
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The Web has enabled the rapid growth of various forms of social computation [RG13] - hybrid workflows that consist of tasks executed by both computational agents and humans. Such workflows are typically used to solve problems that are difficult for machines (e.g. image classification). We have previously argued [MEC13] that existing social computation systems suffer from a lack of transparency, that makes decisions about the reliability of participants and the quality of generated solutions difficult. We believe that such transparency issues could be addressed by recording the provenance of social computation executions. While PROV-OFootnote 1 can be used to document retrospective provenance (such as execution traces of workflows) this would not include details of why or how a workflow was expected to execute [MDB+13, GG12]. For this purpose, P-PLANFootnote 2 extends PROV-O with the ability to document workflow plans in terms of steps and variables. However, in order to improve the transparency of social computations and support enhanced reasoning about human participants (and their contributions), we believe that plans should also include additional elements describing important characteristics of the social computation [MEC13]. These include pre and post conditions associated with social computation tasks, e.g. a participant must be an English speaker and the outcome has to be validated by two additional participants. Also needed is a means to describe incentives that are associated with successful completion of a task (e.g. receive 10 points). We have developed SC-PROV as an extension of PROV-O and P-PLAN to enable descriptions of such conditions and incentives as part of the social computation plan. In addition, SC-PROV enables such concepts to be mapped to a provenance record describing the execution trace (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

PROV-O and corresponding extensions including P-PLAN and SC-PROV.

2 Model Description

SC-PROV reuses the concepts defined by P-PLAN to enable the basic structure of a social computation workflow to be captured. P-PLAN describes plans in terms of p-plan:Step and p-plan:Variable. Steps represent activities that should be executed as part of the workflow. A variable can be related to a particular step as either an input or output variable. The p-plan:correspondsToVariable property maps a variable to a p-plan:Entity that was used or generated by a p-plan:Activity during execution. Similarly, steps can be mapped to a p-plan:Activity via the p-plan:correspondsToStep property. To augment such descriptions of tasks in the context of social computations, SC-PROV defines sc-prov:Precondition, sc-prov:Postcondition, sc-prov:Incentive and sc-prov:Reward. A precondition defines a subclass of prov:Entity representing constraints that should be satisfied before a plan step can be fulfilled (e.g. the required location of a human worker). A precondition is associated with a step via the sc-prov:hasPrecondition property and can be linked to parameters of type p-plan:Variable (e.g. GPS coordinates) using the sc-prov:hasParameter property. As every precondition is a subclass of prov:Entity, it can be linked to the retrospective provenance described by PROV-O. For example, a provenance record might include a prov:Activity that evaluated whether the precondition was satisfied and therefore used the entity representing the precondition as well as entities corresponding to its parameters. A postcondition defines a subclass of prov:Entity representing constraints that should be satisfied after the completion of a particular step for it to be considered successful. For example, a postcondition of a human task might require an agent to produce a solution that should be validated at least by another two agents. The properties sc-prov:hasPostcondition and sc-prov:hasParameter are analogous to those described for sc-prov:Precondition. The sc-prov:Incentive class is a subclass of prov:Entity representing an incentive associated with the successful completion of a task. This concept can be understood as a thing (e.g. £10, increased knowledge, etc.) that would be realised by a worker following successful completion of a task. An incentive is associated with a step via the sc-prov:hasIncentive property. A property sc-prov:dependsOn is defined to link the concept of the incentive and a postcondition, where the postcondition is used to describe circumstances under which a worker should receive the reward described by the incentive. The concept of sc-prov:Reward defines a subclass of prov:Entity representing a realisation of the promised incentive (e.g. a voucher worth £10). The sc-prov:isInstanceOf property can be used to map a promised task incentive with such a reward. In a social computation context, there are two important types of variables, namely problems and solutions, which describe the purpose and outcomes of the computation. Using P-PLAN concepts, a problem would be described by a set of variables that represent a problem statement and serve as an input to a step (e.g. human task). Similarly, a solution would be described by a set of variables that specify the answer to the problem. SC-PROV defines two sc-prov:Role’s (sc-prov:Problem and sc-prov:Solution) to describe the expected function of a variable in a step. The qualified relationFootnote 3 pattern is used to model properties p-plan:hasInputVar and p-plan:hasOutputVar as resources. For this sc-prov:Input describes a variable that will be taken as an input for a step and sc-prov:Output describes a variable that will be produced as an output of a step in the planned execution. Properties sc-prov:hasRole and sc-prov:variable can then be used to associate the role with a variable.

3 Future Work

In our future work we aim to develop a framework utilising the SC-PROV ontology to record the provenance of a number of social computations. The aim is to demonstrate the utility of provenance records documented using SC-PROV by evaluating the potential of such data to support reasoning about participants’ trustworthiness and thus aid workforce selection.