
1 Introduction—A Second Look at Processes

Process mining aims at analyzing processes from recorded event data. Thereby, the actual processes are rather complex and emerge from the interplay of multiple inter-related entities: the various objects handled by the process as well as the organizational entities that execute the process. We best explain this kind of interplay by an example.

  1. 1.

    Consider a retailer who took two Orders for multiple Items from the same customer: the customer first places Order O1 for 2 items X and 1 item Y, and shortly afterwards Order O2 for 1 item X and 1 item Y. The retailer promises to ship every order within 6 days.

The retailer handles both orders as explained next and illustrated in Fig. 1.

  1. 2.

    Items X are provided by supplier A while items Y are provided by supplier B. To save costs, workers of the retailer bundle the orders for the items and place two Supplier Orders, one at A for 3 items X and one at B for 1 item Y. Suppliers ensure to deliver their products within 3 days of placing the order.

  2. 3.

    Invoice I2 for Order O2 is created right after placing the supplier order at B.

  3. 4.

    When the retailer receives the Supplier Order from A, workers unpack three Items X one by one and store them in an automated warehouse until needed for shipment. At this point, workers also create Invoice I1 for O1.

  4. 5.

    Around the time of receiving the supplier order from A, a worker notices they made a mistake: they ordered only one item Y from B while O1 and O2 both require one item Y each. The worker updates the Supplier Order O2 and invoice I2 accordingly.

  5. 6.

    When finally the supplier order from B is received, the items Y are unpacked. One item Y is stored in the warehouse while the other item Y is packed together with two items X taken from the warehouse into the shipment for O1. Packed shipments are picked up for delivery every day at 15:00.

  6. 7.

    The retailer has the policy that they only ship to a customer if there is at most one unpaid invoice. Thus, packing and shipment of O2 (another item X and the second Y) are delayed until Payment P1 is received which covers the amount for both invoices I1 and I2.

This process relies on 7 different types of entities. Actors (human workers) and machines (an automated warehouse) together handle 5 types of objects: Orders, Supplier Orders, Items, Invoices, Payments.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Illustration of a multi-entity process: a retailer handles two orders for multiple items by placing and receiving supplier orders for specific items.

Challenges Due to Event Data over Multiple Entities. A process mining analysis of the above process execution relies on recorded event data. Each event has to record in its attributes at least (1) which action (or activity) has been executed (2) at which time. To construct an event log, classical process mining also expects each event to record (3) in which process execution, typically called case, the event occurred (see [13], Sect. 2). Table 1 shows the events related to the above example.

Table 1. Event table of events underlying the event log of Table 2.
  1. 1.

    create Orders in \(e_1,e_2\);

  2. 2.

    create Supplier Orders in \(e_3,e_4\);

  3. 3.

    create Invoice I2 in \(e_5\);

  4. 4.

    receive Supplier Order from A in \(e_6\) and unpack Items X in \(e_8,e_{10},e_{11}\), and create Invoice I1 in \(e_{18}\);

  5. 5.

    update Supplier Order for B in \(e_{7}\) and Invoice I2 in \(e_{9}\);

  6. 6.

    receive Supplier Order for B in \(e_{19}\) and unpack Items Y in \(e_{20},e_{21}\), and pack and ship Order O1 in \(e_{27},e_{28}\);

  7. 7.

    receive Payment P1 and clear Invoices I1, I2 in \(e_{29},e_{30}\) and finally pack and ship Order O2 in \(e_{33},e_{34}\).

In contrast to classical event logs, Table 1 contains no typical case identifier attribute by which each event is related to one specific process execution. Instead, we see multiple sparsely filled attributes identifying multiple entities of various types: Order (O1, O2), Supplier Order (AB), Item (\(X1,X2,X3,Y1,Y2\)), Invoice (I1, I2), and Payment (P1).

This makes it difficult to construct an event log which is the basis for process mining analysis. Recall that to obtain a classical event log we select one case identifier attribute. Then all events referring to the same case id and ordered by time form the trace of this case, that is, one process execution. In this way, classical event logs partition the recorded behavior into multiple process executions. Process mining techniques then identify frequent patterns shared by all process executions, or identify outliers and deviations of specific process executions.

However, what exactly is a process execution in our example? It is not just all events related the one particular entity. For instance, if we chose Order as case identifier, we would obtain traces \(\langle e_1,e_{18},e_{27},e_{29} \rangle \) for O1 and \(\langle e_2,e_{5},e_{7},e_{33},e_{34} \rangle \) for O2. These traces do reveal that both orders were not shipped within 6 days as intended by the supplier. However, they do not allow us to understand the cause for this as they clearly do not describe the entire behavior shown in Fig. 1. We could try to group all events into traces using multiple related case identifiers. However, we will see in Sect. 3 that doing so introduces false behavioral information called convergence and divergence [41, 45] in the resulting event log leading to false analysis results (see [1], Sect. 3)

False behavioral information arises when flatting Table 1 into sequential traces because we cannot partition the entities O1, O2, ABXYI1, I2, P1 into disjoint sets, each belonging to one process execution that is independent of all others. Rather, the behavior itself is a larger “fabric” of multiple entities that are inter-related and inter-twined over time as shown in Fig. 1. This “fabric” is even more complex as individual Actors (\(R1,\ldots ,R5\)) are specialized in specific activities across multiple different entities, e.g., R2 specializes receiving, updating, and unpacking Supplier Orders and handling Items. In the following, we explain how to analyze this very “fabric” of multiple inter-related entities as a whole from a simple event table over multiple entity identifiers such as Table 1.

A Graph-Based Approach. Our trick will be to slightly adapt the existing definitions for obtaining an event log from an event table: instead of constructing entire traces related to a single case identifier, we discuss in Sect. 3 a local directly-follows relation for each individual entity in the data. Each event can be part of multiple such directly-follows relations, depending on to how many entities it is correlated. We then use the model of labeled property graphs in Sect. 4 to create an event knowledge graph having events as nodes and the local directly-follows relations as edges between events. We obtain a graph similar to what is shown in Fig. 1, but with precise semantics for events and behavioral information.

A path of directly-follows edges over events related to the same entity is similar to a classical trace. However in an event knowledge graph, such paths meet whenever an event is related to more than one entity, where in an event log each trace is disjoint from all others. We explain in Sect. 5 how to interpret and analyze behavioral information in event knowledge graphs. We show how basic querying on event knowledge graphs gives insights into complex behavioral properties. We show how aggregation on event knowledge graphs allows to construct multi-entity process models that better describe such processes.

We finally explore the versatility of event knowledge graphs beyond the control-flow perspective in Sect. 6. We show how event knowledge graphs naturally integrate the control-flow perspective and the actor perspective. Querying for specific structures in the event knowledge graph reveals complex patterns of task instances not visible in either perspective alone. Further, we show how event knowledge graphs allow us to take a system-perspective (or queueing perspective) to analyze emergent behavior and performance problems across multiple entities. We conclude in Sect. 7 with an outlook on the various applications areas of event knowledge graphs in process mining, and on open research challenges.

All concepts for constructing and analyzing event knowledge graphs presented in this chapter are implemented as Cypher queries on the graph database system Neo4jFootnote 1 at [28].

2 Multi-entity Event Data

Before we discuss problems and solutions for analyzing event data over multiple entities, we first define what “event data over multiple entities” actually is.

2.1 Events

We assume all data to be given in a single event table. Data is recorded from a universe of values \( Val \); timestamps \( Val _{time} \subseteq Val \) are totally ordered by \(\le \).

Definition 1 (Event Table)

An event table \(T = (E, Attr ,\#)\) is a set E of events, a set \( Attr \) of attribute names with \( act , time \in Attr \). Partial function \(\#: E \times Attr \nrightarrow Val \) assigns an event \(e \in E\) and an attribute name \(a \in Attr \) to a value \(\#_{a}(e) = v\); \(\#_{a}(e) = \perp \) if a is undefined for e.

Each event \(e \in E\) records an activity and a timestamp, i.e., \(\#_{ act }(e) \ne \perp \) and \(\#_{ time }(e) \in Val _{time}\).

We write \(e.a = v\) for \(\#_{a}(e) = v\) as a shorthand. An event table specifically allows multi-valued attributes, e.g., sets of values \(\#_{a}(e) = \{v_1,v_2,v_3\}\) or a list of values \(\#_{a}(e) = \langle v_1,v_2,v_3,v_1 \rangle \).Footnote 2 Simplifying notation, we also may write \(v \in e.a\) if \(e.a = v\) or if \(e.a = \langle \ldots ,v,\ldots \rangle \).

An event table only defines \(e.\textit{activity}\) and \(e.\textit{time}\) attributes for each event. The special characteristic of event data over multiple entities is that it does not record a unique case identifier attribute, but identifiers of multiple entity types.

Definition 2 (Event table with entity types)

An event table with entities types \(T = (E, Attr ,\#, ENT )\) additionally designates one or more attributes \(\emptyset \ne ENT \subseteq Attr \) as names of entity types.

A classical event log corresponds to an event table with a single entity type \( ENT = \{ case \}\). We can consider Table 1 is an event table with entity types \( ENT = \{ \textit{Resource}, \textit{Order}, \textit{Supplier Order}, \textit{Item}, \textit{Invoice}, \textit{Payment} \}\).

Event tables (Definition 1) are also called raw event logs and are – besides relational data – the most common form of input to process mining. The entity types of Definition 2 can be retrieved from an event table through schema recovery techniques [46]. Note that Definition 2 formalizes the object-centric event logs (OCEL) described in Sect. 3.4 of [1]; we here use the more general term “entity” instead of “object” as we will later study behavior over entities which are not tangible objects.

Event tables do not model the ordering of events with respect to a case or an entity which is needed for process mining. Before we study the ordering of events, we explain how events relate to entities.

2.2 Entities and Correlated Events

Each entity type \( ent \in ENT \) is a column in the event table T. Each value in that column refers to a specific entity.

Definition 3 (Entities)

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. Let \( ent \in ENT \) be an entity type. The set of entities in T of type \( ent \) is \( Entities ( ent ,T) = \{ n \mid \exists e \in E: n \in e. ent \}\).

From Table 1 we identify 6 entity types with corresponding entities: (1) Order: \(\{O1,O2\} = Entities ( Order ,T)\), (2) Supplier Order: AB, (3) Item: X1, X2, X3 and Y1, Y2, (4) Invoice: I1, I2, (5) Payment: P1, (6) Resource: \(R1-R5\) (see Definition 3).

An event \(e \in E\) which has a value \(n = e. ent \) or \(n \in e. ent \) is correlated to entity n.

Definition 4 (Correlation)

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. Let \(n \in Entities ( ent ,T)\) be an entity of type \( ent \in ENT \).

Event e is correlated to entity n, written \((e,n) \in \mathord { corr }_{ ent ,T}\) iff \(n = e. ent \vee n \in e. ent \). We write \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(n, ent ,T) = \{ e \in E \mid (e,n) \in \mathord { corr }_{ ent ,T}\}\) for the set of events correlated to entity \(n \in Entities ( ent ,T)\).

For example, for Table 1, event \(e_{30}\) is correlated to I1, I2, and P1, i.e., \((e_{30},I1),(e_{30},I2) \in \mathord { corr }_{\textit{Invoice},T}\) and \((e_{30},P1) \in \mathord { corr }_{\textit{Payment},T}\). The events correlated to I2 are \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(I2,\textit{Invoice},T) = \{ e_{5},e_{9},e_{30}\}\). In case the entity identifiers used by different entity types are disjoint, e.g., there are not an Order O3 and an Item O3, we can omit entity types and just write \((e_{30},I1),(e_{30},I2),(e_{30},P1) \in \mathord { corr }_{T}\) and \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(I2,T) = \{ e_{5},e_{9},e_{30}\}\).

Correlation lifts to a set N of entities by union: \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(N,T) = \bigcup _{n \in N} \mathord {\mathord { corr }}(n,T)\). We will later use this to collect events of (transitively) related entities, which we discuss next.

2.3 Relations Between Entities

We now make a first important observation. Although our data only defines entity types explicitly, it implicity defines relations between entity types. A record e in Table 1 containing two identifiers \(n_1,n_2\) of two different types implicitly relates \(n_1\) and \(n_2\). For example, event \(e_{5}\) defines that \(e_{5}.\textit{Order} = O2\) is related to \(e_{5}.\textit{Invoice} = I2\) and event \(e_{18}\) defines that \(e_{18}.\textit{Order} = O1\) is related to \(e_{18}.\textit{Invoice} = I1\). We can write this as a relation \(R_{(\textit{Invoice},\textit{Order})} = \{ (O1,I1), (O2,I2) \}\).

Definition 5 (Relation)

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. Let \( ent _1, ent _2 \in ENT \) be two entity types. The relation between \( ent _1\) and \( ent _2\) in T is \(R_{( ent _1, ent _2)} = \{ (e. ent _1, ent _2) \mid e. ent _1 \ne \perp , e. ent _2 \ne \perp \}\).

Note that Definition 5 does not impose the direction of a relation. Figure 2 visualizes the relations we can derive from Table 1.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Relations between entities derived from Table 1

Recall that in relational data modeling, each relation \(R_{( ent _1, ent _2)}\) has a cardinality describing how many entities of type \( ent _1\) are related to each entity of type \( ent _2\), and vice versa. We can infer this cardinality from the tuples in \(R_{( ent _1, ent _2)}\) if we assume that the data in the input event table is sufficiently complete. For example, for the relations in Fig. 2,

  • \(R_{(\textit{Invoice},\textit{Order})}\) is a 1-to-1 relation as each invoice is related to one order, and vice versa;

  • \(R_{(\textit{Invoice},\textit{Payment})}\) is an n-to-1 relation as both I1 and I2 are related to P1;

  • \(R_{(\textit{Item},\textit{Order})}\) is an n-to-1 relation as each order has multiple items but each item relates to exactly one order;

  • \(R_{(\textit{Item},\textit{Supplier Order})}\) is an n-to-1 relation.

Entities are also transitively related by concatenating or joining the relations on a shared entity typed (and then omitting this shared entity type). For example, \(R_{(\textit{Order},\textit{Payment})} = R_{(\textit{Invoice},\textit{Order})} \bowtie R_{(\textit{Invoice},\textit{Payment})} = \{ (O1,P1), (O2,P1) \}\) is an n-to-1 relation, and \(R_{(\textit{Order},\textit{Supplier Order})} = R_{(\textit{Item},\textit{Order})} \bowtie R_{(\textit{Item},\textit{Supplier Order})} = \{ (O1,A), (O1,B), (O2,A), (O2,B) \}\) is an n-to-m relation.

Entities, relations, and correlation of events can be automatically retrieved from event tables [46] and relational databases [41, 43] through schema recovery techniques. However, we have to be aware that relations and their cardinalities recovered according to Definition 5 are a static view of the relations obtained by aggregating all observations over time while a process updates relations dynamically. For instance, Order O1 was not related to any Item until event \(e_{27}\). Modeling such dynamics requires additional concepts as defined in XOC event logs [39, 40]. We have to ignore this aspect in the remainder.

3 Shortcomings of Event Logs over Multi-entity Event Data

Having defined event data over multiple entities, we can now discuss ways of ordering events correlated to a case or an entity, which is the basis for process mining analysis. We first explain how transforming multi-entity data into a classical event log with a single case identifier (Sect. 3.1) introduces false behavioral information leading to false analysis results (Sect. 3.2). We then propose a different approach to ordering events with respect to individual entities (Sect. 3.3).

3.1 Classical Event Log Extraction

We cannot directly turn the event data in Table 1 into a classical event log, because we lack a clear case identifier column that is defined for all events. While Actor is an entity identifier defined for all events, it does not group events into the process executions described in Sect. 1. The standard procedure to extract a classical event log from such data is the following (see also Def. 5 of [1] and [13]).

Step 1. Determine relevant entities in the data. An event table with entity identifiers already defines the set of entities in the process (see Definition 3). For extracting an event log for a process execution, we only consider entities that are also handled “along” or “within” a process execution. Thus, we now focus on Order, Supplier Order, Item, Invoice, and Payment and exclude Actor.Footnote 3

Step 2. Pick one entity as case identifier. As the process goal is to complete an order, entity Order is our best candidate for a case identifier. This identifier defines two cases: O1 and O2. However, as most events in Table 1 are not directly correlated to an Order, we cannot simply group events by attribute Order.

Step 3. Define the set of all entities related to a case. The classical idea is to “enlarge” the scope of the case. We include all entities which are (transitively) related to the case entities O1 and O2 via the relations we can identify in the event table (see Definition 5 and Fig. 2).

  • Order O1 is related to Invoice I1, Payment P1, Items X1, X2, Y1, and Supplier Orders AB, i.e., \(caseEntities (O1) = \{O1,I1,P1,X1,X2,Y1,A,B\}\).

  • Order O2 is related to Invoice I2, Payment P1, Items X3, Y2, Supplier Orders AB, i.e., \(caseEntities (O2) = \{O2,I2,P1,X3,Y2,A,B\}\).

Step 4. Construct a trace from events of all entities in a case. Each event e correlated to an entity \(n \in caseEntities (O1)\) is now also considered as correlated to case O1: \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}^*(O1,T) = \mathord {\mathord { corr }}(caseEntities (O1),T)\). For example, for O1 we extract from Table 1:

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(O1,T) = \{e_1,e_2,e_{18} \}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(I1,T) = \{e_{18},e_{30}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(P1,T) = \{e_{29},e_{30}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(X1,T) = \{e_{6},e_{10},e_{27}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(X2,T) = \{e_{6},e_{11},e_{27}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(Y1,T) = \{e_{19},e_{20},e_{27}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(A,T) = \{e_3,e_6,e_8,e_{10},e_{11}\}\)

  • \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}(B,T) = \{e_4,e_7,e_{19},e_{20},e_{21}\}\)

Taking their union yields \(\mathord {\mathord { corr }}^*(O1,T) = \{e_1,e_3,e_4,e_6,e_{10},e_{11},e_{18},e_{19},e_{20},e_{27},e_{28},e_{29},e_{30}\}\). We store all events extracted for O1 in a new event table where we explicitly set the attribute Case to O1. In this way, we materialize that each \(e_i \in \mathord {\mathord { corr }}^*(O1,T)\) is correlated to O1. We repeat this procedure for each case. Table 2 shows the extracted events for O1 and O2.

Table 2. Classical event log of order process with events extracted for case identifier Order.

Note that this extraction approach can extract the same event multiple times for different cases but with a different value for the newly set Case attribute. For instance, \(e_3\) and \(e_{30}\) are extracted both for O1 and for O2. This is due to the n-to-m relation between Order and Supplier Order and the n-to-1 relation between Payment and Order.

Ordering the extracted events by time in each case results in the traces from the viewpoint of O1 and from the viewpoint of O2 respectively as shown in Tab 2.

Event logs can be automatically extracted in this way from event tables with multiple entity identifiers [46]. Extraction from relational databases succeeds through SQL queries that extract and group events from different tables into traces [35]. These queries can be generated automatically using a variety of techniques [6, 7, 12, 29, 35, 41]; see [2, 13] for a detailed discussion.

3.2 False Behavioral Information in Classical Event Logs

Note that the event log in Table 2 contains numerous false behavioral information. Some events were duplicated and occur in both traces, e.g., \(e_{3},e_{4},e_{6},e_{19},e_{29}\), suggesting that in total four Supplier Orders were placed and received (while there were only two) and that two Payments were received (while there was only one). This is also known as divergence [41, 41, 45, 52].

Further, the order of events in both traces gives false behavior information. For instance, in the trace for O2, Update SO (\(e_7\)) occurs after Receive SO (\(e_6\)) suggesting a supplier order was updated after it had been received (while this never happened for any Supplier Order). This is also known as convergence [41, 45, 52].

Where divergence falsifies frequencies of events, convergence falsifies the behavioral information in the directly-follows relation, which is the basis for most process discovery techniques. As a result, also discovered process models are wrong. Figure 3 (left) shows the directly-follows graph (DFG) of the log in Table 2 and the corresponding process model discovered with the Inductive Miner (IM) annotated with the mean waiting times. Both models show false information suggesting that

  • a Supplier Order was Updated after it was Received while this never happened;

  • rework happened around receiving a Supplier Order and unpacking Items while each Supplier Order and each Item was touched only once;

  • an Invoice can be created and updated in an arbitrary order while only one order was observed;

The performance information in the IM model suggests that

  • the mean time for receiving a Supplier Order after placement is 2.2d while A was received within 3d after placement (\(e_{3}\)-\(e_{6}\)) and B was received within 5d after placement (\(e_{4}\)-\(e_{19}\)) and within 3d after the last update (\(e_{7}\)-\(e_{19}\)).

This false behavioral information makes it impossible to properly locate deviating behaviors and causes for delays, e.g., the reasons why both orders were not shipped within 6 days.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Directly-follows graph of event log of Table 2 (left) and Inductive Miner model (right) show false dependencies.

3.3 Correct Behavioral Information: Local Directly-Follows

The reason why the event log in Table 2 contains false behavioral information is the following:

  • Events that are (transitively) correlated to the global case identifier \(Order \) via a 1-to-m relationship are visible to multiple cases, and thus extracted multiple times, e.g. \(e_{3}\).

  • Extracting events from multiple different entities and ordering them by time from the perspective of the global case identifier Order constructs a temporal order between events that are actually unrelated, e.g., \(e_6\) and \(e_7\).

We can avoid both problems by simply not extracting all events towards a single case identifier, but keeping all events local to the entities they are directly correlated to. To analyze behavior, we only construct a temporal order between events that are related, e.g., correlated to the same entity.

In other words, instead of defining one global directly-follows relation for all events based on a global case identifier, we define a local directly-follows relation per entity [30, Def. 4.6].

Definition 6 (Directly-Follows (per Entity))

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. Let \(n \in Entities ( ent ,T)\) be an entity of type \( ent \in ENT \).

Let \(e_1,e_2 \in E\) be two events; \(e_2\) directly follows \(e_1\) from the perspective of n, written \(e_1 \lessdot _{n,T} e_2\) iff

  1. 1.

    \((e_1,n),(e_2,n) \in \mathord { corr }_{ ent ,T}\) (both are correlated to n),

  2. 2.

    \(e_1.time < e_2.time\) (\(e_1\) occurred before \(e_2\)),

  3. 3.

    and there is no other event \((e',n) \in \mathord { corr }_{ ent ,T}\) with \(e_1.time< e'.time < e_2.time\)

For example, while \(e_7\) directly follows \(e_6\) globally for O2, they do not follow each other locally from the perspective of O2. Instead, from the perspective of O2, \(e_7\) directly follows \(e_4\), i.e., \(e_4 \lessdot _{B,T} e_7\). Interestingly, also \(e_2 \lessdot _{O2,T} e_7\) and \(e_6 \lessdot _{R2,T} e_7\) hold. That means \(e_7\) directly follows three different events as seen from three different perspectives: the Supplier Order B, the Order O2 and resource R2.

We cannot represent this information in a single table or a sequential event log. Extracting a collection of related sequential event logs from event tables [46] and relational databases [41] results in collection of directly-follows relations per entity-type. However, the behavioral information remains separated per entity type, hindering reasoning about the process as a whole [25]. We therefore turn to a graph-based data model.

4 Event Knowledge Graphs

Our primary aim is to model multiple local directly-follows relations (see Definition 6) over events correlated to multiple entities. To construct these relations, we also have to model entities, relations between entities, and correlations of entities to events (see Sect. 2). A typed graph data model such as labeled property graphs [48] allows to distinguish different types of nodes (events, entities) and relationships (directly-follows, correlated-to). We adopt labeled property graphs to construct a knowledge graph [33] of a process from event data, to augment this graph with further knowledge, and to even perform process mining analysis within a graph. Section 4.1 defines the generic data model of labeled property graphs which we use in Sect. 4.2 to define event knowledge graphs and “directly-follows” paths in an event knowledge graph. In Sect. 4.3 we discuss how to algorithmically construct an event knowledge graph from an event table.

4.1 Labeled Property Graphs

A labeled property graph is a graph where each node and each directed edge (called relationship) has a type, called label. Further, each node and each relationship can carry attribute-value pairs as properties. For the remainder, we fix a set \(\lambda _N\) of node labels, a set \(\lambda _R\) of relationship labels, and a set \( Attr \) of property names over a value domain \( Val \).

Definition 7 (Labeled Property Graph)

A labeled property graph (LPG) \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#)\) is a graph with nodes N, and relationships R with the following properties:

  1. 1.

    Each node \(n \in N\) carries a label \(\lambda (n) \in \Lambda _N\).

  2. 2.

    Each relationship \(r \in R\) carries a label \(\lambda (r) \in \Lambda _R\) and defines a directed edge \(\overrightarrow{r} = (n_{source},n_{target}) \in N \times N\) between two nodes.

  3. 3.

    Any node n and relationship r can carry properties as attribute-value pairs via function \(\#: (N \cup R) \times Attr \nrightarrow Val \)

We write \(x.a = v\) for \(\#(x,a) = v\) and \(x.a = \perp \) if a is undefined for x. We write \(N^\ell = \{ n \in N \mid \lambda (n) = \ell \}\) and \(R^\ell = \{ r \in R \mid \lambda (r) = \ell \}\) for the nodes and relationships with label \(\ell \), respectively. We also write \((n_1,n_2) \in R^\ell \) if there exists \(r \in R^\ell \) with \(\overrightarrow{r} = (n_1,n_2)\).

Figure 4 shows an example of a labeled property graph, defining 5 nodes with label Event, 3 nodes with label Entity, 7 relationships with label corr, and 4 relationships with label df.

We here also provide some notation for standard operations on LPGs. Let \(G_1 = (N_1,R_1,\lambda _1,\#^1)\) and \(G_2 = (N_2,R_2,\lambda _2,\#^2)\) be two LPGs.

\(G_2\) is a sub-graph of \(G_1\), written \(G_2 \subseteq G_1\), iff \(N_2 \subseteq N_1, R_2 \subseteq R_1, \lambda _2 = \lambda _1|_{N_2 \cup R_2}, \#_2 = \#_1|_{N_2 \cup R_2}\). The union of \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) is \(G_1 \cup G_2 = (N_1 \cup N_2, R_1 \cup R_2, \lambda _1 \cup \lambda _2, \#^1 \cup \#^2)\) under the assumption that \(\lambda _1(x) = \lambda _2(x)\) and \(\#^1_{a}(x) = \#^2_{a}(x)\) for all \(a \in Attr \) for any \(x \in (N_1 \cup R_1) \cap (N_2 \cup R_2)\). For a set \(\mathbf {G} = \{G_1,\ldots ,G_n\}\) of graphs, we write \(\bigcup _{G \in \mathbf {G}} G = G_1 \cup \ldots \cup G_n\).

Labeled property graphs are a native data structure for knowledge graphs [33] and for a variety of graph database systems [48] that provide data management and query languages for reading and manipulating graphs [5].

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Event knowledge graph of events \(e_5,e_9,e_{18},e_{29},e_{30}\) of Table 2.

4.2 Formal Definition of an Event Knowledge Graph

To precisely model event data in an LPG, we have to restrict ourselves to specific node labels for events and entities, and to specific relationship labels for correlation and directly-follows. Thereby, directly-follows relationships can only be defined between events that are correlated to the same entity and directly follow each other from the viewpoint of that entity (Definition 6). This is formalized in the model proposed by Esser [25] which we here call event knowledge graphFootnote 4

Definition 8 (Event Knowledge Graph)

An event knowledge graph (or just graph) is an LPG \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#)\) with node labels \(\{ Event , Entity \} \subseteq \Lambda _N\) and relationship labels \(\{ df , corr \} \subseteq \Lambda _R\) indicating “directly-follows” and “correlation” with the following properties.

  1. 1.

    Every event node \(e \in N^ Event \) records an activity name \(e. act \ne \perp \) and a timestamp \(e. time \ne \perp \).

  2. 2.

    Every entity node \(n \in N^ Entity \) has an entity type \(n. type \ne \perp \).

  3. 3.

    Every correlation relationship \(r \in R^ corr ,\overrightarrow{r} = (e,n)\) is defined from an event node to an entity node \(, e \in N^ Event , n \in N^ Entity \); we write \(n \in corr (e)\) and \(e \in corr (n)\) as shorthand.

  4. 4.

    Any directly-follows relationship \( df \in R^ df ,\overrightarrow{ df } = (e_1,e_2)\) is defined between event nodes \(e_1,e_2 \in N^ Event \) and refers to a specific entity \( df . ent = n \in N^ Entity \) such that

    1. (a)

      \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are correlated to entity n: \((e_1,n),(e_2,n) \in R^ corr \);

    2. (b)

      \(e_1\) occurs before \(e_2\): \(e_1. time < e_2. time \); and

    3. (c)

      there is no other event \(e' \in N^ Event \) correlated to \(n, (e',n) \in R^ corr \) that occurs in between \(e_1. time< e'. time < e_2. time \)

    We write \( df . type = df . ent . type \) and \((e1,e2) \in R^ df _n\).

Figure 4 shows an event knowledge graph for entities I1, I2, P1 of Table 2 and their correlated events. Each df relationship is defined between any two subsequent events correlated to the same entity. In the following, we omit the labels and use dashed edges for corr relationships, square nodes for Event nodes, and ellipses for Entity nodes.

A path along df-relationships corresponds to a trace in a classical event log. A path in a graph G is a sequence \(\mathbf {r}= \langle r_1,\ldots ,r_k\rangle \in R^*\) of consecutive relationships, i.e., the target node of \(\overrightarrow{r_i} = (n_{i-1},n_i)\) is the start node of \(\overrightarrow{r_{i+1}} = (n_{i},n_{i+1})\), \(1 \le i < k\).

Definition 9 (df-path)

Let \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#)\) be an graph.

A path \(\mathbf {r}= \langle r_1,\ldots ,r_k \rangle \in (R^ df )^*\) of df-relationships is a directly-follows path (df-path) iff all relationships are defined for the same entity, i.e., for all \(1 \le i < k\), \(r_i. ent = r_{i+1}. ent = n\); we also say \(\mathbf {r}\) is a df-path for entity n.

\(\mathbf {r}\) is maximal iff there is no other df-relationship \(r \in R^ df \) so that \(\langle r,r_1,\ldots ,r_k \rangle \) or \(\langle r_1,\ldots ,r_k,r \rangle \) is also a df-path.

For a path \(\mathbf {r}= \langle r_1,\ldots ,r_k \rangle \in (R^ df )^*, \overrightarrow{r_i} = (e_{i-1},e_i)\) we write just the sequence of its nodes \(\langle e_0,\ldots ,e_k\rangle \) in case the correlated entity is clear. The graph in Fig. 4 defines three DF-paths: for I1: \(\langle e_{18},e_{30} \rangle \), for I2: \(\langle e_5,e_9,e_{30}\rangle \), and for P1: \(\langle e_{29},e_{30} \rangle \).

Event knowledge graphs can be efficiently stored and queried using graph database systems [25]. This enables retrieving df-paths from graph databases using query languages, such as Cypher [25, 33]. While the nodes and relationships of Definition 8 can also be encoded in RDF [11], the df-paths rely on attributes of relationships (Definition 9) which are not supported by RDF but by LPGs.

Alternative formalizations of Definition 8 define just a partial order over events [4, 30, 55, 56] describing the local directly-follows relation wrt. various entities 6. Such a partial order view is equivalent to a family of df-paths [30, Cor. 4.9]. This equivalence allows to switch perspectives depending on the analysis task at hand.

4.3 Obtaining an Event Knowledge Graph from an Event Table

Event data is (currently) not recorded in the form of a graph, but for example in the form of an event table T with multiple entities (Definition 2). We obtain an event knowledge graph from an event table T in three steps.

  1. 1.

    Create an event node \(e \in N^ Event \) for each event record in the event table T.

  2. 2.

    Infer entities and correlation relationships from the event attributes: For each unique entity identifier found at some event e, create an entity node n and a \( corr \) relationship from e to n.

  3. 3.

    Infer directly-follows relationships between all events \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\) with a \( corr \) relationship to the same entity node n.

We now explain and define each step along the running example of Table 1. We assume as input an event table \(T = (E, Attr ,\#^T, ENT )\) with multiple entities as stated in Definition 2. The central requirement is that each unique entity type \( ent \in ENT \subseteq Attr \) is explicitly recorded as a dedicated attribute (column) of T, and that each value in column \( ent \) is an entity identifier.

Step 1: Create Event Nodes. We start by translating each event record in event table T into an event node in graph G.

Definition 10 (Event nodes from an event table)

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#^T, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. The event nodes of T are the graph \(G_T^ Event = (N^ Event ,\emptyset ,\lambda ,\#^G)\) with

  1. 1.

    \(N^ Event = E\), i.e., each event of T becomes an event node, and

  2. 2.

    \(\#^G_{a}(e) = \#^T_{a}(e)\) for all \(a \in Attr \), i.e., each event keeps all attributes from T as properties in G.

The resulting graph G is a set of disconnected Event nodes only.

Step 2: Create Entity Nodes and Correlation Relationships. Each attribute of an event e in T that refers to an entity, e.g., \(e. ent = \{n\}\), is now a property of the event node e in G. The basic idea is to “push out” this property: we make each unique value n an Entity node n and link e to n by a corr relationship. The following definition constructs a small graph \(G^ corr (n)\) that does exactly this. We then use graph union \(G \cup \bigcup _n G^ corr (n)\) to add them to G. The reason for doing so is that we can later calculate with various subgraphs.

Definition 11 (Entity and correlation inference)

Let \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#^G)\) be a graph and \( ENT \) be known entity types.

Given a property name \( ent \in ENT \), each property value \(e. ent \) we find on an event node \(e \in N^ Event \) is an entity identifier of \( ent \) in G: \( Entities ( ent ,G) = \{ n \mid \exists e \in N^ Event : n \in e. ent \}\), see Definition 3.

Let \(n \in Entities ( ent ,G)\) be an identifier of type \( ent \in ENT \). The entity and correlation inferred for n in G is the graph \(G^{ corr }(n) = (N',R',\lambda '\#')\) with:

  1. 1.

    entity node \(N'^{ Entity } = \{n\}\) with \(\#'_{ type }(n) = ent \);

  2. 2.

    event nodes \(N'^{ Event } = \{ e \in N^{ Event } \mid n \in e. ent \}\) with \(\#'(e) = \#(e)\) for each \(e \in N'^{ Event }\), i.e., each e is correlated to n, see Definition 4; and

  3. 3.

    correlation relationships \(r_{e,n} \in R'^{ corr },\overrightarrow{r}_{e,n} = (e,n)\) iff \(n \in e. ent \).

We can infer entities and correlation on any event knowledge graph, not just the graph produced by Definition 10. This allows us to apply Definition 11 multiple times in any order. We can infer entities and correlation for an entity type \( ent \) by \(G^{ corr }( ent ) = \bigcup _{n \in Entities ( ent ,G)} G^{ corr }(n)\). We can add the inferred entities and correlation to graph G for all entity types \( ENT \) by graph union \(G \cup \bigcup _{ ent \in ENT } G^ corr ( ent )\). In the result, each value \(n \in Entities ( ent ,T)\) becomes a new node n with \(n. type = ent \). Correspondingly, each pair \((e,n) \in \mathord { corr }_{ ent ,T}\) becomes a new relationship of type \( corr \) from e to n.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Event graph of events of Table 2 without directly-follows relationships.

For example, applying Definition 10 on the event table of Table 2 results in the event nodes \(e_1,\ldots ,e_{11},e_{18},\ldots ,e_{21},e_{27},\ldots ,e_{32}\) shown in Fig. 5. Inferring entities and correlation for entity types Order, Supplier Order, Item, Invoice, and Payment adds the entity nodes and correlation edges shown in Fig. 5. In this graph we see that events \(e_1, e_{18},e_{27},e_{28}\) are the events correlated to entity O1 of type Order. Moreover, event \(e_{18}\) is correlated to two entities Order O1 and Invoice I1; event \(e_{27}\) is correlated to four entities Order O1, Item X1, Item X2, and Item Y1.

Step 3: Infer Local Directly-Follows Relations. We now can infer the local directly-follows relation (Definition 6) and materialize it as df-relationships between event nodes. Again, the basic idea is simple: for each entity node n we retrieve all events \(e_1,\ldots ,e_n\) with a corr-relationship from \(e_i\) to n. We order \(e_1,\ldots ,e_n\) by time and define a new df-relationship r from \(e_i\) to \(e_{i+1}\); to remember for which entity r holds, we set \(r. ent = n\).

As before, we do not add the df-relationships directly to G but construct a separate graph \(G^ df (n)\). We then add to G by graph union \(G \cup \bigcup _n G^ df (n)\) which later allows us to calculate with graphs.

Definition 12 (df inference)

Let \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#)\) be a graph. Let \(n \in N^ Entity \). Let \(\langle e_0,\ldots ,e_k \rangle \) be the sequence of events \(\{e_0,\ldots ,e_k\} = \mathord { corr }(n)\) correlated to n and sorted by time: \(e_{i-1}. time < e_{i}. time , 1 \le i \le k\).

The df-relationships inferred for n in G is the graph \(G^ df (n) = (N'^{ Event },R'^{ df }, \lambda ',\#')\) with

  1. 1.

    event nodes \(N'^{ Event } = \{ e_0,\ldots ,e_k\}\), and

  2. 2.

    for each \(1 \le i \le k\) one df-relationship \(r_i \in R'^{ df }\) with \(\overrightarrow{r_i} = (e_{i-1},e_i), \#'_{ ent }(r_i) = n, \#'_{ type }(r_i) = \#_{ type }(n)\).

We can only infer a df-relationship for entity n if \(|\mathord { corr }(n)| > 1\). Thus, for df-inference to have any effect, we have to have inferred the entity n and correlation using Definition 11 and there are at least two events correlated to n. As for entity and correlation inference, we can add the inferred df-relationships to G by graph union \(G \cup \bigcup _{n \in N^ Entity } G^ df (n)\).

For example, if we infer the df-relationships for each entity in the graph of Fig. 5 and add them to that graph, we obtain the graph shown in Fig. 6. Note that we only show the \(\mathord { corr }\) relationships to the first event of each entity for readability. This graph explicitly models the events, entities, correlation, and local directly-follows relations of all events in Table 2.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Event graph of events of Table 2 after inferring directly-follows relationships.

Complete Procedure. The following definition summarizes how to apply the above three definitions to obtain an event knowledge graph of an event table T.

Definition 13 (Event knowledge graph of an event table)

Let \(T = (E, Attr ,\#^T, ENT )\) be an event table with entities. The event table T defines the graph \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#^G)\) of T as follows:

  1. 1.

    Obtain the graph of event nodes \(G^ Event \) of T (Definition 10).

  2. 2.

    Infer the entities and correlation for each entity type \( ent \in ENT \) from \(G^ Event \) (Definition 11), i.e., \(G^{corr} = \bigcup _{ ent \in ENT } G^{corr}( ent )\) which results in the intermediate graph \(G^ Event \cup G^{corr} = (N^ Event \cup N^ Entity , R^ corr , \lambda , \#^G)\).

  3. 3.

    Infer the df-relationships \(G^ df = \bigcup _{n \in N^ Entity } G^{df}(n)\) from \(G^ Event \cup G^{corr}\) (Definition 12) and return \(G = G^ Event \cup G^{corr} \cup G^ df \).

From Definition 1013 follows that the df-relationships in graph G materialize the local directly-follows relation of event table T (Definition 6).

Lemma 1

Let \(G = (N,R,\lambda ,\#^G)\) be the event knowledge graph of event table \(T = (E, Attr ,\#^T, ENT )\) with entities. For any entity \(n \in Entities ( ent ,T), ent \in ENT \) holds \(e_1 \lessdot _{n,T} e_2\) (\(e_2\) directly follows \(e_1\) from the perspective of n) iff \((e_1,e_2) \in R^ df _n\).

4.4 Inferring Entity Interactions

The procedure of Definition 13 infers the local directly-follows relation for each entity in the graph. However, there are also important behavioral dependencies in the process between related entities, such as Orders and Payments, that are not visible in the graph of Fig. 6.

We know from Fig. 1 that shipping O2 has to wait until the invoice of O1 has been cleared by the related payment P1, but the graph of Fig. 6 suggests that \(e_{31}\) of O2 does not depend on \(e_{30}\) of P1 or any event of O1. This is because there is no entity correlated to both \(e_{31}\) and \(e_{30}\) or any event of O1.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Inferring relations between Orders, Invoices, and Payments.

Our analysis in Sect. 2.3 found that Orders are related to Payments. We can materialize this information in an event knowledge graph. We apply Definition 5 on all Event nodes to obtain relation \(R_{( ent _1, ent _2)}\) between any two (interesting) entity types \( ent _1, ent _2\). For each pair, \((n_1,n_2) \in R_{( ent _1, ent _2)}\) we add a new relationship with label related from entity node \(n_1\) to entity node \(n_2\). Figure 7 illustrates the result of this step for \((\textit{Order},\textit{Invoice})\) and \((\textit{Invoice},\textit{Payment})\). We can infer transitive relationships by materializing paths of related-relationships (ignoring their directions) as new related-relationships. For example, we materialize \(\langle O1,I1,P1 \rangle \in (R^ related )^*\) and \(\langle O2,I2,P1 \rangle \in (R^ related )^*\) as \((O1,P1),(O2,P1) \in R^ related \) in Fig. 7. These steps obviously require domain knowledge to decide which potential relations to materialize, esp. when considering paths over n-to-1 and 1-to-n relationships [41].

We then can infer the behavior between two related entities by adapting entity and correlation inference (Definition 11) as follows [25]:

  1. 1.

    We reify the relation between two entity types \( ent _1\) and \( ent _2\) into a new derived entity type \(( ent _1, ent _2)\). That is, we make each pair \((n_1,n_2) \in R^ related \) an entity node \((n_1,n_2) \in N^ Entity \) with \((n_1,n_2). type = ( ent _1, ent _2)\). For example, we create two entity nodes \(( O1 , P1 ),( O2 , P1 )\) of type (Order,Payment). For traceability, we add a new relationship \(d \in R^ derived \) with label derived from entity \((n_1,n_2)\) to \(n_1\) and to \(n_2\).

  2. 2.

    An event e is then correlated to a derived entity \((n_1,n_2)\) iff e is correlated to \(n_1\) or \(n_2\) (or both). Formally, we add a new correlation relationship from e to \((n_1,n_2)\) iff there is a correlation relationship \(r \in R^ corr \) from e to \(n_1\) or \(n_2\), i.e., \(\overrightarrow{r} = (e,n_1)\) or \(\overrightarrow{r} = (e,n_2)\).

  3. 3.

    Then we can treat any derived entity \((n_1,n_2)\) just like any other entity and infer the df-relationships for \((n_1,n_2)\), which results in a new path describing the interactions between \(n_1\) and \(n_2\).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Result of reifying the relation between Order and Invoice entities of Fig. 6 into a derived entity of type \(( Order , Invoice )\) and inferring the df-relationships for this entity type.

Figure 8 shows the result of reifying the relation between Order and Payment entities of Fig. 7 into derived entities (O1, P1) and (O2, P1) of type \(( Order , Payment )\) and inferring the df-relationships for this entity type. We now inferred df-paths from Create Invoice in O1 (\(e_{18}\)) via Clear Invoice in P1 (\(e_{30}\)) to Pack Shipment in O2 (\(e_{31}\)).Footnote 5

Not all df-relationships for (O1, P1) and for (O2, P2) provide new information. For example in Fig. 8, \((e_2,e_5) \in R_{ O2 }^{ df }\) and \((e_2,e_5) \in R_{ (O2,P1) }^{ df }\) run in parallel.

We say that a df-relationship \((e_1,e_2) \in R_{(n_1,n_2)}^{ df }\) of a derived entity \((n_1,n_2)\) provides new information if there is not already an existing df-relationship \((e_1,e_2) \in R_{n_1}^{ df }\) or \((e_1,e_2) \in R_{n_2}^{ df }\) for one of the original entities \(n_1\) or \(n_2\). Thus, a df-relationship \((e_1,e_2)\) provides new information if it actually describes an interaction from \(n_1\) to \(n_2\) or vice versa. In Fig. 8, \((e_7,e_{29})\), \((e_{28},e_{29})\), and \((e_{30},e_{31})\) provide new information.

In principle we should keep only those df-relationships of a derived entity \((n_1,n_2)\) that provide new information. However, we can best study the interaction between \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) when all df-relationships between \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are part of a path related to \((n_1,n_2)\). We therefore keep all df-relationships of \((n_1,n_2)\) that either provide new information or are between two df-relationships of the df-path for \((n_1,n_2)\) that do provide new information. In Fig. 8, for \( (O2,P1) \), we keep \((e_7,e_{29})\) and \((e_{30},e_{31})\) (provide new information) and also \((e_{29},e_{30})\) (between df-relationships that provide new information); for \( (O1,P1) \), we only keep \((e_{28},e_{29})\).

The complete graph for Table 1 after inferring the df-relationships between Order and Payment entities is shown in Fig. 9.

4.5 Creating Event Knowledge Graphs from Real-Life Data

This method for constructing event knowledge graphs uses basic principles of information inference: (1) construct entities and correlation based on the presence of an entity identifier or a relation; and (2) derive a local directly-follows relation from the viewpoint of each entity. Our definitions assume the data to be accurate wrt. the real process, for instance, that entity identifiers and time stamps are recorded correctly and precise; otherwise further preprocessing is required [30, 44, 47].

All steps of the method can be implemented as a series of Cypher queriesFootnote 6 to construct event knowledge graphs in a graph database for our running example [28] as well as for various real-life datasets comprising single and multiple event tables [24]; several event knowledge graphs of real-life processes are available [19,20,21,22,23,24]. A variant of event knowledge graphs, called causal event graph that only models events but not the entities, can be extracted automatically from relational databases [56].

In the following, we exploit the flexibility of LPGs that underly event knowledge graphs to infer and materialize further behavioral information, going beyond what event tables or event logs can describe.

5 Understanding Behavior over Multiple Entities

The event knowledge graph of Fig. 9 we obtain with the method of Sect. 4 explicitly models what we observed earlier in Sect. 1: the behavior of the different entities forms a complex network of synchronizing df-paths. This section first discusses how to interpret df-paths (Sect. 5.1) and how they synchronize (Sect. 5.2). We then discuss querying graphs through selection of entities and projection onto events in Sect. 5.3; we apply these operations to understand why the retailer of our example in Sect. 1 could not ship orders within the promised 6 days. We finally introduce aggregation in Sect. 5.4 which we use to discover basic process models directly within event knowledge graphs in Sect. 5.5.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Complete event knowledge graph of event table Table 1.

5.1 How to Read Df-Paths in an Event Knowledge Graph

We discuss how to read df-paths over events based on running example of Fig. 6.

In a classical event log, each trace has a unique initial event and a unique final event indicating the start and completion of a process execution. A graph has multiple initial and final events – one per entity. Event e is starting or ending event if it has no incoming or outgoing df-relationship at all, e.g., \(e_1,\ldots ,e_4\), and \(e_{32}\). Event e is starting or ending event for entity n if it has no incoming or outgoing df-relationship for n. For example, \(e_{11}\) is the ending event of the df-path for A but it still has an outgoing df-relationship for X2. Some events are starting/ending events for multiple df-paths or entities. For example, \(e_6\) is the starting event for X1, X2, X3 and \(e_7\) is the starting event for Y1, Y2 while \(e_{27}\) is the ending event for X1, X2, Y1 and \(e_{31}\) is the ending event for X3, Y2.

We call an event intermediate in a df-path of an entity n if it is not a starting or ending event in the df-path of n. For example, \(e_6\) is an intermediate event of A.

In graph in Fig. 9 we see that the df-paths of entities of the same type are rather similar to each other.

  • O1 and O2 both start with Create Order and end with Ship events with Create Invoice followed by Pack Shipment in between.

  • A and B both start with Place SO (eventually) followed by Receive SO, ending with multiple Unpack events. Specifically

  • Items \(X1,\ldots ,Y2\) start with Receive SO followed by Unpack and end with Pack Shipment

  • I1 and I2 start with Create Invoice and end with Clear Invoice

Note that the graph no longer shows any directly-follows relation from Receive SO to Update SO that was falsely observed in Sect. 3. We can also analyze time differences between events on the df-path. For example, in Sect. 1 we stated that each Supplier Order is to be received within 3 days of placing the order.

  • On the df-path of A, event \(e_{6}\) (Receive SO for A, 4-5 10:15) is directly preceded by \(e_{4}\) (Place SO for A, 1-5 11:25) which is within 3 days as required.

  • On the df-path of B, event \(e_{19}\) (Receive SO for B, 7-5 10:15) is directly preceded by \(e_{7}\) (Update SO for B, 4-5 10:25) which is within 3 days, but 6 days since \(e_4\) (Place SO for B, 1-5 11:25). Thus, while the supplier delivered within the required 3 days since Update SO, the update itself introduced a 3-day delay.

Thus, the graph now shows temporal information and delays for individual entities correctly, in contrast to the classical event log of Sect. 3.

5.2 How to Read Synchronization in a Graph

Analyzing the df-paths for O1 and O2 also shows that none of the orders were shipped within 6 days: \(e_{20}. time - e_1. time > 7 \textit{days}\) and \(e_{32}. time - e_2. time > 8 \textit{days}\). As completing the orders depends on other entities, i.e., the items, we now analyze entity interactions through synchronization of df-paths.

A df-path \(\mathbf {r}= \langle e_0,\ldots ,e_k\rangle \) goes through an event e iff \(e = e_i, 0 \le i \le k\). An event e is local to an entity n if there is only one df-path of entity n that goes through e, e.g., \(e_1,e_2,e_{32}\). Two or more entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) synchronize in a shared event e if two or more df-paths of \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) go through e, e.g., \(e_7\) synchronizes Supplier Order B and Order O2 whereas \(e_{19}\) synchronizes Supplier Order B and Items Y1 and Y2.

Reading Entity Creation and Updates. We now discuss different interpretations of entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) synchronizing in a shared event.

Event e intermediately synchronizes entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) when e is an intermediate event for \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\). We can interpret an intermediate synchronization as an update or state change of one or more entities that requires the involvement of the other entities. For example, event \(e_7\) intermediately synchronizes Order O2 and Supplier Order B to update B based on the information in O2; event \(e_8\) updates both Supplier Order A and Item X3. Which entity changes state in \(e_8\) is not visible in the graph of Fig. 9.

An event e that is intermediate for one entity n but a starting event for entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) can be interpreted as entity n “created” or “initiated” entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\). For example, Supplier Order A created Items X1, X2, X3 in \(e_6\), and Supplier Order B created I2 in \(e_5\). Correspondingly, an event e that is intermediate for entity n and ending event for \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) is “closing” or “completing” entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\). For example, Order O1 “completes” items X1, X2, Y1 in \(e_{27}\).

An event e where multiple entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) of the same type synchronize is a batching event for \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\) [36, 42, 55]. For example, \(e_{27}\) batches X1, X2, Y1, \(e_{30}\) batches I1, I2, and \(e_{31}\) batches X3, Y2.

However, we have to be careful with those interpretations as, both, the graph and the data from which it was created may be incomplete. Entities that are “created” or “closed” may continue to exist both prior and after the data recorded, e.g., all Items \(X1,\ldots ,Y2\) certainly exist prior to this process and after it, thus \(e_6\) and \(e_{27}\) only show when these items entered the visibility or scope of our observations. Likewise, a starting event e for an entity n that is not an intermediate event for another entity \(n_2\) does not describe how n was created. For example, \(e_1,\ldots ,e_4\) do not explain how O1, O2, AB were created. This is because our graph of Fig. 9 is incomplete as we did not (a) infer the Resource entity and the corresponding df-relationships from Table 1 and (b) we only recorded data in a limited time window. A helpful principle to check for incompleteness in distributed behavior is due to C.A. Petri [27]: most events happens due to a synchronous interaction of two or more entities, and most physical entities are never created from nothing and never disappear into nothing.

Reading Entity Interactions. Events and df-paths describe different modes of interaction. An event e where the df-paths of \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) synchronize is a synchronous interaction. A df-path for entity n describes an asynchronous interaction between \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) if n synchronizes both with \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) in different events. If the df-path for n has only 2 events \(\langle e_1,e_2 \rangle \) then we can interpret entity n as message from \(n_1\) to \(n_2\). We can interpret an event e that is the ending event of entity \(n_1\) and the starting event of entity \(n_2\) as a handover from \(n_1\) to \(n_2\). In Fig. 9, \(e_7\) is a synchronous interaction of O2 and B, the df-path of Y1 describes an asynchronous interaction from B to O2, and \(e_{28}\) is a handover from O1 to (O1, P1).

If two entities \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) never synchronize in a shared event but there is at least one asynchronous interaction between \(n_1\) and \(n_2\), then \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) interact asynchronously. If all asynchronous interactions, i.e., df-paths, only go from \(n_1\) to \(n_2\), then the interaction is one-directional, and it is bi-directional otherwise. In Fig. 9, A and O1 interact asynchronously and one-directional (from A to O1 via X1), O2 and P1 interact asynchronously and bi-directional (via (O2, P1)).

\(n_1\) and \(n_2\) interact indirectly if for any two events \(e_1\) of \(n_1\) and \(e_2\) of \(n_2\) the shortest df-path from \(e_1\) to \(e_2\) involves df-relationships from multiple other entities. For example, O1 interacts indirectly with O2 via (O1, P1) and (O2, P2) (df-path \(\langle e_{28},e_{29},e_{30},e_{31} \rangle \)).

Finally, \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) do not interact if there is no df-path from \(n_1\) to \(n_2\), or vice versa. For example, A and B do not interact. Note, however, that (indirect) interactions via other entities as well as non-interaction are subject to which entities have been included in the construction of the graph and which relations have been reified into derived entities.

Reading Event Dependencies and Delays. We observed in Sect. 5.1 that neither O1 nor O2 was shipped within 6 days as required in Sect. 1. We now want to analyze which entities, that synchronized with O1 and O2, delayed either order to be shipped on time.

Consider an event e that synchronizes the df-paths of multiple entities \(n_1,\ldots ,n_k\). Event e directly depends on any event \(e_i\) that directly precedes e via an incoming df-relationship \((e_i,e) \in R^ df _{n_i}, 1\le i \le k\) along entity \(n_i\). We call \(e. time - e_i. time \) the delay between \(e_i\) and e.

Suppose \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\) are sorted on their delay to e. Event \(e_1\) was the first event that directly preceded e, i.e., e could not have occurred earlier than \(e_1\). The entity \(n_1\), for which \((e_1,e) \in R^ df _{n_1}\) was observed, was the first entity ready to synchronize in e. We can interpret that each later event \(e_{i}, i > 1\) delayed the synchronization in e as entity \(n_i\) became ready to synchronize later than \(n_1\) did, with \(e_k\) and \(n_k\) delaying e the most.

For example in Fig, 9, \(e_{31}\) (Pack Shipment for O2) depends on \(e_{7},e_{8},e_{21},e_{30}\) along entities O2, X3, Y2, and (O2, P1) with delays of 3 days, 3 days, 2 days, and 3 h, respectively. While O2 was first ready to synchronize in \(e_{31}\) after \(e_7\) (Update Order); \(e_{31}\) was delayed most by \(e_{30}\) (Clear Invoice for I1, I2) along (O2, P1).

For a given event e, we can build the set \( delay ^*(e)\) of transitive predecessors that delayed e the most, by first adding event \(e'\) that delayed e most, then adding event \(e''\) that delayed \(e'\) most, etc. For example in Fig. 9, \( delay ^*(e_{32}) = \{ e_{31}, e_{30}, e_{29}, e_{28}, e_{27}, e_{20}, e_{19}, e_{7}, e_{5}, e_{2} \}\).

Comprehending such subsets of events (and the dynamics they describe) is rather difficult. We use graph querying to reduce a graph to a subgraph of interesting events.

5.3 Basic Querying Operations

Similarly to classical event logs, we can also subset (or filter) event knowledge graphs for a more focused analysis. Recall that we have two basic operations to sub-setting classical event logs: selection (include only a subset of the cases with specific properties but keep all events in a case) and projection (keep all cases but keep only a subset of events with specific properties). The same operations can be applied on event knowledge graphs.

We select a subset of entities, but keep all event nodes correlated to the entities and all directly-follows relations between the events of these entities. Formally, given a graph G, we select entity nodes \(N_{sel}^ Entity \subseteq N^ Entity \) from G by (1) removing all entity nodes \(N^ Entity \setminus N_{sel}^ Entity \) and all adjacent corr relationships, then (2) removing all event nodes \(e \in N^ Event \) which no longer have any corr relationships (because none of their entities was selected) and the adjacent df relationships.

We project on a subset of events by keeping all entity nodes but only the selected event nodes; as this may interrupt df-paths (if an intermediate event gets removed) we have to recompute all df-relationships. Formally, given a graph G, we project onto event nodes \(N_{proj}^ Event \subseteq N^ Event \) from G by (1) removing all df-relationships from G, (2) removing all event nodes \(N^ Event \setminus N_{proj}^ Event \), and then (3) doing df-inference on the resulting graph (Definition 12).

The criteria by which we select events and entities can consider properties of events and entities but also relations to other event and entity nodes, and even more complex paths or sub-graphs. For example, to understand what caused delays in shipping order O1 (\(e_{28}\)) and O2 (\(e_{32}\)) while also removing unnecessary events, we can project the graph of Fig. 9 onto the events the (1) delayed either shipment the most (2) but without Unpack events. Formally, we project onto \(( delay ^*(e_{32}) \cup delay ^*(e_{28})) \setminus \{ e \in N^ Event \mid e. act = \textit{Unpack} \}\). Figure 10 shows the resulting graph. Note the new df-relationships \((e_{5},e_{30}) \in R^ df _{I2}\), \((e_{19},e_{27}) \in R^ df _{Y1}\), \((e_{19},e_{31}) \in R^ df _{Y2}\), obtained after doing df-inference over the remaining events.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Projection of Fig. 9 onto events that delayed most \(e_{28}\) and \(e_{32}\) and are not Unpack events. Bold df-relationships indicate which preceding event delayed an event the most.

In Fig. 10, we observe the following: Pack Shipment for O1 (\(e_{27}\)) was delayed by Item Y1 which was only ready for \(e_{27}\) after Receive SO (\(e_{19}\)). In turn, \(e_{19}\) was delayed by Supplier Order B with Update SO (\(e_7\)), which we already identified as cause for not receiving all items within 3 days in Sect. 5.1. Pack Shipment for O2 (\(e_{31}\)) was delayed by entity (O2, P1), that means, by Clear Invoice (\(e_{30}\)) for the Payment P1 related to O2. Receive Payment for P1 (\(e_{29}\)) was delayed by (O1, P1), that means, by Ship (\(e_{28}\)) for the related order O1.

Altogether, this allows us to pinpoint the bottlenecks in the process: Update SO delayed delivery of items Y1, Y2 needed for both O1 and O2, causing a delay in shipment for O1. The fact that the customer only paid and cleared both invoice I1, I2 after O1 was shipped delayed shipping O2 together with the retailer’s policies.

5.4 Aggregating Events and Df-Relationships

Selection and projection allow to subset the data. Aggregation allows to materialize new nodes and relationships in the data. While the aggregation principle we explain here can be applied for many purposes, we specifically discuss it for

  • aggregating sets of events into activities (or event classes), and

  • aggregating df-relationships between events into corresponding relationships between activities.

The basic aggregation principle from sets of events to activities is formally identical to creating entity nodes from event properties as given in Definition 11.

  • We select one event property that identifies a unique concept shared by many events, in this case the property Activity.

  • For each value \(c \in \{ e.Activity \mid e \in N^ Event \}\) of the Activity property that we find among the events in the graph, we create a new node c with label Class (representing the class of events with the same Activity property).

  • We add an observes relationship from each event e to the Class node \(c \in N^ Class \) if \(e.\textit{Activity} = c\).

  • We can also materialize how many events observe class \(c \in N^ Class \) in property \(c.\textit{count}\).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Aggregating events to event classes and lifting the directly-follows relationships

The yellow rounded rectangles in Fig. 11 represent the Class nodes of the events for Orders O1,O2 and Supplier Orders A,B. The dashed edges represent the observes relationship, e.g., \(e_2\) and \(e_1\) both observe Create Order.

We then can aggregate the df-relationships in a straight-forward way: for any two class nodes c1 and c2 we add a df relationship of type \( ent \) from \(c_1\) to \(c_2\) if there are corresponding events \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) that directly follow each other for \( ent \), i.e., if \((e_1,c_1),(e_2,c_2) \in R^\textit{observes}\) and \((e_1,e_2) \in R^\textit{df}_n, n. type = ent \). We can also count how many df-relationships occur between events of \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) and add this as property to this relationship.

For example, in Fig. 11, we observe two df-relationships from Create Order to Create Invoice \((e_1,e_{18})\) and \((e_2,e_5)\). Note, that this definition also creates self-loops around event classes, e.g., we observe three df-relationships from Unpack to Unpack. Also note that, as for events nodes, a class node can be part of df-relationships for multiple different entity types, e.g., Update SO is an activity that occurs for Order and Supplier Order.

5.5 Discovering Multi-entity Process Models

The aggregation operation of Sect. 5.4 essentially constructs a directly-follows graph. The key difference to the directly-follows graph of classical event logs is that each df-relationship between Class nodes is specific to one entity type. Thus, it respects the idea of the local directly-follows relation laid out in Definition 6. The resulting graph is a multi-entity directly-follows graph, also called multi-viewpoint DFG [4] or artifact-centric model [41].

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Multi-Entity Directly-Follows-Graph of the running example obtained by aggregating the graph of Fig. 9

Applying the event and df-aggregation of Sect. 5.4 to the graph of Fig. 9 results in the multi-entity DFG shown in Fig. 12. While the graph as a whole is rather complex, each edge is grounded in temporal relations of a specific entity type. Moreover, we can see that the behavior for each entity type is rather simple.

Event and df-aggregation can be implemented as simple, scalable queriesFootnote 7 over standard graph databases, enabling efficient in-database process discovery [25, 34]; the queries can be extended to filter based on frequencies or properties of the event knowledge graph [28].

An alternative representation of the multi-entity DFG is the proclet model [26] shown in Fig. 13. It is constructed by not creating a global Class node per unique \(e.\textit{Activity}\) value in the data, but by creating a Class node per unique pair of activity name and entity type \((e.\textit{Activity}, ent )\). As a result, we see for example two Create Invoice nodes, one for Order and one for Invoice. Two class nodes of the same name are linked by a cardinality relationship that indicates how many entities are involved in an event of this class. For example, in every Create Invoice events, one Order and one Invoice is involved, while in every Receive SO event one Supplier Order and 2-3 Items are involved.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Synchronous proclet model of the running example obtained by aggregating the graph of Fig. 9

6 Beyond Control-Flow: Multi-dimensional Process Analysis

So far, we analyzed the entities that are created and updated by the process based on the event data in Table 1. We now turn our attention to the organizational entities that actually make the process happen: the workers and supporting systems often called resources, and the work itself that is being carried out. Along the way, we showcase how flexible event knowledge graphs are. We integrate new events from a different data source in Sect. 6.1. We then enrich event knowledge graphs with df-paths over activities Sect. 6.2, which reveals queues. Enriching event knowledge graphs with df-paths over workers in Sect. 6.3 reveals patterns of how individual workers perform larger scale tasks. Finally, we show how to infer new information from (enriched) event knowledge graphs in Sect. 6.4.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Warehouse events

6.1 Extending Event Knowledge Graphs with New Events

The process is supported by an automated warehouse (see Fig. 1). Figure 14 shows events of how the Items were handled by the warehouse. To analyze how the warehouse influenced the process, we have to combine these events with the events from Table 1. Luckily, we can avoid combining both tables into one joint event table and repeating the entire procedure of Sect. 4.3. We can simply locally update an existing graph with new events as follows. We choose to start from the graph of Fig. 6.

  1. 1.

    Import Fig. 14 into new event nodes (Definition 10). This results in new event nodes \(e_{12},\ldots ,e_{17}, e_{22},\ldots ,e_{26},e_{31},e_{32}\).

  2. 2.

    Infer entities and correlation from the new event nodes (Definition 11). This results in the already existing entity nodes \(X1,\ldots ,Y2\).

  3. 3.

    For each entity node n inferred in step 2, remove every df-relationship \(r \in R^ df , r. ent = n\), and then infer the df-relationships for n (Definition 12) now including the new imported events.

The resulting graph is shown in Fig. 15. Note that we can obtained the original Fig. 6 again by selection of the original entities and projection onto the original events (see Sect. 5.3).

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Event graph after extending Fig. 6 with Fig. 14 (new events highlighted).

6.2 Adding Activities as Entities Reveals Queues

We defined entity inference in Definition 10 for the entity type attributes of the source event table. However, Definition 10 can be applied on any property of an event node.

For example, if we pick the Activity property as “entity identifier”, we infer entities such as Receive SO, Unpack, Scan, Store, Retrieve, Pack Shipment. These are not entities handled by the process. No, these entities are the actual building blocks of the process. For example, each Item handled has to “pass through” each of these entities to be completely processed. We can visualize how other entities “pass through” activities by inferring in the graph of Fig. 15 the entity nodes for Activity and their df-pathsFootnote 8. Figure 16 shows the resulting graph (limited to a subset of events for readability).

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Inferring Activity as entities in the graph of Fig. 15 reveals Queues. (Color figure online)

We can see that the (red) Activity df-paths “go across” all the existing df-paths while the (green) Item df-paths traverse the different Activity df-paths largely “in parallel”. Whenever an Item df-path synchronizes with an Activity df-path in an event, the item is being worked on. Thus, we can interpret each Activity entity A as an abstract “work station” and its events as the work that is being performed there.

The space between two work stations A and B is a queue A : B, i.e., the space where Items after being worked on at A wait until being worked on at B. We can see in the graph in Fig. 16 that the Items do not always leave a queue in the same order they entered it: X1 entered Unpack:Scan after X3 (\(e_{10}\) follows \(e_{8}\) in the df-path for Unpack) but leaves before X3 (\(e_{12}\) precedes \(e_{16}\) in the df-path for Scan).

We can better understand this behavior by changing the layout of the graph in Fig. 16. We select from Fig. 16 only Item and Activity entities. Setting the x-coordinate of each event by its time property and the y-coordinate by its Activity entity results in the graph in Fig. 17, which is called the Performance Spectrum [16].

Fig. 17.
figure 17

Sub-graph of Fig. 16 for Activity entities and Item entities, with event coordinates defined by Activity (y-axis) and time (x-axis), results in the Performance Spectrum.

The Performance Spectrum shows us that batching happens at Receive SO and Pack Shipment (diverging/converging Item df-paths), that Scan:Store and Store:Retrieve are being FIFO queues, that Unpack:Scan is not a FIFO queue, e.g., X3 is overtaken by X1, X2 and Y1 is overtaken by Y2.

We already identified in Sect. 5 reasons why Order O2 was not shipped within the 6 days promised by the retailed (see Sect. 1). We now can also clarify the reasons for O1. Figure 17 shows that although the second supplier order B with the required item Y1 was received on 7-5 (the 6th day of O1), order O1 was only packed after the 15:00 pick-up time. The non-FIFO handling in Unpack:Scan seems to be at fault. We observe

  1. 1.

    a consistent 2-h minimum waiting time between two subsequent Scan activities (along its Activity df-path) causing Y1 to finish Scan after Y2 at 7-5 15:00, and

  2. 2.

    a consistent 2-h minimum soujourn time for the last Item reaching Pack Shipment, i.e., Pack Shipment for X1, X2, Y1 completes at 7-5 17:00.

Thus, if Unpack:Scan had followed a strict FIFO policy, Y1 could have completed its Scan activity at 7-5 12:45; the subsequent Pack Shipment event over X1, X2, Y1 could have completed at 7-5 14:45 just before the scheduled pick-up at 7-5 15:00.

The Performance Spectrum reveals further, far more involved patterns of process performance over time than just batching and FIFO [16]. It is also implemented as a visual analytics tool over event data [15] and in combination with process models [54]. Mining performance patterns from it [36] allows to engineer so called inter-case features for improving the accuracy of remaining time prediction [37].

6.3 Adding Actors as Entities Reveals Complex Tasks

We found in Sect. 6.2 that Activity entities describe the abstract “work stations” where other entities are being worked on. Workers are performing this actual work. Often called “resources” in process management literature [18], we prefer the term Actor used in organizations research [32], as each actor follows its own behavior. To study actor behavior in the graph of Fig. 6, we only have to (1) infer the Actor entities from the event nodes (see Table 1), and (2) infer each actor’s df-path. Figure 18 shows the resulting graph.

Fig. 18.
figure 18

Adding actors (Resource) entities to the event knowledge graph reveals task execution patterns

We can see actors R1, R2, R3 working “intertwined” in the same part of the process. In contrast, R4 and R5 work more separated from the other actors. Also, the actor df-paths actors show very different characteristics. The df-path \(\langle e_1,e_2,e_3,e_7\rangle \) of R1 synchronizes with any other entity only in one event, and then moves on to the next entity O1, O2, A, B, always performing just a single activity on each. In contrast, the df-path of R4 synchronizes over multiple subsequent events with the same entity, i.e., \(e_{27},e_{28}\) in O1 and \(e_{31},e_{32}\) in O2, meaning R4 always performs a “unit of work” that consists of two subsequent activities. Such a larger unit of work of multiple related activities is called a task [32, 38].

A task instance of an actor R working on an entity X materializes in an event knowledge graph as a specific subgraph over event nodes \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\): (1) the df-paths of R and X both meet in \(e_1\), (2) diverge in \(e_k\), (3) synchronize in each event node \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\), and (4) at least one of their df-paths has no other event in between \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\) [38]. The grey rectangles highlighted in Fig. 18 shows several task instance. The task instances themselves and the way they are ordered in the graph reveal unique characteristics of performing work.

  • Actor R1 only performs a series of singleton tasks \(ti_1,ti_2,ti_3,ti_4\). The df-path of R1 describes that Supplier Order A has been placed only after both Orders O1 and O2 were created.

  • Actor R4 performs two instances \(ti_{27}\) and \(ti_{31}\) of the same task (first Pack Shipment then Ship) directly after each other on two different Orders.

  • Actor R2 also performs two instances \(ti_{6}\) and \(ti_{19}\) of the same task (first Receive then repeatedly Unpack) directly after each other; however R2 interrupts \(ti_6\) on A to perform \(ti_9\) (Update Invoice) on I2.

Further, more complex types of task instances can be identified in event knowledge graphs [38]. The df-relationships between task instances also reveal patterns of how work is handed over between actors. For example R1 hands work over to R2 in all Supplier Orders, to R3 in all Orders, and to R4 in O2; R2 hands work over to R4 in all Items and to R5 in I2. Such patterns are studied in the area of routines research [32].

We clearly can see some undesirable behavior in how actors collaborate over the different entities.

  • R1 created both Orders O1 and O2 but only placed Supplier Order A. Instead, R3 placed B and we cannot observe a handover from R1 to R3; this lack of collaboration may have led to R3 placing a wrongly Supplier Order B (with only one item Y). The Update SO by R1 remedies the problem but caused to the delay in delivering Y1 we identified in Sect. 5. The problem may have been avoided by R1 completing the “larger task” \(\langle e_1,\ldots ,e_4\rangle \) alone.

  • R2 is interrupting their work on unpacking Supplier Order A after X3 (\(e_8\)) to Update Invoice I2 before continuing on unpacking X1 (\(e_{10}\)). This “context switch” between handling Items and Invoice results in a longer delay between two subsequent Unpack events (30mins) than usual (15mins), which we can directly see in the Performance Spectrum in Fig. 17. The longer delay is a risk to packing shipments on time as we analyzed in Sect. 6.2. The risk could be reduced by ensuring that R2 is not interrupting their task; R3 could have updated the invoice instead.

The process model shown in Fig. 21, and further explained in Sect. 7, describes for each actor behavioral routines that could avoid undesirable behavior.

6.4 Inference in Event Knowledge Graphs with Multiple Layers

Our discussions so far focused on constructing, understanding, and finding patterns in graphs over Entity and Event nodes and the df and corr relationships. As the model of event knowledge graphs (Definition 8) is based on labeled property graphs (Definition 7), we can extend an event knowledge graph with further node and relationship types, to describe more knowledge about the process. We already did that in Sect. 5.4 when aggregating multiple Event nodes of the same activity to a new node with label Class. In the following we expand on this idea by an example. We do so in the style of a process mining analyst applying all the concepts of the previous sections as data processing operations. In fact all steps shown here can be realized through Cypher queries over a graph database.

Suppose we want to create a concise summary of how actors organize the work of handling Supplier Orders, based on the graph with actor df-paths shown in Fig. 18. The actors correlated to Supplier Order events are R1, R2, R3. We select entities A and B and R1, R2, R3 and then project onto events of a Supplier Order or between two Supplier Order events (to keep \(e_9\)). The resulting graph is shown in Fig. 19 as “Event Entity Layer”.

Fig. 19.
figure 19

An event knowledge graph extended with additional layers into a “process knowledge graph”.

Next, we aggregate the event layer into a new “Task Instance Layer”.

  1. 1.

    For each task instances, i.e., each subgraph of an Actor df-path and an Supplier Order df-path synchronizing on consecutive events as defined in Sect. 6.3, we extend the graph with a new node with label TaskInstance, resulting in the nodes \(ti_3,ti_4,ti_6,ti_7,ti_9,ti_{21}\) shown in the “Task Instance Layer” of Fig. 19.

  2. 2.

    We add a new contains relationship \((ti,e) \in R^\textit{contains}\) from each TaskInstance node ti to each Event node e that is part of the task instance, e.g., \((ti_9,e_{19}),(ti_9,e_{20}),(ti_9,e_{21}) \in R^\textit{contains}\) in Fig. 19. This connects the nodes in both layers.

  3. 3.

    Each \(ti \in N^\textit{TaskInstance}\) gets the property \(ti.\textit{Task}\) by concatenating the Activity values of the event nodes it contains along their df-path (abstracting repetitions with a Kleene star), e.g., \(ti_6.\textit{Task} = \langle \textit{Receive SO}, \textit{Unpack}^* \rangle \).

  4. 4.

    We then lift the df-relationships from Event nodes to TaskInstance nodes. For each df-relationship \((e,e') \in R^ df \) between events \(e,e'\) contained in different task instances \(ti \ne ti', (ti,e),(ti',e') \in R^\textit{contains}\), we create a new df-relationship \((ti,ti') \in R^ df \) between task instance nodes ti and \(ti'\) (and copy the properties of the df relationship).

The resulting “Task Instance Layer” in Fig. 19 represents the “Event Entity Layer” at the aggregation level of task executions instead of activity executions.

  1. 5.

    To understand which tasks are performed and how often, we aggregate TaskInstance nodes into Task nodes by their Task property (see Sect. 5.4).

The resulting “Task Layer” in Fig. 19 shows four tasks Place SO (performed twice in \(ti_3,ti_4\)), Update SO (performed once in \(ti_7\)), Update Invoice (performed once in \(ti_9\)), and \(\langle \textit{Receive SO}, \textit{Unpack}^* \rangle \) (performed twice in \(ti_6,ti_{21}\)).

We now want to visualize the behavior all actors regarding the frequent tasks in handling Supplier Orders, e.g., tasks performed at least twice. The visualization shall be on the abstraction level of the activities performed by actors, i.e., a multi-entity DFG. To achieve this, we aggregate the “Event Entity Layer” into a “Class Layer” using the “Task Layer” as context.

  1. 1.

    Select from the “Event Entity Layer” only the Actor entities; this removes all df-relationships for A and B.

  2. 2.

    Project onto all event nodes \(e \in N^\textit{Event}\) having a path \(\langle e, ti, t\rangle \) to a task node \(t \in N^\textit{Task}\) with \(t.\textit{count} \ge 2\), i.e., only events that are contained in a task instance ti of a frequently occurring task. This removes \(e_7\) and \(e_9\) from the graph in Fig. 19 and introduces \((e_8,e_{10}) \in R^ df _{R2}\).

  3. 3.

    Aggregate the Event nodes to Class nodes by their Activity property and lift df-relationships from Event nodes to Class nodes (see Sect. 5.4).

The resulting multi-entity DFG forms a new “Class Layer” in the graph, that is connected to the “Event Entity Layer” by observes relationships, as shown in Fig. 19. The multi-entity DFG shows that R1 and R2 work on disjoint sets of activities, and that R2 indeed follows a cyclic, structured behavior. The paths from Class nodes Receive SO and Unpack to the Task nodes show that all activities belong to the same task, i.e., one cycle is one “unit of work”.

The multi-entity DFG is a filtered DFG: it lacks df-relationships for Supplier Orders and it omits Update SO. Thus, the multi-entity DFG does not fit or deviates from the “Event Entity Layer”. We can identify the deviations in multi-layered process knowledge graph in Fig. 19 similar to alignments [9]; see [8]. For instance, for df-relationship \((\textit{Unpack},\textit{Unpack}) \in R^ df \) in the “Class Layer”, we see

  • two corresponding “synchronous” df-relationship \((e_{10},e_{11}),(e_{20},e_{21})\in R^ df _{R2}\) with \((e_{i},\textit{Unpack}) \in R^ observes \); and

  • one corresponding “log-move” df-path \(\langle e_8,e_9,e_{10}\rangle \in (R^ df _{R2})^*\) with \((e_{8},\textit{Unpackt}),(e_{9},\textit{Update Invoice}),(e_{10},\textit{Unpack}) \in R^ observes \), i.e., \(e_9\) occurs in between \(\textit{Unpack}\) and \(\textit{Unpack}\).

7 Conclusion and Outlook

The preceding sections studied different forms of process mining over multiple behavioral dimensions that are summarized in Fig. 20. We showed in Sect. 3 how classical process mining techniques fail when the assumption of a single entity handled by a single execution (bottom left quadrant in Fig. 20) is violated.

Fig. 20.
figure 20

Quadrants of process analysis over multiple behavioral dimensions

To overcome these assumptions, we introduced process mining with event knowledge graphs, that rests on three simple, but fundamental principles:

  1. 1.

    Explicitly represent every entity that an event is correlated to as a node. An entity thereby can be anything: a specific object, a person or actor, or even an abstract concept such as an activity.

  2. 2.

    Infer directly-follows relations over events per entity. This results in directly-follows paths forming complex, but meaningful structures that can be filtered for.

  3. 3.

    Aggregate any structure of interest formed by directly-follows paths into new nodes describing process-related concepts, explicitly linked to the structures that generate them. This allows to infer interactions between related entities (see Sect. 4.4), multi-entity process models (see Sect. 5.5), and task instances (see Sect. 6.3).

Applying these principles, we constructed event knowledge graphs from standard event data through simple concepts in Sect. 4.3. We showed in Sect. 5 how to analyze processes where each execution involves multiple related entities, such as ERP systems and document-driven processes (bottom right quadrant in Fig. 20). We showed in Sect. 6 how event knowledge graphs also allow to analyze multiple dynamics together. We added actor and queue behavior to study how entities pass through queues or actors perform tasks across multiple entities, which are dynamics studied in call centers or in healthcare (top left quadrant in Fig. 20). Note that, in Sect. 6 we always focused on a single entity processed in a queue or in a task. How to analyze the combination of multiple dynamics over multiple entities (top right quadrant in Fig. 20) is an open question.

Event knowledge graphs give rise to a number of novel research questions.

We have shown how to construct event knowledge graphs from event tables, even automatically [24, 25]. We also need techniques to construct event knowledge graphs from relational database while preserving the existing entities and relations. Existing automated conversion techniques from relational to graph databases [50] only convert records into entity nodes, while event knowledge graphs require to construct event nodes.

The quality of a process mining analysis on event knowledge graphs relies on having identified the relevant structural relations (between entities) and behavioral or cause-effect relations (between events) (see Sect. 4.4). We need automated techniques to infer relevant relations that take the temporal semantics of the df-relationship into account. Promising first steps are techniques that explicitly allow to incorporate domain knowledge when inferring causal relationships from relational data [56], or use ontologies [6, 7] for extraction. Specifically, dynamically changing relationships and changes of object properties [39, 40] still need to be considered.

We have sketched the possibility of structuring a complex process mining analysis by adding analysis layers to the graph, but limited ourselves to simple selection, projection, and aggregation queries. Adequate query languages that also can handle process-relevant phenomena such as frequency, noise, performance in relation to multiple entities need to be considered. Also, more complex behavioral dynamics can be discovered. For example, enriching the event knowledge graph with the activity dimension to derive the performance spectrum (see Sect. 6.2) allows detecting subgraphs that indicate high workload (many events in a short interval) or a dynamic bottleneck (a short-term increase in waiting time) [51]. Aggregating these to “high-level events” and mining for cause-effect relations among them reveals how performance anomalies cascade through a process [51].

Finally, while we did discuss how to discover multi-entity directly-follows graphs through aggregation, true process discovery of models with precise semantics from event knowledge graphs still has to be addressed. In principle, such models can be discovered through principles of artifact-centric process mining [41, 46]: First obtain a classical event log per entity type, e.g., by extracting the df-paths per entity type from the graph, and discover a classical process model per entity type. Then compose the models of the different entity types to express their synchronization.

Fig. 21.
figure 21

Synchronous proclet model for the graph of Fig. 9 extended with proclets describing the intended (not the observed) behavior for all actors.

Figure 21 shows a possible process model that could be obtained in this way for our example, using a multi-entity extension for Petri nets, called synchronous proclets [26]. Each proclet is a Petri net that describes the behavior of one entity type; bold-bordered initial transitions describe the creation of a new entity. The dashed synchronization edges describe which transitions occur together; the multiplicity annotations indicate how many entities of each type have to be involved. Note that the proclet model in Fig. 21 is a hybrid between discovered and manually created model. The proclets for Order, Supplier Order, Invoice, Item, Payment, and (Order,Payment) are each discovered from the entity type’s df-paths of the graph in Fig. 9. The proclets for the Actors however are created manuallyFootnote 9, describing the intended routine for each actor based on the insights in Sect. 6.3. Bold-bordered initial transitions describe the creation of a new entity; note that the proclets for actors do not have an initial transition but an initial marking as actors are not created in the process. Dashed synchronization edges between transitions describe that the transitions have to occur together; the multiplicity annotations indicate how many entities of each type have to be involved. For instance, R1 creates 1 new Order in each occurrence of Create Order, but R4 always packs 2–3 Items into 1 Shipment in each occurrence of Pack Shipment.

An alternative formalization of this concept are object-centric Petri nets [53]. Object-centric Petri nets also first discover one Petri net per entity type, then annotate the places and arcs with entity identifiers, and then compose all entity nets along transitions for the same activity, resulting in a coloured Petri net model that is accessible for analysis [53] and measuring model quality [3]. However, synchronization by composition prevents explicitly modeling (and thus discovering) interactions between entities such as the relation from Order to Payment described by proclet (Order,Payment) in Fig. 21.

Fig. 22.
figure 22

Conditional scenario describing an interaction of 2 Orders and 1 Payment.

Though, while proclets can describe entity interactions, the behavior of entity interactions tends to be rather unstructured resulting in overly complex models [41]. Extensions of declarative models (see [10]) such as modular DCR graphs [14], that apply similar principles as synchronous proclets, could be more suitable. Alternatively, scenario-based models [31] that specify conditional partial orders of events over multiple entities could be applied. For instance, the conditional scenario in Fig. 22 specifies the interaction between Orders and Payments observed in the graph of Fig. 9.

Altogether, event knowledge graphs give rise to entirely novel forms of process mining that support novel forms of process management [17].