
1 Introduction

Inpainting is the process of filling damaged portions of an image, or removing any portion of image and filling it such that it looks like an original image. Various applications of image inpaintng include photograph restoration, occlusion removal, image enhancement, etc. Inpainting methods developed so far can be broadly classified into structure based and texture based methods.

Structure based techniques are based on variational methods and solving a set of partial differential equations [1, 2]. They are good for inpainting non textured and smaller regions. They interpolate the geometric structure of an image (e.g. level lines, edges, etc.) in the region to be inpainted. They are local in nature as they use information available only at the boundary between a known and an unknown region. However, they introduce some blur in the inpainted region.

Exemplar based methods give relatively good results for large target regions. But, these methods fill the hole by finding most similar patches from the rest of the image iteratively [3, 4]. They give good results for texture or repetitive patterns. They are non-local as they search whole image to find the best exemplar. These methods may fail to synthesize a geometry, if there are no examples of it in the image.

Most of the exemplar based methods are greedy in the sense that each patch is filled only once, and after filling it is not checked again for better reconstruction. This may sometimes produce visually inconsistent results as they do not take into account consistency between neighboring patches in the inpainted region. To overcome this difficulty, some inpainting techniques [57] formulate the task as solving a discrete global energy optimization problem.

In this paper, we present exemplar based image inpainting as a global energy optimization problem. We use primal-dual optimization schema of the linear programming problem to achieve global optimization. Our cost function consists of one self cost and one neighbor cost term. Self cost term ensures consistency between the boundary pixels, and neighbor cost term ensures visual consistency among neighbors in the inpainting domain. To our knowledge primal-dual optimization schema has not been used previously for image inpainting. We also introduce a new parameter named ‘edge length’ in determining priority for selecting candidate patches in exemplar based inpaintng [3]. This helps in propagating linear structures more effectively compared to existing techniques. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

In next section we describe our modification to the priority term of exemplar based inpainting technique [3]. In Sect. 3, we describe image inpaintng by primal-dual optimization. Typical results of the proposed inpainting algorithm are presented and discussed in Sect. 4. Conclusions are drawn in Sect. 5, highlighting future research directions that may come out of this work.

2 Modified Exemplar Based Inpainting

In exemplar based inpainting [3] we determine priority among candidate patches in the target region. The patch having maximum priority is inpainted first. Priority ‘\(P(p)\)’ for each patch is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} P(p)=C(p)D(p). \end{aligned}$$

where \(C(p)\) is called the confidence term, and \(D(p)\) is called the data term. They are given by:

$$\begin{aligned} C(p)=\frac{\sum \limits _{q \in \psi _p \cap {(I-\varOmega )}}C(q)}{\mid {\psi _p}\mid }, \; \; \; D(p)=\frac{\mid \bigtriangledown I_p^{\bot }.n_p \mid }{\alpha }. \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mid \psi _p \mid \) is the area of the patch to be inpainted denoted by \(\psi _p\) as shown in Fig. 1a. \(\alpha \) is the normalization factor, \(n_p\) is an orthogonal unit vector to the fill front and \(\bot \) denotes the orthogonal operator.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(From left to right) (a) Diagram showing an image, with target region \(\omega \), its contour \(\delta \omega \), source region \(\phi \), target patch and candidate patch. (b) Diagram showing two candidate patches for a target patch. (c) Diagram showing neighboring patches for a target patch.

We find that Eq. (1) gives equal priority to the two points ‘A’ and ‘B’ as shown in Fig. 2. Clearly, point ‘B’ should be given more priority in order to propagate linear structure inside the hole in a better way. To take care of this situation, we introduce ‘edge length’ term defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} E(p)=\frac{\sum \limits _{q \in \psi _p \cap {(I-\varOmega )}}I(q)}{\mid {\psi _p}\mid }. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} I(q)=\mid I_x(q) \mid + \mid I_y(q) \mid . \end{aligned}$$

In the above equations, \(I_x\) and \(I_y\) are respectively intensity gradients in x and y directions. This ‘edge length’ term gives a measure of number of pixels, which are part of an edge, and belong to known part of the candidate patch to be filled. Thus, it gives more priority to that edge whose length is more. The modified priority term is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{P}(p)=C(p)D(p)E(p). \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2.
figure 2

(From left to right) (a) White line is to be inpainted. Both points A and B are given equal priority according to [3] but point B is given more weightage due to the \(E(p)\) term in our technique. (b) Result of inpainting due to [3]. (c) Result of inpainting by our modified technique.

Figures 2a–c demonstrate the effectiveness of \(E(p)\) term to generate linear structures.

3 Inpainting by Primal-Dual Optimization

We apply the modified exemplar based inpainting algorithm to the image which is to be inpainted. While filling each patch \(\varPsi _p\) during modified exemplar based inpainting we find first two exemplars \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}, \varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) which are most similar to \(\varPsi _p\) according to minimum distance criterion, as shown in Fig. 1b.

We pose the inpainting problem as a metric labeling problem [8]. Here patches in target region correspond to objects, and the best two exemplars \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}\) and \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) correspond to its two candidate labels. We further consider the integer programming formulation of the metric labeling problem introduced in [8]. For our inpainting problem it becomes:

$$\begin{aligned} min (\sum \limits _{\psi _p \in V, \psi _1 \in L} c_{\psi _p,\psi _1} \mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1} + \sum \limits _{(\psi _p,\psi _q)\in E} \; \sum \limits _{\psi _1,\psi _2 \in L} d_{\psi _1 \psi _2} \mu _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1 \psi _2}). \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} s.t. \sum \limits _{\psi _1} \mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1}=1 \qquad \forall \psi _p \in V.\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \sum \limits _{\psi _1} \mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1} = 1 \qquad \forall \psi _2 \in L, (\psi _p,\psi _q) \in E.\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \sum \limits _{\psi _2} \mu _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1 \psi _2} = \mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1} \qquad \forall \psi _1 \in L, (\psi _p,\psi _q) \in E. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1},\mu _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1 \psi _2} \in \{0,1\} \;\;\;\; \forall \psi _p \in V, (\psi _p,\psi _q) \in E, \{\psi _1,\psi _2\} \in L. \end{aligned}$$

where, \(L\) is a set of labels containing \(\psi _1\) and \(\psi _2\). \(\psi _1\) corresponds to first best matching exemplar patch and \(\psi _2\) corresponds to second best matching exemplar patch. \(V\) is a set of vertices, and \(E\) is a set of edges of a graph \((V,E)\). The patches to be filled inside the target region (\(\psi _p,\psi _q\), etc.) correspond to the set of vertices or nodes. Set of edges consists of pairs of neighboring vertices. We have considered four connected neighborhood. Distance between the centers of two neighboring patches is \(w\), where \(w \times w\) is the patch size as shown in Fig. 1c. Let \(``\psi _p \sim \psi _q''\) denotes either \((\psi _p,\psi _q) \in E\) or \((\psi _q, \psi _p) \in E\). \(\mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1}\) is \(1\) when vertex \(\psi _p\) is labeled \(\psi _1\), otherwise it is set to \(0\). Similarly, \(\mu _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1 \psi _2}\) is \(1\) when \(\psi _p\) is labeled \(\psi _1\) and \(\psi _q\) is labeled \(\psi _2\), otherwise it is set to \(0\). \(c_{\psi _p,\psi _1}\) denotes the cost of assigning label \(\psi _1\) to node \(\psi _p\). It is given by the sum of squared differences of the already filled pixels of the two patches \(\psi _p\) and \(\psi _1\). Let \(d_{\psi _1 \psi _2}\) denotes the neighborhood cost of assigning label \(\psi _1\) to node \(\psi _p\) and label \(\psi _2\) to node \(\psi _q\). It is given by the sum of squared differences of the already filled pixels of the two patches \(\psi _1\) and \(\psi _2\).

Constraint expressed in Eq. (10) is relaxed to \(\mu _{\psi _p,\psi _1} \ge 0\) and \(\mu _{\psi _p \psi _q, \psi _1 \psi _2} \ge 0\), so that the above integer program becomes a linear program. Dual problem [9] of this linear program is given below:

$$\begin{aligned}&max \sum \limits _{\psi _p} \xi _{\psi _p} \nonumber \\ s.t. \quad \xi _{\psi _p} \le c_{\psi _p,\psi _1}&+ \sum \limits _{\psi _q:\psi _q \sim \psi _p} \xi _{\psi _p \psi _q, \psi _1} \;\;\; \forall \psi _p \in V, \psi _1 \in L. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} and \quad \xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _1}+\xi _{\psi _q\psi _p,\psi _2}&\le d_{\psi _1\psi _2} \;\;\; \forall (\psi _1,\psi _2) \in L, (\psi _p,\psi _q) \in E. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(\xi _{\psi _p}\) is the dual variable for each vertex \(\psi _p\). \(\xi _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1}\) and \(\xi _{\psi _q \psi _p,\psi _1}\) are two dual variables for each pair of neighboring vertices (\(\psi _p,\psi _q\)) and any label \(\psi _1\).

We define an auxiliary variable \(ht_{\psi _p,\psi _1}^\xi \) called “height variable” for any label \(\psi _1\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} ht_{\psi _p,\psi _1}^\xi \equiv C_{\psi _p,\psi _1}+\sum \limits _{\psi _q:\psi _q \sim \psi _p} \xi _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1}. \end{aligned}$$

This variable gives a measure of the cost of assigning a label \(\psi _1\) to a node \(\psi _p\).

We use the following primal dual schema [9] to design our algorithm:

Primal-Dual Schema: Generate a sequence of pairs of integral-primal, dual solutions \(\{\mu ^k,\xi ^k \}_{k=1}^t \) until the elements \(\mu =\mu ^t\) and \(\xi =\xi ^t\) of the last pair of the sequence are both feasible, and satisfy the relaxed primal complementary slackness conditions.

We have used “PD1 algorithm” [10] of the primal-dual schema. The relaxed primal complementary slackness conditions for our pair of primal-dual linear program are given below.

$$\begin{aligned} \xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _1}+\xi _{\psi _q\psi _p,\psi _1} =0. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \xi _{\psi _p}=min_{\psi _1} ht_{\psi _p,\psi _1}^\xi . \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} ht_{\psi _p,\mu _{\psi _p}}^\xi =min_{\psi _1} ht_{\psi _p,\psi _1}^\xi . \end{aligned}$$

The feasibility condition for our algorithm, which can be derived from dual constraint given in Eq. (12), is given below.

$$\begin{aligned} \xi _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1} \le d_{{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1}}/2 \;\;\; \forall \psi _1 \in L, \psi _p \sim \psi _q. \end{aligned}$$

where, \(d_{{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1}}\) denotes the neighborhood cost of assigning first best matching exemplar patches to nodes \(\psi _p\) and \(\psi _q\). Now, our solution has to satisfy Eqs. (14) – (17).

In the PD1 algorithm, we generate a series of primal-dual pairs of solutions, one primal-dual pair per iteration. At each iteration we make sure that Conditions expressed by Eqs. (14), (15) and (17) are automatically satisfied by the current primal-dual pair. Condition expressed by Eq. (16) requires that the height of label \(\psi _1\) assigned to any node \(\psi _p\) must be lower than that of all other labels at that node. Let \(\psi _p\) be a node for which this condition fails i.e. suppose height of some label \(\psi _2\) is less than that of the currently applied label \(\psi _1\). To satisfy Eq. (16), we need to raise height of label \(\psi _2\) up to that of label \(\psi _1\) by increasing one of the balance variables \(\{\xi _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _2\}_{\psi _q:\psi _q \sim \psi _p}}\) according to Eq. (13). But as we increase \(\xi _{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _2}\), neighbor variable \(\xi _{\psi _q \psi _p,\psi _2}\) decreases according to Eq. (14). Thus, the height of label \(\psi _2\) at the neighboring vertex \(\psi _q\) decreases. This may result in making height of label \(\psi _2\) at \(\psi _q\) lower than the height of currently applied label at this node, thus violating Eq. (16). We observe that any update of the balance variables can be simulated by pushing flow through an appropriately constructed capacitated graph. The optimal update can be achieved by pushing maximum flow through that graph. The computational steps are briefly discussed below:

  1. 1.

    We start the iterative algorithm by assigning the first best exemplar patch \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}\) to each patch \(\varPsi _p\) in the target region.

  2. 2.

    We compare the height of both the labels (exemplar patches) \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}\) and label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) for each patch \(\varPsi _p\). If height of label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) is less than that of label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}\) for any patch, then we need to rearrange label heights such that the label we assign to a node should have minimum height at that node. This is to obtain better visual consistency with neighboring patches.

  3. 3.

    We construct a directed graph to update label’s heights. The graph \(G\) is augmented by two external nodes - the source ‘\(V\)’ and the sink ‘\(U\)’ as shown in Fig. 3. Let this graph be called \(G^{\mu ,\xi }\). All other nodes of graph \(G^{\mu ,\xi }\) which are also the nodes of graph \(G\) are known as internal nodes.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(From left to right) (a) An arrangement of labels (represented by circles) for a graph \(G\) with 2 vertices \(\varPsi _s, \varPsi _t\) and an edge \(\varPsi _s \varPsi _t\). The labels are \(\varPsi _{\hat{p1}}\) and \(\varPsi _{\hat{p2}}\). The dashed arrows show how the labels will move after adding flows calculated by max-flow algorithm and dashed circle indicate final position of those labels. (b) Shows the corresponding graph that will be used for the update of the dual variables.

Interior Edges: Corresponding to each edge \((\psi _p,\psi _q) \in G\), there are two interior edges \(\psi _p\psi _q\) and \(\psi _q\psi _p\) in graph \(G^{\mu ,\xi }\). \(f_{\psi _p\psi _q}\) is the amount of flow leaving \(\psi _p\) through \(\psi _p\psi _q\), and it gives increase in balance variable \(\xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}\). Also, \(f_{\psi _q\psi _p}\) is the amount of flow entering \(\psi _p\) through \(\psi _q\psi _p\), and it gives the decrease in \(\xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}\). Thus, total change in \(\xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}\) is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} \xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}^{\prime }=\xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}+f_{\psi _p\psi _q}-f_{\psi _q\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$

Capacity \(cap_{\psi _p\psi _q}\) of an interior edge \(\psi _p\psi _q\) represents the maximum allowed increase of the \(\xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}\) variable. These capacities are given by:

$$\begin{aligned} cap_{\psi _p\psi _q}=cap_{\psi _q\psi _p}=0 \; \; if \; \varPsi _p=\psi _2 \; or \; \varPsi _q=\psi _2. \end{aligned}$$

otherwise if \(\varPsi _p \ne \psi _2\) and \(\varPsi _q \ne \psi _2\),

$$\begin{aligned} \xi _{\psi _p\psi _q,\psi _2}+cap_{\psi _p\psi _q}=d_{\psi _p \psi _q,\psi _1}/2=\xi _{\psi _q\psi _p,\psi _2}+cap_{\psi _q\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$

Exterior Edges: Each external node is connected to either the sink (If \(ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi > ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi \)) or source node (If \(ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi \le ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi \)) through an external edge. Capacities of external edges depend on following three cases.

Case 1: \(ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi < ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi \): The flow \(f_{\psi _p}\) passing through this edge represents the total increase in height of label \({\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}\):

$$\begin{aligned} ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^{\xi \prime }=ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi +f_{\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} f_{\psi _p}=f_{\psi _p\psi _q}-f_{\psi _q\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$

Capacity of \(\psi _s\psi _p\) is determined by the fact that we want to increase the height of \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) only upto the height of \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}\), so:

$$\begin{aligned} cap_{\psi _s\psi _p}=ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi -ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi . \end{aligned}$$

Case 2: \(ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi > ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi \). The flow \(f_{\psi _p}\) passing through this edge represents the total decrease in height of label \({\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}\):

$$\begin{aligned} ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^{\xi \prime }=ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi -f_{\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$

Capacity of \(\psi _p\psi _t\) is determined by the fact that the maximum decrease in height of \(\varPsi _{\hat{p\prime _2}}\) can be upto the height of \(\varPsi _{\hat{p\prime _1}}\), so:

$$\begin{aligned} cap_{\psi _s\psi _p}=ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi -ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi . \end{aligned}$$

Case 3: \(ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi = ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_1}}}^\xi \). Here, we want to keep the height of \({\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}\) fixed. So, \(f_{\psi _p}=0\). By convention we set capacity of the edge \(\psi _s\psi _p\) \(cap_{\psi _s\psi _p}\) equal to 1.

After construction of the graph, a maximum flow algorithm [11] is applied to it to get flows through the edges. These flows are used to update the height of label \({\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^{\xi \prime }=ht_{\psi _p,\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}}^\xi +f_{\psi _p\psi _q}-f_{\psi _q\psi _p}. \end{aligned}$$
  1. 4.

    Based on the resulting heights we update the primal variables by assigning new labels to the vertices of \(G\). If the new height of label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\) is greater than that of label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p _1}}\), we assign label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p _2}}\) as the new label of node \(\psi _p\) (because the active label at \(\psi _p\) should be the lowest at \(\psi _p\), (refer to Eq. (16)). This means that we have filled the current patch of the target region with the second best exemplar patch. In order to maintain visual consistency among filled patches, patches with filling priority (refer to Eq. (5)) greater than the patch \(\psi _p\) are assigned label \(\psi _2\) i.e. are filled with second best exemplar patch.

  2. 5.

    Now the priorities of patches corresponding to boundary pixels of the target region which includes the patch \(\psi _p\) changes as it has been assigned label \(\varPsi _{\hat{p_2}}\). So, we again run the base inpainting algorithm to the remaining target region and calculate ‘first two best matching exemplars for each patch to be filled’.

  3. 6.

    We repeat steps 1 to 5 for the remaining target region.

We keep on repeating steps 1 to 6 till the algorithm converges.

4 Results and Discussion

We applied our algorithm to remove objects from images. Number of iterations required depends upon image size, size of object to be removed, and the patch size. We have experimented with several images. A few typical results of our experimentation are presented here. We also compare the results with those obtained by the techniques reported in [3, 7]. The technique reported in [3] was implemented by us and the code for technique reported in [7] was provided by the authorFootnote 1. We took patches of size \(9 \times 9\). While presenting these results we have shown outputs of modified inpainting algorithm using edge length as a factor in the computation of priority. Subsequently, the final result through primal-dual optimization algorithm is shown. It is observed that there is an improvement in the reconstruction quality in successive stages of above processing.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(From left to right) (a) Original image with mask. (b) Result of [3]. (c) Result of [7]. (d) Result of our modified exemplar based inpainting using edge-length measure in the priority computation. (e) Result of PD1 primal dual optimization.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(From left to right) Zoomed versions of inpainted regions of (b), (c), (d), (e) of first row for clarity.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Results for scratch inpainting. (a) Image with mask. (b) Criminisi’s [3] (41.53 dB, 19.06 s). (c) Liu’s [7] (43.25 dB, 2.09 s). (d) Modified exemplar based inpainting (41.66 dB, 21.09 s). (e) PD1 primal-dual optimization (41.75 dB, 156.87 s). (f) Image with mask. (g) Criminisi’s [3] (35.43 dB, 35.43 s). (h) Liu’s [7] (37.89 dB, 3.46 s). (i) Modified exemplar based inpainting (36.16 dB, 36.16 s). (j) PD1 primal-dual optimization (36.68 dB, 145.47 s). (k) Image with mask. (l) Criminisi’s [3] (40.42 dB, 18.09 s). (m) Liu’s [7] (43.89 dB, 2.03 s). (n) Modified exemplar based inpainting (40.42 dB, 18.61 s). (o) PD1 primal-dual optimization (41.70 dB, 74.21 s).

In the first row of Fig. 4, the techniques reported in [3, 7] do not reconstruct the wooden stick, while our technique reconstructed it partially. In Fig. 5, zoomed versions of inpainted regions of this set of images are shown for better visualization. In the second row of images of Fig. 4, a spike of shadow is produced by the technique reported in [3], and a rectangular shadow block is also observed in the output obtained by the technique in [7]. Our modified exemplar based inpainting using edge-length in the priority computation reduces this effect marginally. But, the overall optimization process reduces it considerably. In the third row, there is a faulty reconstruction of a portion of river and mountain by the techniques reported in [3, 7], while our technique produces a better quality of reconstruction. In the fourth row, there appears an abrupt change in boundaries between tree bushes and dirt terrain in the inpainted region by the techniques in [3, 7], while the proposed technique provides a smoother transition. We applied our technique to remove scratches from images as shown in Fig. 6. Here, scratch (white region in Fig. 6) becomes the target region and rest of image becomes the source region. The same algorithm is applied as explained in Sects. 2 and 3. We computed peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) of the reconstructed images as:

$$\begin{aligned} PSNR=10 \times log_{10}(\frac{255 \times 255}{MSE}). \end{aligned}$$

where, \(MSE\) is mean squared error. For reference image (original image \(I\)) and reconstructed image (\(I_{re}\)) of size \(m \times n\) it is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} MSE=\frac{1}{3 \times m \times n} \sum \limits _{i=0}^{2} \sum \limits _{j=0}^{m-1} \sum \limits _{k=0}^{n-1} {[I(i,j,k)-I_{re}(i,j,k)]^2}. \end{aligned}$$

Our technique gave better results than technique in [3], while results of technique in [7] are better than our technique. But, our technique outperforms the technique in [7] for object removal as discussed in the beginning of this section.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we first proposed a modification of the exemplar based image inpainting technique [3]. We have introduced a new “edge length” term in the priority equation of [3]. This propagates the linear structures in a better way. Next, we have applied the “PD1 primal dual linear programming approximation” with two labels to the image inpainting problem. In future, we would like to extend our technique for handling more labels.