
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Digital signature schemes resemble the idea of a hand written signature in the sense that a signer signs messages with his private key \({\textit{sk}_{sig}} \) and anybody can check the validity of the signature using the corresponding public key \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\). The elementary security property is unforgeability under chosen message attacks which says that an adversary cannot compute a signature on a fresh message, even if he has observed q signatures on q messages of his choice [31]. This security definition models the idea of non-malleability for digital signatures: The adversary should not be able to modify any signature such that it verifies for a different message.

For many emerging applications, such as the delegation of computation on authenticated data, the basic notion is insufficient and a controlled form of malleability would be desirable. Consider as an example a company S that wishes to outsource the computation on authenticated data to untrusted parties (resp. to parties that may further delegate the computation to sub-contractors), called the evaluators, without handing out any secret key. For each data, S chooses a set of allowed functions \(\mathcal {F} \) that can be applied. The evaluators are organized hierarchically, where each evaluator receives an intermediate result and can compute any function \(f\in \mathcal {F} \) chosen by S, or delegate subsets \(\mathcal {F} ' \subseteq \mathcal {F} \) to other evaluators. We allow S to restrict the number of delegations, as well as the order in which functions can be applied. The chain computation should be publicly verifiable which means that everybody can verify that:

  • The computation was based on the original data of S.

  • Only the functions chosen by S were applied to the data (in the right order, if specified).

  • Any delegation of computation by an evaluator A to another evaluator (a third party B or any sub-contractor \(A_i\)) has been authorized by S and A.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example hierarchical application of DFS.

We refer to Fig. 1 for an example structure of delegation. We consider the following security notions: Unforgeability says that malicious evaluators can only apply the functions(s) they were allowed to apply, e.g.: \(B_1\) can only apply \(\mathcal {F} _{B_1} \subseteq \mathcal {F} _B \subseteq \mathcal {F} _A\) and further delegate sets of functions \(\mathcal {F} _{B_2}\subseteq \mathcal {F} _{B_1}\). Privacy says that given the result of a computation, it is not possible to gain information about the computed functions or their input (or the parties that did the computation): To an observer, the signature \(\sigma _{B_2}\) computed by \(B_2\) for a message \(m_{B_2}\) is indistinguisable from a signature \(\sigma \) for \(m_{B_2}\) computed by S. Privacy is a useful and desirable property in many applications as it hides the business structure of the (sub-)contractor and still allows to verify the correctness of the computation. Traditional signature schemes as well as their malleable variants are not suitable in this setting. In this paper we close this gap by introducing the concept of delegatable functional signatures.

1.1 Our Contribution

Our main contributions are as follows. First, we introduce delegatable functional signatures (DFS). This primitive supports highly controlled, fine-grained delegation of signing capabilities to designated third parties and is general enough to cover several malleable signature schemes. Second, we present strong security notions for unforgeability and privacy that also take into account insider adversaries. Third, we provide a complete characterization regarding the achievability of our security notions based on general complexity assumptions. In the following we discuss each contribution comprehensively.

Delegatable Functional Signatures. Delegatable functional signatures support the delegation of signing capabilities to another party, called the evaluator, with respect to a functionality \(\mathcal {F} \). The evaluator may compute valid signatures on messages \(m'\) and delegate capabilities \(f'\) to another evaluator with key k whenever \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k,m)\) for a value \(\alpha \) of the evaluators choice. Thus, the functionality describes how an evaluator can perform the following two tasks.

Malleability. The designated evaluator can derive a signature on \(m'\) from a signature on m, if \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k,m)\), where the evaluator picks \(\alpha \) and k himself.

Delegatability. The designated evaluator can delegate signing capabilities \(f'\) on his signature on \(m'\), to other parties, if \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k,m)\), where k is the key of another \(evaluator \) (or his own key, if he wants to apply several functions successively) and where the evaluator picks \(\alpha \) himself.

Example 1

(Malleability). Suppose that a sender S wants to sign a document, but allow another entity A to fill in information in a few fields. S chooses f to describe the places where information can be added, as well as which information can be added (e.g., 16 characters) without harming the validity of the signature. A chooses the fields and the information it wishes to fill in by choosing the corresponding value for \(\alpha \), and he derives a signature on \(m'\), where \((\cdot , m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k,m)\).

Example 2

(Delegatability). Suppose that a sender S wants to restrict how A can delegate further capabilities. Her choice of f additionally describes that after filling in information, certain parts of the document can be censored without harming the validity of the signature, but no further information can be added.Footnote 1 After filling in information, A may delegate the censoring to B, but impose restrictions on which part of the document may be censored by choosing the corresponding value for \(\alpha \). Then, A and delegates the corresponding capabilities \(f'\) to B, where \((f', \cdot ) \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k_B,m)\).

Our definition also covers signing capabilities for fresh messages. If a sender S wants to give A the capability to sign certain messages in his name, he can simply generate a signature \(\sigma _\mathrm{{fresh}}\) for a new (empty) message and use f to specify which capabilities A has, i.e., which signatures he can derive from \(\sigma _\mathrm{{fresh}}\).

Security Model for DFS. A central contribution of this paper are the formal definitions of unforgeability and privacy. On an abstract level, these notions resemble the well known intuition: Unforgeability means that no signatures can be forged, except on messages within a certain class. Privacy means that derived signatures are indistinguishable from fresh signatures. However, finding meaningful and achievable definitions for DFS is rather challenging, because the signatures are malleable by nature and we are also considering the multi-party setting:

  • Unforgeability: In a DFS scheme the signer specifies for every signature the degree of malleability and how this malleability can be delegated. Unforgeability is then captured by a transitive closure that contains all messages that can trivially be derived.

  • Privacy: Our notion of privacy follows the idea that all information about signatures should be hidden (except for the message). This is captured in an indistinguishability game where the adversary can hand in a signature of his own. Either this signature is treated exactly as the adversary specifies it (modified by evaluators of his choice, possibly under keys of the adversary possesses) or a new signature for the same (resulting) message is created.

For both unforgeability and privacy we present three different security notions for DFS schemes: The weakest one, unforgeability/privacy against outsider attacks, holds only for adversaries that do not have access to the private key of an evaluator. The second one, unforgeability/privacy against insider attacks, assumes that an evaluator is malicious and possesses a honestly generated evaluator key. The third one, unforgeability/privacy against strong insider attacks assumes a malicious evaluator that might generate its own keys.

Unifying Signature Primitives. Delegatable functional signatures are very versatile and imply several seemingly different signature primitives. These include functional signatures, which were recently introduced by Boyle, Goldwasser, and Ivan [15], policy-based signatures, which were recently introduced by Bellare and Fuchsbauer [11], blind signatures, identity based signatures, sanitizable signatures and redactable signatures.

Instantiability of DFS. We give a complete characterization of the instantiability of DFS from general complexity based assumptions presenting both positive and negative results.

Possibility of DFS. On the positive side we show that DFS can be constructed from one-way functions in a black-box way if one gives up privacy.

Theorem 1

(Possibility, informal). Unforgeable delegatable functional signatures exist if one-way functions exist.

Furthermore, we show that unforgeable and private DFS schemes can be constructed from (doubly enhanced) trapdoor permutations in a black-box way. Our scheme shows that our strong definitions for unforgeability and privacy are achievable for arbitrary, efficiently computable, choices of \(\mathcal {F} \).

Theorem 3

(Possibility, informal). Private unforgeable delegatable functional signatures exist if doubly enhanced trapdoor permutations exist.

Impossibility of DFS. We show that the previous result is optimal w.r.t. the underlying assumptions. We show that unforgeable and private delegatable functional signatures cannot be constructed from one-way functions. The basic idea is to construct a blind signature scheme out of any functional signature scheme in a black-box way. Recently, Katz, Schröder, and Yerukhimovich have shown that blind signature schemes cannot be build from one-way permutations using black-box techniques only [34]. A construction of DFS based on OWFs would yield a black-box construction of blind signature schemes based on OWFs. However, this would directly contradict the result of [34].

Theorem 2

(Impossibility, informal). Private unforgeable delegatable functional signatures secure against insider adversaries cannot be constructed from one-way functions in a black-box way.

1.2 Related Work

(Delegatable) Anonymous Credentials. In anonymous credential systems users can prove the possession of a credential without revealing their identity. We view this very successful line of research as orthogonal to our work: Credentials can be applied on top of a signature scheme in order to prove properties that are specified in an external logic. In fact, one could combine delegatable functional signatures with credentials in order to partially leak the delegation chain, while allowing to issue or modify credentials in an anonymous but controlled way. Anonymous credential systems have been investigated extensively, e.g., [10, 16, 17, 2023, 28]. The main difference between delegatable anonymous credential schemes, such as [1, 9], and our approach is that delegation is done by extending the proof chain (and thus leaking information about the chain). Restricting the properties of the issuer in a credential system has been considered in [8]. However, they only focus on access control proofs and their proof chain is necessarily visible, whereas our primitive allows for privacy-preserving schemes.

Malleable Signature Schemes. A limited degree of malleability for digital signatures has been considered in many different ways (we refer to [24] for a nice overview). We group malleable signature schemes into three categories: publicly modifiable signatures, sanitizable signatures and proxy signatures. Publicly modifiable signatures do not consider a special secret key for modifying signatures, which means that everyone with access to the correct public key and one or more valid message-signature pairs can derive new valid message-signature pairs. There are schemes that allow for redacting signatures [18, 33, 36, 37] that allow for deriving valid signatures on parts (or subsets) of the message m. There are schemes that allow for deriving subset and union relations on signed sets [33], linearly homomorphic signature schemes [5, 14, 29] and schemes that allow for evaluating polynomial functions [13, 25]. Libert et al. combine linearly homomorphic signatures with structure preserving signatures [35]. However, known publicly modifiable signature schemes only consider static functions or predicates (one function or predicate for every scheme) and leave the signer little room for bounding a class of functions to a specific message. As the signatures can be modified by everyone with access to public information, they do not allow for a concept of controlled delegation.

Sanitizable signature schemes [3, 19] extend the concept of malleable signatures by a new secret key \(\textit{sk} _{\textsf {San}}\) for the evaluator. Only a party in possession of this key can modify signatures. In general, this primitive allows the signer to specify which blocks of the message can be changed, without restricting the possible content. However, they do not consider delegation and they do not allow for computing arbitrary functions on signed data.

Anonymous Proxy Signatures [30] consider delegation of signing rights in a specific context. For example, the delegator may choose a subset of signing rights for the tasks of quoting. Their notion of privacy makes sure that all delegators remain anonymous. The main difference to our work is that they only allow delegation on the basis of the keys and that they do not support restricting further delegation, whereas we support restricting delegation capabilities depending on each message.

Constructing delegatable anonymous credentials out of malleable signatures was investigated by Chase et al. [27]. The main contribution is an efficient scheme based on malleable zero-knowledge proofs [26] and the question regarding the minimal assumptions was left open.

1.3 Closely Related Work

The general framework by Ahn et al. [2] is versatile and, like delegatable functional signatures, unifies a variety of signature notions. A variety of instantiations can be captured in their framework using their predicate P to describe a complex functionality for deriving signatures. In fact, it seems possible to describe delegatable functional signatures in their framework by encoding the functionality in a complex predicate and by encoding the keys of the evaluators as specifically structured signatures. However, so far there exist no construction for their framework that is capable of dealing with such predicates (their constructions support single element sets \(\mathcal M\), but to encode our scheme, at least sets of size two are required). Attrapadung et al. [4] discuss and refine this framework. Both works do not explore the minimal computational assumptions.

The works of Boyle et al. [15] (introducing functional digital signatures) and of Bellare and Fuchsbauer [11] (introducing policy-based signatures) are closely related to our notion of DFS.

In a functional signature scheme, the signer hands out keys \(\textit{sk} _f\) for functions f to allow the recipient to sign all messages in the range of f. Similar to our contributions, they define notions of unforgeability and privacy (called function privacy) and present several constructions for functional digital signatures. One of their constructions also shows that functional signatures can be build from one-way functions provided that one is willing to give up privacy. They furthermore show how to construct one-round delegation schemes out of a functional digital signature scheme.

While our work is closely related to both works, it differs in several aspects: First, we not only consider the controlled malleability of the signature, but also support the delegation of signing capabilities. Second, while we also show for our notions that unforgeable-only DFS schemes can be build from one-way functions, we additionally show that private DFS schemes can not be constructed from from one-way permutations (see Sect. 4). We believe that our impossibility result should also hold for functional signatures [15], as well as for policy-based signatures [11], because our impossibility result does not rely on the delegation property of our scheme. Furthermore, DFS signatures allow for authenticated chain computations. In the extended version [6] we compare delegatable functional signature schemes to functional digital signature schemes and policy-based signature schemes and show how to construct them out of a delegatable functional signature scheme. Whether the converse is possible is unknown.

2 Delegatable Functional Signatures

Delegatable functional signatures support the delegation of signing capabilities to another party, called the evaluator, with respect to a functionality \(\mathcal {F} \). The evaluator may compute valid signatures on messages \(m'\) and delegate capabilities \(f'\) to another evaluator with key k whenever \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (f,\alpha ,k,m)\) for a value \(\alpha \) of the evaluators choice.

Our definition of DFS limits the delegation capabilities of the evaluator. In particular, the signer specifies how an evaluator may delegate his signing rights.

2.1 Formal Description of a DFS Scheme

A delegatable functional signature (DFS) scheme over a message space \(\mathcal {M}\), a key space \(\mathcal {K}\), and parameter spaces \(\mathcal {P}_f\) and \(\mathcal {P}_\alpha \) is a signature scheme that additionally supports a controlled form of malleability and delegation. A DFS is described by a functionality \(\mathcal {F}: \mathbb {N}\times \mathcal {P}_f \times \mathcal {P}_\alpha \times \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {M} \rightarrow (\mathcal {P}_f \times \mathcal {M}) \cup \left\{ \bot \right\} \) that specifies how messages can be changed and how capabilities can be delegated. Once the signer received a message-signature pair, it can compute signatures on messages of its choice (that are legitimate w.r.t. \(\mathcal {F} \)) and can partially delegate his signing capabilities to another evaluator. We model this property by introducing an algorithm \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) for evaluating functions on signatures. This algorithm takes as input the parameter \(\alpha \) that defines the evaluator ’s own input to the function f, the message m, and a key \({\textit{pk}'_{ev}} \). The algorithm \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) outputs a signature \(\sigma '\) on \(m'\), where \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f,\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m)\). This new signature \(\sigma '\) can be changed by an evaluator that owns a (possibly different) key \({\textit{sk}'_{ev}} \) and this evaluator can transform it further with the new capability \(f'\).

Definition 1

(Delegatable functional signatures) . A delegatable functional signature scheme \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) is a tuple of efficient algorithms \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup}, \textsf {KGen}_{sig}, \textsf {KGen}_{ev}, \textsf {Sig}, \textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) defined as follows:

  • \(({{\varvec{pp, msk}}}) \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{Setup}}}}}(\lambda )\) : The setup algorithm \(\textsf {Setup}\) outputs public parameters \(\textit{pp} \) and a master secret key \(\textit{msk}\).

  • \(({{\varvec{sk}}}_{sig}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{sig}) \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{KGen}}}}}_{sig}({{\varvec{pp,msk}}})\) : The signature key generation algorithm outputs a secret signing key \({\textit{sk}_{sig}} \) and a public signing key \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\).

  • \(({{\varvec{sk}}}_{ev}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{ev}) \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{KGen}}}}}_{ev}({{\varvec{pp, msk}}})\) : The evaluation key generation algorithm \(\textsf {KGen}_{ev} \) outputs a secret evaluator key \({\textit{sk}_{ev}} \) and a public evaluator key \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} \).

  • \(\sigma \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{Sig}}}}}({{\varvec{pp}}}, {{\varvec{sk}}}_{sig}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{ev}, f, m)\) : The signing algorithm \(\textsf {Sig}\) outputs a signature \(\sigma \) on m, on which functions from the class f can be applied (or an error symbol \(\bot \)).

  • \(\hat{\sigma } \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{Eval}}}}}_{\mathcal {F}}({{\varvec{pp}}}, {{\varvec{sk}}}_{ev}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{sig}, \alpha , m, {{\varvec{pk}}}'_{ev}, \sigma )\) : The evaluation algorithm outputs a derived signature \(\hat{\sigma }\) for \(m'\) on the capability \(f'\), that can be modified using the evaluator key \({\textit{sk}'_{ev}} \) associated with \({\textit{pk}'_{ev}} \), where \((f',m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f,\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m)\) (or an error symbol \(\bot \)).

  • \(b \leftarrow {{\mathbf {\mathsf{{Vf}}}}}({{\varvec{pp}}}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{sig}, {{\varvec{pk}}}_{ev}, m,\sigma )\) : The verification algorithm \(\textsf {Vf} \) outputs a bit \(b \in \left\{ 0,1\right\} \).

A DFS is correct if the verification algorithm outputs 1 for all honestly generated signatures and for all valid transformations of honestly generated signatures. We refer to the extended edition [6] for a formal definition of our correctness.

3 Security Notions for DFS

In this section we define unforgeability and privacy for delegatable functional signatures. In both cases we distinguish between outsider and insider attacks: In an outsider attack, the adversary only knows both public keys, whereas an adversary launching an insider attack knows the private key of the evaluator. Informally we say that a delegatable functional signature scheme provides privacy if it is computationally hard to distinguish whether a signature was created by the signer or whether it was modified by the evaluator. In the following subsections we discuss the intuition behind each definition in more detail and provide formal definitions.

For the following security definitions we follow the concept of Bellare and Rogaway in defining the security notions as a game \(G(\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A}, \lambda )\) [12]. Each game G behaves as follows: First, it invokes an algorithm \(\textsf {Initialize} \) with the security parameter and sends its output to the algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\). Then it simulates \(\mathcal {A}\) with oracle access to all specified algorithms Query[x] that are defined for G. It also allows \(\mathcal {A}\) to call the algorithm \(\textsf {Finalize}\) once and ends as soon as \(\textsf {Finalize}\) is called. The output of \(\textsf {Finalize}\) is a boolean value and is also the output of G. Note that G is allowed to maintain state. We say that \(\mathcal {A}\) “wins” the game if \(G(\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A}, \lambda ) = 1\).

3.1 Unforgeability

Intuitively, a delegatable functional signature scheme is unforgeable, if no adversary \(\mathcal {A} \) is able to compute a fresh message-signature pair that is not trivially deducible from its knowledge. In the case of regular signature schemes this means that the attacker needs to compute a signature on a fresh message. The situation here is more complex, because our signatures are malleable and because several parties are involved (and they may even use malicious keys). We present three different unforgeability notions:

Unforgeability Against Outsider Attacks. We model the outsider as an active adversary that knows the public keys \(({\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}})\) and has oracle access to both the \(\textsf {Sig}\) and the \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) algorithm. Our definition of unforgeability against outsider attacks resembles the traditional definition of unforgeability for signature schemes [32], where the adversary knows the public-key and has access to a signing oracle.

Unforgeability Against (Weak/Strong) Insider Attacks. Our second definition considers the case where the evaluator is malicious. We define two different notions depending on the capabilities of the adversary. That is, our first definition that we call unforgeability against weak insider attacks (or just insider attacks), gives the attacker access to an honestly generated private key \({\textit{sk}_{ev}} \). The second notion allows the adversary to choose its own private key(s) maliciously. Note, that the attacker might choose these keys adaptively. We refer to this notion as unforgeability against strong insider attacks.

We model our notions by giving the adversary access to three different \(\textsf {KGen}\) oracles. An adversary that can only access \({\textsf {Query[KGenP]}}\) to retrieve public keys is considered an outsider; an adversary that can access the oracle \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}\) to retrieve one or more secret evaluator keys is considered an insider; an adversary that additionally can access the oracle \({\textsf {Query[RegKey]}}\) to (adaptively) register its own (possibly malicious) evaluator keys is considered a strong insider (S-Insider). All adversaries have access to the honestly generated public signer key \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\). We keep track of the following sets: \(\mathcal K_\mathcal {C}\) stores all key pairs, \(K_\mathcal {A} \) stores all public keys for which the adversaries knows the private key, and Q stores \(\mathcal {A} \)’s queries to both Query[Sign] and Query[Eval]. To handle the information that an adversary can trivially deduce from its queries, we define the transitive closure for functionalities.

Definition 2

(Transitive closure of functionality \(\mathcal {F}\) ) . Given a functionality \(\mathcal {F}\), we define the n-transitive closure \(\mathcal {F} ^n\) of \(\mathcal {F}\) on parameters \((\lambda ,(f,m))\) recursively as follows:

  • For \(n = 0\), \(\mathcal {F} ^0(\lambda ,(f,m)) := \left\{ (f,m)\right\} \).

  • For \(n > 0\), \(\mathcal {F} ^n(\lambda ,(f,m)) := \left\{ (f,m)\right\} \bigcup \limits _{\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}}} {\mathcal {F} ^{n-1}(\lambda ,\mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f,\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m))}\)

We define the transitive closure \(\mathcal {F} ^*\) of \(\mathcal {F}\) on parameters \((\lambda ,(f,m))\) as

\(\mathcal {F} ^*(\lambda ,(f,m)) := \bigcup \limits _{i=0}^{\infty } \mathcal {F} ^i(\lambda ,(f,m)).\)

Note that the transitive closure \(\mathcal {F} ^*\) on \((\lambda ,(f,m))\) might not be efficiently computable (and thus a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} \) might not be efficient).

Although it is not necessary to compute the closure explicitly in our case, one could require a \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) to provide an efficient algorithm \(\mathsf {Check-}\mathcal {F} \) such that \(\mathsf {Check-}\mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f,m,m^*) = 1\text { iff }m \in \mathcal {F} ^*(\lambda ,(f,m)).\)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Unforgeability for delegatable functional signature schemes.

Definition 3

(Unforgeability Against \(X \in \{Outsider, Insider, S-Insider\}\) Attacks) . Let \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) be a delegatable functional signature scheme. The definition uses the game \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) defined in Fig. 2. We say that \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) is existential unforgeable against X-attacks \((\mathsf {EU\text {-}X\text {-}A})\) for the functionality \(\mathcal {F}\) if for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _X\)

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {EU\text {-}X\text {-}A}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _X} = Pr\left[ \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A} _X,\lambda ) = 1 \right] \end{aligned}$$

is negligible in \(\lambda \), where \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Outsider}\) can neither invoke the oracles Query[KGenS] nor Query[RegKey]; the attacker \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}\) can not make use of Query[RegKey] and the adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{S-Insider}\) is not restricted in its queries.

Remark: We assume implicitly that f can be extracted from \(\sigma \) using \({\textit{sk}_{ev}} \) from any valid query to \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \). We believe that this is a reasonable assumption, because the evaluator that transforms a signature should learn the value f, as it describes the capabilities of the evaluator. In fact, our construction (Sect. 5) satisfies this property.

Remark on Measuring the Success of \(\mathcal {A}\) : The success of the adversary is determined by the challenger and measured in the Finalize algorithm. Within the oracles \({\textsf {Query[Sign]}}\) and \({\textsf {Query[Eval]}}\), the challenger only allows to delegate to known keys \(k \in \mathcal K_\mathcal {C}\). Note that his does not restrict the adversary, but allows the challenger to distinguish between weak insider and strong insider. All messages m signed either by \({\textsf {Query[Sign]}}\) or \({\textsf {Query[Eval]}}\) are added to \(\mathcal {Q} \), together with the respective function f and the public key of the evaluator to whom the message was delegated.

For both outsiders (\(\mathcal K_\mathcal {A} = \emptyset \)) and insiders (\(\mathcal K_\mathcal {A} \ne \emptyset \)), we require that the forgery message \(m^*\) is a fresh message, i.e., it has not been signed by the challenger, which is formally expressed by \((\cdot ,m^*,\cdot ,\cdot ) \ne \mathcal {Q} \). Moreover, for insider adversaries, the forgery must not be trivially deducible from previously issued signatures \((f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}} ^*,\sigma )\) for keys \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} ^* \in \mathcal K_\mathcal {A} \). Observe that a different public key \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} \) might have been used when signing a message as compared to when verifying the resulting signature.

We leave it up to the signature scheme to decide whether a signature can verify under different evaluator keys. As a matter of fact: There can be schemes where Vf does not need to receive \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} \) at all.

3.2 Relations Between the Unforgeability Notions

The three notions of unforgeability describe a hierarchy of adversaries. It is intuitive, that security against outsider attacks does not imply security against insider attacks, as the key \({\textit{sk}_{ev}}\) of the evaluator can indeed leak enough information to construct the signature key \({\textit{sk}_{sig}}\) out of it.

However, although an insider adversary is stronger than an outsider adversary, making use of the additional oracle can weaken an adversary. Consider a scheme that leaks the secret signing key \({\textit{sk}_{sig}} \) with every signature, and that has only one valid public evaluator key \({\textit{pk}_{ev}}\), that allows an insider with the respective secret key \({\textit{sk}_{ev}}\) to change messages inside signatures to arbitrary values. An insider that received \({\textit{sk}_{ev}} \) can not create a forgery, since every message he creates after receiving at least one signature is not considered a forgery: he could have computed them trivially using \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \). Without invoking \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}\), the adversary can request a signature and subsequently forge signatures for arbitrary messages, using the key \({\textit{sk}_{sig}}\) he received with the signature.

An S-Insider is again stronger than an insider or an outsider. A scheme can become insecure if a certain key pair \(({\textit{sk}_{ev}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}})\) is used that is highly unlikely to be an output of \(\textsf {KGen}_{ev}\) (e.g., one of them is \(0^\lambda \)).

Proposition 1

( \(\mathsf {EU\text {-}X\text {-}A}\) -Implications). Let \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) be a functional signature scheme.

(i) :

For all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Outsider}\) there exists a PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}\) s.t. \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {EU\text {-}IA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}} \ge \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {EU\text {-}OA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{Outsider}}\)

(ii) :

For all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}\) there exists a PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{S-Insider}\) s.t. \( \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {EU\text {-}SIA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{S-Insider}} \ge \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {EU\text {-}IA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}}\)


The proposition follows trivially. For (i), the adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\text {Insider}\) runs a black-box simulation of \(\mathcal {A} _\text {Outsider}\) and makes no use of the additional oracle. For (ii) the proposition follows analogously.

3.3 Privacy

Our privacy notion for DFS says that it should be hard to distinguish the following two signatures:

  • a signature on a message \(m'\) that has been derived from a signature on a challenge message m by one or more applications of \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \).

  • a fresh signature on \(m'\), where \((\cdot , m') \leftarrow \mathcal {F} (\ldots )\) was computed via one or more applications of \(\mathcal {F}\) to m.

This indistinguishability should hold even against an adversary with oracle access to \(\textsf {KGen}_{ev} \), \(\textsf {Sig}\) and \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) that can choose which transformations are to be applied to which challenge message m and under which evaluator keys (even if they are known to the adversary), as long as the resulting signature is not delegated to the adversary.

Analogously to our definitions of unforgeability, we distinguish between three different types of adversaries, depending on their strength: outsiders, insiders and strong insiders. We model this by giving the adversary access to three different \(\textsf {KGen}_{} \) oracles that are defined analogously to Definition 3 in Sect. 3.1. In the following definition, the set \(\mathcal K_\mathcal {C}\) stores all key pairs, \(K_\mathcal {A} \) contains all public keys for which the adversaries knows the private key, and \(\mathcal K_X\) stores the keys used in the challenge oracle Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\)].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Privacy under chosen functionality attacks \(\mathsf {CFA}\) for delegatable functional signature schemes.

Definition 4

(Privacy under chosen function attacks (CFA)) against \(X \in \{\)Outsider, Insider, S-Insider\(\}\). Let \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) be a delegatable functional signature scheme. The definition uses the game \(\mathsf {CFA} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) defined in Fig. 3. We say that \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) is privacy-preserving under chosen function attacks \((\mathsf {X\text {-}CFA})\) for the functionality \(\mathcal {F}\) if for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _X\)

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {PP\text {-}X\text {-}CFA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _X} = \left| Pr\left[ \mathsf {CFA} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda ) = 1 \right] - \frac{1}{2} \right| \end{aligned}$$

is negligible in \(\lambda \), where \(\mathcal {A} _\text {Outsider}\) can neither invoke the oracles \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}\) nor \({\textsf {Query[RegKey]}}\); the attacker \(\mathcal {A} _\text {Insider}\) can not make use of \({\textsf {Query[RegKey]}}\) and the adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider}\) is not restricted in its queries.

Remark on Measuring the Success of \(\mathcal {A}\) : The adversary may choose an arbitrary challenge message \(m_0\), together with a signature \(\sigma _0\) that allows the capability \(f_0\) (technically the adversary can invoke proc Query[Sign] for computing \(\sigma _0\)), and a list of t public keys of evaluators together with evaluator inputs \(\alpha \). The chosen keys must be known to the challenger to distinguishing between outsiders, insiders and strong insiders. The challenger repeatedly applies \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) to \(\sigma _0\), using the specified parameters \(\alpha _i\) keys \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} [i]\). Additionally, \(\mathcal {C}\) computes the derived valued \(m_i\) and \(f_i\) for the resulting signature via direct application of \(\mathcal {F} \). If all transformations succeed,Footnote 2 \(\mathcal {C}\) yields a signature \(\sigma _t\), on a message \(m_t\) delegated to \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} [t]\) with capability \(f_t\). Depending on the bit b, \(\mathcal {C}\) either sends \(\sigma _t\) or a fresh signature on \(m_t\) delegated to \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} [t]\) with capability \(f_t\) to \(\mathcal {A}\) and adds the key \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} [t]\) to the set \(\mathcal K_X\) that contains all keys to which the signatures in challenges were (finally) delegated. If at the end of the game \(\mathcal K_\mathcal {A} \cap \mathcal K_X \ne \emptyset \), the challenger outputs 0. This way we allow a scheme to leak some information to the evaluator to which a signature is delegated. For security against insider attacks only “local” information is allowed. After one delegation, this information has to vanish, since an insider adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) can delegate the signature \(\sigma _t\) to a key \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \in \mathcal K_\mathcal {A} \) by using the \({\textsf {Query[Eval]}}\) oracle.

3.4 Relations Between the Privacy Notions

For privacy, we have the same hierarchy as for unforgeability: A scheme that is secure against outsiders may be insecure against insiders, as the key \({\textit{sk}_{ev}}\) of an evaluator can help to distinguish between delegated and fresh signatures. Again, calling \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}\) might weaken the adversary. Consider a scheme that does not preserve privacy against outsiders and that only has one valid evaluator key. An insider that calls both \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}\) and Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ] is discarded, because it knows the only valid evaluator key (and thus \(\mathcal K_X \cap \mathcal K_\mathcal {A} \ne \emptyset \)).

Analogously to the hierarchy for unforgeability, an S-Insider is stronger an insider or an outsider. A scheme can leak information about delegation if a certain key pair \(({\textit{sk}_{ev}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}})\) is used that is highly unlikely to be an output of \(\textsf {KGen}_{ev}\) (e.g., one of them is \(0^\lambda \)).

Proposition 2

( \(\mathsf {PP\text {-}X\text {-}CFA}\) -Implications). Let \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) be a functional signature scheme.

(i) :

For all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Outsider}\) there exists a PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}\) s.t. \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {PP\text {-}I\text {-}CFA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}} \ge \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {PP\text {-}O\text {-}CFA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _{Outsider}}\)

(ii) :

For all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}\) there exists a PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\textit{S-Insider}\) s.t. \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {PP\text {-}SI\text {-}CFA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{S-Insider}} \ge \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathsf {PP\text {-}I\text {-}CFA}}_{\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A} _\textit{Insider}} \)


The proposition follows analogously to the proof for Proposition 1.

4 Possibility and Impossibility of DFS from OWFs

In this section we investigate the instantiability of DFS. In particular, we are interested in understanding which security property is “harder” to achieve. If we counter-intuitively are not interested in unforgeability, naturally we can construct a delegatable functional signature scheme \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) unconditionally. A signature on m simply consists of the string “this is a signature for m”. Obviously, this construction satisfies privacy against strong insiders in the sense of Definition 4 but not even unforgeability against outsiders.

Similarly, if we are not interested in privacy, DFS schemes can easily be constructed similarly to the construction in [15]. We assume a signature scheme S that is based on any one-way function. Now, the idea is that the signer simply signs a tuple consisting of the message together with the capability f and the public verification key of an evaluator. When evaluating, an evaluator adds his own signature on the previous signature together with \(\alpha \) and the key of the following evaluator to the original signature. The verification procedure only accepts a signature if the signed trace of evaluations and delegations is legitimate w.r.t. the functionality \(\mathcal {F} \). This scheme trivially satisfies unforgeability against strong insiders (cf. Definition 3) but none of our privacy notions. Thus, we obtain the following simple result:

Theorem 1

If one-way functions exist, then there exists an unforgeable delegatable functional signature scheme.

4.1 Impossibility of DFS from OWPs

In this section we prove an impossibility result showing that (D)FS cannot be constructed from OWP in a black-box way. The basic idea of our impossibility is to build a blind signature scheme in a black-box way. Since it is known that blind signature cannot be constructed from OWP only using black-box techniques [34], this implies that (D)FS cannot be constructed from OWF as well.

Blind Signatures and Their Security. A blind signature scheme is an interactive protocol between a signer \(\mathcal {S}\), holding a secret key \(\textit{sk}_\mathsf {BS}\) and a user \(\mathcal {U}\) who wishes to obtain a signature on a message m such that the user cannot create any additional signatures and such that \(\mathcal {S}\) remains oblivious about this message. We refer to the extended edition [6] for formal definitions of commitment schemes and blind signatures.

Building Blind Signatures from (D)FS. The basic idea of our construction is as follows. The user chooses a message m, commits to the message and sends the commitment c on m to the signer. The signer signs the commitment, using a delegatable functional signature scheme and sends the signature \(\sigma _c\) back to the user. The user then calls \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) with the open information \(o_m\) to derive a signature on m.

Given a commitment scheme \(\mathsf {C} = (\mathsf {Commit},\mathsf {Open})\) and a delegatable functional signature scheme \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) for functionality \(\mathcal {F} _C\), where \(\mathcal {F} _C (\lambda ,1,\alpha ,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},m) := (0, \mathsf {Open} (\alpha ,m))\), we construct a blind signature scheme \(\mathsf {BS}=(\mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS},\left\langle \mathcal {S},\mathcal {U}\right\rangle ,\mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS})\) as follows.Footnote 3

  • (sk \(_\mathrm{BS}\), pk \(_\mathrm{BS}\)) \(\leftarrow \mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS}(1^\lambda ).\) The key generation algorithm \(\mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS}(1^\lambda )\) performs the following steps:

    • \((\textit{msk},\textit{pp}) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup} (\lambda )\)

    • \(({\textit{sk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{sig}}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{sig} (\textit{pp},\textit{msk})\)

    • \(({\textit{sk}_{ev}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{ev} (\textit{pp},\textit{msk})\)

    • \((\textit{sk}_\mathsf {BS},\textit{pk}_\mathsf {BS}) \leftarrow ({\textit{sk}_{sig}},(\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},{\textit{sk}_{ev}}))\)

  • Signing. The protocol for \(\mathcal {U}\) to obtain a signature on message m is depicted in Fig. 4 and consists of the following steps:

    • \(\mathcal {U}\rightarrow \mathcal {S}\) The user sends a commitment c to the signer, where \((c,o_m) := \mathsf {Commit} (\lambda ,m)\).

    • \(\mathcal {S}\rightarrow \mathcal {U}\) The signer signs c together with the capability f and the public evaluator key of the user, obtaining \(\sigma _c \leftarrow \textsf {Sig}({\textit{sk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},1,c)\). It sends \(\sigma _c\) to \(\mathcal {U}\). The user calls \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) with the open information \(o_m\) to derive a signature on m, as \(\sigma _m \leftarrow \textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} ({\textit{sk}_{ev}},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},o_m,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},\sigma _c)\) and outputs \((m,\sigma ')\).

  • \(b \leftarrow \mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS}(\textit{pk}_\mathsf {BS},\sigma ,m).\) The verification algorithm \(\mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS}(\textit{pk}_\mathsf {BS},\sigma ,m)\) immediately returns \(\textsf {Vf} (\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}}, {\textit{pk}_{ev}}, m,\sigma )\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Issue protocol of the two move blind signature scheme.

Theorem 2

If \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) is an unforgeable and private delegatable signature scheme (both against insider attacks) and \(\mathsf {C} = (\mathsf {Commit},\mathsf {Open})\) is a commitment scheme which is both computationally binding and hiding, then the interactive signature scheme \(\mathsf {BS}=(\mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS},\left\langle \mathcal {S},\mathcal {U}\right\rangle ,\mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS})\) as defined above is unforgeable and blind.

Intuitively, unforgeability holds because the user can only obtain a signature on m if he calls \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) on an authenticated commitment. This follows from the binding of the commitment scheme and from the unforgeability of the DFS. Blindness follows directly from the hiding property of the commitment scheme and from the privacy of our DFS. Note that the impossibility result of [34] rules out blind signature schemes that are secure against semi-honest adversaries.

We prove this theorem with the following two propositions.

Proposition 3

If \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) is an unforgeable delegatable signature scheme and \(\mathsf {C} = (\mathsf {Commit},\mathsf {Open})\) is a commitment scheme which is binding, then the interactive signature scheme \(\mathsf {BS}=(\mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS},\left\langle \mathcal {S},\mathcal {U}\right\rangle ,\mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS})\) as defined above is unforgeable.


Assume there is an efficient algorithm \(\mathcal {A} \) that forges a signature for \(\mathsf {BS}\). We use \(\mathcal {A} \) to construct an efficient adversary \(\mathcal {B} \) against the unforgeability of \(\mathsf {DFSS} \). First, \(\mathcal {B} \) receives \((\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}})\) from the \(\textsf {Initialize} \) algorithm of the \(\mathsf {UnfI} \) challenger. Then it calls \({\textsf {Query[KGenS]}}()\) to receive an evaluator key pair \(({\textit{sk}_{ev}}, {\textit{pk}_{ev}})\), sets \(\textit{pk}_\mathsf {BS}:= (\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},{\textit{sk}_{ev}})\) and simulates \(\mathcal {A} (\textit{pk}_\mathsf {BS})\). Whenever \(\mathcal {A} \) interacts with its signature oracle with a (blinded) message \(c_i\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) calls \({\textsf {Query[Sign]}}({\textit{pk}_{ev}},f,c_i)\) and returns the resulting signature \(\sigma _i\) to \(\mathcal {A} \).

Eventually, \(\mathcal {A} \) stops, outputting \(k+1\) message-signature pairs \((m^*_i,\sigma ^*_i)\) after k successful interactive signing procedures, \(\mathcal {B} \) chooses one of them at random and outputs it as a (possible) forgery.

For the analysis observe that the functionality \(\mathcal {F} _C\) only applies the \(\mathsf {Open} \) algorithm to the signed message and only if \(f=1\) has been set. So for every signature \(\sigma _i\) that \(\mathcal {A} \) received, only one application of \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) is allowed and only the \(\mathsf {Open} \) algorithm can be applied. Since \(\mathsf {C} \) is a binding commitment scheme, every commitment can only be opened to a unique message, except for a negligible error probability. However, this means that one of the signatures \(\sigma ^*_i\) must be a forgery for \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) as it is either a signature on a new message, or an evaluation of a function that has not been allowed (and thus is not in the transitive hull \(\mathcal {F} ^*\) of any message that has been signed via \({\textsf {Query[Sign]}}\)).

If \(\mathcal {A} \) constructs a forgery, \(\mathcal {B} \) chooses the right message-signature pair \((m^*_i,\sigma ^*_i)\) with probability at least \(\frac{1}{k}\), so the probability that \(\mathcal {B} \) constructs a forgery is at least \(\frac{1}{k}\) times the probability that \(\mathcal {A} \) constructs a forgery.

Remark. Note that f is necessary to ensure that \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) is only called once, otherwise there is a simple attack against the scheme: The adversary \(\mathcal {A} \) picks a message m and computes \((c_1,o_1) \leftarrow \mathsf {Commit} (m)\). Then \(\mathcal {A} \) computes \((c_2,o_2) \leftarrow \mathsf {Commit} (c_1)\) and sends \(c_2\) to the signer. Upon receiving a signature \(\sigma _{c_2}\), the algorithm \(\mathcal {A} \) uses \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) to get a signature on \(c_1 = \mathsf {Open} (c_2,o_2)\). Now \(\mathcal {A} \) uses \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) again to derive a signature on \(m = \mathsf {Open} (c_1,o_1)\) and it outputs both signatures. Since \(\mathcal {A} \) outputs two valid message-signature pairs (with two distinct messages) after one successful interaction it breaks the unforgeability of \(\mathsf {BS}\).

Proposition 4

If \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup},\textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig},\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F},\textsf {Vf})\) is a private delegatable signature scheme and \(\mathsf {C} = (\mathsf {Commit},\mathsf {Open})\) is a commitment scheme which is hiding, then the interactive signature scheme \(\mathsf {BS}=(\mathsf {KG}_\mathsf {BS},\left\langle \mathcal {S},\mathcal {U}\right\rangle ,\mathsf {Vf}_\mathsf {BS})\) as defined above is blind.


We show this proposition via a game-based proof. We start with the original game \(\mathsf {Blind}_{\mathcal {S}^*}^{\mathsf {BS}}(\lambda )\) for blindness and modify it until we reach a game in which the adversary can not observe any information that might help him in guessing the bit b.

In the following proof, as well as in subsequent proofs, we assign a number to each line where the first digit marks the game and the remaining digits the line in this game (e.g., \({\small 234\>} \) marks the \(34^\text {th}\) line of game 2). All lines that are not explicitly stated are as they were defined in the last game that defined them. We refer to Fig. 5 for a description of the games.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The games for our proof for Proposition 4.

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_{0} \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_1\) : Since \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) is private, we can create new signatures instead of calling \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) on the signature of \(\mathcal {A} \).


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) are computationally indistinguishable.


Assume there is an efficient, malicious signer \(\mathcal {A} \), which is able to distinguish both games. We show how to use \(\mathcal {A} \) to build a distinguisher \(\mathcal {B} \) that breaks the privacy property of \(\mathsf {DFSS}\). The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) simulates \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\), but instead of calling \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) in lines 10 and 11, it respectively queries \(\textsf {Query} {[\textsf {Sign}-\mathcal {F} ]}(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},\bot ), ({\textit{pk}_{ev}},o_0),1,c_0,\sigma _{c_0})\) and \(\textsf {Query} {[\textsf {Sign}-\mathcal {F} ]}(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},\bot ), ({\textit{pk}_{ev}},o_1),1,c_1,\sigma _{c_1})\). If \(\mathcal {A} \) distinguishes \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) with probability noticeably larger than \(\frac{1}{2}\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) breaks the privacy property of \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) by guessing the bit b of the challenger for \(\mathsf {CFA}\) with probability noticeably larger than \(\frac{1}{2}\).

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_1 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_2\) : In \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) the signature of the adversary is not used anymore and thus the commitment is not opened anymore. Consequently we can replace the commitments by commitments to zero.


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) are computationally indistinguishable.


This follows from the hiding property of the commitment scheme. If there is an efficient, malicious signer \(\mathcal {A} \), which is able to distinguish the two games, then we can use it to break the hiding property of \(\mathsf {C} \).

In \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) the bit b is never used. The commitments and all signatures are completely independent of b. Thus, the probability that \(\mathcal {A} \) guesses \(b^* = b\) in \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) is exactly \(\frac{1}{2}\). Since the games are (pairwise) computationally indistinguishable, the proposition holds.

Combining Theorem 2 and the impossibility result of [34] (which is based on the work of Barak and Mahmoody [7]), we obtain the following result.

Corollary 1

(Delegatable) functional signature schemes that are unforgeable and private against insider adversaries cannot be build from one-way permutations in a black-box way.

Remark. Since this construction did not use the delegation property of the delegatable functional signature scheme, it should be possible to construct blind signatures from functional signatures, as defined by [15]. A DFS that is unforgeable and private against outsider adversaries is not ruled out by this corollary. Exploring whether the impossibility also holds in this case would be interesting.

5 Bounded DFS from Trapdoor Permutations

In this section we construct a bounded delegatable functional signature scheme \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) as defined in Sect. 2.1, where we put an a-priori bound on the number of evaluations. Our construction is based on (regular) unforgeable signature schemes, a public-key encryption scheme, and a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system. It is well known that these primitives can be constructed from (doubly enhanced) trapdoor permutations. Formal definition of the underlying primitives can be found in the extended edition of this paper [6].

5.1 Our Scheme

Our construction follows the encrypt and proof strategy and is completely general with respect to efficiently computable functionalities \(\mathcal {F} \) with the exception that \(\mathcal {F} \) may allow only for up to n applications of \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \). We let the signer choose how many applications he allows by defining f as a tuple \((f', k) \in \mathcal {P}_f \times \left\{ 0, \ldots , n\right\} \). We achieve the strong notion of privacy under chosen function attack (CFA) according to Definition 4 by applying the following idea : If the signer choses a number of k possible applications of \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \), we still create \(n+1\) encryptions, but place the encryption a signature on m at the \(k+1^\textit{th}\) position (and only encryptions of zero-strings at the other positions). The evaluators fill up the encryptions from the \(k^\textit{th}\) position to the first one. Although each evaluator receives information from his predecessor in the chain of delegations (the first evaluator will know, that the signature originates from the signer), even the second evaluator in the chain will be unable to find out more than its predecessor and the number of applications of \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) that are still allowed. Figure 6 shows the construction in more detail.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Construction of a \(\mathsf {DFSS}\).

Given a signature scheme \(S = (\textsf {Setup} _{\mathcal {S}},\textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {S}},\textsf {Sig}_{\mathcal {S}},\textsf {Vf} _{\mathcal {S}})\) with a simple key generation algorithm and with signatures of equal length, an encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E} = (\textsf {Setup} _\mathcal {E},\textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {E}},\textsf {Enc} _\mathcal {E},\textsf {Dec} _\mathcal {E})\) and a zero-knowledge scheme \(\textsf {NIZK} = (\textsf {KGen}_{\textsf {NIZK}},P_\textsf {NIZK},\textsf {Vf} _\textsf {NIZK})\) for languages in NP we construct a delegatable functional signature scheme \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) as follows: We define a recursive class of languages \(L_i\), where \(L_n:\; x_n = (\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},S,m,\textit{CRS},f,\sigma ) \in L_n\) means that there exists a witness \(\omega _n = (r,k)\) such that \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}= (\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}},\widetilde{\textit{ek}})\; \wedge \; s_k = \textsf {Enc} _\mathcal {E} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\widetilde{\textit{ek}},(\sigma ,(f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k));r) \;\wedge \; \textsf {Vf} _{\mathcal {S}}(\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}},(f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k),\sigma ) = 1\) and where \(L_i\ \mathrm {for}\ 0 \le i < n:\ x_i = (\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},S,m,\textit{CRS},f,\sigma ) \in L_i\) if there exists a witness \(\omega _i = (r,\varPi ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m',f',\alpha )\) s.t. \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}= (\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}},\widetilde{\textit{ek}})\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} \wedge &{} \;\;s_i = \textsf {Enc} _\mathcal {E} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\widetilde{\textit{ek}},(\sigma ,(f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k));r)\,\wedge \,\textsf {Vf} _{\mathcal {S}}(\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{vk} ',(f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k),\sigma ) = 1 \\ \wedge &{} \;\;x' := (\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},S',m',\textit{CRS},f') \,\wedge \,S = S'\left\{ s_i' := s_i\right\} \\ \wedge &{}\;\; {\textit{pk}'_{ev}} = (\textit{vk} ', \cdot ) \wedge (f,m) = \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f',\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m')\\ \wedge &{}\;\,\left( \textsf {Vf} _{\textsf {NIZK} _{i+1}}(\textit{CRS},x') = 1 \vee \textsf {Vf} _{\textsf {NIZK} _{n}}(\textit{CRS},x') = 1 \right) . \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The signer proves that \(x = (\textit{pp} = (\textit{CRS},\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E}),{\textit{pk}_{sig}},\) \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} = (\textit{vk} _\mathcal {F},\textit{ek}),S,d,m) \in L\), where L contains tuples for which there exists a witness \(\omega = (f,i,r_d)\) such that \(\textsf {Vf} _{\textsf {NIZK} _i}(\textit{CRS},(\textit{pp} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}},S,m,\textit{CRS},f,\sigma )) = 1 \wedge d \leftarrow \textsf {Enc} _\mathcal {E} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\textit{ek},(f,i,\sigma );r_d).\)

5.2 Security

Concerning security, we show the following theorem.

Theorem 3

If \(\mathcal {E} \) is a public key encryption scheme that is secure against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA-2), \({\mathcal {S}}\) a length preserving unforgeable signature scheme with a simple key generation, and NIZK is a sound non-interactive proof scheme that is zero knowledge, the construction presented in this section is unforgeable against outsider and (strong) insider attacks and secure against chosen function attacks (CFA) against outsiders and (strong) insiders


The theorem follows directly from Lemmas 1 and 2.

Lemma 1

If \(\mathcal {E} \) is a public key encryption scheme, \({\mathcal {S}}\) a length preserving unforgeable signature scheme with a simple key generation (i.e., not requiring a master secret key), and \(\textsf {NIZK}\) is a sound non-interactive proof scheme, then the construction \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) presented in Sect. 5 is unforgeable against outsider and (strong) insider attacks according to Definition 3.

Given an adversary \(\mathcal {A} \) that breaks the unforgeability of our construction we construct an efficient adversary \(\mathcal {B} \) that breaks the underlying signature scheme.


By Proposition 1 it suffices to show unforgeability against an S-Insider adversary. Assume towards contradiction that \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) is not unforgeable against strong insider attacks. Then there exists an efficient adversary \(\mathcal {A}:=\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider}\) that makes at most \(p(\lambda )\) many steps for a polynomial p and that wins the game \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider},\lambda )\), formalized in Definition 3, with non-negligible probability. Since \(\mathcal {A} \) makes at most \(p(\lambda )\) many steps, \(\mathcal {A} \) invokes the oracle \({\textsf {Query[{KgenP}]}}\) at most \(p(\lambda )\) many times. We show how to build an adversary \(\mathcal {B} \) that runs \(\mathcal {A} \) in a black-box way in order to break the unforgeability of \({\mathcal {S}}\) with non-negligible probability. In the following we denote the values and the oracles that the challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) from the game \( \textsf {Unf} (S,\mathcal {B},\lambda )\) provides to \(\mathcal {B} \) with the index \(\mathcal {C}\).

The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \), upon receiving as input a tuple \((\textit{pp} _\mathcal {C},\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C})\) from \(\textsf {Initialize} _\mathcal {C}\), simulates a challenger for the game \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\). First, the algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) generates the public parameters and the master public/private key-pair, computing \((\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\textit{msk} _\mathcal {E}) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup} _\mathcal {E} (1^\lambda ), \textit{CRS} \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{\textsf {NIZK}} (1^\lambda )\)and setting \(\textit{pp}:= (\textit{CRS},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {C},\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E}), \textit{msk}:= (\epsilon ,\textit{msk} _\mathcal {E})\). Subsequently, \(\mathcal {B} \) computes \((\widetilde{\textit{dk}},\widetilde{\textit{ek}}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {E}} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\textit{msk} _\mathcal {E}), (\textit{sk} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {S}} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {C},\varepsilon )\) and sets \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}:= \textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\).

The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) embeds its own challenge key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) in a randomly chosen position \(z \in \left\{ 0, \ldots , p(\lambda )\right\} \); if \(z = 0\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) replaces \(\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\) by \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\). Finally, \(\mathcal {B} \) runs a black-box simulation of \(\mathcal {A} \) on input \((\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}})\), where \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}= \textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\) or \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}=\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\), depending on z and \(\mathcal {B} \) simulates the four oracles \({\textsf {Query[{Sign}]}}, {\textsf {Query[{Trans}]}}, {\textsf {Query[{KGenP}]}}\) and \({\textsf {Query[{Finalize}]}}\). The inputs of these oracles are provided by \(\mathcal {A} \) upon calling them and are thus sent to \(\mathcal {B} \). The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) handles the oracle queries from \(\mathcal {A} \) as follows:

  • Query[KGenP](): The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) answers the \(i^\text {th}\) invocation of Query[KgenP] as follows. First, \(\mathcal {B} \) generates a key pair for encryption and decryption \((\textit{dk},\textit{ek}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {E}} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\textit{msk} _\mathcal {E})\). Then it behaves differently depending on i: If \(i = z\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) sends \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) to \(\mathcal {A} \). Otherwise, \(\mathcal {B} \) generates a new key-pair \(({\textit{sk}_{ev}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}}) \leftarrow \textsf {KGen}_{\mathcal {S}} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {C},\varepsilon )\), stores this pair, and sends \({\textit{pk}_{ev}} \) to \(\mathcal {A} \).

  • Query[Sign](pk \({_{ev}^{*}},f,g,m)\) : If \(z \ne 0\), the algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) computes all necessary values locally exactly as a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) would. For computing the values locally, \(\mathcal {B} \) needs to know \(\textit{pp} \) (publicly known), \({\textit{sk}_{sig}} = (\textit{ssk} _{\mathcal {S}},\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}})\) (generated by \(\mathcal {B} \) since \(z \ne 0\)) and the values \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}},f\) and m (provided to \(\mathcal {B} \) by \(\mathcal {A} \)).

    If \(z = 0\), this local computation is not possible since \(\mathcal {B} \) replaced \(\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\) with \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\). Thus, the algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) sets \(h_k := (f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k)\) and invokes \({\textsf {Query[{Sig}]}}_\mathcal {C}(h_k)\). It sets \(\sigma _k\) to the output of the challenger and otherwise proceeds as above.

  • Query[Eval](pk \({_{ev}^{*}},\alpha ,m,{{\varvec{pk}}}'_{ev},\sigma )\) : Parse \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} = (\textit{vk},\textit{ek})\). \(\mathcal {B} \) behaves differently depending on the value of \(\textit{vk} \).

    If the key \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) is a key for which \(\mathcal {B} \) knows a secret key (in particular it does not contain the challenge key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\)), \(\mathcal {B} \) computes all necessary values locally exactly as a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) would. For computing the values locally, \(\mathcal {B} \) needs to know \(\textit{pp} \) (publicly known), a value for \({\textit{sk}^*_{ev}} \) corresponding to \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) (discussed below), \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\) (known to \(\mathcal {B} \)) and the values for \(\alpha ,m,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} \) and \(\sigma \) (provided by \(\mathcal {A} \)). There are four cases for \({\textit{sk}^*_{ev}} \). If \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) was output by \({\textsf {Query[{KGenP}]}}\) (and since \(\textit{vk} \ne \textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\), this was not the \(z^\text {th}\) invocation of \({\textsf {Query[{KGenP}]}}\)), \(\mathcal {B} \) has generated the value \({\textit{sk}^*_{ev}} = (\textit{ssk} _\mathcal {F},\textit{dk})\) itself. The same applies if \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) was output by \({\textsf {Query[{KGenS}]}}\). If \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) was registered by \(\mathcal {A} \) via \({\textsf {Query[{RegKey}]}}\), \(\mathcal {B} \) uses the corresponding (registered) key \({\textit{sk}^*_{ev}} \). If none of the three cases applies, then the key \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) is unknown and \(\mathcal {B} \) returns \(\bot \) instead.

    If the key \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \) is the key in which \(\mathcal {B} \) has embedded its own challenge key (\(\textit{vk} = \textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\)), a corresponding value \(\textit{ssk} _\mathcal {F} \) (the first part of the secret key \({\textit{sk}^*_{ev}} \) corresponding to \({\textit{pk}^*_{ev}} \)) is not known to \(\mathcal {B} \). This key is necessary to sign the value \(h = (\hat{f},\hat{m},{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},k-1)\). Thus, instead of computing a signature with some key \(\textit{ssk} _\mathcal {F} \), \(\mathcal {B} \) calls its own oracle \({\textsf {Query[{Sig}]}}_\mathcal {C}(h)\) and otherwise proceeds as above.

  • FINALIZE \((m^*,\sigma ^*,\) pk \({_{ev}^{*}})\) : Eventually, \(\mathcal {A}\) invokes \(\textsf {Finalize} \) on a tuple \((m^*,\sigma ^*,{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}})\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) parses \(\sigma ^* = (S,d,\pi )\) with \(S = (s_0, \ldots , s_{n+1})\). Now, the algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) checks the validity of the signature computing \(\textsf {Vf} (\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}},m^*,\sigma ^*)\). If the verification algorithm outputs 0, then \(\mathcal {B} \) stops. Otherwise \(\mathcal {B} \) decrypts all signatures \((\sigma _i,h_i) := \textsf {Dec} _\mathcal {E} (\textit{pp} _\mathcal {E},\widetilde{\textit{dk}},s_i)\). \(\mathcal {B} \) tries to find a pair \((\sigma _x, h_x)\) that verifies under the key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) and that has not been sent to \({\textsf {Query[{Sign}]}}_\mathcal {C}\) by \(\mathcal {B} \), then \(\mathcal {B} \) sends \((h_x,\sigma _x)\) to its own \(\textsf {Finalize} _\mathcal {C}\) oracle. Otherwise it halts.


The algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) perfectly simulates a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\).


(for Claim 5.2 ). We investigate the simulation of all oracles and local computations.

  • Simulation of Initialize: Observe that by construction and by the fact that \({\mathcal {S}}\) the values \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \) are identically distributed to values for \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \) generated by a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\). Thus, the keys generated out of them are also identically distributed. If \(z \ne 0\) then \(\mathcal {B} \) uses only \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \) to compute the keys \(({\textit{sk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{sig}})\) and thus they are identically distributed as keys \(({\textit{sk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{sig}})\) generated by \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\).

    If \(z = 0\), then \(\mathcal {B} \) replaces the verification \(\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\) of the signer with the verification key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) of the challenger. However, since \({\mathcal {S}}\) does not require a master secret key, the key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) is identically distributed as the key \(\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\). Moreover, \(\mathcal {B} \) does not use the corresponding signing key \(\textit{ssk} _{\mathcal {S}}\) in any way and queries its own signing oracle instead.

  • Simulation of Query[KGenP] : On any but the \(z^\text {th}\) invocation, \(\mathcal {B} \) perfectly simulates a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) and computes a new key pair based on \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \). As \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \) are identically distributed as for a challenger, the resulting keys are also identically distributed.

    On the \(z^{\text {th}}\) invocation, however, \(\mathcal {B} \) replaces the verification key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {F} \) with the verification key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) of the challenger. However, since \({\mathcal {S}}\) does not require a master secret key, the key \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) is identically distributed as the key \(\textit{vk} _{\mathcal {S}}\). Moreover, \(\mathcal {B} \) does not use the corresponding signing key \(\textit{ssk} _\mathcal {F} \) in any way and queries its own signing oracle instead.

  • Simulation of Query[KGenS]: \(\mathcal {B} \) uses the values \(\textit{pp} \) and \(\textit{msk} \) that are identically distributed to the corresponding values of a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F}, \mathcal {A},\lambda )\). On them it performs a perfect simulation of Query[KGenS]. Thus, the resulting keys have the same distribution as the keys output by \({\textsf {Query[{KGenS}]}}\) of the challenger.

  • Simulation of Query[RegKey]: This oracle does not return an answer.

  • Simulation of Query[Sign] and Query[Eval: \(\mathcal {B} \) perfectly simulates these oracles as long as it does not have to create a signature with the key corresponding to \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\). However, in these cases \(\mathcal {B} \) calls its own signature oracle. Since the keys are identically distributed, this still is a perfect simulation.

Since all messages that \(\mathcal {B} \) sends to \(\mathcal {A} \) are identically distributed to the messages that \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) sends to \(\mathcal {A} \), the algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) perfectly simulates a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\).


Whenever \(\mathcal {A} \) produces a forgery, then with probability at least \(\frac{1}{p(\lambda )+1}\) \(\mathcal {B} \) also produces a forgery.


(Proof of Claim 5.2 ). First we show the following statement: Whenever \(\mathcal {A} \) produces a forgery \((m^*,\sigma ^*,{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}})\), then \(\sigma ^*\) is of the form \(\sigma ^* = (S,d,\pi )\). Moreover, \(S = (s_0, \ldots , s_{n+1})\) contains the encryption \(s_x\) of a signature \(\sigma _x\) such that:

  • \(\sigma _x\) verifies for a message \(m_x\) under a key \(\textit{vk} ^*\)

  • \(\textit{vk} ^*\) either equals \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\) or that has been sent to \(\mathcal {A} \) as an answer to an oracle query Query[KGenP]

  • \(m_x\) a message that has not been sent to Query[Sign] or achieved as result of Query[Eval].

Assume that \(\mathcal {A} \) invokes \(\textsf {Finalize} \) with \((m^*,\sigma ^*,{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}})\) such that \((m^*,\sigma ^*,{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}})\) constitutes a forgery for \(\mathsf {DFSS} \). Technically: If our algorithm \(\mathcal {B} \) would simulate the \(\textsf {Finalize} \) algorithm (as in Fig. 7), it would output 1.Footnote 4

Fig. 7.
figure 7

A simulated version of \(\textsf {Finalize}\) for our construction \(\mathsf {DFSS}\).

If \(\textsf {Finalize} \) would output 1, \( (\cdot ,m^*,\cdot ,\cdot ) \notin \mathcal {Q} \). This especially means that \(\sigma ^*\) can not be output of Query[Sign] or Query[Eval]. Moreover, there was no query to Query[Sign] \(({\textit{pk}'_{ev}},f,m)\) for an adversary key \({\textit{pk}'_{ev}} \) such that \(m^*\) is in the transitive hull \(\mathcal {F} ^*(\lambda ,(f,m))\). Also, there was no query to Query[Eval] \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},\alpha ,m,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},\sigma ')\) for an adversary key \({\textit{pk}'_{ev}} \) such that f was extracted from \(\sigma '\) and such that \(m^*\) is in the transitive hull \(\mathcal {F} ^*(\lambda ,(f',m'))\) for \((f',m') := \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f,\alpha ,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}},m)\).

If the \(\textsf {NIZK}\) \(\varPi \) verifies then there is a signature that verifies under \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\) and that marks the start of the delegation chain. Let \(\sigma _k\) be this signature for a value \(h_{k} = (f,m,{\textit{pk}_{ev}},k)\). The \(\textsf {NIZK} \) makes sure that \(m^*\) is in the transitive hull \(\mathcal {F} ^*(\lambda ,(f,m))\) and that all transformations are legitimized by the previous ones (depending on the intermediate \(\alpha \)’s).

We distinguish the following cases:

  • \(i=0\): There was no call to Query[Sig] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},(f,k),m)\). Thus, \(\mathcal {B}\) never sent \(h_k\) to \({\textsf {Query[{Sig}]}}_\mathcal {C}\). and thus, S contains a signature \(\sigma _x = \sigma _k\) that verifies with \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\) for the message \(h_k\).

  • \(0 < i < k\): There was a call to Query[Sig] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},(f,k),m)\). And for all \(0 < j \le i\) there was a call to Query[Eval] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}} _j,\alpha _j,m_j, {\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,\sigma '_j)\), such that \(h_{k-j} = (f_j,m_j,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,k-j)\) with \((f_j,m_j) = \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f_{j-1}, \alpha _j,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,m_{j-1})\), but there was no call to Query[Eval] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}} _i, \alpha _i,m_i,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _i,\sigma '_i)\), such that \(h_{k-i} = (f_i,m_i,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _i, k-i)\) with \((f_i,m_i) = \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f_{i-1},\alpha _i,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _i,m_{i-1})\), where \(f_0 = f\) and \(m_0 = m\).

    Thus, \(\mathcal {B}\) never sent \(h_i\) to \({\textsf {Query[{Sig}]}}_\mathcal {C}\) and thus, \(\sigma _i\) and \(h_i\) fulfill our claim.

  • \(i=k\): There was a call to Query[Sig] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}},(f,k),m)\). And for all \(0 < j \le k\) there was a call to Query[Eval] with parameters \(({\textit{pk}_{ev}} _j,\alpha _j,\beta _j,m_j, {\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,\sigma '_j)\), such that \(h_{k-j} = (f_j,m_j, {\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,k-j)\) with \((f_j,m_j) = \mathcal {F} (\lambda ,f_{j-1}, \alpha _j,{\textit{pk}'_{ev}} _j,m_{j-1}\). The \(\textsf {NIZK} \) makes sure that at most k transformations of the original message exist. Thus, all transformations have been done via calls to Query[Eval], which means that \((m^*,\sigma ^*,{\textit{pk}^*_{ev}})\) is not a forgery.

Thus, each forgery of \(\mathcal {A} \) constitutes a forgery of a signature \(\sigma _x\) that verifies with a key \(\textit{vk} ^*\) that either equals \({\textit{pk}_{sig}}\) or a key that has been given to \(\mathcal {A} \) as answer to an oracle query Query[KGenP]. Note that if, by chance, \(\textit{vk} ^* = \textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\), then \(\sigma _x\) is a valid forgery for the message \(h_x\). By Claim, Sect. 5.2, \(\mathcal {B} \) performs a perfect simulation of a challenger for \( \textsf {Unf} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A},\lambda )\) (from \(\mathcal {A}\) ’s point of view), independent of the value z that \(\mathcal {B} \) has chosen in the beginning. As \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) is randomly placed in the set of possible honest keys (\(p(\lambda )\) many), \(\mathcal {B} \) produces a forgery for \(\textit{vk} _\mathcal {C}\) with probability at least \(\frac{1}{p(\lambda )+1}\).

For the analysis of the success of \(\mathcal {B} \) let us assume that \(\mathcal {A} \) produces a forgery with a non-negligible probability. However, by Claim 5.2, whenever \(\mathcal {A} \) produces a forgery, there is a chance of \(\frac{1}{p(\lambda )+1}\) that \(\mathcal {B} \) will produce a forgery. Since \(\mathcal {A} \) is assumed to succeed with a non-negligible probability, \(\mathcal {B} \) will also succeed with a non-negligible probability, losing a polynomial factor of \(p(\lambda )+1\). Since \(\mathcal {B} \) is an efficient algorithm, this concludes the proof.

Lemma 2

If \(\mathcal {E} \) is a public key encryption scheme that is secure against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA-2), and the interactive proof scheme \(\textsf {NIZK} \) is zero knowledge, then the construction \(\mathsf {DFSS}\) presented in Sect. 5 is secure against chosen function attacks (CFA) as in Definition 4.

For showing this lemma we will first give a game-based proof for an adversary that only uses the oracle Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ] once. We proceed using a hybrid argument that shows that the existence of a successful adversary that makes polynomially many calls to Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ] implies the existence of a successful adversary that only makes one call.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Definition of \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) for Sect. 5.2.


Let \(\mathsf {DFSS} = (\textsf {Setup}, \textsf {KGen}_{sig},\textsf {KGen}_{ev},\textsf {Sig}, \textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F}, \textsf {Vf})\) be our construction for functionalities \(\mathcal {F}\) and \(\mathcal {G}\). Assume towards contradiction that \(\mathsf {DFSS} \) is not secure against chosen function attacks against a strong insider. Then there exists an efficient adversary \(\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider}\) that wins the game \(\mathsf {CFA} (\mathsf {DFSS}, \mathcal {F},\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider},\lambda )\) from Definition 4 with non negligible advantage. For simplicity we will write \(\mathcal {A} \) for \(\mathcal {A} _\text {S-Insider}\) in this proof.


If \(\mathcal {A} \) invokes the challenge oracle \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) at most once, then the advantage of \(\mathcal {A} \) is negligible.


(Proof of Claim 5.2 ). The challenger uses the uniformly distributed value b only when \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) is called. Thus, if \(\mathcal {A} \) does not call \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\), the advantage of \(\mathcal {A}\) is 0.

For the case that \(\mathcal {A} \) calls \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) exactly once, we show the claim via a series of indistinguishable games that start with a game where \(b=0\) and end with a game \(b=1\). Our proof shows that all intermediate games are indistinguishable.

Let \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) be the original game from Definition 4 where \(b=0\), as defined in Fig. 8. As by our claim \(\mathcal {A} \) calls \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) only once we will simplify the notation of the game by making the call to \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) explicit. Moreover we make the invokation of \(\textsf {Initialize} \) explicit as we will modify it in the following games. The oracles that \(\mathcal {A} \) can access (aside from \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\)) are as they are formalized in Definition 4. As before, we annotate each line with the game (first digit) and the line within the game (remaining digits).

figure a
  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_0 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_1\) : Since \(\textsf {NIZK} \) is zero knowledge, there exists an efficient simulator \(\mathcal {S} = (\mathcal {S} _0,\mathcal {S} _1)\). In \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\), \(\textsf {Initialize} \) calls this simulator \(\mathcal {S} _0\) to compute the common reference string \(\textit{CRS} \), instead of the algorithm \(\textsf {Setup} _\textsf {NIZK} \). The simulator is allowed to keep state from \(\mathcal {S} _0\) to \(\mathcal {S} _1\). Moreover, in \({\textsf {Query[{Sign-}}}\mathcal {F} ]\) we call \(\mathcal {S} _1\) to simulate the proof \(\varPi \) instead of computing it by calling the prover \(\mathcal {P}\).


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) are computationally indistinguishable.


The indistinguishability follows from the fact that \(\textsf {NIZK} \) is zero knowledge. If a PPT distinguisher could distinguish between \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\), we could construct an efficient distinguisher for \(\textsf {NIZK} \).

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_1 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_2\) : The game \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) is identical to \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) except for the fact that now S and d contain only descriptions of zero-strings: we put encryptions of zero strings in all \(s_j\) for \(j \in \left\{ 0, \ldots , n\right\} \) instead of leaving an encryption of a signature \(\varsigma _{k-t}\) together with its message \(h_{k-t}\) at position \(k-t\) and in an encryption of a zero string in d instead of an encryption of \(\varsigma _{k-t}\) together with \(f_t\) and \(k-t\).

    To compensate for the loss of information in d, we store the tuple \((f_t,k-t,\varsigma _{k-t})\) together with the (supposed) ciphertext d. Whenever Query[Eval] is called and within the call one of the ciphertexts d is placed, we look up the values \((f_t,k-t,\varsigma _{k-t})\) instead of decrypting d. The same applies to the decryption in line 22 of our game.


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) are computationally indistinguishable.


If the games could be distinguished by a PPT distinguisher, then we could construct an efficient distinguisher that breaks the CCA-2 security of \(\mathcal {E} \). We distinguish two cases:

  • The simulator \(\mathcal {S} = (\mathcal {S} _0,\mathcal {S} _1)\) behaves differently. Although the simulatability of the \(\textsf {NIZK} \) only is defined for valid statements \(x \in L_R\), a simulator that can distinguish with a non-negligible probability between a “normal” S or d (as in \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\)) and an S or d that consists only of encryptions of zero-strings (as in \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\)) can also be used to break the CCA-2 security of \(\mathcal {E} \).

  • The adversary distinguishes the games. If the adversary is able to distinguish \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) with a non-negligible probability, it can be used to break the CCA-2 security of \(\mathcal {E} \).

Thus, \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) are computationally indistinguishable.

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_2 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_3\) : In \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_3\), the bit b is set to 1 instead of 0. However, b is never used explicitly in the game. Moreover we always use the signature generated by \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \) (from line 33) instead of the fresh signature (from line 50).


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_3\) are computationally indistinguishable.


In both cases S and d are encryptions of zero strings (under the same keys) and in both cases \(\varPi \) is a proof generated by \(\mathcal {S} _1\) for the same statement \(x = (\textit{pp},{\textit{pk}_{sig}},{\textit{pk}_{ev}} [t],S,d,m_t)\). Since \(S_1\) does not receive a witness, the proofs are based on the same arguments.

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_3 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_4\) : The game \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_4\) is identical to \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_3\) except for the fact that S and d are “normal” encryptions again (not encryptions of zero strings).


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_3\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_4\) are computationally indistinguishable.


The same argument as for \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_1\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_2\) applies here. If the games could be distinguished, we could construct an efficient distinguisher for the encryption scheme.

Note that we do not need to revert the encryptions in lines 39 and 44 as they are within the “if false”-block.

  • GAME \(\mathcal {G}_4 \Rightarrow \) GAME \(\mathcal {G}_5\) : In \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_5\) we replace the simulator \(\mathcal {S} = (\mathcal {S} _0,\mathcal {S} _1)\) with the original \(\textsf {Setup} _\textsf {NIZK} \) and \(\mathcal {P}\) algorithms again.


\({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_4\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_5\) are computationally indistinguishable.


As for Claim 5.2, the indistinguishability again follows from the fact that \(\textsf {NIZK} \) is zero knowledge. If a PPT distinguisher could distinguish between \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_4\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_5\), we could construct an efficient distinguisher for \(\textsf {NIZK} \).

As we have shown, the games \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) and \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_5\) are computationally indistinguishable. However, \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_0\) perfectly models the case, where an adversary plays against a challenger for \(\mathsf {CFA} \) when \(b=0\), whereas \({\textsc {Game}} \; \mathcal {G}_5\) perfectly models the case, where an adversary plays against a challenger for \(\mathsf {CFA} \) when \(b=1\). Since the games are (pairwise) computationally distinguishable, the cases are also computationally indistinguishable and thus the advantage of \(\mathcal {A} \) is negligible. This concludes the proof for Claim 5.2.

Via hybrid argument we reduce the case in which the adversary might make polynomially many calls to Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ] to the case of Claim 5.2 where the adversary makes at most one call to Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ]. We can simulate the calls to Query[Sign- \(\mathcal {F}\) ] both for \(b=0\) and for \(b=1\) using the oracle access to \(\textsf {Sig}\) and to \(\textsf {Eval}_\mathcal {F} \).