
How to Promote Creativity in Education

Creativity is necessary to face the uncertainties and challenges of a complex and dynamic reality in the 21st century. It is one of the most demanded skills in the workplace, critical professionals are sought and capable of solving real problems in an innovative way. The valuation of the promotion of creativity is then evident in the educational and social field. It is necessary to seek the development of open and innovative education and training to achieve full incorporation into the digital age, maintaining as one of its strategic objectives to increase creativity and innovation.

We welcome submissions under the following themes:

-Creativity and its influence on the development of other skills such as critical thinking, self-regulation and meaningful student learning.

-How creativity affects children's cognitive, social, and emotional development.

-Use of strategies and intervention programs that encourage the development of creativity in both online and face-to-face teaching and learning.

-How teachers understand the concept of creativity.

-How it can be promoted and what hinders creativity in schools.

-Which are the characteristics of the environments that allow expressing creative potential, including the use of active methodologies and digital tools.

This Topical Collection aims to compile original research, review articles and case studies that show the importance of fostering creativity in education and the main obstacles in the realization of this intention.

Keywords: Creativity concept; Primary education; Secondary education; University education; Creative spaces; Creative teaching; Creative education; Classroom practices; Active methodologies; Virtual environments.


  • Maria Jose Cuetos

    Dr. Maria Jose Cuetos, International University of La Rioja, Spain PhD in Environmental Sciences. From 2011 to the present, she has been teaching in the area of Didactics of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences at the International University of La Rioja in the Faculty of Education for teacher training. She is the principal investigator of the Research Group "Creativity, Motivation and Self-regulation in education at UNIR. Currently her line of work focuses on promoting creativity and motivation in students as allies of meaningful learning.

  • Natalia Serrano

    Dr. Natalia Serrano, International University of La Rioja, Spain Her original academic background is PhD in Biological Sciences, by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in 2010, researching the development of the hematopoietic system in the fetal liver. From 2012 to the present, she started its teaching career, at the International Univeristy of La Rioja, specializing in the didactics of natural sciences and specifically, in the promotion of creativity in this area.

Articles (2 in this collection)