
The Effects of Recession on Health Inequalities During the Post-COVID-19 Era

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a global recession, impacting not only the economy but also health outcomes. This recession has potentially intensified health inequalities, particularly in deprived areas. Yet, the relationship between the COVID-19 recession and population health over time is not fully understood, and it's unclear which communities are especially vulnerable. We welcome manuscripts focused on, but not limited to: • Shifts in regional and global health inequalities during and post-COVID-19. • The link between the COVID-19 recession, health inequalities, and the combined effects of the recession and SARS-CoV-2 infection. • The recession's impact on various facets of health-related quality of life. • Strategies for enhancing resilience in countries, cities, and communities post-COVID-19. • Innovative methods for assessing the recession's effects on health inequalities and predicting its long-term effects. We invite submissions from researchers across various fields interested in health inequalities. We're accepting original research articles and systematic reviews, excluding case reports.


  • Ruoyu Wang

    Ruoyu Wang now is a Research Fellow in Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing, University of Essex, Essex, United Kingdom. He used to be a Research Fellow in Centre for Public Health, Queen's University Belfast. He obtained a Ph.D in School of Geosciences from the University of Edinburgh. His recent project is about using systematic approaches to understand and model the health benefits of urban green and blue spaces.

  • Sara Jalali Farahani

    Sara Jalali-Farahani is a Postdoc Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing, University of Essex, Essex, United Kingdom. With a Master's in Community Nutrition and a Ph.D. in Health Sciences, she has extensive experience in obesity, metabolic syndrome, lifestyle factors, and health quality research. Her work at the Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, significantly contributes to these fields. Furthermore, she has conducted in-depth research on social determinants of health, particularly the impact of body image on health behaviors and well-being among adolescents.


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