
1 Introduction

Any computable function f(x) can be represented as a Boolean circuit with input bits \(x = (x_1, \ldots , x_u)\). Universal circuits (UCs) are programmable circuits, which means that beyond the true u inputs, they receive \(p = (p_1, \ldots , p_m)\) program bits as further inputs. By means of these program bits, the universal circuit is programmed to evaluate the function, such that \( UC (x, p) = f(x)\). The advantage of universal circuits in general is that one can apply the same UC for computing different functions of the same size. An analogy between universal circuits and a universal Turing machine allows to turn any function into data in the form of a program description. Thus, the size-depth problem of UCs can be related to the time-space problem for Turing machines [Val76].

Efficient constructions considering both the size and the depth of the UC were proposed. The first approach was the optimization of the size by Valiant [Val76], resulting in a construction with asymptotically optimal size \(\mathcal {O}(k \log k)\) and depth \(\mathcal {O}(k)\), where k denotes the size of the simulated circuits. The second optimization was proposed with respect to the UC depth in [CH85], where a construction with linear depth \(\mathcal {O}(d)\) in the simulated circuit depth d and size \(\mathcal {O}(\frac{k^3d}{\log k})\) was designed. In this paper, due to the applications that we revisit in Sect. 1.2, e.g., diagnostic programs, blinded policies and database queries, we concentrate on the existing size-optimized UCs and note, that the asymptotically optimal size is \(\mathrm {\varOmega }(k \log k)\) [Val76, Weg87].

The most prominent application of universal circuits is the evaluation of private functions based on secure function evaluation (SFE) or secure two-party computation. SFE enables two parties \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) to evaluate a publicly known function f(xy) on their private inputs x and y, ensuring that none of the participants learns anything about the other participant’s input. SFE ensures that both \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) learn the correct result of the evaluation. Many secure computation protocols use Boolean circuits for representing the desired functionality, such as Yao’s garbled circuit protocol [Yao86, LP09a] and the GMW protocol [GMW87]. In some applications the function itself should be kept secret. This setting is called private function evaluation (PFE), where we assume that only one of the parties \(P_1\) knows the function f(x), whereas the other party \(P_2\) provides the input to the private function. \(P_2\) learns no information about f besides the size of the circuit defining the function and the number of inputs and outputs.

PFE can be reduced to SFE [AF90, SYY99, Pin02, KS08b] by securely evaluating a UC that is programmed by \(P_1\) to evaluate the function f on \(P_2\)’s input x. Thus, \(P_1\) provides the program bits for the UC and \(P_2\) provides his private input x into an SFE protocol that computes a UC. The complexity of PFE in this case is determined mainly by the complexity of the UC construction. The security follows from that of the SFE protocol that is used to evaluate the UC. If the SFE protocol is secure against semi-honest, covert or malicious adversaries, then the PFE protocol is secure in the same adversarial setting.

1.1 Related Work on Universal Circuits and Private Function Evaluation

Universal Circuits. Valiant presented an asymptotically optimal universal circuit construction with size \(\approx 4.75(u + v + k^*)\log _2 (u + v + k^*)\) [Val76], relying on edge-universal graphs. uk and v denote the respective number of inputs, gates and outputs in the simulated circuit, and \(k^*\) is the number of gates in the equivalent fanout-2 circuit, with \(k\le k^* \le 2k + v\). Valiant’s size-optimized UC construction was recapitulated in [Weg87, Sect. 4.8]. However, Valiant’s construction has been considered to be mostly a proof of existence of a universal circuit, whereas details needed for the practical realization, e.g., how to derive the program for the UC are left open. Kolesnikov and Schneider proposed a UC construction with size \(\approx 0.75 k\log ^2_2 k + 2.25 k\log _2 k + k\log _2 u + (0.5 k + 0.5v)\log _2 v\) [KS08b, Sch08]. They present the first implementation of PFE using UCs by extending the Fairplay secure computation framework [MNPS04]. Some building blocks of this construction are of interest, but due to its asymptotically non-optimal size, we show in Sect. 3.2 that Valiant’s UC construction results in smaller UCs for circuits in the most general case. The UC constructions from [Val76, KS08b] were generalized for circuits consisting of gates with more than two inputs in [SS08]. In this paper, we show the practicality of Valiant’s UC construction.

In concurrent and independent work [LMS16], Lipmaa et al. also bring the same UC construction to practice. They detail a k-way recursive construction for UCs, instantiate it for \(k\in \{2, 4\}\) as in [Val76], and descrease its total number of gates compared to that of Valiant’s construction. However, in contrast to our optimizations, their number of AND gates is exactly the same and therefore their improvement does not affect PFE with UC, when XOR gates are evaluated for free [KS08a]. Currently their implementation for generating and programming UCs supports the 2-way recursive construction, the same construction that we study and realize in practice in this work.

Private Function Evaluation. In [KM11], Katz and Malka presented an approach for PFE that does not rely on UCs. They use (singly) homomorphic public-key encryption as well as a symmetric-key encryption scheme and achieve constant-round PFE with linear communication complexity. However, the number of public-key operations is linear in the circuit size and due to the gap between the efficiency of public-key and symmetric-key operations, this results in a less efficient protocol for circuits with reasonable size. Their protocol is secure against semi-honest adversaries and uses Yao’s garbled circuit technique [Yao86]. Mohassel and Sadeghian consider PFE with semi-honest adversaries in [MS13]. Their generic PFE framework can be instantiated with different secure computation protocols. The first version uses homomorphic encryption with which they achieve linear complexity in the circuit size and the second alternative relies solely on oblivious transfers (OT), that results in a method with \(\mathcal {O}(k\log k)\) symmetric-key operations, where k denotes the circuit size. The OT-based construction is more desirable in practice, since using OT extension, the number of expensive public-key operations can significantly be reduced, s.t. it is independent of the number of OTs [IKNP03, ALSZ13]. The asymptotical complexity of the OT-based construction of [MS13] and Valiant’s UCs for PFE is the same, and therefore we compare these solutions for PFE in more detail in Sect. 4.2. Mohassel et al. extend the framework from [MS13] to malicious adversaries in [MSS14] and show that an actively secure PFE framework with linear complexity \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) is feasible, using singly homomorphic encryption.

1.2 Applications of Universal Circuits

Universal circuits have several applications, which we summarize in this section.

Private Function Evaluation. As mentioned before, UCs can be used to securely evaluate a private function using a generic secure computation protocol. [CCKM00] shows an application for secure computation, where evaluating UCs or other PFE protocols would ensure privacy: when autonomous mobile agents migrate between several distrusting hosts, the privacy of the inputs of the hosts is achieved using SFE, while privacy of the mobile agent’s code can be guaranteed with PFE. Privacy-preserving credit checking using garbled circuits is described in [FAZ05]. Their original scheme cannot represent any policy, though by evaluating a UC, their scheme can be extended to more complicated credit checking policies. [OI05] show a method to filter remote streaming data obliviously, using secret keywords and their combinations. Their scheme can additionally preserve data privacy by using PFE to search the matching data with a private search function. Privacy-preserving evaluation of diagnostic programs was considered in [BPSW07], where the owner of the program does not want to reveal the diagnostic method and the user does not want to reveal his data. Example applications for such programs include medical systems [BFK+09] and remote software fault diagnosis, where in both cases the function and the user’s input are desired to be handled privately. In the protocol presented in [BPSW07], the diagnostic programs are represented as binary decision trees or branching programs which can easily be converted into a Boolean circuit representation and evaluated using PFE based on universal circuits. Besides, PFE can be applied to create blinded policy evaluation protocols [FAL06, FLA06]. [FAL06] utilizes UCs for so-called oblivious circuit policies and [DDKZ13] for hiding the circuit topology in order to create one-time programs. Since PFE using UCs utilizes general secure computation protocols, it is possible to outsource the function and the data to two or multiple servers (using XOR secret sharing) and then run private queries on these. This is not directly possible with other PFE protocols, e.g., with the protocol presented in [KM11] or the homomorphic encryption-based protocols from [MS13, MSS14].

Beyond Private Function Evaluation. Besides being used for PFE, UCs can be applied in various other scenarios. Efficient verifiabile computation on encrypted data was studied in [FGP14]. A verifiable computation scheme was proposed for arbitrary computations and a UC is required to hide the function. [GGPR13] make use of universal circuits for reducing the verifier’s preprocessing step. In [GHV10], a multi-hop homomorphic encryption scheme is proposed that also uses a universal circuit evaluator to achieve the privacy of the function. When the common reference string is dependent on a function that the verifier is interested in outsourcing, then the function description can be provided as input to a UC of appropriate size. In [PKV+14, FVK+15], universal circuits are used for hiding queries in database management systems (DBMSs). The Blind Seer DBMS was improved in [PKV+14] by making use of a simpler UC for evaluating queries, which does not hide the circuit topology. The authors mention that in case the topology of the SQL formula and the circuit have to be kept private, a UC can be utilized. As described in [Att14], the Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) schemes for some polynomial-size circuits can be turned into ciphertext-policy ABE by using universal circuits. The ABE scheme of [GGHZ14] also uses UCs.

1.3 Outline and Our Contributions

In Sect. 2, we revisit the two existing size-optimized UC constructions of [Val76, KS08b]. We put an emphasis on the asymptotically size-optimal method proposed by Valiant in [Val76]. This complex construction makes use of an internal graph representation and programs a so-called edge-universal graph. However, the algorithm for programming a universal circuit is not explicitly described and in the presence of the included optimizations is not straightforwardly applicable. In Sect. 2.1, we recapitulate Valiant’s recursive edge-universal graph construction and describe how the construction of UCs can be reduced to this problem. In Sect. 2.2, we briefly summarize the main building blocks of the UC construction of [KS08b].

Optimized Size and Depth of Valiant’s UC Construction: In Sect. 3, we elaborate on the concrete size of Valiant’s UC construction. We refine upper and lower bounds for the size of the edge-universal graph and approximate a closed formula with \(\le 2\,\%\) deviation from the actual size in Sect. 3.1. We include two optimizations detailed in Sect. 3.2, achieving altogether a linear improvement of at least \(4u + 4v + 2k\). We give hybrid constructions for cases with many inputs and outputs in the same section. In Sect. 3.2, we compare the refined concrete size and the depth of Valiant’s construction with that of [KS08b] and conclude the advantage of Valiant’s method (potentially using building blocks from [KS08b]).

Valiant’s Size-Optimized UC Construction in Practice: In Sect. 4, we detail the steps of our algorithm for a practical realization of Valiant’s UC construction and provide an example application for PFE. We describe the internal representations and the algorithms in our UC compiler in Sect. 4.1, along with detailed implementations of universal gates and switches. We compare our resulting PFE with the OT-based protocol from [MS13] in Sect. 4.2. We show concrete example circuits and elaborate on the number of symmetric-key operations and the performance of our UC compiler.

2 Existing Universal Circuit Constructions

In this section, we summarize the two size-optimized universal circuit constructions: of [Val76] in Sect. 2.1 and of [KS08b] in Sect. 2.2.

2.1 Valiant’s Universal Circuit Construction

In this section, we describe Valiant’s edge-universal graph construction for graphs for which all nodes have at most one incoming and at most one outgoing edge and detail how two such graphs can be used for constructing universal circuits [Val76].

Edge-Universal Graphs. \(G=(V, E)\) is a directed graph with the set of nodes \(V=\{1, \ldots , n\}\) and the set of edges \(E\subseteq V\times V\). A directed graph has fanin or fanout \(\ell \) if each of its nodes has at most \(\ell \) edges directed into or out of it, respectively. \(\varGamma _\ell (n)\) denotes the set of all acyclic directed graphs with n nodes and fanin and fanout \(\ell \). Further on, we require a labelling of the nodes in a topological order, i.e., \(i>j\) implies that there is no directed path from i to j. In a graph in \(\varGamma _\ell (n)\), a topological ordering can always be found with computational complexity \(\mathcal {O}(n + \ell n)\).

An edge-embedding of graph \(G=(V, E)\) into \(G'=(V', E')\) is a mapping that maps V into \(V'\) one-to-one, with possible additional nodes in \(V'\), and E into directed paths in \(E'\), such that they are pairwise edge-disjoint, i.e., an edge can be used only in one path. A graph \(G'\) is edge-universal for \(\varGamma _\ell (n)\) if it has distinguished poles \(\{p_1, \ldots , p_n\}\subseteq V'\) and every graph \(G \in \varGamma _\ell (n)\) with node set \(V=\{1, \ldots , n\}\) can be edge-embedded into \(G'\) by a mapping \(\varphi ^G\) such that \(\varphi ^G: i \mapsto p_i\) and \(\varphi ^G:(i, j) \mapsto \{\text {path from pole}\ p_i\) to pole \(p_j\}\) for each \(i, j\in V\).

Here, we recapitulate Valiant’s construction for acyclic edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _1 (n)\), denoted by \(U_n\), that has fewer than \(2.5 n\log _2 n\) nodes, fanin and fanout 2 and poles with fanin and fanout 1. Valiant presents another edge-universal graph construction with a lower multiplicative constant \(2.375 n\log _2 n\). We omit that version of the algorithm for two reasons: firstly, our aim is to show the practicality of Valiant’s approach and secondly, including all the optimizations even in the simpler construction is a challenging task in practice. The more efficient algorithm uses four subgraphs instead of two at each recursion and utilizes a skeleton with a more complex structure. For more details on this improved algorithm, the reader is referred to [Val76, LMS16]. We leave showing the practicality of the improved method as future work.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Skeleton of Valiant’s edge-universal graph and optimized cases.

Valiant’s Edge-Universal Graph Construction for \(\varGamma _1(n)\) Graphs: The edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _1(n)\), denoted by \(U_n\), is constructed with poles \(\{p_1, \ldots , p_n\}\) with fanin and fanout 1, which are connected according to the skeleton shown in Figs. 1a and b. The poles are emphasized as special nodes with squares, and the additional nodes are shown as circles. The recursive construction works as follows: the nodes denoted by \(\{q_1, \ldots , q_{\lceil \frac{n-2}{2}\rceil }\}\) and \(\{r_1, \ldots , r_{\lfloor \frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor }\}\) are considered as the poles of two smaller edge-universal graphs called subgraphs \(Q_{\lceil \frac{n-2}{2}\rceil }\) and \(R_{\lfloor \frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor }\), respectively, that are otherwise not shown. Since they are poles of the two subgraphs with such a skeleton but not of \(U_n\), they will have at most the allowed fanin and fanout 2: they inherit one incoming and one outgoing edge from the outer skeleton, and at most one incoming and one outgoing edge from the subgraph. \(Q_{\lceil \frac{n-2}{2}\rceil }\) (and \(R_{\lfloor \frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor }\)) is then constructed similarly: the skeleton is completed and two smaller graphs with sizes \(\lceil \frac{\lceil \frac{n-2}{2}\rceil -2}{2} \rceil \) and \(\lfloor \frac{\lceil \frac{n-2}{2}\rceil -2}{2} \rfloor \) (and sizes \(\lceil \frac{\lfloor \frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor -2}{2} \rceil \) and \(\lfloor \frac{\lfloor \frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor -2}{2} \rfloor \)) are constructed. For starting off the recursion, \(U_1\) is a graph with a single pole while \(U_2\) and \(U_3\) are graphs with two and three connected poles, respectively. Valiant gives special constructions for \(U_4, U_5\) and \(U_6\) and shows that it is possible to obtain the respective edge-universal graphs with altogether 3, 7 and 9 additional nodes, respectively, as shown in Figs. 1c, d, and e.

We recapitulate the proof from [Val76] that \(U_n\) is edge-universal for \(\varGamma _1(n)\), such that any graph with n nodes and fanin and fanout 1 can be edge-embedded into \(U_n\). According to the definition of edge-embedding, it has to be shown that given any \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graph G with set of edges E, for any \((i, j) \in E\) and \((k, l) \in E\) we can find pairwise edge-disjoint paths from \(p_i\) to \(p_j\) and from \(p_k\) to \(p_l\) in \(U_n\). As before, the labelling of nodes \(V=\{1, \ldots , n\}\) in the \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graph is according to a topological order of the nodes.

Firstly, each two neighbouring poles of the edge-universal graph, \(p_{2s}\) and \(p_{2s+1}\) for \(s \in \{1, \ldots , \lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil \}\), are thought of as merged superpoles, with their fanin and fanout becoming 2. In a similar manner, any \(G\in \varGamma _1(n)\) graph can be regarded as a \(\varGamma _2(\lceil \frac{n}{2} \rceil )\) graph with supernodes, i.e. each pair \((2s, 2s+1)\) will be merged into one node in a \(\varGamma _2(\lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil )\) graph \(G'=(V', E')\). If there are edges between the nodes in G, they are simulated with loopsFootnote 1. The set of edges of this graph G is partitioned to sets \(E_1\) and \(E_2\), s.t. \(G_1=(V, E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V, E_2)\) are instances of \(\varGamma _1(\lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil )\) and \(\varGamma _1(\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor )\), respectively. This can be done efficiently, as shown later in this section. The edges in \(E_1\) are embedded as directed paths in Q, and the edges in \(E_2\) as directed paths in R. Both \(E_1\) and \(E_2\) have at most one edge directed into and at most one directed out of any supernode and therefore, there is only one edge from \(E_1\) and one from \(E_2\) to be simulated going through any superpole in \(U_n\) as well. Thus, the edge coming into a superpole \((p_{2s}, p_{2s+1})\) in \(E_1\) is embedded as a path through \(q_{s-1}\), while the edge going out of the pole in \(E_1\) is embedded as a path through \(q_s\) in the appropriate subgraph. Similarly, the edges in \(E_2\) are simulated as edges through \(r_{s-1}\) and \(r_s\). These paths can be chosen disjoint according to the induction hypothesis. Finally, the paths from \(q_{s-1}\) and \(r_{s-1}\) to superpole \((p_{2s-1}, p_{2s})\) as well as the paths from \((p_{2s-1}, p_{2s})\) to \(q_s\) and \(r_s\) can be chosen edge-disjoint due to the skeleton shown in Figs. 1a and b. With this, Valiant’s graph construction is a valid edge-universal graph construction with asymptotically optimal size \(\mathcal {O}(n\log n)\), and depth \(\mathcal {O}(n)\)  [Val76].

Valiant’s Edge-Universal Graph Construction for \(\varGamma _2(n)\) Graphs: Given a directed acyclic graph \(G \in \varGamma _2(n)\), the set of edges E can be separated into two distinct sets \(E_1\) and \(E_2\), such that graphs \(G_1=(V, E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V, E_2)\) are instances of \(\varGamma _1(n)\), having fanin and fanout 1 for each node [Val76]. Given the set of nodes \(V = \{1, \ldots , n\}\), one constructs a bipartite graph \(\overline{G}=(\overline{V}, \overline{E})\) with nodes \(\overline{V}=\{m_1, \ldots , m_n, m'_1, \ldots , m'_n\}\) and edges \(\overline{E}\) such that \((m_i, m'_j)\in \overline{E}\) if and only if \((i, j)\in E\). The edges of \(\overline{G}\) and thus the corresponding edges of G can be colored in a way that the result is a valid two-coloring. Having fanin and fanout at most 2, such coloring can be found directly with the following method, used in the proof of Kőnig-Hall theorem in [LP09b]:

figure a

This coloring can be performed in \(\mathcal {O}(n)\) steps and it defines the edges in \(E_1\) and \(E_2\), s.t. \(E_1\) contains the edges colored with color one and \(E_2\) the ones with color two and \(G_1=(V, E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V, E_2)\) (cf. full version [KS16]).

With this method, the problem of constructing edge-universal graphs for \(\varGamma _2(n)\) can be reduced to the \(\varGamma _1(n)\) construction. After constructing two edge-universal graphs for \(\varGamma _1(n)\) (i.e. \(U_{n, 1}\) and \(U_{n, 2}\)), their poles are merged and an edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _2(n)\) is obtained. The merged poles now have fanin and fanout 2, since the poles of \(U_{n, 1}\) and \(U_{n, 2}\) previously had fanin and fanout 1. \(E_1\) can then be edge-embedded using the edges of \(U_{n, 1}\) and \(E_2\) using the edges of \(U_{n, 2}\).

Universal Circuits. We now describe how to construct UCs by means of Valiant’s edge-universal graph construction for \(\varGamma _2(n)\) graphs [Val76]. Our goal is to obtain an acyclic circuit built from special gates that simulate any acyclic Boolean circuit with u inputs, v outputs and k gates. In the circuit, the inputs of the gates are either connected to an input variable, to the output of another gate or are assigned a fixed constant. Due to the nature of Valiant’s edge-universal graph construction, we have two restrictions on the original circuit. Firstly, all the gates must have at most two inputs and secondly, the fanout of inputs and gates must be at most 2, i.e., each input of the circuit and each output of any gate can only be the input of at most two later gates. This is necessary in order to guarantee that the graph of the original circuit has fanin and fanout 2. We note that the first restriction was present in case of the construction in [KS08b] as well, but the output of any input or any gate could be used multiple times. However, it was proven in [Val76] that the general case, where the fanout of the circuit can be any integer \(m \ge 2\), can be transformed to the special case when \(m \le 2\) by introducing copy gates, where the resulting circuit will have \(k^*\) gates with \(k\le k^* \le 2k + v\), where k denotes the number of gates and v the number of outputs in the circuit. We detail how this can be done in Sect. 4.1.

After this transformation, given a circuit C with u inputs, v outputs and \(k^*\) gates with fanin and fanout 2, the graph of C, denoted by \(G^C\) consists of a node for each gate, input and output variable and thus is in \(\varGamma _2(u + v + k^*)\). The wires of circuit C are represented by edges in \(G^C\). A topological ordering of the gates is chosen, which ensures that gate \(g_i\) has no inputs that are outputs of a later gate \(g_j\), where \(j>i\). The inputs and the outputs can be ordered arbitrarily within themselves as long as the inputs are kept before the topologically ordered gates and the outputs after them. Even though the output nodes cause an overhead in Valiant’s UC, they are required to fully hide the topology of the circuit in the corresponding universal circuit. If, one can observe which gates provide the output of the computation, it might reveal information about the structure of the circuit, e.g. how many times is the result of an output gate used after being calculated. We ensure by adding nodes corresponding to the outputs that the last v nodes in \(U_{u + v + k^*}\) are the ones providing the outputs. We note that our understanding of universal circuits here slightly differs from Valiant’s, since he constructs \(U_{u + k^*}\) [Val76].

Therefore, after obtaining \(G^C\) a \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph \(U_{u + v + k^*}\) is constructed, into which \(G^C\) is edge-embedded. Valiant shows in [Val76] how to obtain the universal circuit corresponding to \(U_{u + v + k^*}\) and how to program it according to the edge-embedding of \(G^C\). Firstly, the first u poles become inputs, the next \(k^*\) poles are so-called universal gates, and the last v poles are outputs in the universal circuit. A universal gate denoted by \(U(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2; c_0, c_1, c_2, c_3)\), can compute any function with two inputs \(\text {in}_1\) and \(\text {in}_2\) and four control bits \(c_0, c_1, c_2\) and \(c_3\) as in Eq. 1.

$$\begin{aligned} \text {out}_1 = c_0 \overline{\text {in}_1} \overline{\text {in}_2} \oplus c_1 \overline{\text {in}_1} \text {in}_2 \oplus c_2 \text {in}_1 \overline{\text {in}_2} \oplus c_3 \text {in}_1 \text {in}_2. \end{aligned}$$

The rest of the nodes of the edge-universal graph are translated into universal switches or X gates, denoted by \((\text {out}_1, \text {out}_2) = X(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2; c)\) that are defined by one control bit c and return the two input values either in the same or in reversed order as in Eq. 2.

$$\begin{aligned} \text {out}_1=\overline{c}\,\text {in}_1 \oplus c\,\text {in}_2,\qquad \text {out}_2=c\, \text {in}_1 \oplus \overline{c}\, \text {in}_2. \end{aligned}$$

The programming of the universal circuit means specifying the control bit of each universal switch and the four control bits of each universal gate. The universal gates are programmed according to the simulated gates in C and the universal switches according to the paths defined by the edge-embedding of the graph of the circuit \(G^C\) in the edge-universal graph \(U_{u + v + k^*}\). Depending on if the path takes the same direction during the embedding (e.g. arrives from the left and continues on the left) or changes its direction at a given node (e.g. arrives from the left and continues on the right), the control bit of the universal switch can be programmed accordingly. In Sect. 4.1, we detail our concrete method for programming the universal circuit and discuss efficient implementations of universal gates and switches.

2.2 Universal Circuit Construction from [KS08b]

The universal circuit construction from [KS08b] is built from three main building blocks (cf. full version [KS16]) that we summarize in this section. The construction uses efficient building blocks for hiding the wiring of the u inputs and v outputs, using the fact that the maximum number of inputs to a circuit with k gates is 2k and the maximum number of outputs is k. A recursive building block with size \(\mathcal {O}(k\log ^2 k)\) is constructed for hiding the wiring between the gates.

For hiding the input wiring, a selection block \(S_{2k\ge u}^u\) is used, i.e., a programmable block that selects for 2k outputs one of \(u\le 2k\) inputs. This means that with the u inputs of circuit C, it can be programmed to assign the output wires according to the original structure of C and assign duplicates to the rest of the wires. The authors show an efficient implementation of selection blocks with size \(\mathcal {O}(k\log k)\) and depth \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) with a small constant factor [KS08b].

For hiding the output wiring, the authors use a smaller selection block. We note that the usage of their so-called truncated permutation block is enough to program the output wires according to the original topology of C as no duplicates can occur. This truncated permutation block \( TP _{v}^{k\ge v}\) permutes a subset of the maximal k inputs to the \(v \le k\) outputs. An efficient construction of size \(\mathcal {O}(k\log v)\) and depth \(\mathcal {O}(\log k)\) is given in [KS08b].

A universal block \( UB _{k}\) is placed between the input selection block and the output permutation block. It takes care of the simulation of the gates using universal gates and ensures that each possible wiring can be implemented in the UC. The universal block construction is recursive, makes use of two universal blocks of smaller size with a selection block and a mixing block (essentially a layer of universal switches with one output) in between them. The \(\mathcal {O}(k\log ^2 k)\) size of this universal block is asymptotically not optimal and its \(\mathcal {O}(k\log k)\) depth is also a factor of \(\log k\) larger than Valiant’s UC’s. Thus, despite the efficiency of the other two building blocks, the construction from [KS08b] yields larger circuits than Valiant’s UC in most cases. However, we note that using some of its building blocks can be beneficial in some scenarios (cf. Sect. 3.2).

3 The Size and the Depth of Valiant’s Construction

In this section, we obtain new formulae for the size and the depth of Valiant’s construction: the \(\varGamma _1\) edge-universal graph construction is described in Sect. 3.1 and the universal circuit construction in Sect. 3.2. The size of the edge-universal graph is the number of nodes, counting all the poles and nodes created while using Valiant’s construction. The depth of the edge-universal graph is the number of nodes on the longest path between any two nodes. When considering UCs and the PFE application, since XOR gates can be evaluated for free in secure computation [KS08a], the ANDsize of the universal circuit is the number of AND gates that are needed to realize the UC in total. The ANDdepth of the universal circuit in this scenario is the maximum number of AND gates between any input and output. For the sake of generality, we give the total size and depth of Valiant’s UC construction with respect to both the AND and XOR gates that are used. Our implementation of universal gates and switches is optimized for PFE (cf. Sect. 4.1) and therefore uses the fewest AND gates possible. However, the total size and depth can be relevant when optimizing for other applications, in which case our implementation gives an upper bound that can be improved. For instance, when XOR and AND gates have the same costs, one needs to minimize the total number of gates instead of the number of AND gates as in  [LMS16].

3.1 The Size and the Depth of the \(\varGamma _1\) Edge-Universal Graph

In the skeleton, node A in Fig. 1a is redundant, since one can choose to embed the edge \((y, n - 1)\) as \((p_y, p_{n-1})\) through Q, and (zn) as \((p_z, p_n)\) through R for any y and z nodes [Val76]. Thus, the number of nodes other than poles \(\textsc {Exact}(n)\), for even n becomes

$$\begin{aligned} \textsc {Exact}(n) = 2 \cdot \textsc {Exact} \left( \frac{n-2}{2}\right) + 5 \cdot \frac{n-2}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

For odd n, the construction makes use of \(\frac{n-1}{2}\) poles in Q and \(\frac{n-3}{2}\) poles in R. Then, edge (yn) is embedded as \((p_y, p_n)\) through Q for any y node, and node A is again redundant. Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} \textsc {Exact}(n) = \textsc {Exact}\left( \frac{n-1}{2} \right) + \textsc {Exact}\left( \frac{n-3}{2} \right) + 5\cdot \frac{n-3}{2} + 3. \end{aligned}$$

Using these recursive formulae, given the value n, it is possible to obtain the exact number of nodes other than poles in \(U_n\). Valiant includes optimizations for starting off the recursion: for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 nodes; the respective number of additional nodes are 0, 0, 0, 3, 7 and 9 (cf. Figs. 1c, d and e). Thus, a simple algorithm using dynamic programming based on the recursion relations of Eqs. 3 and 4 yields the exact number of nodes other than the original n poles that are created during the edge-universal graph construction. It depends on the parity of the input n at each iteration and unfortunately does not yield a closed formula for the size of Valiant’s edge-universal graph construction, which is \(n + \textsc {Exact}(n)\).

Valiant states that using his method, an edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _1(n)\) can be found “with fewer than \(\frac{19}{8} n\log _2 n\) nodes, and fanin and fanout 2” [Val76]. As mentioned in Sect. 2.1, we consider the more detailed algorithm that yields the result with a slightly larger prefactor of \(2.5 n\log _2 n\) instead of \(2.375 n\log _2 n\). In this section, we sharpen this bound and give an approximate closed formula for the size of the construction. We first give upper and lower bounds, and then derive an approximation for a closed formula. For our lower bound, we consider the case when only the formula for even numbers, i.e., Eq. 3, is considered. This yields our lower bound of

$$\begin{aligned} n + 5 \left( \sum _{i=0}^{\log _2 n -1} 2^i\left( \frac{n}{2^{i+1}}-\frac{2(2^{i+1}-1)}{2^{i+1}} \right) \right) = 2.5 n \log _2 n - 9 n + 5\log _2 n + 10. \end{aligned}$$

The upper bound can be obtained similarly, considering the case when only the formula for odd numbers with \(5\cdot \left( \frac{n-1}{2}\right) \) is considered

$$\begin{aligned} n + 5 \left( \sum _{i=0}^{\log _2 n -1} 2^i\left( \frac{n}{2^{i+1}}-\frac{2^{i+1}-1}{2^{i+1}} \right) \right) = 2.5 n \log _2 n - 4 n + 2.5 \log _2 n + 5. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Our upper and lower bounds for the size of Valiant’s edge-universal graph construction for \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graphs, along with Valiant’s upper bound on the same construction and the exact size Exact(n), considering the size of the embedded graph \(n \in \{ 1, \ldots , {100\,000}\}\) (Color figure online).

Figure 2 depicts our upper and lower bounds along with Valiant’s upper bound on the same construction for up to 100 000 nodes. We observe that the mean of our bounds is very close to the exact number of nodes. Figure 3 shows that already after a couple of hundreds of poles, it only slightly deviates from the exact number of nodes Exact(n). Thus, we accept

$$\begin{aligned} \text {size}(U_n) \approx 2.5 n \log _2 n - 6.5 n + 3.75 \log _2 n + 7.5 \end{aligned}$$

as a good approximation of the closed formula for the size of the construction, noting that an estimated deviation of at most \(2\,\%\) compared to the exact number of nodes, i.e., \(\varepsilon \le 0.02\cdot \text {size}(U_n)\) may occur.

The depth of the edge-universal graph, i.e., the maximum number of nodes between any two nodes is defined by the number of nodes between \(p_1\) and \(p_n\) in the skeleton (cf. Figs. 1a and b). Thus, depth\((U_n) = 3n - 3\) for even n and depth\((U_n)=3n - 2\) for odd n.

3.2 The Size and the Depth of Valiant’s Universal Circuit

As described in Sect. 2.1, a universal circuit is constructed by means of an edge-universal graph for graphs with fanin and fanout 2, which is in turn constructed from two \(\varGamma _1\) edge-universal graphs with poles merged together and thus taken only once into consideration. When constructing a UC, the number of inputs u, the number of outputs v and the number of gates k is public. We set \(k^*\) as the number of gates in the equivalent fanout-2 circuit, where \(k\le k^*\le 2k + v\), in order to be able to later fairly compare with the UC construction of [KS08b]. We consider \(k^*\) as the public parameter instead of k, since without the knowledge of the original number of simulated gates, it does not reveal information about the simulated circuit. If the original k is public, one can hide \(k^*\) by setting it to its maximal value \(2k+v\). Thus, using Valiant’s UC construction, a \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph with \(u + v+k^*\) poles is constructed and thus, our approximative formula for the size of the \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph corresponding to the graph of the circuit would become \(2 \cdot \text {size}(U_{u + v + k^*}) - (u + v + k^*)\) and the exact number would be \(u + v + k^* + 2\cdot \textsc {Exact}(u + v + k^*)\), i.e., the \(u + v + k^*\) merged poles of the two edge-universal graphs plus the exact number of nodes other than poles. Therefore, the size of Valiant’s UC is

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \text {size}( UC ^\text {Valiant}_{u, v, k^*}) \approx&[5(u+v+k^*)\log _2(u+v+k^*) - 15(u+v+k^*)\\&\quad +7.5 \log _2 (u + v + k^*) + 15] \cdot \text {size}(X) + k^*\cdot \text {size}(U) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3.
figure 3

The deviation of the mean of our upper and lower bounds (Eqs. 5 and 6) from the exact size of the edge-universal graph Exact \((n)+n\), considering the size of the embedded graph \(n \in \{ 1, \ldots , {100\,000}\}\).

and the depth stays

$$\begin{aligned} \text {depth}( UC ^\text {Valiant}_{u, v, k^*}) \approx [2(u + v + k^*) - 2] \cdot \text {depth}(X) + k^* \cdot \text {depth}(U). \end{aligned}$$

When transforming the \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph into a UC, the first u poles are associated with inputs, the last v poles with outputs, and the \(k^*\) poles between are realized with universal gates (cf. Eq. 1) and their programming is defined by the corresponding gates in the simulated circuit. The rest of the nodes of the edge-universal graph are translated into universal switches (cf. Eq. 2), whose programming is defined by the edge-embedding of the graph of the circuit into the \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph. Thus, the size and depth of Valiant’s UC can be directly derived from the size of the \(\varGamma _2\) edge-universal graph. However, we include two optimizations to obtain a smaller size of the UC. The first optimization improves already the size of the edge-universal graph and the second optimization is applied when translating the edge-universal graph into a UC description (cf. Sect. 4.1).

  • 1. Optimization for Input and Output Nodes: We observe that obviously circuit inputs need no ingoing edges and circuit outputs need no outgoing edges. Therefore, since uv and \(k^*\) are publicly known, we optimize by deleting nodes that become redundant while canceling the edges going to the first u (input) and coming from the last v (output) nodes. Depending on the parity of uv and \(u + v + k^*\), the number of redundant switching nodes is \(u + v - 3 \pm 1\) in both \(\varGamma _1\) edge-universal graphs that build up the graph of the UC. Therefore, we have, on average, \(2(u + v - 3)\) redundant nodes, which number we use in our calculations further on. This optimization also affects the depth by, on average, \(u+v-3\).

  • 2. Optimization for Fanin-1 Nodes: We observe that in the skeleton of the \(\varGamma _1\) edge-universal graph construction there is a fanin-1 node (denoted with B in Figs. 1a and b). Such fanin-1 nodes exist in the base-cases for a small number of poles as well (cf. Figs. 1c, d and e). These nodes are important to achieve fanin and fanout 2 of each nodes in the graph, but can be ignored and replaced with wires when translated into a circuit description, essentially resulting in the same UC. According to Valiant’s construction, these gates would translate into universal switches with one real input (and an other arbitrary one). Instead, we translate each of them into two wires and therefore set the second input to the same as the first one. Since at least one such node can be ignored in each subgraph when nodes are translated into gates, this results in altogether around

    $$\begin{aligned} 2\cdot \left( \sum _{i = 0}^{\log _2 (u + v + k^*) - 1} 2^i \right) - 1 = 2(u + v + k^*) - 3 \end{aligned}$$

    less gates for the two \(\varGamma _1\) edge-universal graphs. This improvement has no effect on the depth of the construction.

Since both the size and the depth are dependent on the underlying representation of the circuit building blocks (of the universal gate U and of the universal switch or X gate), and the secure computation protocol, we express the size of the universal circuit with the size and depth of U and of X as parameters. Including the above optimizations of altogether \(4(u + v) + 2k^* -9\), the approximate formula for the size of Valiant’s optimized UC construction becomes

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \text {size}( UC ^{\text {opt}}_{u, v, k^*}) \approx&[5 (u+v+k^*) \log _2 (u+v+k^*) - 17 k^* - 19(u+v) \\&\quad + 7.5 \log _2 (u+v+k^*) + 24] \cdot \text {size}(X) + k^* \cdot \text {size}(U). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

To obtain the exact size of the UC, we use the recursive relations depicted in Eqs. 3 and 4 and include our optimizations. Thus, we obtain


From the depth of the edge-universal graph, the depth of the UC becomes

$$\begin{aligned} \text {depth}( UC ^{\text {opt}}_{u, v, k^*}) \approx [u + v + 2k^*+3]\cdot \text {depth}(X) + k^* \cdot \text {depth}(U). \end{aligned}$$

Depending on the application, size(X) and size(U) as well as depth(X) and depth(U) can be optimized. Due to the PFE application, where XOR gates can be evaluated for free, we assess the ANDsize and ANDdepth of our AND-optimized implementations of universal gates and switches (cf. Sect. 4.1). In general, a universal gate can be realized with 3 AND gates (and 6 XOR gates), and ANDdepth of 2 (total depth of 6). Universal switches can be realized with only one AND gate (and 3 XOR gates), and ANDdepth of 1 (total depth of 3) [KS08a].

For private function evaluation, the size and the depth of U can be further optimized depending on the underlying secure computation protocol. In case the SFE implementation uses Yao’s garbled circuit protocol [Yao86], both ANDsize(U) and ANDdepth(U) can be minimized to 1, due to the fact that in some garbling schemes the evaluator does not learn the type of the evaluated gate such as in case of garbled 3-row-reduction [NPS99]. Therefore, a universal gate can be implemented with one 2-input non-XOR gate [PSS09].

Optimized Hybrid Universal Circuit Construction: We investigate if hybrid methods utilizing building blocks of both UC constructions, i.e., of both  [Val76] summarized in Sect. 2.1 and [KS08b] in Sect. 2.2, could yield better size. The simulation of the k gates of the original circuit is asymptotically more efficient using Valiant’s UC construction due to the logarithmic factor, despite the overhead caused by taking the equivalent fanout-2 circuit with \(k^*\) gates, where \(k\le k^* \le 2k + v\). However, we calculate if the modular approach of  [KS08b] using a selection block \(S_{m\ge u}^u\) for selecting the input variables or a truncated permutation block \( TP _{v}^{k^*\ge v}\) for the output variables results in a smaller size.

Placing a selection block on top of Valiant’s UC with m universal gates would imply a selection block \(S_{m\ge u}^u\) which is then programmed to direct the u inputs of the circuit to the proper inputs of the m universal gates. Depending on how the output nodes are represented, m is either \(2(k^* + v)\) for the case when including the outputs in Valiant’s construction or \(2k^*\) for the construction with a truncated permutation block. In the latter case, \( TP _v^{k^*\ge v}\) takes care of permuting a subset of the outputs of the \(k^*\) gates, resulting in the v outputs of the UC. A selection block \(S_{m\ge u}^u\) has size \(\frac{u+m}{2}\log _2 u + m\log _2 m - u + 1\) and depth \(2\log _2 u+2\log _2m + m -2\), and a truncated permutation block \( TP _{v}^{k^*\ge v}\) has size \(\frac{k^* + v}{2}\log _2 v - 2v + k^* + 1\) and depth \(\log _2 k^* + \log _2 v -1\) [KS08b] (cf. full version [KS16]).

Let us take three scenarios into consideration, depending on the number of inputs u and the number of outputs v. The number of gates in the circuit to be simulated is k and the number of gates in the equivalent fanout-2 circuit is \(k^*\) with \(k\le k^* \le 2k + v\).

  • 1. Constant I/O Case: \(u=c_1\) constant, \(v = c_2\) constant: If both u and v are constant values \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) respectively, as is the case in many applications that compute a non-trivial function with relatively few inputs and outputs, the size of the selection block becomes \(\approx 2k^*\log _2 k^* + (2 + \log _2 c_1)k^*\) and the size of the truncated permutation block is \(\approx \left( 0.5 \log _2 c_2+1\right) k^*\). With Valiant’s UC construction, the overhead caused by a constant number of inputs and outputs is around \(5(c_1 + c_2)\log _2 k^*\). The depth of Valiant’s UC is only affected with constant overhead, while the depth of the selection and permutation blocks are \(\approx 2k^* + 2\log _2 k^*\) and \(\approx \log _2 k\), respectively. Thus, both for the inputs and the outputs, Valiant’s UC is an asymptotically better solution in the case with a constant number of inputs and outputs.

  • 2. Many Inputs: \(u\sim k\), \(v=c \) constant: For many inputs where u is around the number of gates k and we have a constant number of c outputs, we include these c nodes in Valiant’s UC instead of using a truncated permutation block due to the same reasoning as in the previous case. However, a selection block can be constructed to direct k inputs to \(k^* + c\) universal gates. Thus, its size becomes \(\approx 2k^*\log _2 k^* + k^*\log _2 k + 0.5k\log _2 k + 2k^* -k + 3 c\log _2k^*\) and its depth \(\approx 2k^* + 2\log _2k^* + 2\log _2 k\). In case of Valiant’s UC construction, k inputs result in an overhead of \(\approx 5k\log _2 k-9k + 5c\log _2 k\) for the size and \(\approx k\) for the depth, since a large part (up to a half) of the circuit is built in order to hide the input wiring. Therefore, in this scenario it is often worth to use a hybrid method, utilizing the selection block from [KS08b] for input selection. Our many inputs hybrid construction places a selection block on top of a UC with \(k^* + {c}\) universal gates and has approximate size when \(u\sim k\) and v is constant c


    and approximate depth

  • 3. Maximal I/O Case: \(u \sim 2k\), \(v \sim k\) : For circuits with \(u\sim 2k\) inputs and \(v\sim k\) outputs, we discuss the possibility of using both an input selection block and an output permutation block. The size of the selection block is \(\approx 2k^*\log _2 k^* + k^*\log _2 k + k\log _2 k + 3k^* -k\) and its depth becomes \(\approx 2k^* + 2\log _2 k^* + 2\log _2 k\), which is more beneficial (when it comes to the size) than the \(\approx 10k\log _2 k - 12 k\) size overhead and \(\approx 2k\) depth overhead in Valiant’s construction caused by 2k inputs (up to half of the UC is constructed for inputs only). The truncated permutation block has size \(\approx 0.5k^*\log _2 k + 0.5k\log _2 k + k^* - 2k\) and depth \(\approx \log _2 k^* + \log _2 k\), while the same amount of outputs in Valiant’s construction introduces at least \(5k\log _2 k -9k\) new switches with depth of \(\approx k\). Thus, for the case when the maximal 2k inputs and k outputs are considered, we conclude that it is advantageous to use our maximal I/O hybrid construction, utilizing Valiant’s graph construction for the \(k^*\) gates [Val76], a selection block for the inputs and a truncated permutation block for the outputs [KS08b]. This yields an approximate size when \(u\sim 2k\) and \(v\sim k\)


    and an approximate depth

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison between the sizes of the universal circuit constructions for \(k^* = k \in \{0\,, \ldots , {50\,000}\}\) gates, considering the three scenarios: constant I/O with constant number of inputs and outputs, many inputs with \(\sim k\) inputs and constant outputs and maximal I/O with \(\sim 2k\) inputs and \(\sim k\) outputs (Color figure online).

We conclude that in case of a large number of inputs and outputs it is beneficial to construct a hybrid UC, making use of both existing constructions (cf. Sects. 2.1 and 2.2). Most practical applications have input and output with constant size and only some specific applications use input size linear in the number of gates (e.g. simple computations on large databases). Thus, we consider Valiant’s construction as the most beneficial for general purposes, however we have shown, that one can optimize the construction for many inputs or outputs by adding selection or truncated permutation blocks from [KS08b].

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison between the depths of the universal circuit constructions for \(k^* = k \in \{0, \ldots , {50\,000}\}\) gates, considering the three scenarios: constant I/O with constant number of inputs and outputs, many inputs with \(\sim k\) inputs and constant outputs and maximal I/O with \(\sim 2k\) inputs and \(\sim k\) outputs (Color figure online).

Comparison with the Universal Circuit Construction from [KS08b]. In [KS08b], a universal circuit construction was proposed with approximate size \(1.5 k \log _2^2 k + 2.5 k \log _2 k\). This was calculated with the doubled size of the universal switches, not yet considering the free-XOR optimizations of [KS08a]. We recalculated the size of the construction with our additional optimization for the outputs described in Sect. 2.2. We give our detailed calculations in the full version [KS16] and summarize its exact size here as


and from [KS08b] we know that its depth is


It was concluded in [KS08b] that this construction outperforms Valiant’s construction for circuits with up to 5 000 gates. However, this was achieved using the assumption that Valiant’s UC has size \(\approx 9.5(u+2v+2k)\log _2 (u+2v+2k)\), which can vary between two to four times its actual size. On the one hand, a factor of two of this difference is due to the free-XOR optimizations in [KS08a]. On the other hand, [KS08b] used the maximal \(k^*= 2k + v\) in their approximation. In Sect. 4.2, we show on concrete example circuits that \(k^*\) stays significantly below this upper bound. The construction described in detail in Sect. 2.1 has a larger constant factor 5, but due to the logarithmic factor it outperforms the construction from [KS08b] (Sect. 2.2) already for a few hundred gates in the constant I/O case. Figures 4 and 5 compare the sizes and depth of the different UC constructions, respectively in the three scenarios described above, with the lowest possible gate number \(k^* = k\). When considering the hybrid approach, the method corresponding to the given scenario is indeed always the most efficient construction for many inputs and/or outputs. We give a comparison for the upper bound case \(k^* = 2k + v\), for the sizes of all universal circuit constructions for well-known circuits from [TS15] and compare their structure in the full version [KS16].

4 Implementing Valiant’s Universal Circuit in Practice

In this section, we detail the challenges that we faced while demonstrating the practicality of Valiant’s universal circuit construction. We show how to construct a universal circuit from a standard circuit description and how to program it accordingly. We validate our results with an implementation, creating a novel toolchain for private function evaluation, using two existing frameworks as frontend and backend of our application. We emphasize that our tool for constructing and programming UC is generic and can easily be adapted to other secure computation frameworks or other applications of UCs listed in Sect. 1.2.

4.1 Our Tool for Universal Circuit Construction and Toolchain for Private Function Evaluation

The architecture of our toolchain for PFE using universal circuits is shown in Fig. 6. In this section, we describe its different artifacts and its use of the Fairplay [MNPS04] and ABY [DSZ15] frameworks. Our implementation is available online at

Step 1. Compiling Input Circuits from High-Level Functionality: Due to its easy adoptability, we decided to use the Fairplay compiler [MNPS04, BNP08] with the FairplayPF extension [KS08b] to translate the functionality described in the high-level SFDL format to the Fairplay circuit description called Secure Hardware Definition Language (SHDL). The FairplayPF extension already converts circuits with gates of an arbitrary fanin into gates with at most two inputs, which is required for Valiant’s construction as well. However, in case of Valiant’s UC construction, there is another restriction on the input circuit. It has to have fanout 2, i.e., the outputs of all the gates and inputs can only be used as the input of at most two later gates.

In case the input circuit does not follow this restriction, an algorithm places a binary tree in place of each gate with fanout larger than 2, following Valiant’s proposition: “Any gate with fanout \(x+2\) can be replaced by a binary fanout tree with \(x + 1\) gates” [Val76, Corollary 3.1]. This is done using so-called copy gates, i.e., identity gates, each of them eliminating one from the extra fanout of the original gate. An upper bound can be given on the number of copy gates. The class of Boolean functions with u inputs and v outputs that can be realized by acyclic circuits with k gates and arbitrary fanout, can also be realized with an acyclic fanout-2 circuit with \(k\le k^*\le 2k + v\) gates [Val76, Corollary 3.1]. We give concrete examples in Sect. 4.2 on how this conversion changes the input circuit size for practical circuits and show that in most cases, the resulting number of gates remains significantly below the upper bound \(2k + v\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Our toolchain for universal circuits and private function evaluation.

Step 2. Obtaining the \(\varGamma _2\) Graph of the Circuit: From the SHDL description of a C circuit with fanin and fanout 2, the \(\varGamma _2\) graph \(G^C\) of the circuit C can be directly generated as described in Sect. 2.1: with the number of inputs u, the number of outputs v and the number of gates \(k^*\) in circuit C, \(G^C\) has \(u + v + k^*\) nodes and the wires are represented as edges in the graph. Then, the first u nodes in the topological order correspond to the inputs, the last v nodes to the outputs and the nodes in between them to the \(k^*\) ordered gates. We note that since C had fanin and fanout 2, the resulting \(G^C\) graph is in \(\varGamma _2(u+v+k^*)\).

Therefore in \(G^C\), each node can have at most two incoming edges, one defined to be the first and the other the second. It is possible in the modified SHDL circuit description that an internal value becomes two times the first or two times the second input of gates. This is due to the fact that in the original SHDL circuit with arbitrary fanout, a value could be the input of arbitrary number of later gates. Transforming the circuit to a fanout-2 circuit by adding copy gates allows a value to be an input only two times, but the order of the inputs is fixed. Therefore, in such a case when a value is the second time the same input to a gate (i.e., first or second), besides the two inputs, the two middle bits of the function table of the gate must be reversed as well (i.e., to compute \(f(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2)\) instead of \(f(\text {in}_2, \text {in}_1)\)) for the correct programming of the universal circuit in Step 5.

Step 3. Generating \(\varGamma _2\) Edge-Universal Graph \(U_n\) : Knowing the number of input bits u, the number of gates \(k^*\) and the number of output bits v one can construct the corresponding edge-universal graph \(U_n\), where \(n=u+v+k^*\), with out input-output optimization from Sect. 3.2. We note that no knowledge is necessary about the topology or the gate tables in circuit C for this step. As we described in Sect. 2.1, two edge-universal graphs for \(\varGamma _1(n)\), i.e. \(U_{n, 1}\) and \(U_{n, 2}\), are merged in order to obtain an edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _2(n)\), such that the poles are merged and the edges coming into and going out from them become as follows: the edges in \(U_{n, 1}\) will be the first input and output for each pole, the edges in \(U_{n, 2}\) will be the second input and output. For efficiency reasons, we directly generate the merged edge-universal graph, i.e., an edge-universal graph for \(\varGamma _2(n)\), with the poles as common nodes.

We include our optimization for the input and output nodes from Sect. 3.2 and Valiant’s optimizations for \(n\in \{2, 3\}\), but do not consider Valiant’s optimizations for \(n \in \{4, 5, 6\}\) (cf. Figs. 1c, d, and e). These special cases lead to a specific edge-embedding for the nodes and result in linear improvement only in very rare cases. Moreover, with our second optimization from Sect. 3.2, we ignore most of the extra nodes when the graph is translated into a universal circuit description, i.e., we have for \(n=\{4, 5, 6\}\) only \(\{3, 5, 8\}\) additional nodes other than poles, respectively, in our implementation which is already an improvement over Valiant’s original optimizations.

We note that the edge-universal graph (with undefined function tables and control bits for the universal switches) can be publicly generated. However, the party programming it has to either generate or receive a copy of it for programming the control bits according to the topology of the simulated circuit (i.e., to edge-embed \(G^C\) into \(U_n\)).

figure b

Step 4. Programming \(U_n\) According to an Arbitrary \(\varGamma _2(n)\) Graph: The \(\varGamma _2\) graph of the circuit \(G^C\) with n nodes is partitioned into two \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graphs \(G^C_1\) and \(G^C_2\) which are embedded into the two edge-universal graphs for \(\varGamma _1(n)\) that build up \(U_n\). Valiant proved in [Val76] that for any topologically ordered \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graph, for any \((i, j)\in E\) and \((k, l) \in E\) edges there exist edge-disjoint paths in \(U_n\) between the \(i^{\text {th}}\) and the \(j^{\text {th}}\) poles and between the \(k^{\text {th}}\) and the \(l^{\text {th}}\) poles. We described Valiant’s method in Sect. 2.1 and here we show the algorithm that uniquely defines these paths in \(U_n\).

For the description of our algorithm, we first define a \(\varGamma _1(n)\) supergraph, which is a \(\varGamma _1(n)\) graph with additionally a binary tree of \(\varGamma _1\) graphs of decreasing size. These \(\varGamma _1\) graphs uniquely define the embedding of the edges into \(U_n\). When embedding an edge (ij) of the topologically ordered graph G into the edge-universal graph, one needs to construct the supergraph of G as described in Algorithm 1 and then look at the binary tree in the supergraph. The path of the edge (ij) defines the edge-embedding uniquely. This means that if edge \((\lceil \frac{i}{2}\rceil , \lceil \frac{j}{2} \rceil - 1)\) is in the left subgraph of G, then it can be embedded through subgraph Q in \(U_n\), otherwise it is in the right subgraph of G and can be embedded through subgraph R in \(U_n\). The unique embedding happens through \(\{r_{\lceil \frac{i}{2}\rceil }, r_{\lceil \frac{j}{2} \rceil - 1}\}\) or through \(\{q_{\lceil \frac{i}{2}\rceil }, q_{\lceil \frac{j}{2} \rceil - 1}\}\), utilizing the unique shortest path between them, through subpoles further identified by smaller subgraphs of G.

When the embedding is done (cf. full version [KS16]), for defining the control bits, each node x has at most two nodes that have ingoing edges to x, one is represented as the left parent and one as the right parent of x in the edge-universal graph. The two consecutive nodes are also saved as left and right children of x. Now, when x is a switching node and we take edges (vx) and (xw) in the path, we save for x if parent v and child w are on the same or on the opposite side in the edge-universal graph. This defines the control bit of each universal switch in the translated universal circuit, where left and right parent and child translate to first and second input and output, respectively. We note that in order to program \(U_n\) correctly, we require that if x is the left (right) parent of v in the edge-universal graph, then v is the left (right) child of x.

Step 5. Generating the Output Circuit Description and the Programming of the Universal Circuit: After embedding the graph of the simulated circuit into the edge-universal graph \(U_n\), we write the resulting circuit in a file using our own circuit description. In the edge-universal graph, each node stores the program bit resulting from the edge-embedding (control bit c of the corresponding universal switch in Eq. 2) and each pole stores four bits corresponding to the simulated circuit (the four control bits of the function table, \(c_0, c_1, c_2, c_3\) in Eq. 1, their order possibly changed in Step 2). Thus, after topologically ordering \(U_n\), one can directly write out the gate identifiers into a circuit file and the program bits to a programming file.

Our circuit description format starts with enumerating the inputs and ends with enumerating the outputs. We have universal gates denoted by U, universal switches denoted by X or Y depending on the number of outputs (X with two outputs and Y with one). We note that we replace any gates that have only one input by wires in the UC, thus achieving our fanin-1 node optimization from Sect. 3.2. The wires are represented in the following manner:

$$\begin{aligned} U&\qquad \text {in}_1\quad \text {in}_2\quad \text {out}_1 \nonumber \\ X&\qquad \text {in}_1\quad \text {in}_2\quad \text {out}_1 \quad \text {out}_2\\ Y&\qquad \text {in}_1\quad \text {in}_2\quad \text {out}_1 \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

denotes that wire \(\text {out}_1\) (and possibly \(\text {out}_2\)) is coming from a gate with input wires \(\text {in}_1\) and \(\text {in}_2\). The program bits are not represented in the circuit format, but in a separate file, for each universal gate we save a four-bit number representing the control bits and for each universal switch we store the control bit. The output nodes are outputs of Y universal switches and are marked in the end of the file as \(O \quad \text {o}_1 \quad \text {o}_2 \quad \ldots \quad \text {o}_v\). The circuit and its programming are given in plain text files.

Step 6. Evaluating Universal Circuits for PFE in ABY: As an example application of UCs, we implement PFE using SFE of a universal circuit. We adapted the ABY secure two-party computation framework [DSZ15] for this purpose. Firstly, since ABY uses the free-XOR optimization from [KS08a], we construct universal gates and switches with low ANDsize and ANDdepth given in Sect. 3.2. With the cost metric we consider, X and Y gates have the same AND complexity, optimized in [KS08a] and are obtained as

$$\begin{aligned} \text {out}_1 = Y(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2; c)&= (\text {in}_1\oplus \text {in}_2)c \oplus \text {in}_1 \nonumber \\ (\text {out}_1, \text {out}_2) = X(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2; c)&= (e \oplus \text {in}_1, e \oplus \text {in}_2) \text { with } e = (\text {in}_1 \oplus \text {in}_2)c \end{aligned}$$

with ANDsize and ANDdepth of 1 for both universal switches. X gates are realized with one additional XOR gate compared to Y gates.

Our efficient implementation of generic universal gates uses Y gates yielding

$$\begin{aligned} \text {out}_1 = U(\text {in}_1, \text {in}_2; c_0, c_1, c_2, c_3) = Y[Y(c_0, c_1; \text {in}_2), Y(c_2, c_3; \text {in}_2); \text {in}_1] \end{aligned}$$

with ANDsize\((U)=3\) and ANDdepth\((U)=2\). This universal gate implementation is generic and works in all secure computation protocols. However, for Yao’s garbled circuits protocol, one can further optimize it to \(\text {ANDsize}(U)=\text {ANDdepth}(U)=1\), as in some garbling schemes such as the garbled 3-row-reduction [NPS99] the gate being evaluated remains oblivious to the evaluator.

After constructing the efficient building blocks, the output circuit file of our UC compiler is parsed, a circuit is generated accordingly and programmed with the input program bits. We conclude that our toolchain is the first implementation of Valiant’s size-optimized universal circuit that supports efficient private function evaluation.

4.2 Comparison of Our PFE-Toolchain with Other PFE Protocols

Mohassel et al. in [MS13] design a generic framework for PFE and apply it to three different scenarios: to the m-party GMW protocol [GMW87], to Yao’s garbled circuits [Yao86] and to arithmetic circuits using homomorphic encryption [CDN01]. Both the two-party version of their framework with the GMW protocol and the solution with Yao’s garbled circuit protocol has two alternatives: using homomorphic encryption they achieve linear complexity \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) in the circuit size k and when using a solution solely based on oblivious transfers (OTs), they obtain a construction with \(\mathcal {O}(k\log k)\) symmetric-key operations. The OT-based construction in both cases is more desirable in practice, since using OT extension the number of public-key operations can be reduced significantly [IKNP03, ALSZ13].

Table 1. The number of symmetric-key operations using different PFE protocols: Valiant’s UC with SFE, the universal circuit construction from [KS08b] or Mohassel et al.’s OT-based method from [MS13]. uv and k denote the number of inputs, outputs and gates in the simulated circuit, and \(k^*\) denotes the number of gates in the equivalent fanout-2 circuit.

Since the asymptotical complexity of this construction and using Valiant’s UC for PFE is the same, we compare these methods for PFE. We revisit the formulas provided in [MS13] for the PFE protocol based on Yao’s garbled circuits and elaborate on the number of symmetric-key operations when the different PFE protocols are used. Mohassel et al. show that the total number of switches in their framework is \(4k\log _2 (2k) + 1\) that are evaluated using OT extension, for which they calculate \(8k\log _2 (2k) + 8\) symmetric-key operations together with 5k operations for evaluating the universal gates with Yao’s protocol. We count only the work of the party that performs most of the work, i.e., 4k symmetric-key operations for creating a garbled circuit with k gates and 3 symmetric-key operations (two calls to a hash function and one call to a pseudorandom function (PRF)) for each OT using today’s most efficient OT extension of [ALSZ13]. Hence, according to our estimations, the protocol of [MS13] requires \(12\log _2 (2k) + 4k + 12\) symmetric-key operations.

In the same way, we assume that in our case, for evaluating both the universal gates and switches, the garbler needs 4k symmetric-key operations. Thus, for a fair comparison, we essentially update Table 4 from the full version of [MS13, Appendix J.1], where Valiant’s UC size was calculated with assumed \(k^* = 2k+v\), without calculating 4 operations for the garbling.

We took our example circuit files of varying size in Table 1 from two different sources and elaborate on the resulting number of symmetric-key operations using the different constructions. The first 7 circuits we obtained from the function set of [TS15] and the last three from the FairplayPF extension of the Fairplay compiler [MNPS04, KS08b]. The example circuits that we took from [TS15] had to be converted to our desired SHDL format, which was a necessary step in order to be able to elaborate on the performance of these more complicated circuits as well. We included the INV gates in the function table of the consecutive gate and therefore, resulted in smaller gate numbers k for the equivalent SHDL circuits with arbitrary fanout. Then, these SHDL circuits were considered as input circuits for our tool.

We now compare the size of the three two-party PFE protocols: the two UC-based PFE with secure computation and the OT-based method of [MS13]. We assess our findings in Table 1. We note that our numbers are estimations, i.e., we do not consider that [MS13] works with circuits made up solely of NAND gates. Since Valiant’s UC construction depends also on the number of gates with fanout more than 2 in the original circuit, we include the number of copy gates, (\(k^* - k\)) in the table. We emphasize the ratio between the new number of gates \(k^*\) and the original number of gates k and conclude that in general circuits, it is well below the maximal \(\frac{k^*}{k} \sim 2\). The size of the UC construction from [KS08b] obviously makes their method less efficient, in our examples using more than twice as many symmetric-key operations as the method with Valiant’s UC and four times as many as Mohassel et al.’s efficient OT-based method [MS13]. We conclude that universal circuits are not the most efficient solution to perform PFE, however, we show the feasibility of generating and evaluating UCs simulating large circuits. We emphasize that even though the PFE-specific protocol from [MS13] achieves better results for PFE, universal circuits are generic and can be applied for various other scenarios (cf. Sect. 1.2), and the most efficient UC construction is Valiant’s construction.

Table 2. Running time and communication for our UC-based PFE implementation with ABY. We include the compile time, the I/O time of the UC compiler, and the evaluation time (in milliseconds) and the total communication (in Kilobytes) between the parties in GMW as well as in Yao sharing.

Our Experimental Results. We validated the practicality of Valiant’s universal circuit construction with an efficient implementation. We ran our experiments on two Desktop PCs, each equipped with an Intel Haswell i7-4770K CPU with 3.5 GHz and 16 GB RAM, that are connected via Gigabit-LAN and give our benchmarks in Table 2. We are able to generate UCs up to around 300 000 gates of the simulated circuit, i.e., which results in billions of gates in the UC. Until now, the only implementation of universal circuits was given in [KS08b], which is outperformed by Valiant’s construction already for a couple of hundred gates (cf. Figs. 4 and 5) due to its asymptotically larger complexity. We show the real practicality of UCs through experimental results proving the efficiency of our implementation of PFE with the ABY framework [DSZ15]. Furthermore, due to its asymptotically smaller depth, we are also able to evaluate our generated UCs with the GMW protocol [GMW87], whereas the construction from [KS08b] was only evaluated with Yao’s garbled circuit protocol. We do not directly compare our runtimes with the method of [MS13], since to the best of our knowledge, their framework has not yet been implemented.

Converting from circuit descriptions and writing into and reading out from files slows down the program significantly, but it still achieves good performance for practical circuits such as AES and DES. Our implementation in ABY can evaluate most of the circuits in both the GMW and Yao’s protocols, but for some examples it runs out of memory (e.g. SHA-256). However, improvements on SFE protocols imply improvements on UC-based PFE frameworks as well. As can be seen in Table 2, the evaluation time and the communication in case of Yao’s garbled cirucit protocol is about a factor of two smaller than that of the GMW protocol. This difference is due to the more efficient universal gate construction with only one gate for the case of Yao’s protocol in contrast to the universal gates used in the GMW protocol with \(\text {ANDsize}=3\) and \(\text {ANDdepth}=2\).