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Influence of temperature changes on oxygen uptake and ammonia and phosphate excretion, in relation to body size and weight, in Oikopleura dioica (Appendicularia)

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The relationship between the rates of oxygen consumption, ammonia and phosphate excretion of a pelagic tunicate, the larvacean Oikopleura dioica Fol, 1872 were assessed as a function of size, dry weight and ash-free dry weight at 15°, 20° and 24°C. O. dioica has higher respiration and excretion rates than copepods of similar weight, but the weight exponent of the allometric power function: Y=aX b is similar to that of other poikilotherms. Temperatures above 20°C have a depressing effect on respiration and ammonia excretion. 90% of the variance in metabolic rates is explainable by body mass and temperatures Q10 values for oxygen consumption, ammonia and phosphate excretion, respectively, are 2.45, 1.86 and 1.75 between 15° and 20°C, and 3.75, 2.90 and 3.60 between 20° and 24°C. Metabolic quotients (O:N, O:P, N:P) indicate a protein-oriented diet. The results of this study suggest weak metabolic regulation in O. dioica, an energetic strategy which allows an immediate response to favourable changes in feeding conditions.

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Gorsky, G., Palazzoli, I. & Fenaux, R. Influence of temperature changes on oxygen uptake and ammonia and phosphate excretion, in relation to body size and weight, in Oikopleura dioica (Appendicularia). Mar. Biol. 94, 191–201 (1987).

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