
Heritage in Transformation: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Cultural Heritage in a Changing World

The vital role of cultural heritage in fostering social well-being and historical comprehension is threatened by contemporary challenges like urban expansion, mass tourism, maintenance issues, and so on. This Special Issue underscores the safeguarding of both tangible and intangible values through innovative methods, tools, and strategies. The main topics are renovation and conservation strategies, Heritage Impact Assessment tools, defense of endangered heritage (particularly UNESCO sites), and promotion strategies consistent with the principles of conservation and restoration. The goal is to intensify comprehension and governance of cultural assets and to govern their change compatibly with their own historical values.


  • Pasquale Cucco

    Pasquale Cucco is a building engineer and architect. He has a PhD in "Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering Systems", and is a postdoc research fellow at the University of Salerno. Since March 2023, he has been an Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering at the same institution. Since January 2022, he has been a visiting researcher at the École National Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles, LeaV Research Laboratory. His research interests focus primarily on the knowledge, conservation and sustainable recovery of architecture and landscapes under current forms of risk.

  • Pietro Vecchi

    Pietro Vecchi graduated with a master’s degree in architecture from Sapienza University of Rome in 2017. He then moved to Japan, where he obtained a PhD in Design and Architecture at Nagoya City University in 2023. Since April 2024 he has been a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at Aichi Shukutoku University. His main field of research concerns architecture for education, particularly university campuses, from design, historical and conservation aspects; a second field of research concerns post World War II architectural heritage conservation.

  • Rolando Volzone

    Rolando Volzone is an architect working on building rehabilitation, and a postdoc researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2022, he is also an Assistant Professor in "Contemporary Religious Architecture" and "Conservation and Sustainability", and lecturer at the PhD programs "Political Economy" and "Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories" at ISCTE-IUL. He completed his PhD with distinction in December of 2020, focusing on the cultural heritage of religious orders in southern Portugal.


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