheme. Here D is the dealer, s is the secret to be shared and d is the degree of the sharing.

The following claim about P-Distr trivially follows from the protocol description.

Claim 2

Protocol P-Distr  incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}((nd + n^{2})\log {|{\mathbb{F}}|}) = \mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits by D.

3.2.2 Protocol P-Ver-Agree

The goal of the protocol P-Ver-Agree is to enable the (honest) parties identify the presence of a CORE in an error-free fashion. For this, we proceed as follows: we ask the parties to interact with each other and check the consistency of their common values (on the polynomials received from D). Specifically, every pair (P i ,P j ) of parties check whether \(\overline{f}_{i}(j) = \overline{g}_{j}(i)\), which should ideally hold, if D,P i and P j are honest. Here \(\overline{f}_{i}(x)\) and \(\overline{g}_{i}(y)\) denote the row and column polynomial received by P i . The parties broadcast OK messages if the consistency check passes. Using these messages, we construct a consistency graph with the edges representing pairwise consistency and check for the presence of an (n,t)-star (see Sect. 2.3). The intuition is that if D is honest, then eventually every honest party will receive its row and column polynomial, which will be pairwise consistent with the polynomials of every other honest party and eventually there will be a clique of size at least nt in the consistency graph. So eventually we should find an (n,t)-star in the consistency graph. Let (C,D) be such a star. Our first observation is that the row polynomials of the honest parties in C and the column polynomials of the honest parties in D will be pairwise consistent and thus they lie on a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x, y)\), of degree-(d,t). This is due to Lemma 1 and the fact that there will be at least t+1 and 2t+1 honest parties in C and D, respectively. Moreover, if D is honest then \(\overline{F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\).

The next obvious question is: does the presence of (C,D) implies the existence of a CORE? Recall that we want CORE to be of size 3t+1. Clearly C is not qualified to be a CORE. On the other hand, even though D is of size 3t+1, it cannot be considered as a CORE. This is because we want the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE to lie on a unique bivariate polynomial; whereas an (n,t)-star ensures that the column polynomials of the honest parties in D lie on a unique bivariate polynomial. If we consider D as a CORE, then we cannot “complete” the d-sharing by executing the protocol Gen on D. So we cannot directly confirm the presence of a CORE from the presence of an (n,t)-star. However, we observe that if indeed D is honest then there will be “additional” honest parties, apart from the honest parties in C, whose row polynomials will also lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). The reason is that we have at least 3t+1 honest parties. We search for these additional honest parties using the following two-fold, non-intuitive strategy:

  • We first try to “expand” the set D by identifying additional parties not in D whose column polynomial also lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). The expanded set, denoted by F, includes all the parties having edges with at least 2t+1 parties from C in the consistency graph. The parties in D will be automatically included in F. It is easy to note that the column polynomial of an honest \(P_{j} \in {\mathcal{P}} \setminus{ \mathbf {D} }\) satisfying the above condition will lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). This is because the honest P j ensures that its column polynomial has degree at most t and since P j will have an edge with at least 2t+1 parties from C, this implies that its column polynomial is pairwise consistent with the row polynomial of at least t+1 honest parties from C, which lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\).

  • We then try to “expand” the set C. Specifically, we search for the parties P j , who have an edge with at least d+t+1 parties from F in the consistency graph. The idea is that the row polynomial of such a P j has degree at most d and out of the d+t+1 parties from F (with whom P j has an edge), at least d+1 will be honest. Thus, the row polynomial of P j will be pairwise consistent with the column polynomials of at least d+1 honest parties from F, which lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). So the row polynomial of P j will lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). We include all such parties P j in a set E. Notice that all the parties in C will be included in E.

If we find E to be of size 3t+1, then E is taken as a CORE. It is easy to see that indeed the row polynomials of all the honest parties in E will lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). However there is a subtle issue. In the above approach, the honest parties may have to wait indefinitely for the “expansion” of D and C sets until E admits a size of 3t+1. Consider the case when d=2t and C and D are exactly of size 2t+1 and 3t+1, respectively, such that they contain t corrupted parties. If the corrupted parties in C choose to be inconsistent with the parties outside D, then the honest parties outside D will have edges with only t+1 parties from C and will not be included in the set F. So F will remain the same as D and will not include any additional party. Similarly, if the corrupted parties in F choose to be inconsistent with the parties outside C, then the honest parties outside C will have edges with only 2t+1 parties from F and will be never included in the set E. So C may never expand from its initial size of 2t+1.

To deal with the above situation, we carefully look into the properties of the consistency graph and the algorithm Find-Star. We observe that if D is honest then eventually all honest parties (at least 3t+1) will be consistent with each other and there will be a clique in the consistency graph involving all the honest parties. We further note that if the Find-Star algorithm is executed on “this” graph, containing a clique of size at least 3t+1 involving the honest parties, then the C component of the obtained (n,t)-star will have at least 2t+1 honest parties. When C contains at least 2t+1 honest parties, then eventually the set D will expand to the set F, which will contain all the 3t+1 honest parties and eventually the set C will expand to the set E containing at least 3t+1 parties. This crucial observation is at the heart of protocol P-Ver-Agree. However, it is difficult to identify an instance of the consistency graph that contains a clique involving at least 3t+1 honest parties. This problem is eliminated by repeating the star-finding process and the expansion of C and D for every instance of the consistency graph. In a more detail, after every update in the consistency graph (on receiving new OK messages), we check for the presence of a new (n,t)-star in the graph (which was not found earlier) along with the corresponding F and E sets and update the existing F and E sets (corresponding to all the previously generated (n,t)-stars). This is continued till we find an instance of E of size 3t+1. Such an E will be considered as a CORE. Surely if D is honest, then we will get an E with the desired size. We let D moderate these repetitions by asking it to repeat the star-finding process and the expansion of C and D for every instance of the consistency graph. Upon finding a CORE, D makes all the parties agree on CORE by broadcasting the star and the corresponding E and F sets. The parties then verify if the broadcasted star and the sets are “valid” with respect to their local consistency graph.

This process of repetition after every update in the consistency graph is some what analogous to the situation in the protocol S-Ver-Agree, where we have to keep expanding ReceivedSet till the “appropriate” conditions are satisfied. However, unlike the protocol S-Ver-Agree, where each repetition requires communication, in protocol P-Ver-Agree, each repetition requires only local computation by the parties. The communication is required finally to make an agreement when a CORE is found by D.

With the above intuition in mind, we present the protocol P-Ver-Agree in Fig. 13. In the protocol, the pair (C β ,D β ) denotes the βth instance of an (n,t)-star and the pair (E β ,F β ) denotes the corresponding E and F sets. After every update in the consistency graph, (E β ,F β ) may be updated. In the sequel, we will show that there will be a finite number of instances of (n,t)-star (and the corresponding E and F sets) that can result from the consistency graph. We will also prove the following three key observations on which the protocol P-Ver-Agree is based upon:

  1. 1.

    If D is honest, then eventually some (n,t)-star (C β ,D β ) will be generated, where C β will contain at least 2t+1 honest parties (Lemma 14). This crucial observation is at the heart of the protocol P-Ver-Agree.

  2. 2.

    If D is honest and the C component of an (n,t)-star (C β ,D β ) contains at least 2t+1 honest parties, then a CORE will be eventually generated from (C β ,D β ) (Lemma 15).

  3. 3.

    For any (n,t)-star (C β ,D β ), the row polynomials of the honest parties in C β define a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t), irrespective of D (Lemma 13). Moreover, if a CORE is generated from this (C β ,D β ), then the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE define the same bivariate polynomial (Lemma 17).

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Protocol for the Verification & Agreement on CORE phase for the perfect AVSS scheme.

We now prove the properties of the protocol P-Ver-Agree.

Lemma 13

Let (C,D) be any (n,t)-star in the consistency graph G k of an honest party P k . Then the row polynomials held by the honest parties in C define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t), such that \(\overline{F}(x, i) = \overline{f}_{i}(x)\) and \(\overline{F}(j, y) = \overline{g}_{j}(y)\) holds for every honest P i and P j in C and D, respectively. Moreover, if D  is honest then \(\overline{F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\).


For any (n,t)-star (C,D), we know that |C|≥n−2t and |D|≥nt. So C and D contains at least n−3tt+1 and n−2t≥2t+1 honest parties, respectively. Moreover, every honest party P i in C will be pairwise consistent with every honest party in D. That is, \(\overline{f}_{i}(j) = \overline {g}_{j}(i)\) and \(\overline{f}_{j}(i) = \overline{g}_{i}(j)\) will hold for every honest P i C and every honest P j D. Furthermore, the row and column polynomials of the honest parties will have degree at most d (where d≤2t) and t, respectively. The proof now follows from Lemma 1. It is very easy to see that if D is honest, then \(\overline{F}(x,y) = F(x,y)\). □

The next two lemmas are very crucial as they show that if D is honest then eventually every honest party outputs a CORE and terminates the protocol P-Ver-Agree.

Lemma 14

If D  is honest then eventually an (n,t)-star (C β ,D β ) will be generated by D, such that C β contains at least 2t+1 honest parties.


If D is honest then eventually the edges between each pair of honest parties will vanish in the complementary graph \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\). So each edge in \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\) will be eventually either (a) between an honest and a corrupted party or (b) between two corrupted parties. Moreover, the set of honest parties will form an independent set of size at least nt. Let (C β ,D β ) be the (n,t)-star which is obtained while applying the Find-Star algorithm on \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\), when \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\) contains edges of only the above two types. Now, by the construction of C β (see Algorithm Find-Star), it excludes the parties in N (the set of parties that are associated with the maximum matching M) and T (the set of parties that are associated with the triangle-heads). An honest P i belonging to N implies that (P i ,P j )∈M for some P j and hence P j is corrupted (as we are considering the instance when \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\) does not have any edge between two honest parties). Similarly, an honest party P i belonging to T implies that there is some (P j ,P k )∈M such that (P i ,P j ) and (P i ,P k ) are edges in \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\). This clearly implies that both P j and P k are surely corrupted. So for every honest P i outside C β , at least one (if P i belongs to N, then one; if P i belongs to T, then two) corrupted party also remains outside C β . As there are at most t corrupted parties, C β may exclude at most t honest parties. So C β is bound to contain at least 2t+1 honest parties.

To complete the proof, we now have to show that \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\) will contain the edges of the above two types after a finite number of steps. We observe that an honest D may compute \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2})\) distinct (n,t)-stars in G D . This is because D applies Find-Star on \(\overline{G}_{ \mathsf {D} }\) every time when an edge is added to G D and we know that there can be \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2})\) edges in G D . Now (C β ,D β ) with C β containing at least 2t+1 honest parties will occur among these \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2})\) (n,t)-stars. □

Lemma 15

In protocol P-Ver-Agree, if D  is honest, then eventually a CORE  will be generated by D  and every honest party will output CORE and terminate the protocol P-Ver-Agree.


By Lemma 14, if D is honest then eventually it will obtain an (n,t)-star (C β ,D β ) in the consistency graph G D , such that C β will contain at least 2t+1 honest parties. Moreover, every honest party will eventually have an edge with every other honest party in G D . So every honest party in \(\mathcal{P}\) will eventually have an edge with all the honest parties in C β . This implies that every honest party in \(\mathcal{P}\) will eventually have at least 2t+1 neighbors in C β and so they will be included in F β . Following a similar argument, every honest party in \(\mathcal{P}\) will eventually have at least d+t+1 neighbors in F β and so they will be included in E β . So D will find that |E β |≥3t+1 and |F β |≥3t+1 and will assign E β as CORE and broadcast ((C β ,D β ),(E β ,F β )). By the property of the broadcast, every honest party P i will receive these sets correctly from D and will eventually find that (C β ,D β ) is an (n,t)-star in the consistency graph G i . This is because if an honest D has included the edges between the parties in C β and D β in its consistency graph G D , then the same edges will also be eventually included by every honest P i in its consistency graph G i . Due to the same reason, an honest P i will find that every party in F β has at least 2t+1 neighbors in C β in the graph G i and similarly, every party in E β has at least d+t+1 neighbors in F β in the graph G i eventually. So P i will output CORE=E β and terminate the protocol P-Ver-Agree. □

The previous two lemmas ascertained that the honest parties will eventually terminate the protocol P-Ver-Agree if D is honest. The next lemma shows that even if D is corrupted and some honest party terminates the protocol P-Ver-Agree then every honest party also eventually does the same.

Lemma 16

If D  is corrupted and some honest party P i terminates the protocol P-Ver-Agree  outputting a CORE, then every other honest party P j eventually does the same.


If an honest P i has output a CORE, then this implies that it has received ((C γ ,D γ ),(E γ ,F γ )) from the broadcast of D, with CORE=E γ , and verified the following in its consistency graph G i : (a) (C γ ,D γ ) is an (n,t)-star; (b) every party in F γ has at least 2t+1 neighbors in C γ and (c) every party in E γ has at least d+t+1 neighbors in F γ . From the properties of the broadcast, every other honest party P j will also receive the same ((C γ ,D γ ),(E γ ,F γ )) from the broadcast of D. Moreover, P j will also find that eventually the above three conditions are also satisfied in its consistency graph G j . So P j will also eventually output CORE and terminate the protocol P-Ver-Agree. □

The next lemma shows that if a CORE is generated then indeed the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE define a unique bivariate polynomial of degree-(d,t).

Lemma 17

If an honest P i has output a CORE, then the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x, y)\), of degree-(d,t). Moreover, if D  is honest then \(\overline {F}(x, y) = F(x, y)\).


If an honest P i has output a CORE, then it implies that it has received ((C γ ,D γ ),(E γ ,F γ )) from the broadcast of D and checked their validity with respect to its own consistency graph G i . This means that (C γ ,D γ ) is an (n,t)-star in G i . Lemma 13 implies that the row polynomials of the honest parties in C γ define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}(x,y)\), of degree-(d,t). Recall that E γ is obtained by expanding the set C γ . To complete the proof we need to show that even the row polynomials of the honest parties in E γ C γ lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). We do so in two stages: we first claim that the column polynomial \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\) of every honest P j in F γ lies on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). This is because by the construction of F γ , every honest P j F γ has at least 2t+1 neighbors in C γ , which implies that \(\overline{f}_{kj} = \overline{f}_{k}(j) = \overline{g}_{j}(k)\) for at least 2t+1 parties P k in the set C γ . Moreover, the degree of \(\overline{g}_{j}(y)\) is at most t. Now out of these 2t+1 parties P k , at least t+1 are honest. Also the row polynomials of those P k lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). This clearly implies that \(\overline{g}_{j}(y) = \overline{F}(j,y)\).

Next we claim that the row polynomial \(\overline{f}_{j}(x)\) of every honest party P j E γ also lies on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). By the construction of E γ , every such P j has at least d+t+1 neighbors in F γ , which means that \(\overline{f}_{j}(k) = \overline{g}_{kj} = \overline{g}_{k}(j)\) for at least d+t+1 parties P k in F γ . Moreover, the degree of \(\overline{f}_{j}(x)\) is at most d. Now out of the d+t+1 parties P k in F γ (with whom P j has an edge), at least d+1 are honest. Also the column polynomials of such P k lie on \(\overline{F}(x, y)\). This clearly implies that \(\overline{f}_{j}(x) = \overline{F}(x, j)\). Hence the row polynomials of the honest parties in CORE define \(\overline{F}(x,y)\). □

The next two lemmas are related to the secrecy and the communication complexity of the protocol P-Ver-Agree.

Lemma 18

In protocol P-Ver-Agree  if D  is honest then s remains information-theoretically secure.


Without loss of generality, let P 1,…,P t be under the control of the adversary. So \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) will know the row polynomials f 1(x),…,f t (x) and the column polynomials g 1(y),…,g t (y). The adversary will also receive from the honest parties the common points on their row and column polynomials. However, these points do not add any new information to the view of the adversary about F(x,y), as they can be computed from f 1(x),…,f t (x),g 1(y),…,g t (y). The adversary is completely oblivious of the communication done between the honest parties. So it has no information about the common points exchanged between the honest parties. The knowledge of CORE does not add any information about F(x,y) to the view of the adversary. So overall, \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) has f 1(x),…,f t (x),g 1(y),…,g t (y). From these polynomials, it obtains t(d+1)+t distinct points on F(x,y). However F(x,y) is of degree-(d,t). So the adversary lacks (t+1)(d+1)−t(d+1)−t=d+1−t points to uniquely recover F(x,y). This implies information-theoretic security for the secret s. □

Lemma 19

Protocol P-Ver-Agree  incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.


In the protocol, the parties exchange the common points on their row and column polynomials, which requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. In addition, the parties also broadcast the OK(⋆,⋆) messages, which requires a broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. Furthermore, broadcasting of ((C γ ,D γ ),(E γ ,F γ )) requires a broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. □

In the next section, we present the perfect AVSS scheme and prove its properties.

3.2.3 Perfect AVSS Scheme for a Single Secret

The sharing protocol P-Sh for the perfect scheme PAVSS is presented in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Protocol for the sharing phase of the perfect AVSS scheme.

Theorem 6

Protocols (P-Sh,Rec) constitute a perfect AVSS scheme, which generates d-sharing of s. Protocol P-Sh requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and a total broadcast \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. Protocol Rec has communication complexity \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.


If D is honest then every honest party eventually terminates the protocol P-Sh. This follows from Lemmas 15 and 2(1). If D is corrupted and some honest party terminates P-Sh, then every other honest party will also eventually terminate the protocol P-Sh. This follows from Lemmas 16 and 2(1). Moreover, if the honest parties invoke the protocol Rec, then every honest party will eventually terminate Rec. This follows from Lemma 3. This completes the proof of termination.

If D is honest then at the end of P-Sh, every honest party will have its share of s. This follows from Lemmas 17 and 2(1). Moreover, every honest party on terminating the protocol Rec will output s. This follows from Lemma 3. On the other hand, even if D is corrupted and some honest party terminates P-Sh, then it implies that a CORE is generated and agreed upon, which from Lemma 17 further implies that D has committed the polynomial \(\overline{F}(x, y)\) and hence the value \(\overline{s} = \overline{F}(0, 0)\) to the honest parties in CORE. The property of Gen (Lemma 2(1)) ensures that every honest party will have the share of \(\overline{s}\). Moreover, the honest parties on terminating Rec will output \(\overline{s}\). This proves the correctness property.

Information-theoretic security of s for an honest D follows from Lemma 18. Finally the communication complexity follows from Claim 2, Lemmas 19, 2(2) and 3. □

This completes our discussion on the AVSS schemes for sharing a single secret.

4 AVSS for Sharing Multiple Secrets

The AVSS schemes that we discussed so far allow to d-share a single element from \({\mathbb{F}}\). Now consider a situation where we have to d-share \(S = (s_{1}, \ldots, s_{\ell}) \in{\mathbb{F}}^{\ell}\), where >1 (indeed in our AMPC protocols, every party has to share multiple values). One simple way to d-share S is to individually d-share each s l S by executing an instance of SAVSS (resp. PAVSS). This will require a communication complexity which is times the communication complexity of SAVSS (resp. PAVSS). We now show how to d-share all the elements of S concurrently, such that the point-to-point communication depends on , but the broadcast communication is independent of . Since the broadcast is an expensive protocol,Footnote 15 we save a lot of communication in our AMPC protocols by using our new AVSS schemes for sharing multiple secrets concurrently.

The main idea behind making the broadcast communication independent of is the following: we observe that in the sub-protocols dealing with a single secret, the steps which involve point-to-point communication among the parties can be extended in a “natural” way to deal with values. For example, instead of taking a single bivariate polynomial, D now selects such polynomials and accordingly every party receives row and column polynomials. However, we need not have to extend the steps involving broadcast in the same way to deal with secrets. Instead, those steps can be “modified” to deal with all the values concurrently to keep the broadcast communication independent of . In the sequel we elaborate on this. We do not present the complete protocols, as this calls for un-necessary repetition; instead we only discuss the key steps that are modified in the earlier sub-protocols for a single value to deal with values. We also do not present the proofs for the new sub-protocols, as they trivially follow from the properties of the sub-protocols dealing with a single value. The new sub-protocols have “MS” in their names, indicating that they deal with multiple secrets. We first discuss the sub-protocols for the statistical scheme.

4.1 Sub-protocols for the Statistical Scheme to Share Values

The statistical scheme is called SAVSS-MS, which consists of the protocol S-MS-Sh for the sharing phase and protocol Rec-MS for the reconstruction phase (this protocol is also the protocol for the reconstruction phase of the perfect scheme for values). Now the sharing protocol S-MS-Sh consists of a sequence of three phases (similar to the protocol S-Sh), each implemented by a specific sub-protocol discussed below:

  1. 1.

    Protocol S-MS-Distr: This protocol implements the distribution by D phase. Here for each s l S, the dealer D selects a random bivariate polynomial F l (x,y) of degree-(d,t) with the constant term as s l and distributes the ith row polynomial f l,i (x)=F l (x,i) to P i . Thus each P i receives row polynomials. In addition, D shares (t+1)n masking polynomials, each of degree at most t, as in the protocol S-Distr (Fig. 8). D does not distribute the column polynomials g l,i (y)=F l (i,y) to P i as in the protocol S-Distr.

  2. 2.

    Protocol S-MS-Ver-Agree: This protocol allows the parties to verify the presence of a CORE and to agree on a CORE of size at least 3t+1 if it exists, where CORE has the following property: for l=1,…,, the row polynomials \(\{\overline{f}_{l, i}(x): P_{i} \in \mathsf {CORE} \mbox{ and } P_{i} \mbox{ is honest}\}\) define a unique bivariate polynomial, say \(\overline{F}_{l}(x, y)\), of degree-(d,t). Moreover, if D is honest then \(\overline{F}_{l}(x, y) = F_{l}(x, y)\). Here \(\overline{f}_{l, i}(x)\) denotes the row polynomials received by P i from D. The protocol uses another sub-protocol Single-MS-Verifier as a black-box. This protocol is almost the same as the protocol Single-Verifier (Fig. 9) with the following modifications: In step i, party P i waits to receive row polynomials \(\overline{f}_{1, i}(x), \ldots, \overline {f}_{\ell, i}(x)\), each of degree at most d from D. In step iii, D broadcasts the linear combination of ℓn column polynomials (instead of n column polynomials) and a masking polynomial. Specifically, D broadcasts E (V,β)(y), where

    $$\begin{aligned} E_{(V, \beta)}(y) =& r_{(V, \beta)}^0 m_{(V, \beta)}(y) + r_{(V, \beta )}^1 g_{1, 1}(y) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^n g_{1, n}(y)\\ &{} + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^{(\ell- 1)n + 1} g_{\ell, 1}(y) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^{\ell n} g_{\ell, n}(y). \end{aligned}$$

    Accordingly, in step iv.1, party P i will broadcast a linear combination of the share of a masking polynomial and n points on each of its row polynomial. Specifically, P i broadcasts e (V,β,i), where

    $$\begin{aligned} e_{(V, \beta, i)} \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=}& r_{(V, \beta)}^0 \overline{m}_{(V, \beta)}(i) + r_{(V, \beta)}^1 \overline{f}_{1, i}(1) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^n \overline{f}_{1, i}(n)\\ &{} + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta )}^{(\ell- 1)n + 1} \overline{f}_{\ell, i}(1) + \cdots+ r_{(V, \beta)}^{\ell n} \overline{f}_{\ell, i}(n). \end{aligned}$$

    The rest of the steps for the protocol Single-MS-Verifier are the same as in the protocol Single-Verifier. Now protocol S-MS-Ver-Agree is exactly the same as protocol S-Ver-Agree (Fig. 10), except that all instances of Single-Verifier in S-Ver-Agree are now replaced with the instances of Single-MS-Verifier.

  3. 3.

    Protocol Gen-MS: If a CORE is generated and agreed upon then this protocol is invoked to complete the d-sharing of the secrets in S. This protocol is a simple extension of the protocol Gen (Fig. 6): each party P i in CORE sends the jth points \(\overline {f}_{1, i}(j), \ldots, \overline{f}_{\ell, i}(j)\) on its row polynomials to P j , who then applies the OEC on these points to reconstruct the column polynomials \(\overline{g}_{1, j}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{\ell, j}(y)\) and hence the share \(\mathit{Sh}_{l, j} = \overline{g}_{l, j}(0)\) of s l S, for l=1,…,.

    The reconstruction protocol Rec-MS is a straight forward extension of the protocol Rec (Fig. 7), where for every s l S, every party P i simply sends its share Sh l,i of s l to every other party P j and then by applying the OEC, every party reconstructs s l . We now state the following theorem which follows from the properties of the statistical scheme for sharing a single secret.

Theorem 7

Protocols (S-MS-Sh,Rec-MS) constitute a statistical AVSS scheme SAVSS-MS, which generates d-sharing of S=(s 1,…,s ). In S-MS-Sh, the parties communicate \(\mathcal{O}((\ell n d + n^{3}) \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|}) = \mathcal{O}((\ell n^{2} + n^{3}) \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and broadcast \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. Protocol Rec-MS incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

We next discuss the sub-protocols for the perfect AVSS scheme to share values.

4.2 Sub-protocols for the Perfect Scheme to Share Values

The extension of the perfect scheme PAVSS to PAVSS-MS is very simple. PAVSS-MS consists of the protocol P-MS-Sh for the sharing phase and protocol Rec-MS (discussed in the previous section) for the reconstruction phase. Now the sharing protocol P-MS-Sh consists of a sequence of three phases (similar to the protocol P-Sh), each implemented by a specific sub-protocol described below:

  1. 1.

    Protocol P-MS-Distr: This protocol implements the distribution by D phase. Here for each s l S, the dealer D selects a random bivariate polynomial F l (x,y) of degree-(d,t) with s l as the constant term and distributes the ith row polynomial f l,i (x)=F l (x,i) and the ith column polynomial g l,i (y)=F l (i,y) to P i . Thus each P i receives row and column polynomials.

  2. 2.

    Protocol P-MS-Ver-Agree: This protocol allows the parties to agree on a CORE and it is almost the same as the protocol P-Ver-Agree (Fig. 13), except that step i is extended to deal with values as follows: first, each P i waits to receive row polynomials \(\overline{f}_{1, i}(x), \ldots, \overline{f}_{\ell, i}(x)\), each of degree at most d and column polynomials \(\overline {g}_{1, i}(y), \ldots, \overline{g}_{\ell, i}(y)\), each of degree at most t from D. After receiving, P i proceeds to check the pairwise consistency of row and column polynomials with each P j . Specifically, P i sends values \(\overline {f}_{l, i, j} = \overline{f}_{l, i}(j)\), for l=1,…, on its row polynomials and another values \(\overline{g}_{l, i, j} = \overline{g}_{l, i}(j)\), for l=1,…, on its column polynomials to P j . Now on receiving the values \(\overline{f}_{l, j, i}\), for l=1,…, and the values \(\overline{g}_{l, j, i}\), for l=1,…, from P j , party P i checks if \(\overline{f}_{l, i}(j) \stackrel{?}{=} \overline {g}_{l, j, i}\) and \(\overline{g}_{l, i}(j) \stackrel{?}{=} \overline{f}_{l, j, i}\), for all l=1,…,. If the test passes for every l=1,…,, then P i broadcasts the message OK(P i ,P j ). The rest of the steps for P-MS-Ver-Agree will be now the same as in the protocol P-Ver-Agree.

  3. 3.

    Protocol Gen-MS: This protocol is the same as discussed in the previous section. The footnote mentioned in the protocol P-Sh (see the footnote in Fig. 14) applies here, as well. That is, the parties in CORE are not required to communicate in the protocol Gen-MS in the perfect AVSS scheme.

We now state the following theorem that follows from the properties of the perfect scheme for sharing a single secret.

Theorem 8

Protocols (P-MS-Sh,Rec-MS) constitute a perfect AVSS scheme PAVSS-MS, which generates d-sharing of S=(s 1,…,s ). In P-MS-Sh, the parties communicate \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and broadcast \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits. During Rec-MS, the parties communicate \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits.

5 Protocols for Generating (t,2 t)-Sharing of \(\mathbf{\ell}\) Values

Once we have an AVSS scheme that can d-share values for any given d, where d≤2t, generating (t,2t)-sharing of values can be done using the following simple idea (outlined earlier in the introduction): to (t,2t)-share S=(s 1,…,s ), the dealer D first performs the t-sharing of S. In addition, it also does the (2t−1)-sharing of random values, say R=(r 1,…,r ). This implies that each s l and r l is shared through polynomials, say f l (x) and g l (x), of degree at most t and 2t−1, respectively, with every honest party holding its shares f l (i) and g l (i) of s l and r l , respectively. Now consider the polynomial h l (x)=f l (x)+xg l (x). It has degree at most 2t with the constant term as s l . Moreover, every party can locally compute h l (i)=f l (i)+ig l (i). It is easy to see that each s l is (t,2t)-shared through the polynomials f l (x) and h l (x). To implement this idea, the dealer has to invoke two instances of the sharing protocol of our AVSS schemes (dealing with values). Now depending upon whether it invokes the protocol S-MS-Sh or P-MS-Sh, the resulting protocol will either have a negligible error or no error in the correctness. We call the resulting protocols as S-(t,2t)-Sh and P-(t,2t)-Sh, respectively. We present the protocol in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Protocol for generating (t,2t)-sharing of S=(s 1,…,s ).

We now state the properties of the protocol S-(t,2t)-Sh and P-(t,2t)-Sh, that follow from the properties of the protocols S-MS-Sh and P-MS-Sh, respectively.

Theorem 9

Let \(\mathsf {D} \in \mathcal {P} \)  have the input S=(s 1,…,s ). Then protocol S-(t,2t)-Sh achieves the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: (a) If D  is honest, then all the honest parties eventually terminate S-(t,2t)-Sh. (b) If D  is corrupted and some honest party terminates S-(t,2t)-Sh, then all the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: If some honest party terminates the protocol, then there exist values, say \(\overline{S} = (\overline{s}_{1}, \ldots, \overline{s}_{\ell })\), which will be eventually (t,2t)-shared among the parties in \(\mathcal{P}\), except with probability at most ϵ. Moreover, if D  is honest, then \(\overline{S} = S\).

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: If D  is honest then S remains information-theoretically secure during the protocol.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: The protocol requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}((\ell n^{2} + n^{3}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits.


The proof follows from the properties of the protocol S-MS-Sh (Theorem 7). □

The proof of the following theorem follows from the properties of P-MS-Sh.

Theorem 10

Let \(\mathsf {D} \in \mathcal {P} \)  have the input S=(s 1,…,s ). Then protocol P-(t,2t)-Sh achieves the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: (a) If D  is honest, then all the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol. (b) If D  is corrupted and some honest party terminates P-(t,2t)-Sh, then all the honest parties eventually terminate P-(t,2t)-Sh.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: If some honest party terminates the protocol, then there exist values, say \(\overline{S} = (\overline{s}_{1}, \ldots, \overline{s}_{\ell })\), which will be eventually (t,2t)-shared among the parties in  \(\mathcal{P}\). Moreover, if D  is honest, then \(\overline{S} = S\).

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: If D  is honest then S remains information-theoretically secure during the protocol.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: Protocol P-(t,2t)-Sh  incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits.

6 AMPC Protocols with n=4t+1

Once we have an efficient protocol for generating (t,2t)-sharing, we can design an AMPC protocol following the approach of Ref. [5]. Structurally, both our statistical and perfect AMPC protocols are divided into a sequence of three phases. Depending upon the type of sub-protocols (with a negligible error or without any error) used in these phases, we get either a statistical AMPC or a perfect AMPC protocol. Let \(\mathcal {F} \) be the publicly known function over \({\mathbb{F}}\) (which the parties want to compute), represented by an arithmetic circuit over \({\mathbb{F}}\), consisting of input gates, linear gates, multiplication gates, random gates and output gates of bounded fan-in. Without loss of generality, we assume that the multiplication gates have fan-in two and the random gates have fan-in zero. Let c I ,c L ,c M ,c R and c O denote the number of input, linear, multiplication, random and output gates respectively in the circuit representing \(\mathcal {F} \). We denote by IGate,LGate,MGate,RGate and OGate the input, linear, multiplication, random and output gates, respectively. For simplicity, we assume that \(\mathcal {F} : {\mathbb{F}}^{n} \rightarrow{\mathbb{F}}^{n}\), where each party P i has the input \(x_{i} \in{\mathbb{F}}\) for the computation and all the n parties receive the function output \(\mathcal {F} (x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n})\). This implies that c I =n and c O =n. The three phases of our AMPC protocols are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Preparation Phase: The goal of this phase is to prepare the “raw material” to be used later during the evaluation of the circuit. Specifically, in this phase, the parties interact to generate (t,2t)-sharing of c M +c R uniformly random values from \({\mathbb{F}}\), that are information-theoretically secure.

  2. 2.

    Input Phase: In this phase, the parties share their actual inputs for the function \(\mathcal {F} \). For this, every party t-shares its input and then the parties agree on a common subset of at least nt parties, whose inputs will be eventually t-shared among the parties.

  3. 3.

    Computation Phase: Here, based on the inputs of the parties in the common subset (agreed in the previous phase), the circuit is evaluated gate by gate in a shared fashion, such that the output of each gate remains t-shared among the parties.

We now present the protocols for each of the above phases.

6.1 Preparation Phase

Here the parties interact to generate (t,2t)-sharing of c M +c R uniformly random values from \({\mathbb{F}}\). The shared values should also remain information-theoretically secure. For this, every party in \(\mathcal {P}\) acts as a dealer and (t,2t)-shares \(\frac{c_{M}+c_{R}}{n-2t}\) uniformly random values from \({\mathbb{F}}\). The parties then agree on a common subset C of at least nt parties, who correctly (t,2t)-shared \(\frac{c_{M}+c_{R}}{n-2t}\) values. The parties then apply the randomness-extraction function Ext (see Sect. 2.3) on the values shared by the parties in C to output c M +c R (t,2t)-shared values; since the values shared by the honest parties in C are indeed random and information-theoretically secure, the output (t,2t)-shared values will be indeed random and information-theoretically secure. In Fig. 16, we present the protocol for this phase. Now depending upon whether the parties invoke the protocol S-(t,2t)-Sh (having a negligible error) or P-(t,2t)-Sh (having no error) for sharing the values, we get the protocol S-Preparation or P-Preparation, respectively, for the preparation phase.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Protocol for the preparation phase.

We now prove the properties of the protocol S-Preparation and P-Preparation, which follows from the properties of S-(t,2t)-Sh and P-(t,2t)-Sh, respectively, along with the properties of Ext.

Lemma 20

Protocol S-Preparation  satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: All the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: Except with probability at most ϵ, the parties output (t,2t)-sharing of c M +c R uniformly random values.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: For i=1,…,n−2t and \(j =1, \ldots, \frac{c_{M} + c_{R}}{n-2t}\), the shared values r i,j remain information-theoretically secure.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: The protocol incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(((c_{M} + c_{R}) n^{2} + n^{4}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and requires one invocation of ACS.


For the termination property, we first notice that the invocation of ACS will indeed output a common subset C of nt parties. This is because there are at least nt honest parties, who will invoke an instance of S-(t,2t)-Sh and these instances will be eventually terminated by every honest party. We next claim that every honest party will eventually terminate the S-(t,2t)-Sh instance of every party (dealer) in C. The claim is trivially true for every honest party in C. For any corrupted party P j in C, at least one honest party must have terminated the instance S-(t,2t)-Sh j ; the termination property of S-(t,2t)-Sh ensures that the instance S-(t,2t)-Sh j will be eventually terminated by every other honest party.

If the common subset C contains only honest parties then the correctness property holds trivially without any error. This is because each honest party indeed (t,2t)-shares random values. We now consider the worst case, when C can contain t corrupted parties (dealers). Even in this case, there will be n−2t honest parties in C and they will (t,2t)-share random values. The correctness property of S-(t,2t)-Sh ensures that even a corrupted party in C does (t,2t)-sharing of L values (possibly non-random), except with probability ϵ in its instance of S-(t,2t)-Sh. This implies that except with probability at most tϵ, every corrupted party in C has done (t,2t)-sharing of L values. Assuming that either tϵϵ or by invoking each instance of S-(t,2t)-Sh to have an error probability of at most \(\frac{\epsilon}{t}\), we can ensure that except with probability at most ϵ, every party in C has done (t,2t)-sharing of L values. Moreover, at least (n−2t)⋅L=c M +c R of these |C|⋅L values will be uniformly random. Now the property of Ext ensures that the output (t,2t)-shared values are indeed random.

The secrecy property of S-(t,2t)-Sh ensures that the L values which are (t,2t)-shared by the honest parties in C are information-theoretically secure. This implies that out of the total |C|⋅L values which are shared by the parties in C, at least (|C|−t)⋅L=c M +c R values are information-theoretically secure. The property of Ext ensures that for i=1,…,n−2t and \(j =1, \ldots, \frac{c_{M} + c_{R}}{n-2t}\), the output shared values r i,j are information-theoretically secure. In the protocol, other than the execution of the instances of S-(t,2t)-Sh, there is no interaction among the parties. The function Ext is applied locally on the shares of the values, shared by the parties in C. This implies that the r i,j values remain information-theoretically secure.

In the protocol, each party executes an instance of S-(t,2t)-Sh to (t,2t)-share \(L = \frac{c_{M} + c_{R}}{n - 2t}\) values. Substituting =L in Theorem 9, this requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O} ( ( L n^{3} + n^{4} ) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. Since \(L = \frac{c_{M}+c_{R}}{n-2t}\) and n−2t=Θ(n), the communication complexity turns out to be \(\mathcal{O}(((c_{M} + c_{R}) n^{2} + n^{4}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. Moreover, the protocol requires one invocation of ACS. □

The proof of the following lemma follows using the same arguments as used in the previous lemma, except that we now depend on the properties of P-(t,2t)-Sh instead of S-(t,2t)-Sh.

Lemma 21

Protocol P-Preparation  satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: All the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: In the protocol, the parties output (t,2t)-sharing of c M +c R uniformly random values.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: For i=1,…,n−2t and \(j =1, \ldots, \frac{c_{M} + c_{R}}{n-2t}\), the shared values r i,j remain information-theoretically secure.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: the protocol incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}((c_{M} + c_{R}) n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and requires one invocation of ACS.

6.2 Input Phase

In this phase, each party P i t-shares its input x i (for the computation), by executing an instance of the sharing protocol of our AVSS schemes. If the parties invoke the statistical protocol S-MS-Sh, then the resultant protocol for the input phase is called S-Input. On the other hand, if the parties use the perfect protocol P-MS-Sh to share their inputs, then the resultant protocol is called P-Input. The asynchrony of the network does not allow the parties to wait for the termination of the S-MS-Sh/P-MS-Sh instances of more than nt parties. In order to agree on a common subset C (this should not be confused with the common subset C of the previous phase) of parties whose instance of S-MS-Sh/P-MS-Sh will eventually terminate, one instance of ACS is invoked. The parties then consider t-sharing of the inputs shared by the parties in the common subset C and substitute a default t-sharing of 0 corresponding to the inputs of the parties not in C. The protocol for this phase is given in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17.
figure 17

Protocol for the input phase.

We now prove the properties of the protocol S-Input and P-Input, which follows from the properties of the protocol S-MS-Sh and P-MS-Sh, respectively.

Lemma 22

Protocol S-Input  satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: All honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: Except with probability at most ϵ, the parties output t-sharing of the inputs of the parties in the common subset C.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: The inputs of the honest parties in the set C remain information-theoretically secure.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: The protocol requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}( (c_{I} n^{2} + n^{4}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and requires one invocation of ACS.


Every honest party will t-share its input and its instance of S-MS-Sh will be eventually terminated by every honest party. Moreover, there are at least nt honest parties. This implies that the instance of ACS will eventually terminate with an output C. To show the termination property, we require to show that the S-MS-Sh instance of the corrupted parties in C will be eventually terminated by every honest party. However, this follows from the termination property of S-MS-Sh and the fact that for every corrupted party P j C, there exists at least one honest party who terminates the S-MS-Sh instance of P j .

Every honest party in C will correctly t-share its input in its instance of S-MS-Sh. The correctness property of S-MS-Sh also ensures that even a corrupted P i C will t-share a value x i (which may or may not be its actual input; but the value shared by the party is considered as its intended input), except with probability at most ϵ. So the inputs of each party in C will be t-shared, except with probability at most tϵϵ.

The secrecy property of S-MS-Sh ensures that the input x i of every honest P i in C remains information-theoretically secure in the instance S-MS-Sh i . Apart from the execution of the instances of S-MS-Sh, the protocol does not involve any communication among the parties. This implies that the inputs of the honest parties in the set C will remain information-theoretically secure.

In the protocol, each party executes an instance of S-MS-Sh to t-share its input x i . From Theorem 7, we find that this requires a total communication of \(\mathcal{O}( (c_{I} n^{2} + n^{4}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. In addition, the protocol requires one invocation of ACS. □

The proof of the following lemma follows using the similar arguments as used in the previous lemma, except that we now depend upon the properties of P-MS-Sh, instead of S-MS-Sh.

Lemma 23

Protocol P-Input satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: All the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: The parties correctly output t-sharing of the inputs of the parties in the common subset C.

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: The inputs of the honest parties in the set C remain information-theoretically secure.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: the protocol incurs a total communication of \(\mathcal{O}( c_{I} n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and requires one invocation of ACS.

6.3 Computation Phase

The protocol for this phase is the same for both the statistical and the perfect AMPC protocols. Here the circuit is evaluated gate by gate, where all intermediate values during the computation remain t-shared. As soon as a party holds its shares of the input values of a gate, it joins the evaluation of the gate. Due to the linearity of t-sharing, linear gates can be evaluated locally by simply applying the linear function to the shares of the inputs of the gate. With every random gate, one random (t,2t)-sharing (from the preparation phase) is associated. The t-sharing of the associated (t,2t)-sharing is directly used as the output of the random gate. With every multiplication gate, one random (t,2t)-sharing is associated, which is then used to compute t-sharing of the product, following the idea outlined earlier (in the introduction). This approach of evaluating a multiplication gate was also used in the AMPC protocol of [5]. The protocol for this phase is called Computation, which is presented in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18.
figure 18

Protocol for the computation phase to evaluate the circuit of \(\mathcal {F} \).

We now prove the properties of the protocol Computation.

Lemma 24

Given that c M +c R information-theoretically secure random values are (t,2t)-shared among the parties and the inputs of all the parties are t-shared, protocol Computation satisfies the following properties for every possible \(\mathcal {A}_{t} \):

  1. 1.

    Termination: All the honest parties eventually terminate the protocol.

  2. 2.

    Correctness: The parties correctly output the output of the function \(\mathcal {F} \).

  3. 3.

    Secrecy: The adversary obtains no additional information about the intermediate values in the computation (in the information-theoretic sense), other than what is inferred from the input and the output of the corrupted parties.

  4. 4.

    Communication Complexity: The protocol requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} (c_{M} + c_{O}) \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits.


The circuit representing the function \(\mathcal {F} \) is finite. To prove the termination property, we claim that each honest party will eventually evaluate each gate of the circuit. The claim is trivially true for the input gates and the random gates. The linearity property of t-sharing ensures that the claim is also true for the linear gates. Now consider a multiplication gate: the property of OEC (Theorem 3) implies that every honest party will eventually reconstruct δ during the evaluation of the multiplication gate. After this, the evaluation of the multiplication gate involves only local computation and so it will be done eventually by every honest party. Similarly, the property of OEC ensures that each honest party will eventually obtain the value of each output gate.

The linearity of t-sharing ensures that each linear gate is evaluated correctly by the honest parties. Now consider a multiplication gate with inputs c,d and let r be the random value, whose (t,2t)-sharing is associated with the multiplication gate. It is easy to see that \(e = c \dot{d} = (c \dot{d} - r) + r = \delta+ r\), where \(\delta= (c \dot{d} - r)\), which also implies that [e] t =δ+[r] t , if δ is publicly known. The property of OEC ensures that every honest party will correctly reconstruct δ, which implies that the multiplication gates will also be evaluated correctly by the honest parties. The random gates will be evaluated correctly due to the assumption that the associated (t,2t)-sharing is correct. Now if all the gates in the circuit are evaluated correctly, it implies that each honest party will have the correct share corresponding to t-sharing of the function output (namely the output gates). So by the property of OEC, each honest party will correctly reconstruct the value of each output gate and hence the function output.

To prove the secrecy, we claim the following for every intermediate gate (i.e. other than the output gates) in the circuit: the evaluation of the gate reveals no additional information to the adversary (in the information-theoretic sense) about the sharings associated with the input(s) of the gate (the sharings of the output gates are reconstructed by all the parties and hence they will be known to everyone). Our claim is trivially true for the random gates, as to evaluate a random gate, no communication is done among the parties; the parties simply associate t-sharing of a random value (which is already assumed to be information-theoretically secure) with the gate. The claim is also true for any linear gate; the evaluation of the linear gates require only local computation and no interaction among the parties. Now consider a multiplication gate, with inputs c and d and let r be the random, information-theoretically secure value, associated with the multiplication gate, which is (t,2t)-shared. Since r is (t,2t)-shared, it implies that r is t-shared and 2t-shared through independent polynomials of degree at most t and 2t, respectively, with the adversary knowing at most t points on each polynomial. During the evaluation of the multiplication gate, the 2t-sharing of δ=(cdr) is revealed to the adversary (since it is reconstructed by every party). However, since r is random and information-theoretically secure, the reconstruction of δ does not add any extra information to the view of the adversary. Specifically, from the view-point of the adversary, the reconstructed polynomial and its constant term (which is δ) is completely random. Once δ is known, the evaluation of the multiplication gate involves only local computation and so the adversary gains no extra information. This shows that during the evaluation of the circuit, the adversary obtains no additional information about the intermediate values, other than what is inferred from the input and the output of the corrupted parties.Footnote 16

The communication complexity follows from the fact that c M +c O values are reconstructed in the protocol (one value per multiplication gate and one value per output gate) and to reconstruct a value, every party sends its share to every other party, incurring a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. □

6.4 Statistical AMPC Protocol with n=4t+1

The statistical AMPC protocol S-AMPC consists of the following three steps:

  1. 1.

    Invoke S-Preparation.

  2. 2.

    Invoke S-Input.

  3. 3.

    Invoke Computation.

We next state the properties of the protocol S-AMPC.

Theorem 11

Protocol S-AMPC is a statistical AMPC protocol, satisfying Definition 5. The protocol incurs a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(((c_{I} + c_{M} +c_{R} + c_{O}) n^{2} + n^{4})\log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{4} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and requires two invocations of ACS.


The proof follows from the properties of the protocol S-Preparation (Lemma 20), protocol S-Input (Lemma 22) and protocol Computation (Lemma 24). □

6.5 Perfect AMPC Protocol with n=4t+1

The perfect AMPC protocol P-AMPC consists of the following three steps:

  1. 1.

    Invoke P-Preparation.

  2. 2.

    Invoke P-Input.

  3. 3.

    Invoke Computation.

We next state the properties of the protocol P-AMPC.

Theorem 12

Protocol P-AMPC is a perfect AMPC protocol, satisfying Def. 5. The protocol requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}((c_{I} + c_{M} +c_{R} + c_{O})n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits, a total broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits and requires two invocations of ACS.


The proof follows from the properties of the protocol P-Preparation (Lemma 21), protocol P-Input (Lemma 23) and protocol Computation (Lemma 24). □

7 Packed Secret-Sharing: Another Perspective of Our AVSS Schemes

We now briefly discuss another important perspective of our AVSS schemes. For simplicity and concreteness, we refer to our perfect AVSS scheme in the discussion below (although the discussion holds for the statistical AVSS scheme, as well). Consider the protocol P-Sh that can d-share a single secret: if D is honest in the protocol, then the following holds at the end of protocol; there exists a polynomial f 0(x)=F(x,0) of degree at most d and every party P i holds Sh i =f 0(i). Furthermore, the adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) knows at most t distinct points on f 0(x) and it lacks d+1−t additional distinct points on f 0(x) to uniquely interpolate the polynomial f 0(x). This fact suggests that from the view-point of the adversary, f 0(x) has d+1−t “degree of freedom”. So D can share d+1−t secrets using the single polynomial f 0(x). This concept, known as the packed secret sharing was introduced in [26], but for the synchronous setting.Footnote 17 In what follows we show how the protocol P-Sh can be used as a packed secret-sharing scheme where D can share d+1−t secrets simultaneously in the information-theoretic sense. Moreover, even if D is corrupted, there exist d+1−t values, to which D is committed to at the end of the protocol.

Let s 1,…,s k be the k values, which D wants to share among the parties, such that k=d+1−t. D selects a polynomial f(x) over \({\mathbb{F}}\) of degree at most d. The polynomial f(x) is an otherwise random polynomial such that f(0)=s 1,f(−1)=s 2,…,f(−k+1)=s k . D then selects a bivariate polynomial F(x,y) over \({\mathbb{F}}\) of degree-(d,t), which is an otherwise random polynomial such that F(x,0)=f(x). This implies that \(f_{0}(x) \stackrel{\mathit{def}}{=} F(x, 0) = f(x)\). D then invokes the protocol P-Sh using the bivariate polynomial F(x,y) selected as above and the parties participate in this instance of P-Sh. If D is honest, then by the termination property of P-Sh, every honest party P i will eventually terminate the protocol, with its share Sh i =f(i). Notice that Sh i is the share for the multi-secret s 1,…,s k . Moreover, s 1,…,s k are information-theoretically secure, since f(x) has degree at most d and the adversary \(\mathcal{A}_{t}\) gets at most t points on f(x). Interestingly, even if D is corrupted, there are k values, say \(\overline{s}_{1}, \ldots, \overline{s}_{k}\), to which D is committed to at the end of P-Sh. To recover s 1,…,s k , the parties execute the protocol Rec. From the property of Rec, every honest party will eventually reconstruct f(x) correctly and will obtain the secrets s 1,…,s k .

The above idea is also applicable for the protocol P-MS-Sh, where D can use independent bivariate polynomials, each of degree-(d,t) and using each polynomial, it can share d+1−t values. This implies that it can share a total of ⋅(d+1−t) values. This requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log |{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits (Theorem 8). Setting d=2t (the maximum allowed value of d), we see that P-MS-Sh can share (t+1)=Θ(ℓn) values, incurring a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits and a broadcast of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. As the broadcast communication is independent of , we may ignore it and conclude that the amortized cost of sharing a single secret using P-MS-Sh is \(\mathcal{O}(n \log|{\mathbb{F}}|)\) bits. The best known perfect AVSS of [5] requires an amortized cost of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log {|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits for sharing a single secret. Hence P-MS-Sh shows a clear improvement over the AVSS of [5] when both are interpreted as a packed secret-sharing scheme. We further note that the amortized cost of sharing a single secret from \({\mathbb{F}}\) in P-MS-Sh tolerating an active adversary matches the cost of sharing a single field element in the presence of a passive adversary (for example, the Shamir’s secret-sharing scheme [42]).

Notice that the above discussion holds for the statistical protocol S-MS-Sh, as well. However, the protocol S-MS-Sh may involve a negligible error. On the other hand, protocol P-MS-Sh is perfect in all respect and does not involve any error.

8 Flaw in the Statistical AMPC of Huang et al.

We now recall the statistical AMPC protocol of Huang et al. [30] and show that it does not satisfy the correctness and the termination condition. The AMPC protocol in [30] is divided into a sequence of three phases: the preparation phase, the input phase and the computation and output phase. We concentrate on the preparation phase and show that it fails to satisfy the correctness and the termination property, as claimed in [30]. This further implies that the AMPC protocol of Huang et al. [30] does not satisfy the correctness and the termination property.

Recall that c M is the number of multiplication gates in the circuit expressing the function \(\mathcal {F} \). The goal of the preparation phase is to generate c M random multiplication triples \((a_{1}, b_{1}, c_{1}), \ldots, (a_{c_{M}}, b_{c_{M}}, c_{c_{M}})\), where for k=1,…,c M , each a k , b k and c k are t-shared among the parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) with a k and b k being random and c k satisfying c k =a k b k . For this, the authors used the batch secret-sharing (BSS) scheme in [45]. In [45], the authors claimed that their BSS scheme correctly generates c M shared random multiplication triples over \({\mathbb{F}}\). Moreover, every honest party will eventually terminate the BSS protocol. However, we now show that their BSS scheme does not satisfy the correctness property as well as the termination property. As a result, the AMPC protocol in [30] (which uses the BSS scheme as a black box) does not satisfy the correctness and the termination property.

The BSS scheme of Zheng et al. [45] is based on the player-elimination framework [29], where the computation is divided into a sequence of segments. To show the weakness in the BSS scheme of [45], we do not need to get into the details of the player-elimination framework. We concentrate only on the crucial steps (presented in a simplified form for the ease of presentation) which are executed in a segment to generate t-sharing of one multiplication triple (a,b,c). The main steps in the generation of such a triple are as follows:

  1. 1.

    The parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) jointly generate t-sharing of a random a and b.

  2. 2.

    The parties in \(\mathcal{P}\) then jointly generate t-sharing of c=ab.

Now a t-sharing of a random a and b in the BSS scheme of [45] is generated by executing the steps presented in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19.
figure 19

Steps for generating t-sharing of a random a and b in the BSS scheme of Huang et al.

From Fig. 19, we find that step 2 that verifies whether a and b are indeed t-shared among the parties in \(\mathcal{P}\), will work provided every (honest) P i eventually holds a i and b i . Clearly, this is possible if every (honest) party P i eventually receives the points f j (i) and g j (i) from every P j C. In [45], the authors claimed that this will be indeed the case. However, we now show that the adversary may behave (especially schedules the messages) in such a way that every honest P i has to wait indefinitely to compute a i and b i .

Without loss of generality, let the first nt parties (i.e. P 1,…,P nt ) be honest. Now consider the following behavior of a corrupted P j : it selects f j (x) and g j (x) of degree higher than t and sends points on f j (x),g j (x) to only the first n−2t honest parties and to the t corrupted parties (but not to the remaining t honest parties in \(\mathcal{P}\)). But still P j broadcasts 1 to indicate that it has done the sharing of f j (x) and g j (x). Moreover, the adversary schedules the messages of P j such that they reach their respective receivers immediately, without any delay. Now the first n−2t honest parties and the t corrupted parties will input 1 in ABA j during ACS, as they will receive points on f j (x) and g j (x) from P j and will also receive 1 from the broadcast of P j . So in ABA j , there are nt inputs, with value 1. Now assuming that all the parties including the corrupted parties behave honestly in ABA j , the property of ABA ensures that every party in \(\mathcal{P}\) will terminate ABA j with output 1 and hence P j will be present in the common subset C. However, notice that the t honest parties P n−2t+1,…,P nt do not feed any input in ABA j . In fact, these honest parties will never receive their respective points on f j (x) and g j (x), despite terminating ABA j with output 1. So even though a (corrupted) P j is present in C, potentially t honest parties may never receive their respective points on f j (x) and g j (x).

Now using a similar strategy, another corrupted P k C (where P k P j ) may bar another set of t honest parties in \(\mathcal{P}\), say the first t honest parties, from receiving their respective points on f k (x) and g k (x). In the worst case, there can be t corrupted parties in C, who may follow a similar strategy as explained above and can ensure that every honest party in \(\mathcal{P}\) waits indefinitely to receive its respective points on the polynomials, corresponding to some corrupted party (ies) in C. Thus every honest P i in \(\mathcal{P}\) may wait indefinitely to compute a i and b i .

The Technical Problem and a Possible Solution

The reason behind the above flaw is that the BSS scheme of [45] (which basically is the Shamir secret-sharing scheme, executed in the asynchronous setting, assuming an honest dealer), does not ensure that if some honest party terminates the protocol with its share, then every other honest party will also eventually do the same. A BSS scheme (in the asynchronous setting) with the “stronger” termination property will certainly avoid the above problem; however we are not aware of any BSS scheme satisfying such a termination property.

An alternative to fix the above problem is to ask each P j to share two random values, say a j and b j using the Sh protocol of some AVSS scheme and then use the ACS primitive to agree on a common subset of nt parties C whose instances of Sh will be eventually terminated by all the (honest) parties. Then each party P i can locally compute \(a_{i} = \sum_{P_{j} \in C} a_{j, i}\) and \(b_{i} = \sum_{P_{j} \in C} b_{j, i}\), where a j,i and b j,i are the ith share of a j and b j , respectively. By the termination property of AVSS, every (honest) P i will eventually terminate the Sh instance and thus will receive a j,i ,b j,i corresponding to every P j C and can compute a i and b i finally. However, the current best AVSS scheme with n=4t+1 (prior to our work) is due to [5], which requires a communication of \(\mathcal{O}(\ell n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits for concurrent sharing of values. If this AVSS is used then the resultant AMPC protocol will have a communication complexity of \(\varOmega(n^{3} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate, which is clearly more than the communication complexity of our AMPC protocols.

9 Open Problems

We presented information-theoretically secure AMPC protocols with n=4t+1, that achieve an amortized communication complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(n^{2} \log{|{\mathbb{F}}|})\) bits per multiplication gate, which improves the communication complexity of the previous best known protocols by a factor of Ω(n). The key innovation behind our protocols are new AVSS schemes, which allow to verifiably share secrets with the degree of sharing d, with td≤2t. While our perfect AMPC (and AVSS) protocol have optimal resilience, the statistical protocols do not achieve optimal resilience. It would be interesting to improve the resilience of our statistical protocols.