
1 Introduction

Multiparty Computation (\(\textsf {MPC}\)) addresses the challenge of performing computation over sensitive data without compromising its privacy. In the past decades, several general-purpose solutions to this problem have been designed, starting with the seminal works of Yao [53] and Goldreich et al. [27]. Among the large variety of problems related to \(\textsf {MPC}\) that have been considered, the secure comparison problem, in which the players wish to find out whether \(x \ge y\) for given xy without disclosing them, is probably the one that received the most attention. Indeed, in addition to being the first \(\textsf {MPC}\) problem ever considered (introduced in [53] under the name of millionaire’s problem), it has proven to be a fundamental primitive in a considerable number of important applications of multiparty computation. Examples include auctions, signal processing, database queries, machine learning and statistical analysis, biometric authentication, combinatorial problems, or computation on rational numbers. Secure comparison is at the heart of any task involving sorting data, finding a minimum value, solving any optimization problem, or even in tasks as basic as evaluating the predicate of a while loop, among countless other examples. The related task of secure equality test, known as the socialist millionaires’ problem, in which the players wish to find out whether \(x = y\) for given xy without disclosing them, enjoys comparably many applications.

Two-party and multiparty computation seem now at the edge of becoming practical, with increasing evidence that they are no more beyond the reach of the computational power of today’s computers. However, secure equality tests and comparisons appear to be a major bottleneck in secure algorithms that use them as a basic routines. Various implementations of secure algorithms unanimously lead to the conclusion that secure comparison is the most computationally involved primitive, being up to two orders of magnitude slower than, e.g., secure multiplication. Hence, we believe that designing improved protocols for these tasks is an important road toward making multiparty computation truly practical.

In this work, we consider secure equality test and comparison on inputs secretely shared between the parties, with output shared between the parties as well. This is the natural setting of large-scale computation, where inputs and outputs cannot always be disclosed to the parties. Our new two-party protocols compare very favorably to state-of-the-art solutions. In particular, our protocols are well suited for large scale secure computation protocols using secure comparison as a basic routine. Our protocols are secure in the universal composability framework of Canetti [11], which ensures that security is preserved under general composition. As this is the model used in most practical applications, we focus on the passive adversarial model, in which players are assumed to follow the specifications of the protocol. We leave as open the interesting question of extending our protocols to handle malicious adversaries, while preserving (as much as possible) their efficiency.

1.1 State of the Art for Secure Equality Test and Comparison

To avoid unnecessary details in the presentation, we assume some basic knowledge on classical cryptographic primitives, such as garbled circuits, oblivious transfers and cryptosystems. Preliminaries on oblivious transfers are given in the full version of this work [15]. In the following, we let \(\ell \) denote an input length, and \(\kappa \) denote a security parameter. As secure protocols for equality tests and comparisons were commonly built together in the literature, the state of the art for both remains essentially the same, hence we unify the presentation.

  • From Garbled Circuits. The first category regroups protocols following the garbled circuit approach of Yao [53]. The protocols of [37], which were later improved in [36, 55], are amongst the most communication-efficient protocols for secure equality test or comparison. The protocols of [36] proceed by letting the first player garble a circuit containing \(\ell \) comparison gates (resp. \(\ell -1\) equality test gates), which amounts to \(\ell \) AND gates with the free-xor trick (resp. \(\ell -1\) AND gates). In a setting where several instances of the protocols will be invoked, oblivious transfer extensions [33] can be used for an arbitrary number of executions, using a constant number of public key operations and only cheap symmetric operations for each invocation of the secure protocol, making them very efficient.

  • From Homomorphic Encryption. Solutions to the millionaire problem from homomorphic-encryption originated in [7]. The most efficient method in this category, to our knowledge, is [20], which uses an ad hoc cryptosystem. This protocol was corrected in [21], and improved in [51]. The protocol communicates \(4\ell \) ciphertexts (in the version that outputs shares of the result) and is often regarded as one of the most computationally efficient. The more recent construction of [25] relies on the flexibility of lattice based cryptosystems to design a secure comparison protocol. Using a degree-8 somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme and ciphertext packing techniques, the (amortized) bit complexity of their protocol is \(\tilde{O}(\ell +\kappa )\). Although asymptotically efficient, this method is expected to remain less efficient than alternative methods using simpler primitives for any realistic parameters.

  • From the Arithmetic Black Box Model. The third category consists of protocols built on top of an arithmetic black box [17] (\(\mathsf {ABB}\)), which is an ideal reactive functionality for performing securely basic operations (such as additions and multiplications) over secret values loaded in the \(\mathsf {ABB}\). The \(\mathsf {ABB}\) itself can be implemented from various primitives, such as oblivious transfer [23, 45] or additively homomorphic encryption (most articles advocate the Paillier scheme [44]). Protocols in this category vary greatly in structure. Most protocols [12, 19, 43] involve \(\tilde{O}(\ell )\) private multiplications, each typically requiring O(1) operations over a field of size \(O(\ell + \kappa )\), resulting in an overall \(\tilde{O}(\ell (\ell +\kappa ))\) bit complexity. The protocols of Toft [50], and Toft and Lipmaa [40], use only a sublinear (in \(\ell \)) number of invocations to the cryptographic primitive; however, the total bit complexity remains superlinear in \(\ell \). For large values of \(\ell \) (\(\kappa ^2/\ell = o(1)\)), the protocol of [54] enjoys an optimal \(O(\ell )\) communication complexity; however, the constants involved are quite large: it reduces to \(84\lambda + 96\) bit oblivious transfer and 6 \(\ell \)-bit secure multiplications for a \(1/2^\lambda \) error probability, and becomes competitive with e.g. [36] only for inputs of at least 500 bits (assuming a \(1/2^{40}\) error probability).

  • From Generic Two-Party Computation. Generic two-party computation (\(\textsf {2PC}\)) techniques can be used to securely compute functions represented as boolean circuits. An elegant logarithmic-depth boolean circuit, computing simultaneously the greater-than and the equality predicates, was suggested in [24]. It uses a natural recursive formula, and has \(3\ell - \log \ell - 2\) AND gates. This circuit can be evaluated using \(6\ell - 2\log \ell - 4\) oblivious transfers on bits, which can be precomputed and amortized using oblivious transfer extensions. In the amortized setting, we found this approach to be (by far) the most efficient in terms of communication and computation; however, it is more interactive than the garbled circuit approach, which still enjoy efficient communication and computation.

In this paper, we will compare our protocols to the two most efficient alternatives in the amortized setting, namely, the garbled circuit approach, and the generic \(\textsf {2PC}\) approach (which is more interactive, but has lower communication and computation). For fairness of the comparison, we will apply all optimizations that we apply to our protocols to these alternatives, when it is relevant.

1.2 Our Contribution

In this work, we construct new protocols for secure equality tests and comparisons which improve over the best state-of-the-art protocols. Our protocols are secure in the universal composability framework, assuming only an oblivious transfer. Using oblivious transfer extensions allows to confine all public-key operations to a one-time setup phase. The online phase of our protocols enjoys information theoretic security, and is optimal regarding both communication and computation: \(O(\ell )\) bits are communicated, and \(O(\ell )\) binary operations are performed, with small constants. Regarding overall complexity, our protocols match the best existing constructions in terms of asymptotic efficiency (and have in particular an optimal \(O(\ell )\) complexity for large values of \(\ell \), see Table 1), and outperform the most efficient constructions for practical parameters, by \(70\%\) to \(80\%\) for equality test, and by \(20\%\) to \(40\%\) for secure comparison. Our protocols have non-constant round complexity: \(O(\log ^*\kappa )\) rounds for equality test (2 to 4 online rounds in practice), and \(O(\log \log \ell )\) rounds for comparison (2 to 10 online rounds). Our secure comparison protocol relies on a new technique to (non-interactively) reduce comparison of values shared between the players to comparison of values held by each players, which might be of independent interest. Due to space restriction, we only focus on our new protocols for equality tests here; our protocols for secure comparison are described in the full version of this work [15].

Further Contributions of the Full Version. In addition to detailed security proofs, the full version of our work [15] contains further contributions, including a new simple method which reduces by \(25\%\) the communication of the Naor-Pinkas oblivious transfer protocol [41] when the size of the transmitted strings is lower than \(\kappa /2\), and a variant of our equality test protocol in a batch settings (where many equality tests are performed “by blocks”), which uses additively homomorphic encryption to further improve the communication of our equality test protocol by up to \(50\%\).

1.3 Our Method

The high level intuition of our approach is an observation that was already made in previous works [40, 50]: to compare two strings, it suffices to divide them in equal length blocks, and compare the first block on which they differ. Therefore, a protocol for (obliviously) finding this block can be used to reduce the secure comparison problem on large strings to the secure comparison problem on smaller strings. One can then recursively apply this size-reduction protocol, until the strings to be compared are small enough, and compute the final result using a second protocol tailored to secure comparison on small strings. However, this intuition was typically implemented in previous work using heavy public-key primitives, such as homomorphic encryption. In this work, we show how this strategy can be implemented using exclusively oblivious transfers on small strings.

To implement the size-reduction protocol, we rely on a protocol to obliviously determine whether two strings are equal. Therefore, a first step toward realizing a secure comparison protocol is to design a protocol for testing equality between two strings, which outputs shares (modulo 2) of a bit which is 1 if and only if the strings are equal. Keeping this approach in mind, we start by designing an equality test protocol which is based solely on oblivious transfer. Recall that in an oblivious transfer protocol, one party (the sender) inputs a pair \((s_0,s_1)\), while the other party (the receiver) inputs a bit b; the receiver receives \(s_b\) as output and learns nothing about \(s_{1-b}\), while the sender learns nothing about b. Our protocol relies on a classical observation: two strings are equal if and only if their Hamming distance is zero. More specifically, our protocols proceed as follows:

Equality Test. Consider two inputs (xy), of length \(\ell \). We denote \((x_i, y_i)_{i\le \ell }\) their bits. The parties execute \(\ell \) parallel oblivious transfers over \(\mathbb {Z}_{\ell +1}\), where the first player input pairs \((a_i + x_i \bmod \ell +1, a_i+1-x_i\bmod \ell +1)\) (\(a_i\) is a random mask over \(\mathbb {Z}_{\ell +1}\)), and the second party input his secret bits \(y_i\); let \(b_i\) be his output (\(b_i = a_i + x_i\oplus y_i \bmod \ell +1\), where \(\oplus \) is the exclusive or). Observe that \(x' \leftarrow \sum _i a_i \bmod \ell +1\) and \(y' \leftarrow \sum _i b_i \bmod \ell +1\) are equal if and only if the Hamming distance between x and y is 0, if and only if \(x = y\). Note that \((x',y')\) are of length \(\log (\ell +1)\).

The players repeatedly invoke the above method, starting from \((x',y')\), to shrink the input size while preserving equality, until they end up with string of length at most (say) 3 bits (it takes about \(O(\log ^* \ell )\) invocations of the protocol, where the first invocation dominates the communication cost). The players then perform a straightforward equality test on these small strings, using oblivious transfers to evaluate an explicit exponential-size formula for equality checking on the small entries.

The core feature of this compression method is that it can be almost entirely preprocessed: by executing the compression protocol on random inputs (rs) in a preprocessing phase (and storing the masks generated), the players can reconstruct the output of the protocol on input (xy) simply by exchanging \(x\oplus r\) and \(s \oplus y\) in the online phase. Therefore, the communication of the entire equality test protocol can be made as low as a few dozens to a few hundreds of bits in the online phase. Furthermore, in the preprocessing phase, the protocol involves only oblivious transfers on very small entries (each entry has size at most \(\log \ell \) bits), for which particularly efficient constructions exist [35].

Secure Comparison. We now describe our solution to the secure comparison problem. This protocol has a structure somewhat comparable to the previous one, but is more involved. The parties break their inputs (xy) in \(\sqrt{\ell }\) blocks of length \(\sqrt{\ell }\) each. In the first part of the protocol, the parties will construct \(\sqrt{\ell }\) shares of bits, which are all equal to 0 except for the ith bit, where i is the index of the first block on which x differs from y. This step relies on parallel invocations to the equality test functionality, and on oblivious transfers. Then, using these bit-shares and oblivious transfers, the players compute shares of the first block on which x differs from y.

At this point, we cannot directly repeat the above method recursively, as this method takes inputs known to the parties, while the output values are only shared between the parties. However, under a condition on the size of the group on which the shares are computed, we prove a lemma which shows that the parties can non-interactively reduce the problem of securely comparing shared value to the problem of securely comparing known values, using only local computations on their shares. From that point, the parties can apply the compression protocol again (for \(O(\log \log \ell )\) rounds), until they obtain very small values, and use (similarly as before) a straightforward protocol based on an explicit exponential-size formula for comparison. Alternatively, to reduce the interactivity, the compression protocol can be executed a fixed (constant) number of times, before applying, e.g., a garbled-circuit-based protocol or a generic \(\textsf {2PC}\) protocol on the reduced-size inputs.

This protocol involves \(O(\sqrt{\ell })\) equality tests and oblivious transfers on small strings, both of which can be efficiently preprocessed. This leads to a secure comparison protocol that communicates about a thousand bits in the online phase, for 64-bit inputs.

1.4 Comparison with Existing Works

For Secure Comparisons. We provide Table 1 a detailed comparison between the state of the art, our logarithmic-round protocol \(\mathsf {SC} _1\), and its constant-round variants \(\mathsf {SC} _2\) and \(\mathsf {SC} _3\). We evaluate efficiency in an amortized setting and ignore one-time setup costs. We considered two methods based on garbled circuit, the protocol of [36] and the same protocol enhanced with the method of [3] to optimize the online communication. We also considered the solution based on the DGK cryptosystem [20, 21, 51], the protocol of [40], the probabilistically correct protocol of [54], and generic \(\textsf {2PC} \) applied to the protocol of [24]. Note that [40, 54] are described with respect to an arithmetic black box, hence their cost depends on how the ABB is implemented. For [40], which requires an ABB over large order fields, we considered a Paillier based instantiation, as advocated by the authors. For [54], which involves (mainly) an ABB over \(\mathbb {F}_2\), we considered the same optimizations than in our protocols, implementing the ABB with oblivious transfers on bits.

As illustrated in Table 1, our protocols improve over existing protocols (asymptotically) regarding both communication and computation. This comes at the cost of a non-constant \(O(\log \log \ell )\) interactivity (or \(O(c\cdot \log ^*\kappa )\) in the constant-round setting). In particular, for large values of \(\ell \) (and for any value of \(\ell \) in the online phase), our protocols enjoy an optimal \(O(\ell )\) communication and computation complexity. The hidden constants are small, making our protocols more efficient than the state of the art for any practical parameter. For values of \(\ell \) between 4 and 128, the protocols of [24, 36] (which enjoy tiny constants) outperforms all other existing protocols regarding communication and computation. We therefore focus on these protocols as a basis for comparison with our protocols in our concrete efficiency estimations.

Equality Tests. The state of the art given Table 1 remains essentially the same for equality tests. Indeed, all the papers listed in the table (at the exception of [20], but including the present paper) do also construct equality tests protocols, with the same (asymptotic) complexity and from the same assumptions. The only difference in asymptotic complexity between our equality test protocol and the protocol \(\mathsf {SC} _1\) is with respect to the round complexity: while \(\mathsf {SC} _1\) has \(O(\log \log \ell )\) rounds, our equality test protocol has an almost-constant number of rounds \(O(\log ^*\kappa )\). Note that we consider only equality tests whose output is shared between the players (as this is necessary for our secure comparison protocol); if the players get to learn the output in the clear (this is known as the socialist millionaires problem), more efficient solutions exist, but there is no simple way of designing equality tests with shared outputs from these solutions.

Table 1. Amortized costs of state of the art secure comparison

1.5 Applications

Equality test protocols enjoy many applications as building blocks in various multiparty computation protocols. Examples include, but are not limited to, protocols for switching between encryption schemes [16], secure linear algebra [18], secure pattern matching [31], and secure evaluation of linear programs [49]. Secure comparisons have found a tremendous number of applications in cryptography; we provide thereafter a non-exhaustive list of applications for which our protocols lead to increased efficiency. We note that in applications for which implementations have been described, the communication of secure comparisons was generally pointed out as the main efficiency bottleneck.

  • Obliviously sorting data [28, 29] has proven useful in contexts such as private auctions [42], oblivious RAM [26], or private set intersection [32], but it remains to date quite slow (in [30], sorting over a million 32-bit words takes between 5 and 20 min). All existing methods crucially rely on secure comparisons and require at least \(O(m\log m)\) secure comparisons in \(O(\log m)\) rounds to sort lists of size m.

  • Biometric authentication, while solving issues related to the use of passwords, raises concerns regarding the privacy of individuals, and received a lot of attention from the cryptographic community. Protocols for tasks such as secure face recognition [47] require finding the minimum value in a database, which reduces to O(m) secure comparisons in \(O(\log m)\) rounds.

  • Secure protocols for machine learning employ secure comparisons as a basic routine for tasks such as classification [10], generating private recommendations [22], spam classification [52], multimedia analysis [14], clinical decisions [46], evaluation of disease risk [5], or image feature extraction [39].

  • Secure algorithms for combinatorial problems, such as finding the flow of maximum capacity in a weighted graph, or searching for the shortest path between two nodes, have been investigated in several works, e.g. [38], and have applications in protocols such as private fingerprint matching [8], privacy-preserving GPS guidance, or privacy-preserving determination of topological features in social networks [2]. They typically involve a very large number of secure comparisons (e.g. \(n^2\) comparisons for Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on an n-node graph [2]).

  • Other applications that heavily rely on comparisons include computing on non integer values [1], various types of secure auctions [20], range queries over encrypted databases [48], or algorithms for optimization problems [13, 49].

1.6 Organization

In Sect. 2, we recall definitions and classical results on oblivious transfers, as well as on oblivious transfer extensions. Section 3 introduces our new equality test protocol, and constitutes the main body of our work. Due to space constraints, we postpone our protocols for secure comparisons, as well as our detailed security proofs, to the full version [15]; we note that most of the security proofs are quite standard.

1.7 Notations

Given a finite set S, the notation \(x\leftarrow _RS\) means that x is picked uniformly at random from S. For an integer n, \(\mathbb {Z}_n\) denotes the set of integers modulo n. Throughout this paper, \(+\) will always denote addition over the integers, and not modular additions. We use bold letters to denote vectors. For a vector \({\varvec{x}}\), we denote by \({\varvec{x}}[i]\) its i’th coordinate; we identify k-bit-strings to vectors of \(\mathbb {Z}_2^k\) (but do not use bold notations for them). We denote by \({\varvec{x}}*{\varvec{y}}\) the Hadamard product \(({\varvec{x}}[i]\cdot {\varvec{y}}[i])_i\) between \({\varvec{x}}\) and \({\varvec{y}}\). Let \(\oplus \) denote the xor operation (when applied on bit-strings, it denotes the bitwise xor). For integers (xy), \([x = y]\), \([x < y]\), and \([x \le y]\) denote a bit which is 1 if the equality/inequality holds, and 0 otherwise. The notation \((x\bmod k)\), between parenthesis, indicates that \(x \bmod t\) is seen as an integer between 0 and \(t-1\), not as an element of \(\mathbb {Z}_t\). For an integer k, let \(\langle \cdot \rangle _{k}\) denote the randomized function that, on input x, returns two uniformly random shares of x over \(\mathbb {Z}_k\) (i.e., a random pair \((a,b) \in \mathbb {Z}_k\) such that \(a+b = x \bmod k\)). We extend this notation to vectors in a natural way: for an integer vector \({\varvec{x}}\), \(({\varvec{a}},{\varvec{b}}) \leftarrow _R\langle {\varvec{x}} \rangle _k\) denote the two vectors obtained by applying \(\langle \cdot \rangle _{k}\) to the coordinates of \({\varvec{x}}\). Finally, for an integer x, we denote by \(|x| \) the bit-size of x.

2 Oblivious Transfer

Oblivious transfers (\(\mathsf {OT}\)) were introduced in [45]. An oblivious transfer is a two-party protocol between a sender and a receiver, where the sender obliviously transfers one of two string to the receiver, according to the selection bit of the latter. The ideal functionality for k oblivious transfers on l-bit strings is specified as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {F}_\mathsf {OT} ^{k,l} : \left( \left( {\varvec{s}}_0,{\varvec{s}}_1\right) , x\right) \mapsto \left( \bot , \left( {\varvec{s}}_{x[i]}[i]\right) _{i \le k}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(({\varvec{s}}_0,{\varvec{s}}_1) \in (\mathbb {F}_2^l)^k\times (\mathbb {F}_2^l)^k\) is the input of the sender, and \(x\in \mathbb {F}_2^k\) is the input of the receiver. In a random oblivious transfer (\(\mathsf {ROT}\)), the input of the sender is picked at random:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ROT} ^{k,l} : \left( \bot , x\right) \mapsto \left( \left( {\varvec{s}}_0,{\varvec{s}}_1\right) , \left( {\varvec{s}}_{x[i]}[i]\right) _{i \le k}\right) \end{aligned}$$

The primitive can be extended naturally to k-out-of-n oblivious transfers; we let denote t invocations of a k-out-of-n \(\mathsf {OT}\) on strings of length \(\ell \). Oblivious transfer is a fundamental primitive in \(\textsf {MPC}\) as it implies general multiparty computation [34] and can be made very efficient.

2.1 Oblivious Transfer Extension

Although oblivious transfer requires public-key cryptographic primitives, which can be expensive, oblivious transfer extension allows to execute an arbitrary number of oblivious transfers, using only cheap, symmetric operations, and a small number of base \(\mathsf {OTs}\). \(\mathsf {OT}\) extensions were introduced in [6]. The first truly practical \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol was introduced in [33], assuming the random oracle model.Footnote 1 We briefly recall the intuition of the \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol of [33]. A can be directly obtained from a : the sender associates two \(\kappa \)-bit keys to each pair of messages and obliviously transfer one key of each pair to the receiver. Then, the receiver stretches two t-bit strings from the two keys of each pair, using a pseudo-random generator, and sends the xor of each of these strings and the corresponding message to the receiver. The itself can be implemented with a single call to a functionality, in which the receiver plays the role of the sender (and reciprocally). The total communication of the reduction from to is \(2t\ell + 2t\kappa \) bits. Regarding the computational complexity, once the base \(\mathsf {OTs}\) have been performed, each \(\mathsf {OT}\) essentially consists in three evaluations of a hash function. An optimization to the protocol of [33] was proposed in [4] (and discovered independently in [35]). It reduces the communication of the \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol from \(2t\ell + 2t\kappa \) bits to \(2t\ell + t\kappa \) bits, and allows to perform the base \(\mathsf {OTs}\) without an a-priori bound on the number of \(\mathsf {OTs}\) to be performed later (the \(\mathsf {OTs}\) can be continuously extended).

Oblivious Transfer of Short Strings. An optimized \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol for short strings was introduced in [35], where the authors describe a reduction of to with \(t(2\kappa /\log n + n\cdot \ell )\) bits of communication, n being a parameter that can be chosen arbitrarily so as to minimize this cost. Intuitively, this is done by reducing \(\log n\) invocations of to one invocation of ; the result is then obtained by combining this reduction with a new extension protocol introduced in [35]. In our concrete efficiency estimations, we will heavily rely on this result as our equality test protocol involves only \(\mathsf {OTs}\) on very short strings.

Correlated and Random Oblivious Transfers. The authors of [4] described several \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocols, tailored to \(\mathsf {OTs}\) on inputs satisfying some particular conditions. In particular, the communication of the \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol can be reduced from \(2t\ell + t\kappa \) bits to \(t\ell + t\kappa \) bits when the inputs to each \(\mathsf {OT}\) are correlated, i.e. when each input pair is of the form (rf(r)) for a uniformly random r and a function f known by the sender (which can be different for each \(\mathsf {OT} \)). For random oblivious transfer extension, the bit-communication can be further reduced to \(t\kappa \). We note that the optimizations of [4, 35] can be combined: \(\log n\) correlated can be reduced to one correlated (defined by input pairs of the form \((r, f_1(r), \cdots f_{n-1}(r))\) for a random r and functions \(f_1 \cdots f_{n-1}\) known by the sender). This gives a correlated short-string oblivious transfer extension protocol which transmits \(t(2\kappa /\log n + (n-1)\cdot \ell )\) bits.

3 Equality Test

In this section, we design an equality-test (\(\mathsf {ET}\)) protocol to securely compute shares over \(\mathbb {Z}_2\) of the equality predicate.

Ideal Functionalities. The ideal functionality for our \(\mathsf {ET}\) protocol is represented on Fig. 1. Following the common standard for multiparty computation, we design our protocol in the preprocessing model, where the players have access to a preprocessing functionality \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). The preprocessing functionality is used in an initialization phase to generate material for the protocol; it does not require the inputs of the players. Our ideal preprocessing functionality is also represented on Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Ideal functionalities for equality test and preprocessing

Protocol. We now describe our implementation of \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET} \) in the \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \)-hybrid model, with respect to passive corruption. The protocol runs with two players, Alice and Bob. It is parametrized by two integers \((\ell ,n)\), where n is called the threshold of the protocol. The players recursively perform size reduction steps using the material produced by the size reduction procedure of \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). Each step reduces inputs of size \(\ell \) to inputs of size \(|\ell +1| \) while preserving the equality predicate. The players stop the reduction when the bitsize of their inputs becomes smaller than the threshold n (taken equal to 3 or 4 in our concrete estimations). The equality predicate is computed on the small inputs with the material produced by the product sharing procedure of \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). The protocol is represented on Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Protocol for equality test

Theorem 1

The protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET} \) securely implements \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET} \) in the \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \)-hybrid model, with respect to passive corruption.

Due to space constraints, the proof of Theorem 1 is postponed to the full version.

3.1 Implementing the Preprocessing Functionality

We now describe the implementation of the functionality \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \), in the \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {OT} \)-hybrid model. The protocol is represented on Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Preprocessing protocol for equality test

Theorem 2

The protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET} \) securely implements \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET} \) when calls to \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) in \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET} \) are replaced by executions of \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) in the \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {OT} \)-hybrid model, with respect to passive corruption.

Due to lack of space, we postpone the proof to the full version. While the proof is rather straightforward, observe that we do not claim that \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) \(\textsf {UC}\)-securely implements \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) with respect to passive corruption, but rather that the entire protocol remain secure when calls to \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) are replaced by executions of \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). The reason for this distinction is that \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \) does in fact not \(\textsf {UC}\)-securely implement \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). Intuitively, this comes from the fact that in \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \), the parties choose (part of) their outputs themselves; hence, no simulator can possibly force the parties to set their outputs to being equal to the outputs of \(\mathscr {F}_\mathsf {ET\text {-}prep} \). While this can be solved by adding a resharing step at the end of the protocol, this would add some unnecessary interaction and communication to the protocol. Instead, we rely on an approach of [9], which was developed exactly for this purpose: we prove that the protocol is input-private (meaning that there is a simulator producing a view indistinguishable from an execution of the protocol for any environment that ignores the output of the protocol), which, as shown in [9], suffices to argue the security of the composed protocol as soon as some rules on ordered composition are respected.

3.2 Communication Complexity

By a classical observation (see e.g. [40]), we can always assume that the inputs of the players are less than \(\kappa \)-bit long: if this is not the case, each party can hash its input first, preserving the correctness of the protocol with overwhelming probability. Therefore, as the largest strings obliviously transferred during the protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf {ET} \) are \(|\ell +1| \le |\kappa +1| \) bit long (for \(\kappa = 128\), this corresponds to 8-bit strings), we can benefit from the short-string oblivious transfer extension protocol of [35]. Ignoring the computation of the base \(\mathsf {OTs}\), which is performed a single time for an arbitrary number of equality tests, k size reduction procedures on \(\ell \)-bit inputs transmit \(O(k\ell (\kappa /\log x + x\cdot |\ell |))\) bits, where x is a parameter that can be arbitrarily set so as to minimize this cost. This minimizes to \(O(k\ell \kappa /\log \kappa )\), up to some \(\log \log \) term. As a consequence, when performing many equality tests, the (amortized) cost of a single equality test is \(O(\kappa \ell /\log \kappa )\) bits in the preprocessing phase (and still \(O(\ell )\) bits in the online phase). For inputs of size \(\ell >\kappa \), where the players can hash their input first, the complexity becomes \(O(\kappa ^2/\log \kappa )\) in the preprocessing phase, and \(O(\kappa )\) in the online phase.

3.3 Concrete Efficiency

We now analyze the efficiency of our protocol for various input-lengths. In all our numerical applications, we set the security parameter \(\kappa \) to 128. We estimate the efficiency in an amortized setting, where we can use oblivious transfer extension.

Comparison with Equality Test from Garbled Circuit and from \({{\mathbf {\mathsf{{2PC}}}}}\). We compare our protocol to the garbled-circuit-based protocol of [36], and to the solution based on generic \(\textsf {2PC}\), using the optimized circuit of [24]. We apply all possible optimizations to these two alternative approaches, using random \(\mathsf {OTs}\) in the offline phase to precompute the online \(\mathsf {OTs}\), as well as oblivious transfer extensions. We use optimized \(\mathsf {OT}\) extensions of short strings for [24], but not for [36], as it involves \(\mathsf {OT}\) on large keys.

Table 2. Communication of \(\ell \)-bit \(\mathsf {ETs}\)

Amortized Setting. We now provide a concrete efficiency analysis of the protocol in an amortized setting, using oblivious transfer extensions. We do not take into account the cost of the base oblivious transfers for the \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension scheme, as this is a constant independent of the number of equality tests performed, which is the same for both our protocol and the protocol of [36]. Adapting the construction of [35] to the case of correlated short inputs, the exact cost of reducing m oblivious transfers of t-bit strings to \(\kappa \) oblivious transfers of \(\kappa \)-bit strings is \(m(2\kappa /\log x + (x-1)t)\) (this takes into account an optimization described in [35, Appendix A] and the optimization for correlated inputs of [4]).Therefore, the amortized cost of a size reduction protocol on input k is \(k(2\kappa /\log x + (x-1)k)\), where x can be chosen so as to minimize this cost. Table 2 sums up the amortized costs of our equality test protocol for various values of \(\ell \); oblivious transfers for the garbled circuit approach of [36] are performed using the \(\mathsf {OT}\) extension protocol of [4] on \(\kappa \)-bit inputs, which transmits \(3\kappa \) bits per \(\mathsf {OT}\). As shown in Table 2, our protocol improves over the communication of [36] by up to \(80\%\) overall. During the online phase, our protocol is extremely efficient, two orders of magnitude faster than [36]. Our protocol also improves over [24] by about \(70\%\) overall, and by \(95\%\) in the online phase. Furthermore, it is considerably less interactive, although it remains more interactive than the garbled-circuit-based approach.

Amortized Computational Complexity. The computational complexity of [24, 36] and our protocol are directly proportional to their communication in the amortized setting (and it is dominated by the evaluation of hash functions in both, which are required for (extended) \(\mathsf {OTs}\) and garbled gates), hence our constructions improve upo these protocols regarding computation by factors similar to those listed in Table 2.