
Medical education in India

BMC Medical Education is now welcoming submissions to a new Collection on the dynamic landscape of medical education in India, focusing on recent developments in curriculum design and innovative new teaching methods being developed and implemented in classrooms and medical professional training courses across the country. This Collection aims to shed light on the ever-evolving field of medical education in India and seeks to highlight novel approaches, best practices, and cutting-edge research in this domain.


  • Anne D Souza

    Dr. Souza has been actively involved in teaching for over a decade, focusing on both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Anne has a keen interest in clinical anatomy, simulation in medical education, ethics, and 3D printing, and has guided students through research projects resulting in numerous national and international publications. Anne has been serving as an editorial board member for BMC Medical Education since 2022 and has also been a reviewer for several international Anatomy & Medical Education journals.

  • Olwyn Westwood

    Professor Olwyn Westwood is a recognized medical educator and alumnus of King’s College London. Having academic and leadership roles within post-1992 and Russell Group institutions, she also mentors colleagues in pedagogic practice and research supervision. She has UK and international advisory roles across Asia, Europe and the Caribbean, with a special interest in education and training in India. Her roles have included leading quality assurance audit teams for best practice in undergraduate and postgraduate clinical curricula, with an in-depth awareness of the cultural, social and political issues for curriculum development and delivery.

Articles (2 in this collection)