
Ganita: A Conference of Women in Mathematics from the Asian-Pacific Region

Asian Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) is a continental committee for women in mathematics from the Asia-Pacific region. This organization was formed with the encouragements of the Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) of IMU on 1st August, 2022. This committee organised its first hybrid meeting (with financial support from the CWM, ICTS and IMSc) during 24th to 28th April, 2023. The lectures of this meeting were recorded and can be found at: list=PL04QVxpjcnjiamE5TSEDRQKXq8rqTL9U2

The idea of publishing a volume partially based on some of the lectures of this conference is to commemorate this hybrid meeting. Also, at the same time, we plan to include few more articles from women mathematicians who could not participate in the conference due to their other commitments. We plan to have articles from senior established mathematicians as well as from promising young mathematicians.


  • Sanoli Gun

    The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (India)

  • Bakhyt Alipova

    International IT University (Kazakhstan)

  • Yukari Ito

    Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Japan)

  • Zohreh Mostaghim

    Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)

  • Budi Nurani

    Padjadjaran University (Indonesia)

  • Sungkeum Hong

    Chosun University, South Korea

  • Melissa Tacy

    University of Auckland, New Zealand


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.