
Public health policy to tackle obesity

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, posing significant risks to our health and placing a severe burden on healthcare systems. Addressing this complex issue requires a comprehensive and compassionate approach encompassing individual behavior change and the implementation of effective public health policies. By highlighting successful policy interventions and innovative new approaches, this Collection aims to showcase effective strategies to tackle obesity. This Collection invites original contributions on various aspects related to public health policy and obesity, including, but not limited to: • Policy development and evaluation: Demonstrating the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies addressing obesity (e.g. food marketing regulations, school interventions, urban planning strategies, and fiscal measures). • Multisector approaches: Discussing collaboration across healthcare, education, urban planning, agriculture, and industry to develop comprehensive policies addressing social determinants of obesity. • Policy impact and effectiveness: Assessing existing policies' impact on reducing obesity, improving nutrition, and promoting physical activity. • Equity and social determinants: Examining social, economic, and environmental factors influencing obesity and policies addressing disparities and promoting equitable access to healthy options. • Innovative policy interventions: Exploring evidence-based approaches, interventions, and strategies, including behavior change campaigns and policies for healthier food environments. This Collection aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3: "Good Health and Well-being." By addressing the public health policy dimensions of obesity, we can make significant progress towards reducing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases, promoting healthy lifestyles, and ensuring universal access to quality healthcare.


  • Elif Inan Eroglu

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Sydney, Australia

Articles (1 in this collection)