
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics with Astrophysical Applications

This volume features a curated selection of scholarly articles from the International Conference on Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (Tashkent, May 13-17, 2024). It highlights recent groundbreaking developments such as LIGO-VIRGO's gravitational waves observation, the unveiling of the M87 black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), and the GW170817 phenomenon. The collection aims to reflect the vibrant scientific research and progress within the realm of physics and astrophysics in Central Asia.


  • Bobomurat Ahmedov

    Dr. B. J. Ahmedov obtained his Ph.D. in 1993 from the Institute of Nuclear Physics and his D.Sc. in 2001 from the National University of Uzbekistan. As a member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Science and a Fellow of the Islamic Academy of Science, he currently leads the Theoretical Astrophysics Department at the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute and is a professor at the National University of Uzbekistan. His expertise spans general relativity, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical modeling of electromagnetic processes in astrophysics, and theoretical and mathematical physics.

  • Ashfaque Bokhari

    Dr. Ashfaque Bokhari earned his Ph.D. in 1987 from the Mathematics Department of Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan. He is currently a professor at the Mathematics Department of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, and served the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) for 15 years. His research primarily explores mathematical physics, focusing on the exact solutions of Einstein's field equations and black hole solutions. Dr. Bokhari has also made significant contributions through his publications on the modeling and solutions of nonlinear phenomena via partial differential equations, employing the Lie symmetry approach.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.