
NetZero, Achievable by Manufacturing?

The papers in this special issue, “Net-Zero: Achievable by Manufacturing?”, therefore iscuss the various aspects of manufacturing technologies for net-zero transformation ranging from low-CO 2 process, renewable energy, and smart technolgy to government policies, which are crucial and timely for manufacturing engineers facing the net-zero transformation. More specifi cally, this special issue includes papers in the following areas:

• Manufacturing processes for CO 2 reduction.

• Renewable energies for manufacturing facilities.

• Smart technologies for energy/waste management.

• Case Studies of government policy and success story of NetZero.


  • Friedrich B. Prinz

    Stanford University, USA

  • Sangkee Min

    University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

  • Jihwan An

    Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea

Articles (16 in this collection)