
Special Issue on Ubiquitous Sensing for Affective Computing

This special issue seeks to highlight advancements, methodologies, and applications that demonstrate how pervasive computing technologies can enhance and expand the affective computing landscape. We are looking for original and innovative research that showcases the role of affective computing in reinforcing the principles of pervasive computing. This includes the advancement of unobtrusive methods for measuring physiological variables essential for emotional intelligence, such as electrodermal activity, heart rate, and breathing patterns – indicators vital for understanding human emotional states in the context of pervasive environments. This convergence will improve the tracking of emotional states and responses, crucial for personalized and context-aware pervasive computing systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: § Integration of affective computing in pervasive computing environments. § Advancements in unobtrusive emotional recognition technologies. § Machine learning and deep learning applications in ubiquitous sensing for affective computing. § Wearable and imaging technologies for emotional data collection in pervasive settings. § Development of context-aware datasets for affective computing in pervasive systems. § Challenges in accuracy, noise suppression, and context understanding in pervasive emotional sensing and analysis. § Ethical, generalizability, and personalization issues in pervasive affective computing. § Case studies showcasing the impact of pervasive computing in affective computing applications.


  • Zhanpeng Jin

    South China University of Technology/University at Buffalo

  • Ehsan Hoque

    National Center for Artificial Intelligence/University of Rochester

  • Jagmohan Chauhan

    University of Southampton


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